So Many People Missing So Many Points About the Electoral College Vote

After the fraudulent certification of Joe Biden’s fake Electoral College votes this week, it’s amazing to see so many people missing the point of what Donald Trump’s supporters wanted. We wanted an audit of the 2020 election. That’s it! That’s all!

If you can audit the votes in Pennsylvania and show us a legitimate reason why there were 200,000 more ballots cast than there are registered voters in that state, then fine! Prove to us that Joe Biden legitimately received 80 million votes and we’ll accept the results and move on.

Just don’t certify the vote until that happens. Prove to us that the election was real. But no – everyone up to and including Mike Pence claims we wanted the votes “thrown out.”

We have to assume bad faith on all of these people when they can’t even be honest about what just happened. I’ve been studying the writings of constitutional lawyers and legal scholars a lot since that fraud of an “election” took place and can say categorically that I completely disagree with Mike Pence and his legal counsel.

On the morning when Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) were about to launch the brilliant, constitutional and legal strategy to call for an audit, Mike Pence betrayed America. He sent out a lengthy letter explaining that he believes he does not have the clear authority granted to him by the Electoral College Act. Pence announced that he was going to betray President Trump and the gigantic majority that reelected him. (That went over really well with the crowd that had gathered in DC, you may have noticed.)

As I’ve written previously, the President of the Senate (the Vice President of the United States) is vested with sole authority during the counting of the Electoral College votes, under the Electoral College Act.

Pence had the option to count Joe Biden’s electors and toss the competing Trump electors from Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico in the trash (those seven states all seated dueling sets of electors due to fraud).

Or Pence could toss the Biden electors from those states in the trash and count the Trump electors. I would have been fine with this option, by the way, even though it would have caused chaos and fits, and would have ended up in the courts.

But Ted Cruz, who is a smarter constitutional lawyer than the rest of us put together, came up with an even better option. His plan, upon objecting to the votes from disputed states, was to send the dueling electoral votes back to the states. Then, appoint an Election Commission to carry out an emergency ten-day audit of the votes, before certifying actual real winners devoid of fraud.

This was brilliant, constitutional and would have been totally legal. Bravo to Ted Cruz for thinking of it, because he tied the actual desire of Trump supporters into a workable solution that could have avoided a civil war. This could have given us the audit of the votes that we’ve been asking for all along.

Look, I would grudgingly accept that Joe Biden was elected if there was a real audit of the votes. I’m sure many of you would as well. But every time when we have asked for or demanded an audit of the votes in those fishy blue cities for the past two months, the people in charge have just sheepishly looked at the clock and told us it’s too late. Nothing suspicious about that!

No, we can’t have transparency, and you icky Trump supporters will just have to take our word for it that a non-existent presidential campaign somehow drummed up 80 million votes.

Have you caught on to what Mike Pence actually did here? He made a big announcement that he does not have “sole authority” to discard Electoral College votes during his role in the counting. (He does. The law says so.)

And then Mike Pence used his sole authority to discard the Trump-Pence electors!

Out of all the disappointments over this stolen election, Mike Pence’s betrayal of his own base is perhaps the most upsetting. We thought you were a Christian, Mr. Pence, but you have now signed your name to a lie by certifying a false victor in the 2020 election. No true Christian could have ever done that.

This article is a reprint from AMERICAN Liberty Report >> So Many People Missing So Many Points About the Electoral College Vote - American Liberty Report

Donald Trump lost.
No amount of faked claims about fraud changes that.
Ballots were counted.
Ballots were recounted.
Ballots were hand counted.

What you wanted was to delay so that Trump could wait out the legally mandated dates and claim that Congress never certified so he was still president.
We know how stupid you are.
Just how stupid do you think we are?

Certainly not stupid enough to attack Congress while wearing a hoodie bearing my company name and phone number.

But, in perfect response.

It doesn't matter what you want, wanted, or will want. The attempt to destroy out government over what you want is still treason, still sedition, still a mile high pile of felonies that will put lots of you in prison.
After the fraudulent certification of Joe Biden’s fake Electoral College votes this week, it’s amazing to see so many people missing the point of what Donald Trump’s supporters wanted. We wanted an audit of the 2020 election. That’s it! That’s all!

If you can audit the votes in Pennsylvania and show us a legitimate reason why there were 200,000 more ballots cast than there are registered voters in that state, then fine! Prove to us that Joe Biden legitimately received 80 million votes and we’ll accept the results and move on.

