Why Do Democrats Lie So Much About Things Easily Proven Otherwise?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The FBI, for instance, has admitted that General Flynn's 302 report was altered on multiple ocasions and they stil refuse to turn over the original 302 report in a blatant violation of Flynns civil rights. Flynn was also tricked into his first interview being told it was not a part of his investigation and he would not need a lawyer, thus violating his Miranda rights.

The whole thing should be thrown out of court, but instead, the Democrats are trying to throw our civil rights under the bus so they can crucify Flynn just to bother Trump.

HELLO! DIMOCRATS! Anyone can Google this stuff up now, so your bald faced lies are pointless. You are not fooling anyone any more.

Same thing goes with the bullshit shampeachment that Pelosi thinks she can use as leverage against the Senate. The Senate can dismiss this crap any time McConnel wants to call a vote on it and he knows it. What is the pint of all the Dimocrat liars saying McConnell cannot do this?

Is it possible that Dimocrats are now just unable to tell the difference any more between truth and falsehood? Are they so deranged with TDS that they cant think straight?

I am truly puzzled by this.

Dimocrats, STOP LYING!


You are just another version of the porn lawyer only worse. Now fook off.


The FBI, for instance, has admitted that General Flynn's 302 report was altered on multiple ocasions and they stil refuse to turn over the original 302 report in a blatant violation of Flynns civil rights. Flynn was also tricked into his first interview being told it was not a part of his investigation and he would not need a lawyer, thus violating his Miranda rights.

The whole thing should be thrown out of court, but instead, the Democrats are trying to throw our civil rights under the bus so they can crucify Flynn just to bother Trump.

HELLO! DIMOCRATS! Anyone can Google this stuff up now, so your bald faced lies are pointless. You are not fooling anyone any more.

Same thing goes with the bullshit shampeachment that Pelosi thinks she can use as leverage against the Senate. The Senate can dismiss this crap any time McConnel wants to call a vote on it and he knows it. What is the pint of all the Dimocrat liars saying McConnell cannot do this?

Is it possible that Dimocrats are now just unable to tell the difference any more between truth and falsehood? Are they so deranged with TDS that they cant think straight?

I am truly puzzled by this.

Dimocrats, STOP LYING!


You are just another version of the porn lawyer only worse. Now fook off.
Dims know NO other way than lying. I think they adhere to the old saying that if you lie enough about something, it becomes a truth. Disgraceful.
The new jack ass symbol of the Dimocratic Party, only he is more honest than most of them now.

Dims know NO other way than lying. I think they adhere to the old saying that if you lie enough about something, it becomes a truth. Disgraceful.

And it is just plain old stupid.

For thousands of years history has shown that dishonesty, lying and fraud do NOT work.

Eventually people catch on to the lies and stop believing the liars and throw them out or hang them.

Democrats think that they are not only above the law, but above the consequences of their own asinine stupidity.
The new jack ass symbol of the Dimocratic Party, only he is more honest than most of them now.

I saw Tucker Carlson interview this guy on his show on Fox, and he was BEYOND creepy. He wouldn't answer any of Tucker's questions with a direct response, and he kept trying to change the subject. Assholes like this guy give lawyers a bad name.
I saw Tucker Carlson interview this guy on his show on Fox, and he was BEYOND creepy. He wouldn't answer any of Tucker's questions with a direct response, and he kept trying to change the subject. Assholes like this guy give lawyers a bad name.

And he is the epitome of the Democratic Party, only not as bad as most of them.
Concerned father: "But what happens when your friend finds out that you are lying to her?"
Lying ass Dimocrat; "Easy, I will just tell more lies."
Concerned father: "But what happens when your other friends find out that you are lying about your friend?"
Lying ass Dimocrat; "Easy, I will just tell them even bigger and even more lies."
Concerned father: "But what happens when all your friends find out that you are lying to them too?"
Lying ass Dimocrat; "Easy, I will just tell more lies and insist that everyone else is just going crazy."

