Why Do Democrats Give So Little to Charity to Help Those in Need?

You are nuts...People don't want charity and they should not need it. Like every modern country but us. We'd still have poorhouses and potters fields with the GOP in charge, fool...Charity is actual virtue signalling and fun dinners for your masters and corruption that runs out when needed...Tax the rich again. Dupe.

BTW, most GOP charity goes to churches like the poor old catholic regressives...
What a total ignoramus.
Nobody wants help?
What a pathetic excuse for being such a self centered asshole.


Of course they have nothing like here. AND they have real mental health systems. 50% of our prisoners are mentally ill, ditto the homeless. Great job!! Tax your heroes the rich again dammit...
so they do have homeless people?

what’s a “real mental heath system”? how’s it different then ours?

yes mental health does play a big roll in criminal behavior
REALLY low return, dupe...Go to church and then hate all minorities of every kind...Poor America. lol. If you're a church goer, I prefer going just believer spiritual...and skipping the business...IF

Our church basically feeds and clothes hundreds of minorities every week.

Get informed, dupe
Hahaha…playing stupid is always an ignorant fools refutation…but I’ll play along anyway.
A Mexicrat is a Democrat that believes the people of Mexico are the responsibility of American taxpayers, a Democrat that supports the idea of building a constituency comprised of Mexico‘s people, those here against the will of the people, those here on citizenships stolen from We The People.

Get it now crazy purple haired cat lady?

If that's the definition of a Mexicrat, I don't know of any such person, and I've never met one. They sound like another Republican fever dream. Like "pedophile teachers grooming children for a life of perversion".

I don't know of any Democrat who doesn't favour sane immigration laws, strong enforcement of the laws against hiring illegals, and an end to employers being able to use an illegal undocumented work force to subvert the rights of American workers.

Republicans refuse to reform the existing system because it works for THEM and their donors. They get cheap labour, they get to hire for profit prison donors to hold the border jumpers they catch - all at taxpayers' expense, and they get to blame Democrats for "open borders". It's a win/win for them.
Our church basically feeds and clothes hundreds of minorities every week.

Get informed, dupe

What does it do in terms of housing, employment, education, child care, transportion, or health care???? Giving people food and clothing with no means of providing for themselves keeps them dependent, impoverished, and unable to fend for themselves. But it does help you to condescend to the "minorities" you're providing this meager assistance to.

When our congregation provided assistance to people in need, they didn't discriminate on the basis of race. If white people ask for help do you refuse them because you're only assisting "minorities? OTOH our congregation didn't provide much in the way of assistance to the poor because all our money went to the building and our congregational needs.
What does it do in terms of housing, employment, education, child care, transportion, or health care???? Giving people food and clothing with no means of providing for themselves keeps them dependent, impoverished, and unable to fend for themselves. But it does help you to condescend to the "minorities" you're providing this meager assistance to.

When our congregation provided assistance to people in need, they didn't discriminate on the basis of race. If white people ask for help do you refuse them because you're only assisting "minorities? OTOH our congregation didn't provide much in the way of assistance to the poor because all our money went to the building and our congregational needs.

WTF do you do? Fcking loon

The thread is about giving to less fortunate...not what the damn government does. You care so much go find a homeless person or family and house, feed, cloth, provide health care...if you don't? STFU

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