Just don’t certify the vote until that happens. Prove to us that the election was real. But no – everyone up to and including Mike Pence claims we wanted the votes “thrown out.”

We have to assume bad faith on all of these people when they can’t even be honest about what just happened. I’ve been studying the writings of constitutional lawyers and legal scholars a lot since that fraud of an “election” took place and can say categorically that I completely disagree with Mike Pence and his legal counsel.

On the morning when Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) were about to launch the brilliant, constitutional and legal strategy to call for an audit, Mike Pence betrayed America. He sent out a lengthy letter explaining that he believes he does not have the clear authority granted to him by the Electoral College Act. Pence announced that he was going to betray President Trump and the gigantic majority that reelected him. (That went over really well with the crowd that had gathered in DC, you may have noticed.)

As I’ve written previously, the President of the Senate (the Vice President of the United States) is vested with sole authority during the counting of the Electoral College votes, under the Electoral College Act.

Pence had the option to count Joe Biden’s electors and toss the competing Trump electors from Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico in the trash (those seven states all seated dueling sets of electors due to fraud).

Or Pence could toss the Biden electors from those states in the trash and count the Trump electors. I would have been fine with this option, by the way, even though it would have caused chaos and fits, and would have ended up in the courts.

But Ted Cruz, who is a smarter constitutional lawyer than the rest of us put together, came up with an even better option. His plan, upon objecting to the votes from disputed states, was to send the dueling electoral votes back to the states. Then, appoint an Election Commission to carry out an emergency ten-day audit of the votes, before certifying actual real winners devoid of fraud.

This was brilliant, constitutional and would have been totally legal. Bravo to Ted Cruz for thinking of it, because he tied the actual desire of Trump supporters into a workable solution that could have avoided a civil war. This could have given us the audit of the votes that we’ve been asking for all along.

Look, I would grudgingly accept that Joe Biden was elected if there was a real audit of the votes. I’m sure many of you would as well. But every time when we have asked for or demanded an audit of the votes in those fishy blue cities for the past two months, the people in charge have just sheepishly looked at the clock and told us it’s too late. Nothing suspicious about that!

No, we can’t have transparency, and you icky Trump supporters will just have to take our word for it that a non-existent presidential campaign somehow drummed up 80 million votes.

Have you caught on to what Mike Pence actually did here? He made a big announcement that he does not have “sole authority” to discard Electoral College votes during his role in the counting. (He does. The law says so.)

And then Mike Pence used his sole authority to discard the Trump-Pence electors!

Out of all the disappointments over this stolen election, Mike Pence’s betrayal of his own base is perhaps the most upsetting. We thought you were a Christian, Mr. Pence, but you have now signed your name to a lie by certifying a false victor in the 2020 election. No true Christian could have ever done that.

This article is a reprint from AMERICAN Liberty Report >> So Many People Missing So Many Points About the Electoral College Vote - American Liberty Report
Who would you trust to do this audit? Obviously not the Dems or the GOP (they are obviously all RINOs) or anyone in the Trump administration (like AG Barr) or anyone on Trump's legal team (they have yet to convince any judges with their evidence). Who's left?

No judge looked at any evidence
Because no evidence was presented. All the complaints focused on procedure and got tossed. Trump's legal team was just going through the motions to soothe their client's ego.
After the fraudulent certification of Joe Biden’s fake Electoral College votes this week, it’s amazing to see so many people missing the point of what Donald Trump’s supporters wanted. We wanted an audit of the 2020 election. That’s it! That’s all!

If you can audit the votes in Pennsylvania and show us a legitimate reason why there were 200,000 more ballots cast than there are registered voters in that state, then fine! Prove to us that Joe Biden legitimately received 80 million votes and we’ll accept the results and move on.

Just don’t certify the vote until that happens. Prove to us that the election was real. But no – everyone up to and including Mike Pence claims we wanted the votes “thrown out.”

We have to assume bad faith on all of these people when they can’t even be honest about what just happened. I’ve been studying the writings of constitutional lawyers and legal scholars a lot since that fraud of an “election” took place and can say categorically that I completely disagree with Mike Pence and his legal counsel.

On the morning when Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) were about to launch the brilliant, constitutional and legal strategy to call for an audit, Mike Pence betrayed America. He sent out a lengthy letter explaining that he believes he does not have the clear authority granted to him by the Electoral College Act. Pence announced that he was going to betray President Trump and the gigantic majority that reelected him. (That went over really well with the crowd that had gathered in DC, you may have noticed.)

As I’ve written previously, the President of the Senate (the Vice President of the United States) is vested with sole authority during the counting of the Electoral College votes, under the Electoral College Act.