The father didnt speak another word, he just got up, got a beer from the fridge and sat in his easy chair and watched some more football.

He knew in his heart that his daughter was dead to him now.
The same Owners killed Yeshua. The crowd CHEERED
Welcome to my ignore list, doofus.
Likkmee is usually pretty funny and they appear to be a conservative from their posts. Maybe they're just having an off night.
I'm super
tired but can't sleep due to the hurricane like storms man.45 steady and 70 gusts. Water blowing under the metal roof. Had to make and install internal gutters under where the roof panel joints meet, FUN. Dangerous too
The same Owners killed Yeshua. The crowd CHEERED
Welcome to my ignore list, doofus.
Likkmee is usually pretty funny and they appear to be a conservative from their posts. Maybe they're just having an off night.
I'm super View attachment 299197 tired but can't sleep due to the hurricane like storms man.45 steady and 70 gusts. Water blowing under the metal roof. Had to make and install internal gutters under where the roof panel joints meet, FUN. Dangerous too

View attachment 299197 View attachment 299197
The FBI, for instance, has admitted that General Flynn's 302 report was altered on multiple ocasions and they stil refuse to turn over the original 302 report in a blatant violation of Flynns civil rights. Flynn was also tricked into his first interview being told it was not a part of his investigation and he would not need a lawyer, thus violating his Miranda rights.

The whole thing should be thrown out of court, but instead, the Democrats are trying to throw our civil rights under the bus so they can crucify Flynn just to bother Trump.

HELLO! DIMOCRATS! Anyone can Google this stuff up now, so your bald faced lies are pointless. You are not fooling anyone any more.

Same thing goes with the bullshit shampeachment that Pelosi thinks she can use as leverage against the Senate. The Senate can dismiss this crap any time McConnel wants to call a vote on it and he knows it. What is the pint of all the Dimocrat liars saying McConnell cannot do this?

Is it possible that Dimocrats are now just unable to tell the difference any more between truth and falsehood? Are they so deranged with TDS that they cant think straight?

I am truly puzzled by this.

Dimocrats, STOP LYING!


You are just another version of the porn lawyer only worse. Now fook off.

It's the slow dissemination over the past seventy plus years of the radical leftist ideology known as postmodernism, down through universities, public schools, local governments, Hollywood, the social sciences, philosophy, media—you name it. Postmodernists (more acolyte adherents to religion than an ideology really) believe in factual relativism which essentially holds that no absolute truth or facts exist and any fact or truth can be socially engineered to fit their desired reality.

We've seen proof of this again and again in their beliefs that men can be women, women men and in their belief in dozens if not hundreds of genders. What it boils down to is when enough of them (postmodernists) shout out their belief in something completely false, their religious followers take that as permission to believe it. All those who refuse to (believe) are shouted down, ruined, attacked . . . eventually . . . murdered. Above all else these postmodernists and their religion is anti-human. Think about it. If everyone was gay or trans or had an abortion then what would happen to the human race? Extinction. That's the end goal. Never forget that.
The same Owners killed Yeshua. The crowd CHEERED
Welcome to my ignore list, doofus.
Likkmee is usually pretty funny and they appear to be a conservative from their posts. Maybe they're just having an off night.
I'm super View attachment 299197 tired but can't sleep due to the hurricane like storms man.45 steady and 70 gusts. Water blowing under the metal roof. Had to make and install internal gutters under where the roof panel joints meet, FUN. Dangerous too

View attachment 299197 View attachment 299197 View attachment 299198
Good luck with your weather. It's REALLY cold here in Indiana tonight, 19 degrees and falling. And I DO get a kick out of your posts. They're usually VERY funny. Keep 'em coming!
The same Owners killed Yeshua. The crowd CHEERED
Welcome to my ignore list, doofus.
Likkmee is usually pretty funny and they appear to be a conservative from their posts. Maybe they're just having an off night.
I'm super View attachment 299197 tired but can't sleep due to the hurricane like storms man.45 steady and 70 gusts. Water blowing under the metal roof. Had to make and install internal gutters under where the roof panel joints meet, FUN. Dangerous too

