Why Has America Fallen So Quickly?

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Some folks on the left have been scratching their heads because they can't understand how this country has become such a mess in such a short period of time. What it looks like to me is they've been hoodwinked into voting for people that don't exactly have their best interests in mind. Since they've put in place the people that are destroying their cities....now they're leaving them in droves....unfortunately repeating the same mistakes over and over again wherever they move to.

I'd like to point out the exact reasons our cities are falling apart:

  • Prosecutors that fail to punish wrongdoing
  • Removal of competent leaders at every level using the #Metoo and Cancel Culture movements
  • Celebrating criminal activity in Washington and the media
  • Fear of being called an Anti-vaxxer
  • A media that has been recklessly fomenting hatred 24/7
  • The release of millions of hardened criminals into our society
  • Selective prosecutions by corrupt officials responsible for law enforcement using political ideology instead of legal statutes as a motivator

Forget about the old guy in the WH that every day proves that he shouldn't even be there.....this goes deeper than that. Most of the damage has been done at the local level. Washington has always been corrupt...but local governments used to be a barrier to their insanity. Not so today. Now the insanity has completely taken over city hall and our public schools.
One name that keeps coming up is George Soros.

Soros-backed prosecutors include:​
Supported by Soros through spending by political action committees (PACs) and super PACs:
Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón – Elected in 2020, he ousted incumbent D.A. Jackie Lacey, the first black woman to hold the job, and has prided himself on reducing prison sentences, even as violent crime has soared in L.A.​
(Chicago) Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx – Foxx became notorious for her intervention in the Jussie Smollett case, dropping charges against the actor for a hate crime hoax. (Smollett was later convicted.) Chicago hit 800 homicides in 2021.​
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner – Soros supported Krasner with nearly $1.7 million in spending in 2017, more than five times as much as Kranser spent himself. Philadelphia set a new record for homicides in 2021, with 562 in total.​
(Houston) Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg – Ogg is considered one of the more moderate of Soros’s prosecutors, and had to overcome opposition from even more left-wing prosecutors in 2020. Houston’s homicide rate rose 71% in 2021.​
Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot – Cruezot dropped prosecutions for thefts of “personal items” valued at less than $750, among other radical reforms, and was reduced to reminding residents that theft was still against the law.​
(San Antonio) Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzales – Gonzales has been described as “one of Soros’s favorite DAs,” presiding over a stunning 52% increase in homicides in San Antonio since 2019, though violent crime was down overall.​
Phoenix District Attorney Paul Penzone – Soros spent millions to defeat Joe Arpaio and support Penzone, who gained national attention in 2020 when he resisted efforts by Republicans to audit the ballots in the controversial 2020 election.​
St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner – Gardner has faced ethical complaints over the prosecution of former Governor Eric Greitens, as well as that of Mark and Patricia McCloskey. She was kicked off the latter prosecution after using it to fundraise.​
(East San Francisco Bay Area) Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton – Becton famously charged a couple with a “hate crime” for painting over a “Black Lives Matter” mural that was painted on a public road in Martinez, California.​
Supported by Soros indirectly:
(New York) Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg – Bragg was elected with help from the Color of Change PAC, to which Soros donated $1 million. He has banned pre-trial incarceration and prison for all but homicide and a few other cases.​
Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby – Mosby, one of the original “Black Lives Matter” prosecutors, reportedly took a trip abroad sponsored by a Soros-backed group. She was recently indicted on federal charges of mortgage fraud and perjury.​
(Orlando) Ninth Judicial Circuit State Attorney Monque Worrell – Worrell succeeded Soros-backed Aramis Ayala, whom Gov. Ron DeSantis kicked off a murder case for declining to seek charges in a murder because she opposed the death penalty.​


Single word answer, Republicans
That's a dodge.
Anyone who knows anything about civics knows that is simply a hollow campaign slogan.

Back then it applied to both Truman and Eisenhower. Back when both Reps and Dems were part of humanity instead of tearing it down like they are today.
For two decades I argued that changes were needed in the Justice System. I pointed out the problems. The Blue Wall of Silence. The bad cops protected by others. The Police Perjury problem. Where cops lie or plant evidence to get a baddie off the street.

Whitewash investigations. Stonewalling investigations. And ignoring abuses by the police.

I warned for two decades that either the cops themselves lead the effort to reform. Or the effort would swamp them like a tidal wave.

