Why do Democrats keep voting against their own self interest?

How and why does easing voting regulations help the poor? Who / what is stopping the poor? The poor find ways to get government financial assistance. What is so difficult about registering to vote and showing up to vote with an ID that is needed by the poor for so many other parts of everyday life?
The poor generally have fewer options for getting time off from work (tough if you work 2 jobs), getting to and from the polls (tough if you don't have a car or can afford uber), and more limited child care options.
Counties and Cities are providing free pick up for people so they can vote. Hell, I worked 2 jobs for 15 years and always found time to vote. In Chicago, even dead people get to vote. Obviously, you do not know what you are talking about. Kind of a racist statement about poor blacks.
My state and county don't provide free pick up for people so they can vote. Some local parties might.

The racism is ours since I only mentioned the poor, it is you who equate being poor with being Black.

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