Why Do Democrats Give So Little to Charity to Help Those in Need?

You idiots just love getting screwed by the greedy idiot GOP rich lol....

I wish I had a $5,000 freezer packed with $12/pint ice cream!
No cheap college or training so they are fuqued, dupe...
“All students enrolled at a California State University campus pay the same systemwide tuition fee, which is currently $5,742 per academic year for undergraduate students enrolling in more than six units per term and $3,330 for undergraduates enrolling in six or fewer units.”
Because they know charities have ridiculous overhead and fraud and dry up when needed, and is GOP crap to make themselves feel better about their greed (tax deductible!!) and give their bloated useless mega rich virtue points and dinners and balls lol....Tax the rich and invest in America again, fix this GOP mess...
Wealthy Liberal Elite are not only stingy in not giving directly to charity, they use the plight of the poor and government as a vehicle to reward their friends (cronies) and pay off bureaucrats.
It’s a shame you defend CEOs who pay themselves so handsomely and the worker bees so little.

There is one charity I love because it’s a business. You donate your old clothes they sell it cheap. It employs people and avoids waste.
This is why I referred you to the Charity Navigator. They tell you how much charities actually spend on salaries, overhead, etc, and how much goes to the actual charity.
I give to me. 401k. And we make sure our kids (my nephews) have all the best. You take care of yours I’ll take care of mine.

You want to give to charity? Do you have enough to retire? You sure? Liar. So you’re wiser to put your money in the bank. Dummies.

Trump gives nothing to charity. It’s all a scam. His foundation was shut down. They also ripped you off if you donated to the wall. Ha ha
Typical Democrat. ME, ME, ME. Let other folks support those in need, NOT ME! You must be so proud!

Typical Democrat. ME, ME, ME. Let other folks support those in need, NOT ME! You must be so proud!

It should bother you he conned you. But even after his Foundation and Build The Wall funds were both found to be frauds, you still believe in him. Idiot.

We couldn't convict him in the Senate because Mitch wouldn't. That will be one of our last acts before the midterm or general to assure he can't live in our heads anymore because he won't be legally allowed to run for president. That'll cure me. Then I can focus on DiSantis.
It should bother you he conned you. But even after his Foundation and Build The Wall funds were both found to be frauds, you still believe in him. Idiot.

We couldn't convict him in the Senate because Mitch wouldn't. That will be one of our last acts before the midterm or general to assure he can't live in our heads anymore because he won't be legally allowed to run for president. That'll cure me. Then I can focus on DiSantis.
The con is the lie Leftists want to help the needy.
It should bother you he conned you. But even after his Foundation and Build The Wall funds were both found to be frauds, you still believe in him. Idiot.

We couldn't convict him in the Senate because Mitch wouldn't. That will be one of our last acts before the midterm or general to assure he can't live in our heads anymore because he won't be legally allowed to run for president. That'll cure me. Then I can focus on DiSantis.
If anything you said had an iota of truth to it, we would not be on such a horrific downhill slide today, would we?

The topic of this thread is and has been the difference in contributions to charities by Democrats and Republicans.

But you, in your given state, simply can't get President Trump out of your mind.

If anything you said had an iota of truth to it, we would not be on such a horrific downhill slide today, would we?

The topic of this thread is and has been the difference in contributions to charities by Democrats and Republicans.

But you, in your given state, simply can't get President Trump out of your mind.

We aren't in a horrific downhill slide today. Stop listening to the media that has you brainwashed. Go to work.

Today, because of the Great Resignation, there has never been a better time in America to get a BETTER job. Do you understand that? So many mid level and upper level managers in their 50's and 60's said fuck it and they retired. So it's a great time for young hard working Americans. Anyone complaining is a slacker.

Even factoring in inflation, something like 65% of the people who switched jobs made more even factoring inflation in. So go polish up that resume stupid.

Fuck charity. Take care of yourself. Especially if you don't have enough to retire. Do you? No you don't. So quit giving your money away to people less fortunate than you. You need it. Or will someday.

Just remember when you're old and broke because of inflation, remember what a sucker you were to give 10% every year away. Compounding interest.

You think Trump does? Stupid!
If anything you said had an iota of truth to it, we would not be on such a horrific downhill slide today, would we?

The topic of this thread is and has been the difference in contributions to charities by Democrats and Republicans.

But you, in your given state, simply can't get President Trump out of your mind.


U.S. Inflation Falls For 2nd Straight Month On Lower Gas Costs​

Yes the church runs the social system too and you better agree...
Go down to the General Store, spend $10 on things a kid would like, put them in a shoebox and drop it off.

You’d get a child who’s never experienced a gift in their life their first gift. Is that within your humanity scope?

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