Today the Tidal Wave is crashing. And we hear the same arguments about why no reform is needed. Only now it is doom and gloom stories about America being destroyed.

The problem is that the defenders of the Status Quo will always lose. There are always changes. To move forward, to evolve, improve, and change, is the way of life. Everything is always changing, evolving.

The Justice System is one area where change was desperately needed. Now. With the social pressure. Change has started. As I feared. The change is coming in fits and unpredictable starts.

Some is way overdue like the changes to Qualified Immunity.

Some is needed like increased accountability. Some is troubling like the arrest of three cops in Philadelphia. I understand why they were charged. I am sorry the police don’t know from day to day what will get them in trouble. I predicted this. It doesn’t mean it gives me joy.

Want to know who is responsible for this? The easy answer is to blame the Liberals and BLM and all that. The truth is that those opposing any change are the ones responsible. The earthquake is a good analogy.

Tectonic plates are always in motion. An inch or two a year of movement. When that movement is stopped. Friction prevents the movement. Pressure builds up. Pressure continues to build for years or decades. Perhaps even centuries. Then all at once the pressure wins over the friction. The motion is sudden and violent.

The results are catastrophic. And entirely predictable. We are in the earthquake now. And the shock waves are continuing.
Back then it applied to both Truman and Eisenhower. Back when both Reps and Dems were part of humanity instead of tearing it down like they are today.
We can say for sure that Afghanistan was Biden's fault. Nobody else's.
He's the Commander In Chief....and what he did was his choice alone.
He wasn't forced to do anything.
No agreement Trump made was written in stone.
Biden proved that by reversing everything Trump did on day one, including his border policies and the Keystone Pipeline which led to inflation and the rise in energy costs.
Also, his mandates are making sure there are shortages everywhere.
So yes, Biden fucked things up royally and he calls it a success.
It makes life so much easier for you when you are told there is one person you can blame most of your problems on, isn't it? Blame Soros, and you don't have to evaluate your own bad choices.
Soros is an evil psychopath-------he has done nothing but evil since he was a kid.
We can say for sure that Afghanistan was Biden's fault. Nobody else's.

Sorry, ain't buying it, terrorist. I supported going in and kicking Taliban and other ass in Afghanistan. And we were well on our way until Bush Jr and others created a false narrative and pulled most of the American Military to fight in Iraq. That places it securely on Bush Jr.. But every President has their share of blame. Biden stopped the American Deaths in Afghanistan. There were only two choices. Withdraw the last remaining 2500 troops or send in about 100,000 more troops and go for the win. And that would include forcing Pakistan to clean up it's own act.

Those are your only two choices. Which one do you go for?

He's the Commander In Chief....and what he did was his choice alone.

He was faced with two choices. We had been operating in an in between way for the last 10 years and the only 2 things that came out of it was the death of more Americans and more corruption in the Afghanistan Government.

He wasn't forced to do anything.
No agreement Trump made was written in stone.

Rump was faced with the same two choices and didn't have the courage to do either one.

Biden proved that by reversing everything Trump did on day one, including his border policies and the Keystone Pipeline which led to inflation and the rise in energy costs.

Border Policies? It's never been about a "Wall". Our court systems are broken and they need to hire hundreds of probono lawyers and inject a bunch of Judges to get this thing taken care of. Once again, you give rump a free pass when HE made the decision to stop the Favorable Nation US Embassies from accepting immigration requests. Hence the HUGE migrations.

Also, his mandates are making sure there are shortages everywhere.

Let's see, Biden just did an Executive Order to force the incoming ports open 24/7. And those ports are where the backlog if most prevelent.

So yes, Biden fucked things up royally and he calls it a success.

Biden was handed a royal mess. Yes, he's going to make mistakes but he's also going to do some good. He ain't a God.
Sorry, ain't buying it, terrorist. I supported going in and kicking Taliban and other ass in Afghanistan. And we were well on our way until Bush Jr and others created a false narrative and pulled most of the American Military to fight in Iraq. That places it securely on Bush Jr.. But every President has their share of blame. Biden stopped the American Deaths in Afghanistan. There were only two choices. Withdraw the last remaining 2500 troops or send in about 100,000 more troops and go for the win. And that would include forcing Pakistan to clean up it's own act.

Those are your only two choices. Which one do you go for?

He was faced with two choices. We had been operating in an in between way for the last 10 years and the only 2 things that came out of it was the death of more Americans and more corruption in the Afghanistan Government.

