For reasons that I have never understood, "we" have spawned a culture of contrarians and victims. In fact, they strive to be victims and have created a hierarchy of victimology. And in every sector where it is proven that their victimhood either has been eradicated or never existed in the first place they explode in righteous indignation and deny everything.
When it is pointed out that Black Americans are able to do everything that White Americans can, and are asked what, specifically, a Black American cannot do, they have nothing. When it is pointed out that there is no "gender gap" in compensation, and the differences can be explained by valid factors, they just ignore it. When you point out that Sexual Irregulars and POC's are vastly over-represented in television and especially advertising, they say "You are being paranoid!"
I don't know whom or what to blame, but all of this bullshit started with the Vietnam War protests, then quickly spread to Academe and "Hollywood."
A pox on all their houses. They are trying to ruin the country. It is the greatest example of the "Goose who laid the golden eggs" in history. It is the culture that created their freedom and wealth that they are trying to destroy.
And although this is said every four years, this coming election is the most important one in history. If the Left wins this one, say goodbye to the country. They will legalize then naturalize these 40 million illegals and we are all fucked. It is one of the only reasons why I am happy that I don't have many years left. I won't have to experience it.