Why do democrats hate Donald Trump (I'm still new to American politics)

Short answer: Trump is serial pathological compulsive habitual liar who wants to be a one-man show and run the country like an annex of "Trump Empire, Inc." All his actions to date prove that. How well over 5,200 documented lies since he took office on Jan 20,2017.

That's why and not just hated by DEMS - but millions of other Americans finally see him who and what he is: A horrible human being, except for his brain-dead loyalist base of morons who are just as racist and mean and ugly as he is.

You missed the part where the approval of him continues to increase at a steady pace and still exceeds that of failed former President Barack Hussein Obama at this point in his administration. Do you believe that your lies will change anything?
Not a single member of his administration or his campaign was charged with a federal crime.

No members of his administration quit or had to be fired in the first 12 months of the administration.

Trump failed that bar both of those bars in the first year.

Obama’s stock market rose by more than 50% in his first 18 months in office, whereas Trump’s stock market, which soared by nearly 33% in the first year, on rumours of tax cuts to come, stalled when Trump started talking tariffs and has slumped since the trade war started and interest rates began to rise.

Job creation has slowed. Trump’s promised infrastructure investment is nowhere to be found, and the deficit is the highest in history.

Trump has fallen so far short of Obama’s recession recovery, it’s embarassing.

And, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did nothing but slow our economic recovery, degrade our position in the World and divide our country more than it has ever been in modern history.

Yep, and that's only the good things.
Why do democrats hate Donald Trump

dont fret

they hate everything not in lockstep with their beliefs

actually they have become the party of hate
The Obama economic miracle continues

Sure does...the miracle is that we survived that fricken clown.

Stopped a Depression and the economy has been going strong since

The Great Obama gave Trump a gift

Economy growing strong? He had an average of under 2% growth for his eight years. Ears did noting to stop a depression. You can't point to any policy of his that supposedly did that.

The Great Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession from turning into the Great Bush Depression


Not a single member of his administration or his campaign was charged with a federal crime.

No members of his administration quit or had to be fired in the first 12 months of the administration.

Trump failed that bar both of those bars in the first year.

Obama’s stock market rose by more than 50% in his first 18 months in office, whereas Trump’s stock market, which soared by nearly 33% in the first year, on rumours of tax cuts to come, stalled when Trump started talking tariffs and has slumped since the trade war started and interest rates began to rise.

Job creation has slowed. Trump’s promised infrastructure investment is nowhere to be found, and the deficit is the highest in history.

Trump has fallen so far short of Obama’s recession recovery, it’s embarassing.

DumBama started at the bottom. There is only one place to go from there. And the only reason nobody went to jail (or charged) is because DumBama had a cabal running the show. Several people should be in jail today including Hillary. You can't point to one policy of that big-eared clown that did anything for the economy.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

Why does it always have to be a democrat? It's always winger opinion in this place... How about I simply don't support the Orange Virus because I believe he's a shitty human being and leave it at that?

You are a perfect example of the types the OP asked about. An ignorant jerk.
The Obama economic miracle continues

Sure does...the miracle is that we survived that fricken clown.

Stopped a Depression and the economy has been going strong since

The Great Obama gave Trump a gift

Economy growing strong? He had an average of under 2% growth for his eight years. Ears did noting to stop a depression. You can't point to any policy of his that supposedly did that.

The Great Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession from turning into the Great Bush Depression


Oh, I can see that now. :laughing0301:
The Obama economic miracle continues

Sure does...the miracle is that we survived that fricken clown.

Stopped a Depression and the economy has been going strong since

The Great Obama gave Trump a gift

Economy growing strong? He had an average of under 2% growth for his eight years. Ears did noting to stop a depression. You can't point to any policy of his that supposedly did that.

The Great Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession from turning into the Great Bush Depression


Yeah, I know, you keep saying that prayer. But again, you're giving that creep all the credit when he did nothing. Here, learn something about who stopped a possible depression:

The Fed and Fiscal Policy During the Obama Years | RealClearMarkets
Stimulus stopped a depression
Sure does...the miracle is that we survived that fricken clown.

Stopped a Depression and the economy has been going strong since

The Great Obama gave Trump a gift

Economy growing strong? He had an average of under 2% growth for his eight years. Ears did noting to stop a depression. You can't point to any policy of his that supposedly did that.

The Great Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession from turning into the Great Bush Depression


Oh, I can see that now. :laughing0301:
Sure does...the miracle is that we survived that fricken clown.

Stopped a Depression and the economy has been going strong since

The Great Obama gave Trump a gift

Economy growing strong? He had an average of under 2% growth for his eight years. Ears did noting to stop a depression. You can't point to any policy of his that supposedly did that.