Pence had the option to count Joe Biden’s electors and toss the competing Trump electors from Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico in the trash (those seven states all seated dueling sets of electors due to fraud).

Or Pence could toss the Biden electors from those states in the trash and count the Trump electors. I would have been fine with this option, by the way, even though it would have caused chaos and fits, and would have ended up in the courts.

But Ted Cruz, who is a smarter constitutional lawyer than the rest of us put together, came up with an even better option. His plan, upon objecting to the votes from disputed states, was to send the dueling electoral votes back to the states. Then, appoint an Election Commission to carry out an emergency ten-day audit of the votes, before certifying actual real winners devoid of fraud.

This was brilliant, constitutional and would have been totally legal. Bravo to Ted Cruz for thinking of it, because he tied the actual desire of Trump supporters into a workable solution that could have avoided a civil war. This could have given us the audit of the votes that we’ve been asking for all along.

Look, I would grudgingly accept that Joe Biden was elected if there was a real audit of the votes. I’m sure many of you would as well. But every time when we have asked for or demanded an audit of the votes in those fishy blue cities for the past two months, the people in charge have just sheepishly looked at the clock and told us it’s too late. Nothing suspicious about that!

No, we can’t have transparency, and you icky Trump supporters will just have to take our word for it that a non-existent presidential campaign somehow drummed up 80 million votes.

Have you caught on to what Mike Pence actually did here? He made a big announcement that he does not have “sole authority” to discard Electoral College votes during his role in the counting. (He does. The law says so.)

And then Mike Pence used his sole authority to discard the Trump-Pence electors!

Out of all the disappointments over this stolen election, Mike Pence’s betrayal of his own base is perhaps the most upsetting. We thought you were a Christian, Mr. Pence, but you have now signed your name to a lie by certifying a false victor in the 2020 election. No true Christian could have ever done that.

This article is a reprint from AMERICAN Liberty Report >> So Many People Missing So Many Points About the Electoral College Vote - American Liberty Report
Who would you trust to do this audit? Obviously not the Dems or the GOP (they are obviously all RINOs) or anyone in the Trump administration (like AG Barr) or anyone on Trump's legal team (they have yet to convince any judges with their evidence). Who's left?

No judge looked at any evidence
Because no evidence was presented. All the complaints focused on procedure and got tossed. Trump's legal team was just going through the motions to soothe their client's ego.

So uninformed.
After the fraudulent certification of Joe Biden’s fake Electoral College votes this week, it’s amazing to see so many people missing the point of what Donald Trump’s supporters wanted. We wanted an audit of the 2020 election. That’s it! That’s all!

If you can audit the votes in Pennsylvania and show us a legitimate reason why there were 200,000 more ballots cast than there are registered voters in that state, then fine! Prove to us that Joe Biden legitimately received 80 million votes and we’ll accept the results and move on.

Just don’t certify the vote until that happens. Prove to us that the election was real. But no – everyone up to and including Mike Pence claims we wanted the votes “thrown out.”

We have to assume bad faith on all of these people when they can’t even be honest about what just happened. I’ve been studying the writings of constitutional lawyers and legal scholars a lot since that fraud of an “election” took place and can say categorically that I completely disagree with Mike Pence and his legal counsel.

On the morning when Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) were about to launch the brilliant, constitutional and legal strategy to call for an audit, Mike Pence betrayed America. He sent out a lengthy letter explaining that he believes he does not have the clear authority granted to him by the Electoral College Act. Pence announced that he was going to betray President Trump and the gigantic majority that reelected him. (That went over really well with the crowd that had gathered in DC, you may have noticed.)

As I’ve written previously, the President of the Senate (the Vice President of the United States) is vested with sole authority during the counting of the Electoral College votes, under the Electoral College Act.

Pence had the option to count Joe Biden’s electors and toss the competing Trump electors from Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico in the trash (those seven states all seated dueling sets of electors due to fraud).

Or Pence could toss the Biden electors from those states in the trash and count the Trump electors. I would have been fine with this option, by the way, even though it would have caused chaos and fits, and would have ended up in the courts.

But Ted Cruz, who is a smarter constitutional lawyer than the rest of us put together, came up with an even better option. His plan, upon objecting to the votes from disputed states, was to send the dueling electoral votes back to the states. Then, appoint an Election Commission to carry out an emergency ten-day audit of the votes, before certifying actual real winners devoid of fraud.