View attachment 299197 View attachment 299197 View attachment 299198
Good luck with your weather. It's REALLY cold here in Indiana tonight, 19 degrees and falling. And I DO get a kick out of your posts. They're usually VERY funny. Keep 'em coming!
It's about 18 degrees here man :cranky:....OK. OK Centigrade . 65F BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I need socks !
For thousands of years history has shown that dishonesty, lying and fraud do NOT work.

Eventually people catch on to the lies and stop believing the liars and throw them out or hang them.

Look upward, Jim. ... Heavens, take that thing out of your mouth for a moment. See his face now? Yeah? See, that's 15,000 lies Donny, the living, breathing, one-man-proof to the contrary.
The FBI, for instance, has admitted that General Flynn's 302 report was altered on multiple ocasions and they stil refuse to turn over the original 302 report in a blatant violation of Flynns civil rights. Flynn was also tricked into his first interview being told it was not a part of his investigation and he would not need a lawyer, thus violating his Miranda rights.

The whole thing should be thrown out of court, but instead, the Democrats are trying to throw our civil rights under the bus so they can crucify Flynn just to bother Trump.

HELLO! DIMOCRATS! Anyone can Google this stuff up now, so your bald faced lies are pointless. You are not fooling anyone any more.

Same thing goes with the bullshit shampeachment that Pelosi thinks she can use as leverage against the Senate. The Senate can dismiss this crap any time McConnel wants to call a vote on it and he knows it. What is the pint of all the Dimocrat liars saying McConnell cannot do this?

Is it possible that Dimocrats are now just unable to tell the difference any more between truth and falsehood? Are they so deranged with TDS that they cant think straight?

I am truly puzzled by this.

Dimocrats, STOP LYING!


You are just another version of the porn lawyer only worse. Now fook off.

Because they control so much of the media they feel they can get away with it!
We've seen proof of this again and again in their beliefs that men can be women, women men and in their belief in dozens if not hundreds of genders. What it boils down to is when enough of them (postmodernists) shout out their belief in something completely false, their religious followers take that as permission to believe it. All those who refuse to (believe) are shouted down, ruined, attacked . . . eventually . . . murdered. Above all else these postmodernists and their religion is anti-human. Think about it. If everyone was gay or trans or had an abortion then what would happen to the human race? Extinction. That's the end goal. Never forget that.

I agree that post-modernism is a huge part of the underlying problem. Any system of thought that says that there is no objective Truth is a self-denying irrational morass of stupidity.

But, to take your example, gender vrs sex is a thing they emphasize a whole bunch these days and they are correct in how they analyze the thing. Gewnder is taken from language study and refers to how you use pronouns and assign a gender to things that do not have a sex. Like some languages assign masculinity to pens and feminity to pencils. It is nonsense and totally arbitrary.

In Anglo culture we have not done that because we tie gender to sex pretty closely. No, pens are not female and pencils are not male, they are 'it', not 'he' or 'she'.

So while other languages seem to easily acomodate this distinction of sex vrs gender, in English we dont really do that in practical terms. Most English speakers equate gender and sex.

And the Post-Modern gender blenders are totally losing the cultural war in the minds and hearts of Americans because the Post-Modernists are tone deaf to thier opponents and take their lead from Europe where the languages do mostly make the distinctions between sex vrs gender.

Also, while one can say there are many genders but only two sexes, many activities, if not most, are really sexual dichotomies, not gender based dichotomies.

We should say someone can participate in women's sports if they are sexually female, not if they gender identify as female, and the Post-Modernists dont get this distinction at all because they are mimicking ideologues and not really capable of much original thought at all.

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