The Great Obama stopped the Great Bush Recession from turning into the Great Bush Depression


Yeah, I know, you keep saying that prayer. But again, you're giving that creep all the credit when he did nothing. Here, learn something about who stopped a possible depression:

The Fed and Fiscal Policy During the Obama Years | RealClearMarkets
Stimulus stopped a depression

You mean stopped your depression.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
Trump is just their lightning rod...you have to understand that he overthrew a monarchy, beheaded the queen, he full out ruined what the left felt was hillary's birth right and now he must feel their excruciating pain...
...leading up to the day of the election the left was in full celebration mode, they had what they called the "smartest candidate they ever ran" and most of them believed that was true, the rallies the night before the election were really parties to celebrate her ascendancy to the throne, they were already counting the money from their climate change and other scams, then, like with most fantasies, reality hit them like a safe in a cartoon...BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been nothing short of a diaper soiling cry fest since then!
Last edited:
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705
Because he beat them, and continues to do so....It's really no more complicated than that.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705
Democrats don't hate Trump. He's simply the latest in a long line of scapegoats. Bush used to be the Antichrist. Now he's cool. This is what Democrats do to everyone who gets in their way. They can't win on their policies or their ideas. They instead use character assassination.


a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
"a gifted demagogue with particular skill in manipulating the press"
rabble-rouser · [more]


rhetorically exploit (an issue) for political purposes in a way calculated to appeal to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people.
"he seems more interested in demagoguing the issue in media interviews than in dialogue" · [more]
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
Trump is just their lightning rod...you have to understand that he overthrew a monarchy, beheaded the queen, he full out ruined what the left felt was hillary's birth right and now he must feel their excruciating pain...
...leading up to the day of the election the left was in full celebration mode, they had what they called the "smartest candidate they ever ran" and most of them believed that was true, the rallies the night before the election were really parties to celebrate her ascendancy to the throne, they were already counting the money from their climate change and other scams, then, like with most fantasies, reality hit them like a safe in a cartoon...BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been nothing short of diaper soiling cry fest since then!
Stimulus stopped a depression

Wrong again!

From that bastion of Conservatism, UCLA

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate
By Meg Sullivan August 10, 2004

Two UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."

Pay particular attention to that last line, written FOURTEEN YEARS AGO!

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

I'm not a Democrat. But my disgust with the Trump presidency isn't really about him - he's just a run-of-the-mill jackass. It's about the resurgence of fascism. It's a very persistent meme and it's happening worldwide. If liberals hope to defeat it, they need to do some real soul-searching and figure out why so many people have turned against them.

They know why people turned against them, they just refuse to change. That took place during the 8 years of Ears. They followed him right to the grave; first losing the Congress, lost many Governor seats across the country, and finally the Senate. They didn't change one iota during the entire time.

People are sick of the insults: racist, homophobe, xenophobe and so forth. The Deplorable remark by Hillary put the icing on the cake. Democrats simply refuse to give up power. They don't understand that personal attacks are just disgusting people.

I think it's more subtle than that, and it's been a happening for longer - since the "Reagan Democrats" really. In my view, the anchor holding the Democrats back is their fixation on identity politics (aka corporatism). Equal rights, especially in the civil rights era, was always a strong plank for Democrats. But they betrayed equal rights in favor of social engineering.

I had a flyer on my door tonight from the local Democrats. The values byline read: "Equality, Justice, Opportunity". They need to add Freedom to that list if they want to win back the voter's they've lost.

Democrats don't believe in freedom. Democrats believe in government control.

For years Democrats have gotten away with doing things that made them look good on the outside but only benefited them. Now they are being more obvious about it.

Take the Kavanaugh thing for instance. Everybody knew this guy was as clean as the wind driven snow, and like they did with Romney, tried to turn him into the devil incarnate. About 30 or 40 years ago, they would get away with that crap. But now between Fox, the internet, AM radio, they no longer can tell everybody how to think. Instead, what they are secretly up to is discussed on those outlets and more and more people are becoming wise to their tricks.

People see how desperate they are for power. They turned their party into the anti-white party for long-term control over the government forever, and it's turning off a lot of former Democrat voters.

I agree with you except for one point. Thirty or forty years ago, they would never have created such a palaver. They'd have voted for him just as everyone voted for far left, Progressive Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I believe the vote for her was 98-0. Each side of the aisle respected the fact that elections have consequences and the winner won the right to appoint who they wanted as justices. Of course, it was the Democrats who first started to use the confirmation of a Justice as a weapon.
Tell it to Garland
Trump’s bar is so much lower than Obama’s that Trump can step over it. He can’t even reach the bar Obama created.

