Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID?

Look, the Democrats wanna rig Elections. But so do the Republicans. We know this. Voter ID helps make it harder for them to do that. It really is shocking so many oppose it.
Are you sure you are a Libertarian? Everything you post demonstrates you are not.

Voter ID is a government intrusion into our voting rights. It is also ineffective at stopping the types of fraud which occur. So what self-respecting Libertarian would support wasting taxpayer dollars on an ineffective government intrusion into our lives? Huh?

Voter ID is a yellow brick on the road to national identity papers. And that road to totalitarian hell is paved with good intentions.

It is shocking you support it.

My little finger is more Libertarian than you are.
Look, the Democrats wanna rig Elections. But so do the Republicans. We know this. Voter ID helps make it harder for them to do that. It really is shocking so many oppose it.

I'm sorry, but I just do not agree. Harder? How, exactly?

We require ID's for all sorts of things in this country. Why do you think that is? Think about it for a bit, and then get back to us.
Look, the Democrats wanna rig Elections. But so do the Republicans. We know this. Voter ID helps make it harder for them to do that. It really is shocking so many oppose it.

I'm sorry, but I just do not agree. Harder? How, exactly?

We require ID's for all sorts of things in this country. Why do you think that is? Think about it for a bit, and then get back to us.

No, I've already thought about it and have concluded that Republicans can not be trusted to tell the truth about anything political.

They don't care about 20 votes that were deemed illegally cast in the entire state of Ohio, they care about gumming up the works in cities where a lot of citizens are too poor to make voting a high priority.

Pauly, I do appreciate that you are being civil in this thread.

It was between 12:54 and 1:04 that LaFaro said he was seated at one of the cubicles, heard a loud thud and turned around to see the man who he claims was caught on tape stuffing “hundreds” of ballots. LaFaro described the man as a “vulgar, disrespectful, violent thug” with “no respect for our laws.” He said he would have followed the man to his car to get his tag number but “feared for [his] life.”

Let me be clear about a post I made. I agreed with Cabbie that Voter ID's would limit the base of the democratic voter base. And it will. It will limit it to actual live citizens who vote Democrat, not dead people or illegals. It will do the same for Republicans. What could be more fair than that?
Look, the Democrats wanna rig Elections. But so do the Republicans. We know this. Voter ID helps make it harder for them to do that. It really is shocking so many oppose it.

I'm sorry, but I just do not agree. Harder? How, exactly?

We require ID's for all sorts of things in this country. Why do you think that is? Think about it for a bit, and then get back to us.

No, I've already thought about it and have concluded that Republicans can not be trusted to tell the truth about anything political.

They don't care about 20 votes that were deemed illegally cast in the entire state of Ohio, they care about gumming up the works in cities where a lot of citizens are too poor to make voting a high priority.

Pauly, I do appreciate that you are being civil in this thread.

Cabbie, I am a Conservative that often but not always votes Republican. I even vote Democrat on some issues and for some candidates.

But I cannot paint an entire population about an issue like you did on trust. You bring up Ohio, so you may be from there. I hear great things about your governor. Although you appear to be a Democrat, to you think he has done some good for that state?
Texas voter ID laws went after divorced women, a block who vote overwhelmingly democratic. Noticing that their middle names change when they divorce, the voter ID law now blocks their vote when their names on their driver licenses don't exactly match their registration.
RW's do it too, they just don't want anyone to know it so they won't tell you ...

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

According to those records, Monroe was considered by investigators to be the most prolific multiple voter in memory. He was a supporter of Gov. Scott Walker and state Sen. Alberta Darling, both Republicans, and allegedly cast five ballots in the June 2012 election in which Walker survived a recall challenge.
According to the John Doe records, Monroe claimed to have a form of temporary amnesia and did not recall the election day events when confronted by investigators.

amnesia, yeah that's it, RW's have AMNESIA !!
Texas voter ID laws went after divorced women, a block who vote overwhelmingly democratic. Noticing that their middle names change when they divorce, the voter ID law now blocks their vote when their names on their driver licenses don't exactly match their registration.
Why didn't it go after them when they got married and changed their name? Think I'd like to see a link.
Look, the Democrats wanna rig Elections. But so do the Republicans. We know this. Voter ID helps make it harder for them to do that. It really is shocking so many oppose it.

I'm sorry, but I just do not agree. Harder? How, exactly?

We require ID's for all sorts of things in this country. Why do you think that is? Think about it for a bit, and then get back to us.

No, I've already thought about it and have concluded that Republicans can not be trusted to tell the truth about anything political.

They don't care about 20 votes that were deemed illegally cast in the entire state of Ohio, they care about gumming up the works in cities where a lot of citizens are too poor to make voting a high priority.

