Why Do Democrats Give So Little to Charity to Help Those in Need?

Francis is incapable of being honest.

I already presented him with the fact that the top 10% of earners pay over 70% of the nation’s “revenue.” But Francis is impervious to facts.

He just makes up his own. :cuckoo:

Then, he wonders why nobody find him credible. At all.
They also make 70% of the money now duh....worst inequality and upward mobility ever! Great job!! LOL
Who want to raise taxes on the rich etc. You need to have a healthy middle class. Murdoch and Trump could give a shytte...
How do you beggars come up with this shit?
Why should Elon Musk be financially responsible for all those ghetto lowlifes and bottom feeders you fools recruit from foreign nations, manifest and foster by way of policy and ideologies?
How do you reconcile such lunacy?
We have a flat tax system so if the top 10% make 80% of the money, they pay 80% of the taxes. Duh.
Penalize success and reward failure? Hahaha….sounds like a fitting policy for the backwards as fuck Democrat Left.
I'm still happily retired, hater dupes. And feel the unfortunate do fine these days. But the middle and working classes are screwed these days of GOP BS and giveaway to the rich. We need a living wage, health care daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure like every other developped country chumps. And a real mental health system for crying out loud. 50% of prisoners and homeless are nuts...and all those people hitting others out there you want to imprison....Tax the rich again, dupes.
You’ve done a great job in this thread showing everyone what narcissistic bastards the Left are, thanks.
You’ve done a great job in this thread showing everyone what narcissistic bastards the Left are, thanks.
Hilarious stuff. Narcissistic LOL. Try reality and stop spouting nonsense...Tax the rich again and invest in Americans again. You would think you people were rich assholes lol.....
Penalize success and reward failure? Hahaha….sounds like a fitting policy for the backwards as fuck Democrat Left.
It's great if you enjoy screwing your friends and family, super dupe. It's why NO OTHER MODERN COUNTRY does it

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