Obama saved the US economy and the world economy from utter collapse. Trump is busily destroying it and doing a damn good job of it.
---------------------------------- USA Economy is doing nicely right now under the TRUMP and as far as the rest of YOU foreigners and you economies . Well fix your economy same as the TRUMP fixed our American Economy DLady !!
The Obama economic miracle continues

Sure does...the miracle is that we survived that fricken clown.

Stopped a Depression and the economy has been going strong since

The Great Obama gave Trump a gift

Well I'll agree on that one, Obama did give Trump a gift, he gave him the presidency.

nooooooooooooo........... that would be pootey poot.
The Obama economic miracle continues

Sure does...the miracle is that we survived that fricken clown.

Stopped a Depression and the economy has been going strong since

The Great Obama gave Trump a gift

Well I'll agree on that one, Obama did give Trump a gift, he gave him the presidency.
You have to thank Putin for that one

You have to provide evidence for that one.

I'm not a Democrat. But my disgust with the Trump presidency isn't really about him - he's just a run-of-the-mill jackass. It's about the resurgence of fascism. It's a very persistent meme and it's happening worldwide. If liberals hope to defeat it, they need to do some real soul-searching and figure out why so many people have turned against them.

They know why people turned against them, they just refuse to change. That took place during the 8 years of Ears. They followed him right to the grave; first losing the Congress, lost many Governor seats across the country, and finally the Senate. They didn't change one iota during the entire time.

People are sick of the insults: racist, homophobe, xenophobe and so forth. The Deplorable remark by Hillary put the icing on the cake. Democrats simply refuse to give up power. They don't understand that personal attacks are just disgusting people.

I think it's more subtle than that, and it's been a happening for longer - since the "Reagan Democrats" really. In my view, the anchor holding the Democrats back is their fixation on identity politics (aka corporatism). Equal rights, especially in the civil rights era, was always a strong plank for Democrats. But they betrayed equal rights in favor of social engineering.

I had a flyer on my door tonight from the local Democrats. The values byline read: "Equality, Justice, Opportunity". They need to add Freedom to that list if they want to win back the voter's they've lost.

Democrats don't believe in freedom. Democrats believe in government control.

For years Democrats have gotten away with doing things that made them look good on the outside but only benefited them. Now they are being more obvious about it.

Take the Kavanaugh thing for instance. Everybody knew this guy was as clean as the wind driven snow, and like they did with Romney, tried to turn him into the devil incarnate. About 30 or 40 years ago, they would get away with that crap. But now between Fox, the internet, AM radio, they no longer can tell everybody how to think. Instead, what they are secretly up to is discussed on those outlets and more and more people are becoming wise to their tricks.

People see how desperate they are for power. They turned their party into the anti-white party for long-term control over the government forever, and it's turning off a lot of former Democrat voters.

I agree with you except for one point. Thirty or forty years ago, they would never have created such a palaver. They'd have voted for him just as everyone voted for far left, Progressive Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I believe the vote for her was 98-0. Each side of the aisle respected the fact that elections have consequences and the winner won the right to appoint who they wanted as justices. Of course, it was the Democrats who first started to use the confirmation of a Justice as a weapon.
Tell it to Garland

Precedence is heck, isn't it?

And to think, all you had to do was win an election which all Democrats and Progressives believed was in the bag. Why did you want to deny Hillary Clinton the honor of appointing a Supreme Court Justice?
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705

There is no doubt that if Democrats win the house Trump will be impeached. But it's not just Democrats that hate Trump, many Republicans do also along with the largest voting block in this country Independents. For more on this click this link to redirect to another thread on this board--and you can see pictures of all the National protests regarding Trump.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

This country has elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.


He is also a man that has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. He is threatening the very foundation of our democracy, and that's why he's not liked by many.You can listen to this New York Times op-ed that is corroborated by Bob Woodward's new book Fear.
Hear the entire NYT stunning op-ed - CNN Video

There has never been a President in this nation's history that was so unqualified and incompetent to hold this office.

Vote BLUE this midterm

You lost. President Donald Trump WON...AGAIN.

So much for the blue wave.
I follow a lot of political pages on social media, and I noticed that all the democrat related pages are strongly anti-Trump.
Why do democrats hate him? Also, if democrats win, does that mean Trump is more likely to be impeached or resign or lose the next election?

Here is a typical anti-Trump post from a democrats page.
View attachment 225705
Immature adults and man children.


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