Pauly, I do appreciate that you are being civil in this thread.


You need to think about it a bit more. Why do we require ID's for so many things in this Country? And you citing one possible incident of Election-rigging, doesn't mean much. Both Democrats and Republicans have been rigging Elections for many many years. But Voter ID does make it harder for them to do it.
That's an easy one. It makes it harder for them to rig Elections. Period, end of story.

That's it -- no explanation as to why? I love it! Stupid people unite!

Voter fraud is CURED by an ID card!!!!

They oppose it for the reason i stated. It's as simple as that.

They oppose it because It's a scam and you're too partisan to even notice.

Yes, sir!!!

How high, sir?
Why is ID required to cash a check?

I know the answer.

Now, put in "cast a ballot" in place of "cash a check".

And put "voter" in place of "check casher" in the answer.

My bank asks for ID to ensure that SOMEONE ELSE is not trying to cash MY check....not to make sure I am a law abiding citizen.

No, it wont eliminate voter fraud....and to be frank, voter fraud may be a minor problem, but by no means an election swaying problem.

However, there are millions of documented and undocumented individuals who live in the US...and millions more who travel to the US on a regular basis.

There is nothing wrong with insisting that those without the legal right or privilege to vote in our country to have to prove that they do have the right, if they want to vote.

Yes, you read that correctly...and if it doesn't make sense to you, read it again.

Voter ID is not for Americans to prove they have the right to vote. It is for non Americans to not try to get in on one of our sacred rights and privileges.
RW's do it too, they just don't want anyone to know it so they won't tell you ...

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

According to those records, Monroe was considered by investigators to be the most prolific multiple voter in memory. He was a supporter of Gov. Scott Walker and state Sen. Alberta Darling, both Republicans, and allegedly cast five ballots in the June 2012 election in which Walker survived a recall challenge.
According to the John Doe records, Monroe claimed to have a form of temporary amnesia and did not recall the election day events when confronted by investigators.

amnesia, yeah that's it, RW's have AMNESIA !!

Voter ID's would have stopped his antics. May he enjoy his time in jail.
That's an easy one. It makes it harder for them to rig Elections. Period, end of story.

That's it -- no explanation as to why? I love it! Stupid people unite!

Voter fraud is CURED by an ID card!!!!

They oppose it for the reason i stated. It's as simple as that.

They oppose it because It's a scam and you're too partisan to even notice.

Yes, sir!!!

How high, sir?
Why is ID required to cash a check?

I know the answer.

Now, put in "cast a ballot" in place of "cash a check".

And put "voter" in place of "check casher" in the answer.

No, it wont eliminate voter fraud....and to be frank, voter fraud may be a minor problem, but by no means an election swaying problem.

However, there are millions of documented and undocumented individuals who live in the US...and millions more who travel to the US on a regular basis.

There is nothing wrong with insisting that those without the legal right or privilege to vote in our country to have to prove that they do have the right, if they want to vote.

Yes, you read that correctly...and if it doesn't make sense to you, read it again.

Voter ID is not for Americans to prove they have the right to vote. It is for non Americans to not try to get in on one of our sacred rights and privileges.

Well said. Voter ID makes sense.
I have no problem with voter ID laws.

Unless they target a specific class of voters.

Since we all know that virtually every GOP voter ID proposal is clearly an attempt to target Democratic voters, I have a problem with that. The GOP is working hard to suppress voter turnout in order to enable a motivated minority to call all the shots.

I also have no doubt that Democrats are equally hard at work trying to suppress GOP turnout.

I eagerly await the day when enough voters wake up and smell the coffee. The two political parties are not interested in good government - they are only interested in promoting their own power.
I have no problem with voter ID laws.

Unless they target a specific class of voters.

Since we all know that virtually every GOP voter ID proposal is clearly an attempt to target Democratic voters, I have a problem with that. The GOP is working hard to suppress voter turnout in order to enable a motivated minority to call all the shots.

I also have no doubt that Democrats are equally hard at work trying to suppress GOP turnout.

I eagerly await the day when enough voters wake up and smell the coffee. The two political parties are not interested in good government - they are only interesting in promoting their own power.
Since both parties are trying to suppress turnout by thwarting the illegals voting, I'd call it a tie, wouldn't you?

One day, just maybe, both sides will say, for the sake of good government, let's just have citizens ( live ones ) vote for our laws and candidates! What a great thought!
Without a photo ID, how does the state verify that the person who shows up at a poll is who he says he is?
If the state cannot make this determination, how can the state protect the meaningful exercise of our right to vote?
Seeing as one can not get a job without an ID, maybe it would be a good idea to get an ID and therefore less of a chance of being poor and homeless.
Apples and Oranges Fallacy

Don't you people get tired of posting the same old tired fallacies?

