Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID?

You mean refused because a law Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) enacted.
AURORA, Ohio – A Portage County World War II veteran was turned away from a polling place this morning because his driver’s license had expired in January and his new Veterans Affairs ID did not include his home address
Too bad you didn't tell the whole story, eh?
Portage Elections Board Director Faith Lyon said she felt badly for Carroll, but said the law requires an address on even a veteran’s identification card.
Damn you, Kasich!!!
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I have no problem with voter ID laws.

Unless they target a specific class of voters.

Since we all know that virtually every GOP voter ID proposal is clearly an attempt to target Democratic voters, I have a problem with that. The GOP is working hard to suppress voter turnout in order to enable a motivated minority to call all the shots.

I also have no doubt that Democrats are equally hard at work trying to suppress GOP turnout.

I eagerly await the day when enough voters wake up and smell the coffee. The two political parties are not interested in good government - they are only interesting in promoting their own power.
Since both parties are trying to suppress turnout by thwarting the illegals voting, I'd call it a tie, wouldn't you?

One day, just maybe, both sides will say, for the sake of good government, let's just have citizens ( live ones ) vote for our laws and candidates! What a great thought!

NO, both sides are NOT trying to suppress turnout by stopping illegals from voting.
Republicans are trying to suppress Democratic turnout and Democrats are trying to suppress Republican turnout.

It has absolutely nothing to do with immigration status or being alive or dead. That is obvious to ANYONE who is really paying attention.

illegals vote?

yeah, they're LINED up to commit voter fraud just so they can get busted and sent back home.. illegals shy away from places where immigration could round them up.
RW's do it too, they just don't want anyone to know it so they won't tell you ...

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

According to those records, Monroe was considered by investigators to be the most prolific multiple voter in memory. He was a supporter of Gov. Scott Walker and state Sen. Alberta Darling, both Republicans, and allegedly cast five ballots in the June 2012 election in which Walker survived a recall challenge.
According to the John Doe records, Monroe claimed to have a form of temporary amnesia and did not recall the election day events when confronted by investigators.

amnesia, yeah that's it, RW's have AMNESIA !!

Voter ID's would have stopped his antics. May he enjoy his time in jail.

his antics didn't make much difference in the elections ... 13 votes in 5 elections... do the math ..

RW's insist on voter ID but will thy bitch about THE GOVERNMENT keeping track of their records or voter ID being an open door to spy on them ? ... those pesky drones will have their exact address any time big brother wants to check up on crackpot RW's ... voter ID, Gotcha !
You are right, that one man didn't change the election, but that's not the point. As for your additional comment about Republicans' concerns, well, lol, they'll just have to deal with their flights of fancies, won't they? Get some rest.
2012 Voter Fraud
Claim: List cites instances proving voter fraud in the 2012 U.S. presidential election.



Example: [Collected via e-mail, January 2013]

Most everyone suspected fraud, but these numbers prove it and our government and media refuse to do anything about it.

As each state reported their final election details, the evidence of voter fraud is astounding. Massive voter fraud has been reported in areas of OH and FL, with PA, WI and VA, all are deploying personnel to investigate election results.

Here are just a few examples of what has surfaced with much more to come.

* In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for Romney. (A mathematical and statistical impossibility).

* In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, Obama received 100% of the votes where GOP inspectors were illegally removed from their polling locations - and not one single vote was recorded for Romney. (Another statistical impossibility).

* In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a county with only 98,213 eligible voters.

* In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574 registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes were cast.

* The National SEAL Museum, a polling location in St. Lucie County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.

* Palm Beach County, FL had a 141% voter turnout.

* In Ohio County, Obama won by 108% of the total number of eligible voters.

NOTE: Obama won in every state that did not require a Photo ID and lost in every state that did require a Photo ID in order to vote.




Origins: Claims of fraud have arisen after each of the last several U.S. presidential elections, especially since the 2000 election, the outcome of which hinged on a prolonged dispute over a victory margin of just 537 votes in the state of Florida. As the example cited above demonstrates, the election of 2012 was no exception in that regard.

But whatever voter fraud (if any) might have occurred during the 2012 presidential election, none is evidenced by the example reproduced here. As shown below, all of the statements it comprises are demonstrably false:

  • In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the votes with not even a single vote recorded for Romney. (A mathematical and statistical impossibility).

It is true that 59 voting divisions in Philadelphia recorded no votes for Mitt Romney, but given the voter composition of the Philadelphia area (and some Philadelphia wards in particular) and the number of voters in each division, that outcome was hardly a "mathematical and statistical impossibility."

Barack Obama won the overall vote in the Philadelphia area by an 85% to 14% margin over Mitt Romney; Obama also received greater than 90% of the vote in more than half of Philadelphia's 66 wards, and 99% or more of the vote in seven of those wards. That result was hardly surprising given that, as the Philadelphia Inquirer noted, those wards are "clustered in almost exclusively black sections of West and North Philadelphia" and "nationally, 93 percent of African Americans voted for Obama." The Philadelphia wards that trended very heavily for Barack Obama included many divisions of between 200 and 500 voters in which Mitt Romney received a scant handful of votes (and sometimes no votes at all), a result mirroring that of the previous election, in which Republican candidate John McCain "got zero votes in 57 Philadelphia voting divisions."

