Why Do Democrats Give So Little to Charity to Help Those in Need?


As you know, revenues doubled in that decade as well AND interest rates plunged from record highs.

NONE of which has diddly squat to do with this thread. What is your goal in hijacking this thread?
It’s where it naturally went. Who should I give to? Let me tell you about the American economic system. It’s every man for himself. And you republicans want to make it more that way by cutting social programs. So, today most Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement. And with Republican cuts to social programs coming you don’t even know how much is enough. Or inflation. I’m 51 and I make about $100k and I save 30% of my paycheck. Didn’t always. I’m making up for lost time. But I don’t have kids, student loans, weddings to pay for, a mortgage, etc. and even making $99k a year with very little bills, I’m not rich.

So why do I not give to charity? Because I’m my own charity.

People shouldn’t need charity. A good government would fix that not put a bandaid on a gash wound. Fuck your charity.
Why then aren’t they just giving their money? Put your money where your mouth is!! Hahaha they got you fooled fool
I give to me. 401k. And we make sure our kids (my nephews) have all the best. You take care of yours I’ll take care of mine.

You want to give to charity? Do you have enough to retire? You sure? Liar. So you’re wiser to put your money in the bank. Dummies.

Trump gives nothing to charity. It’s all a scam. His foundation was shut down. They also ripped you off if you donated to the wall. Ha ha
It’s where it naturally went. Who should I give to? Let me tell you about the American economic system. It’s every man for himself. And you republicans want to make it more that way by cutting social programs. So, today most Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement. And with Republican cuts to social programs coming you don’t even know how much is enough. Or inflation. I’m 51 and I make about $100k and I save 30% of my paycheck. Didn’t always. I’m making up for lost time. But I don’t have kids, student loans, weddings to pay for, a mortgage, etc. and even making $99k a year with very little bills, I’m not rich.

So why do I not give to charity? Because I’m my own charity.

People shouldn’t need charity. A good government would fix that not put a bandaid on a gash wound. Fuck your charity.
Government is fraught with fraud. There is no one accountable. If they don't use everything in their budget, their funds are cut the following year so just push it out the door.

Charities, on the other hand, are accountable to the public. If someone no longer meets their criteria or don't qualify in the first place, their benefits are stopped. Not so with the government. Of course there are some charities that are corrupt. Recently, BLM has been exposed as such a charity.

It is sad that you consider yourself above helping folks less fortunate than yourself. I guess by believing that government should care for all those in need, you sleep well at night.

If you have a change of heart, here is a site where you can start by checking whether the charity is honest or less so.

Sealybobo, how do you account for the fact that Republicans contribute far more to charities than do Democrats?
Government is fraught with fraud. There is no one accountable. If they don't use everything in their budget, their funds are cut the following year so just push it out the door.

Charities, on the other hand, are accountable to the public. If someone no longer meets their criteria or don't qualify in the first place, their benefits are stopped. Not so with the government. Of course there are some charities that are corrupt. Recently, BLM has been exposed as such a charity.

It is sad that you consider yourself above helping folks less fortunate than yourself. I guess by believing that government should care for all those in need, you sleep well at night.

If you have a change of heart, here is a site where you can start by checking whether the charity is honest or less so.

Sealybobo, how do you account for the fact that Republicans contribute far more to charities than do Democrats?
It’s a shame you defend CEOs who pay themselves so handsomely and the worker bees so little.

There is one charity I love because it’s a business. You donate your old clothes they sell it cheap. It employs people and avoids waste.
Government is fraught with fraud. There is no one accountable. If they don't use everything in their budget, their funds are cut the following year so just push it out the door.

Charities, on the other hand, are accountable to the public. If someone no longer meets their criteria or don't qualify in the first place, their benefits are stopped. Not so with the government. Of course there are some charities that are corrupt. Recently, BLM has been exposed as such a charity.

It is sad that you consider yourself above helping folks less fortunate than yourself. I guess by believing that government should care for all those in need, you sleep well at night.

If you have a change of heart, here is a site where you can start by checking whether the charity is honest or less so.

Sealybobo, how do you account for the fact that Republicans contribute far more to charities than do Democrats?
Republicans tend to have more money. Of course they donate more. Plus they’re trying to go to heaven.
They already have under Biden, super dupe. Have been obstructed by the GOP for 40 years. Thanks to dupes like you. Now you have their own conspiracy nutjob planet. Do you believe the election was stolen? then you might as well be Russian or Chinese or Iranian, dupe...
Then stop bitching, shitforbrains if you think the rich are now taxed properly. The nations problems are now over!
It’s a shame you defend CEOs who pay themselves so handsomely and the worker bees so little.

There is one charity I love because it’s a business. You donate your old clothes they sell it cheap. It employs people and avoids waste.
Yet another Leftard defends his narcissistic personality with BS.

Who’s stopping you from going to the city to help the poor yourself?
Hilarious stuff. Narcissistic LOL. Try reality and stop spouting nonsense...Tax the rich again and invest in Americans again. You would think you people were rich assholes lol.....
According to you everyone in Uganda doesn’t need help.
And you just said Democrats are now taxing the rich. Now you say they aren’t.

That’s the problem with lying. You can’t keep your lies straight.
According to you everyone in Uganda doesn’t need help.
And you just said Democrats are now taxing the rich. Now you say they aren’t.

That’s the problem with lying. You can’t keep your lies straight.
a bit more, in the infrastructure bill etc. They need 60 votes to change the top rate, etc....Uganda not me lol....
Yet another Leftard defends his narcissistic personality with BS.

Who’s stopping you from going to the city to help the poor yourself?
You think only the inner city has poor, bigot dupe lol? Just hear the word narcissistic lol? Trump is the epitome....
yes yes, it's just a coincidence we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever after 40 years of gop tax rates...
Democrats never in power the last 40 years? Never pass any major bills with zero Republican votes?

Moron liar propagandist.
ASSHOLE, the gov't does a better job, no fraud, and doesn't dry up in bad times. Screw the hypocrites like you lol. They need a living wage and health care and cheap college/training. Like the GOP has wrecked the last 50 years......
Government does a better job he insists!


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