This was brilliant, constitutional and would have been totally legal. Bravo to Ted Cruz for thinking of it, because he tied the actual desire of Trump supporters into a workable solution that could have avoided a civil war. This could have given us the audit of the votes that we’ve been asking for all along.

Look, I would grudgingly accept that Joe Biden was elected if there was a real audit of the votes. I’m sure many of you would as well. But every time when we have asked for or demanded an audit of the votes in those fishy blue cities for the past two months, the people in charge have just sheepishly looked at the clock and told us it’s too late. Nothing suspicious about that!

No, we can’t have transparency, and you icky Trump supporters will just have to take our word for it that a non-existent presidential campaign somehow drummed up 80 million votes.

Have you caught on to what Mike Pence actually did here? He made a big announcement that he does not have “sole authority” to discard Electoral College votes during his role in the counting. (He does. The law says so.)

And then Mike Pence used his sole authority to discard the Trump-Pence electors!

Out of all the disappointments over this stolen election, Mike Pence’s betrayal of his own base is perhaps the most upsetting. We thought you were a Christian, Mr. Pence, but you have now signed your name to a lie by certifying a false victor in the 2020 election. No true Christian could have ever done that.

This article is a reprint from AMERICAN Liberty Report >> So Many People Missing So Many Points About the Electoral College Vote - American Liberty Report
Who would you trust to do this audit? Obviously not the Dems or the GOP (they are obviously all RINOs) or anyone in the Trump administration (like AG Barr) or anyone on Trump's legal team (they have yet to convince any judges with their evidence). Who's left?

No judge looked at any evidence
Because no evidence was presented. All the complaints focused on procedure and got tossed. Trump's legal team was just going through the motions to soothe their client's ego.

So uninformed.
But I'm sure there is hope for you still.

Donald Trump And His Lawyers Are Making Sweeping Allegations of Voter Fraud In Public. In Court, They Say No Such Thing
The point is...

You lost.

Then do the audit until Trump win and all will be fine...

I mean the Op and those like the Op claim they just want some type of audit and when that fails they will want something else because let just admit all they want is a Dictatorship with Trump and his family ruling them forever...
The point is...

You lost.

Then do the audit until Trump win and all will be fine...

I mean the Op and those like the Op claim they just want some type of audit and when that fails they will want something else because let just admit all they want is a Dictatorship with Trump and his family ruling them forever...

I told them when it first started that they would have to eventually toss the SCOTUS under the bus. And guess what happened....
The point is...

You lost.

Then do the audit until Trump win and all will be fine...

I mean the Op and those like the Op claim they just want some type of audit and when that fails they will want something else because let just admit all they want is a Dictatorship with Trump and his family ruling them forever...

I told them when it first started that they would have to eventually toss the SCOTUS under the bus. And guess what happened....

I also said the USSC would not side with them and they all believed the Justices would and even with Alito and Thomas wanting to hear a case did not mean it was going to help Trump when the reality was Thomas was appointed by George H.W. Bush and Alito was appointed by George W. Bush which meant both Thomas and Alito were just wanting a case that was heard and settled against Trump to end this stupidity once and for all...

Those backing Trump still are delusional nutters that will never accept any form of reality and will deny facts while believing the U.S. invaded Germany for a Dominion server...

I mean that is where we are at with Trump minions and their denial of reality...
The point is...

You lost.

Then do the audit until Trump win and all will be fine...

I mean the Op and those like the Op claim they just want some type of audit and when that fails they will want something else because let just admit all they want is a Dictatorship with Trump and his family ruling them forever...

I told them when it first started that they would have to eventually toss the SCOTUS under the bus. And guess what happened....

I also said the USSC would not side with them and they all believed the Justices would and even with Alito and Thomas wanting to hear a case did not mean it was going to help Trump when the reality was Thomas was appointed by George H.W. Bush and Alito was appointed by George W. Bush which meant both Thomas and Alito were just wanting a case that was heard and settled against Trump to end this stupidity once and for all...

Those backing Trump still are delusional nutters that will never accept any form of reality and will deny facts while believing the U.S. invaded Germany for a Dominion server...

I mean that is where we are at with Trump minions and their denial of reality...
Very true. I recall the discussion. I'm not sure if was here or somewhere else but I also recall that someone said that the reason Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and ACB were appointed so easily was because they were actually favored by the deep state and that the blob wanted to appoint other people he knew and trusted. One was Guliani of course but he was told that it wouldn't even get out of committee if he did so he "played ball". And, as I'm sure you are aware, the ones he was supposedly "playing ball" with in Congress turned on him.

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