When the Inquirer went looking for Republican voters in some of those divisions, they couldn't find any:
Many parts of Philadelphia and other big cities simply lack Republican voters, a fact of campaigning that has been true since Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, Jonathan Rodden, a political science professor at Stanford University, said.

Although voter registration lists, which often contain outdated information, show 12 Republicans live in the [28th] ward's third division, The Inquirer was unable to find any of them by calling or visiting their homes.

Four of the registered Republicans no longer lived there; four others didn't answer their doors. City Board of Elections registration data say a registered Republican used to live at 25th and York Streets, but none of the neighbors across the street knew him.

James Norris, 19, who lives down the street, is listed as a Republican in city data. But he said he's a Democrat and voted for Obama because he thinks the president will help the middle class.

A few blocks away, Eric Sapp, a 42-year-old chef, looked skeptical when told that city data had him listed as a registered Republican. "I got to check on that," said Sapp, who voted for Obama.

Eighteen Republicans reportedly live in the nearby 15th Division, according to city registration records. The 15th has the distinction of pitching two straight Republican shutouts — zero votes for McCain in 2008, zero for Romney. Oh, and 13 other city divisions did the same thing in 2008 and 2012.

Three of the 15th's registered Republicans were listed as living in the same apartment, but the tenant there said he had never heard of them. The addresses of several others could not be found.

On West Albert Street, Duke Dunston says he knows he's a registered Republican, but he's never voted for one.
Thus the results in Philadelphia were reflective not of an "impossible" statistical anomaly but rather of a general historical trend widely seen throughout the city.

  • In 21 districts in Wood County Ohio, Obama received 100% of the votes where GOP inspectors were illegally removed from their polling locations — and not one single vote was recorded for Romney. (Another statistical impossibility).

A precinct-by-precinct breakdown of the official voting results from Wood County, Ohio, for the 2012 election shows that Barack Obama received nowhere close to 100% of the votes cast in any of that county's 97 precincts. The highest percentage he achieved in any one precinct was 75.5%.

  • In Wood County Ohio, 106,258 voted in a county with only 98,213 eligible voters.

The official Voter Turnout statistics for Ohio show Wood County recorded a total turnout of 64,342 voters, an amount far smaller than the number of registered voters in that county (108,014).

  • In St. Lucie County, FL, there were 175,574 registered eligible voters but 247,713 votes were cast.

This statement demonstrates a misunderstanding between the difference in "number of votes" cast and "number of cards" cast. The official election results from St. Lucie County, Florida, show, a total of 123,301 votes were cast for the office of President of the United States, but a total of 247,383 cards were cast because St. Lucie County used a two-page ballot (i.e., a ballot consisting of two cards), so every voter who returned both pages of his ballot cast two cards.

As the web site of that county's elections board explains: "Turnout percentages will show over 100% due to a two page ballot. The tabulation system (GEMS) provides voter turnout as equal to the total cards cast in the election divided by the number of registered voters. Also note that some voters chose not to return by mail the second card."

  • The National SEAL Museum, a polling location in St. Lucie County, FL had a 158% voter turnout.

This entry repeats the same error as the previous one. The National SEAL Museum polling location in St. Lucie County had a turnout of 2756 registered voters, but a total of 4469 cards were cast because each voter's ballot consisted of two cards. The official vote count from that location for the office of President of the United States recorded 1,473 votes for Mitt Romney and 754 votes for Barack Obama.

  • Palm Beach County, FL had a 141% voter turnout.

The official results for the 2012 general election for Palm Beach County, Florida, show that 605,268 out of 870,182 registered voters cast ballots for the office of President of the United States, a voter turnout rate of 69.56%, not 141%.

  • In Ohio County, Obama won by 108% of the total number of eligible voters.

This statement is ambiguous because multiple states (Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia) have counties named Ohio. Nonetheless, this statement is false regardless of which of those counties is considered:

Mitt Romney won Ohio County, Kentucky, by a 67% to 31% margin.
Mitt Romney won Ohio County, Indiana, by a 63% to 35% margin.
Mitt Romney won Ohio County, West Virginia, by a 60% to 38% margin.

  • Obama won in every state that did not require a Photo ID and lost in every state that did require a Photo ID in order to vote.

In the 2012 presidential election, Barack Obama did lose in every state that required all voters to provide photo ID, but those states were only four in number: Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, and Tennessee. Meanwhile, contrary to what is claimed here, he also lost in many states that did not require all voters to provide photo ID: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

(NOTE: If you do not live in Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, or Tennessee, then your state did not require all voters to provide photo ID during the 2012 general election. As shown on a chart of Voter Identification Requirements by state, only those four states had strict photo ID laws in place during the 2012 general election. All other states either did not require voters to provide ID or accepted some forms of non-photo ID.)
Read more at snopes.com 2012 Voter Fraud
Before copying this stuff, you might want to check to see it there's at least a grain of truth there.