P.S. Some of the people who don't have a current ID are retired.
It is not a fallacy. Saying it is apples and oranges is a cop out.
One needs an ID to get a job. I responded to the posters comment as to how many of the poor and homeless don't have ID. Sure, a small portion of those without ID are retired...but that does not address the overall majority of them without ID who are not working but not of retirement age.
As for the retired, the federal government can issue them an ID with their first social security check. Problem solved there.

ID requirements, in my opinion, should have nothing to do with the voter base, suppression of the vote, etc.

Voting in our country is a privilege. We get to vote for the local fire chief, our school board, our mayor, legislators, governors, senators, and President.

We, as voters, should APPRECIATE the NEED to prove you are a citizen in order to vote.

It is not unreasonable to require ID to vote. Democrats have found the debate as a way to make the GOP come across as racists.

You said "Voting in our country is a privilege."

It is not, it is a right.

I laugh at those people would talk about not registering a gun but have no problem with the general population being registered. Look at Germany in 1930, IDs were used to control the population, same in South Africa....

A number of European countries like UK and Ireland have no such ID because of government overreach, If you want big government then the first thing you need is a National ID card. But hey, if you want Germany and French type of big brother, go ahead...

When criminals start registering their guns you may have a point.
RW's do it too, they just don't want anyone to know it so they won't tell you ...

Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

According to those records, Monroe was considered by investigators to be the most prolific multiple voter in memory. He was a supporter of Gov. Scott Walker and state Sen. Alberta Darling, both Republicans, and allegedly cast five ballots in the June 2012 election in which Walker survived a recall challenge.
According to the John Doe records, Monroe claimed to have a form of temporary amnesia and did not recall the election day events when confronted by investigators.

amnesia, yeah that's it, RW's have AMNESIA !!

Voter ID's would have stopped his antics. May he enjoy his time in jail.

his antics didn't make much difference in the elections ... 13 votes in 5 elections... do the math ..

RW's insist on voter ID but will thy bitch about THE GOVERNMENT keeping track of their records or voter ID being an open door to spy on them ? ... those pesky drones will have their exact address any time big brother wants to check up on crackpot RW's ... voter ID, Gotcha !
I have no problem with voter ID laws.

Unless they target a specific class of voters.

Since we all know that virtually every GOP voter ID proposal is clearly an attempt to target Democratic voters, I have a problem with that. The GOP is working hard to suppress voter turnout in order to enable a motivated minority to call all the shots.

I also have no doubt that Democrats are equally hard at work trying to suppress GOP turnout.

I eagerly await the day when enough voters wake up and smell the coffee. The two political parties are not interested in good government - they are only interesting in promoting their own power.
Since both parties are trying to suppress turnout by thwarting the illegals voting, I'd call it a tie, wouldn't you?

One day, just maybe, both sides will say, for the sake of good government, let's just have citizens ( live ones ) vote for our laws and candidates! What a great thought!

NO, both sides are NOT trying to suppress turnout by stopping illegals from voting.
Republicans are trying to suppress Democratic turnout and Democrats are trying to suppress Republican turnout.

It has absolutely nothing to do with immigration status or being alive or dead. That is obvious to ANYONE who is really paying attention.
I have no problem with voter ID laws.

Unless they target a specific class of voters.

Since we all know that virtually every GOP voter ID proposal is clearly an attempt to target Democratic voters, I have a problem with that. The GOP is working hard to suppress voter turnout in order to enable a motivated minority to call all the shots.

I also have no doubt that Democrats are equally hard at work trying to suppress GOP turnout.

I eagerly await the day when enough voters wake up and smell the coffee. The two political parties are not interested in good government - they are only interesting in promoting their own power.
Since both parties are trying to suppress turnout by thwarting the illegals voting, I'd call it a tie, wouldn't you?

One day, just maybe, both sides will say, for the sake of good government, let's just have citizens ( live ones ) vote for our laws and candidates! What a great thought!

NO, both sides are NOT trying to suppress turnout by stopping illegals from voting.
Republicans are trying to suppress Democratic turnout and Democrats are trying to suppress Republican turnout.

It has absolutely nothing to do with immigration status or being alive or dead. That is obvious to ANYONE who is really paying attention.

Curious.....who is the bank trying to suppress...

One who wants to cash a check that is written to them...


One that is trying to cash a check that is not written to them.
You said "Voting in our country is a privilege."
It is not, it is a right.
Not entirely so. Your state grants you the privilege of voting for President. It need not do so.
I laugh at those people would talk about not registering a gun but have no problem with the general population being registered.
Who are these people? I haven't seen any.

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