Why do Democrats hate America ?

STFU! Genocidal freak!
Your so dumb you think a genocide means total destruction of a particular people. So, you must deny the Holocaust because Jews survived.


Has that got anything to do with my original factual statement?
From 1870 until it was litigated out of existence in 1986 eight out of every ten Dues paying Members of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats .

Think George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party and a fully registered Republican from Virginia.
Think George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party and a fully registered Republican from Virginia.
Think George Wilkinson and Bull Connor and the Million Kluxer Democrats Marching in DC ten abreast and miles long Down Pennsylvania Avenue In 1919 and 1924 and 1935 ( almost 100% Democrats )
As a patriotic American, there's nothing more disgusting than seeing what these 'folks' , to coin one of their president's favorite words, are doing to this country....stealing elections, weaponizing law enforcement ,jailing political opponents, censoring speech, and the incessant desire to take away our right to bear arms while at the same time purposefully flooding the country with millions of , many dangerous, illegals.

It's disgraceful and we better pray there are more and more like myself who are ready to fight this insanity.
How about letting Fags participate in Womens sports?
Think George Wilkinson and Bull Connor and the Million Kluxer Democrats Marching in DC ten abreast and miles long Down Pennsylvania Avenue In 1919 and 1924 and 1935 ( almost 100% Democrats )
Don't forget Robert Byrd and George Wallace.
Because this country is a meritocracy, where liberty comes with the price of personal responsibility, and they are generally weak and incompetent losers.
Don't ever mention Personal Responsibility to a Democrat. They will just say 'Wassat"?

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