Rump was faced with the same two choices and didn't have the courage to do either one.

Border Policies? It's never been about a "Wall". Our court systems are broken and they need to hire hundreds of probono lawyers and inject a bunch of Judges to get this thing taken care of. Once again, you give rump a free pass when HE made the decision to stop the Favorable Nation US Embassies from accepting immigration requests. Hence the HUGE migrations.

Let's see, Biden just did an Executive Order to force the incoming ports open 24/7. And those ports are where the backlog if most prevelent.

Biden was handed a royal mess. Yes, he's going to make mistakes but he's also going to do some good. He ain't a God.
Biden wasn't handed a mess....he turned everything he was handed into a mess.

Biden was handed a COVID problem with a vaccine and he's screwed that up royally with his mandates.
He was handed a strong recovering economy and he's totally screwed that up.
He's been quietly signing new regulations with his EOs hampering government agencies including the inspection process at the ports...which caused the shortages.

He also timed his vaccine mandates to hit everyone during the holidays so we couldn't celebrate Christmas the way we did in the past....and caused mass layoffs of airline pilots causing thousands of flight cancellations.....which also effected the transportation of goods all over the country.

Meanwhile he was transporting thousands of illegals all over the country using the money that was earmarked for COVID testing.

If you watched that shitshow press conference the other day....you could plainly see that Biden is a disaster. Everyone has had to admit it now.....even the press.
Biden wasn't handed a mess....he turned everything he was handed into a mess.

Wrong, domestic terrorist.

Biden was handed a COVID problem with a vaccine and he's screwed that up royally with his mandates.

Biden hasn't done a thing. Mostly, it's been torpedoed by some of the Governors that are playing the same game as you. Like you, they are domestic terrorists.

He was handed a strong recovering economy and he's totally screwed that up.

Biden was handed a disaster for economy. But it could have been worse under Rump had Rump actually tried to fix it.

He's been quietly signing new regulations with his EOs hampering government agencies including the inspection process at the ports...which caused the shortages.

The ports were harmed by the lack of healthy workers. Blame Covid on that one. But recently Biden has ordered the ports to be operation 24/7. Now, if they can just get the workers to do that and no President has the power over that.

He also timed his vaccine mandates to hit everyone during the holidays so we couldn't celebrate Christmas the way we did in the past....and caused mass layoffs of airline pilots causing thousands of flight cancellations.....which also effected the transportation of goods all over the country.

LOL, Covid made that choice just like it has on ever major holiday since Jan 2020. Just keep doing your domestic terrorism.

Meanwhile he was transporting thousands of illegals all over the country using the money that was earmarked for COVID testing.

The border towns can only support X number of these people.

If you watched that shitshow press conference the other day....you could plainly see that Biden is a disaster. Everyone has had to admit it now.....even the press.

The only disaster I see is you, you domestic terrorist. And I don't support giving you a platform to spew your terrorist ideas so you have a nice life, traitor.
Wrong, domestic terrorist.

Biden hasn't done a thing. Mostly, it's been torpedoed by some of the Governors that are playing the same game as you. Like you, they are domestic terrorists.

Biden was handed a disaster for economy. But it could have been worse under Rump had Rump actually tried to fix it.

The ports were harmed by the lack of healthy workers. Blame Covid on that one. But recently Biden has ordered the ports to be operation 24/7. Now, if they can just get the workers to do that and no President has the power over that.

LOL, Covid made that choice just like it has on ever major holiday since Jan 2020. Just keep doing your domestic terrorism.

The border towns can only support X number of these people.

The only disaster I see is you, you domestic terrorist. And I don't support giving you a platform to spew your terrorist ideas so you have a nice life, traitor.
One event (Jan 6th) isn't domestic terrorism.....and it isn't an insurrection. It's fraud by Nancy Pelosi and our media.
Those idiots in Congress were talking about rightwing terrorists before Jan 6th....and then they caused a riot and blamed it on Trump. Excellent timing, aye comrade?
The people that were tricked into entering the Capital had no clue what the CIA and the FBI had in store for them.
(This is what happens when you make the mistake of trusting the feds)

And I'm not a domestic terrorist. I'm a retired Green Beret who served my country with more distinction than you could ever possibly compare to.
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This freak is getting to be the norm rather than the exception in the Democrat Party.


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