Q: Is it true that there were more votes than voters in Wood County, Ohio, and St. Lucie County, Fla., and that Obama lost every state with photo ID laws?

A: No. A viral email that makes those claims is bogus. It fabricates Ohio and Florida results. Also, Obama won four of the 11 states with photo ID laws.

Voting Conspiracies
Does a liquor store ask for ID because they don't want to sell liquor to one who can legally buy liquor?

Or is the law in place that they must ask for ID to ensure one who can NOT legally buy liquor, does not do so?

Do you believe that people who can legally buy liquor, do not because they don't want to go through the hassle of showing ID?

Would you say the law that was passed that insisted on liquor stores asking for ID was designed to suppress liquor sales to those that can legally buy liquor?
Does a liquor store ask for ID because they don't want to sell liquor to one who can legally buy liquor?

Still going with the Apples and Oranges Fallacy? Really?
Still using the cop out by saying it is apples and oranges without backing it up, I see.
That twice in one thread....and over a dozen times in the past few weeks.

Go ahead big boy. Elaborate.

But wait....let me clarify it for you...

It is illegal to by alcohol if you are under the age of 21.

It is illegal to vote is you are not an American Citizen.

The ID laws are in in place to ensure one who is underage can not buy alcohol...(not to ensure one of legal age CAN buy alcohol).

ID laws are in place to ensure one who is not an American Citizen does not cast a ballot.

So go ahead....how is it apples and oranges?
so if the Ohio law requires a photo ID that includes a home address, how do homeless people vote?
Since they need a verifiable home address to register to vote - they don't.
Then how is this a legitimate voting restriction?
Voter registration isn't a legitimate restriction on the right to vote?
The state does not have a compelling interest to verify that you are eligible to vote that that you vote in the correct place?
Does a liquor store ask for ID because they don't want to sell liquor to one who can legally buy liquor?

Or is the law in place that they must ask for ID to ensure one who can NOT legally buy liquor, does not do so?

Do you believe that people who can legally buy liquor, do not because they don't want to go through the hassle of showing ID?

Would you say the law that was passed that insisted on liquor stores asking for ID was designed to suppress liquor sales to those that can legally buy liquor?
Texas AG and Gov candidate Greg Abbott can buy liquor with his ID, but can't vote with it:

"Abbott was flagged because his license lists his name as “Gregory Wayne Abbott” while his voter registration record simply calls him “Greg Abbott."

so if the Ohio law requires a photo ID that includes a home address, how do homeless people vote?

Do homeless people vote?

There is no blanket answer to that question. You can't lump all homeless people together, but why wouldn't they? And more importantly, why should we refuse them?
What she was referring to was he did not have ID to identify he was a resident of the state.
Here in NY, all homeless people are offered ID that identifies them as residents of the state...and they are asked to forfeit it if they decide to travel elsewhere.
so if the Ohio law requires a photo ID that includes a home address, how do homeless people vote?
Since they need a verifiable home address to register to vote - they don't.
Then how is this a legitimate voting restriction?
Voter registration isn't a legitimate restriction on the right to vote?
The state does not have a compelling interest to verify that you are eligible to vote that that you vote in the correct place?

I never mentioned anything about registering voters. Are you trying to move the goalposts?

I asked why requiring an address to register is a legitimate restriction of voting. What's your answer to that?
so if the Ohio law requires a photo ID that includes a home address, how do homeless people vote?
Since they need a verifiable home address to register to vote - they don't.
Then how is this a legitimate voting restriction?
Voter registration isn't a legitimate restriction on the right to vote?
The state does not have a compelling interest to verify that you are eligible to vote that that you vote in the correct place?

I never mentioned anything about registering voters. Are you trying to move the goalposts?

I asked why requiring an address to register is a legitimate restriction of voting. What's your answer to that?
Because you can only vote in the state you reside.....otherwise an absentee ballot is required.

Bear in mind....state and local elections take place as well.
Democrats don't oppose voter ID. Every blue state in the country requires you to provide ID to register to vote.
so if the Ohio law requires a photo ID that includes a home address, how do homeless people vote?
Since they need a verifiable home address to register to vote - they don't.
Then how is this a legitimate voting restriction?
Voter registration isn't a legitimate restriction on the right to vote?
The state does not have a compelling interest to verify that you are eligible to vote that that you vote in the correct place?
I never mentioned anything about registering voters. Are you trying to move the goalposts?
I asked why requiring an address to register is a legitimate restriction of voting. What's your answer to that?
I think you need to read your posts more carefully, as you are obviously talking about registering voters.

Registration is the least restrictive means for the state to verify that a prospective voter is eligible to vote and that he votes in the correct place. To verify that the person votes in the correct place, that person must have a verifiable home address.

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