Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID?

Then you are dumb as you look.
And how do you know what he looks like? What an inane comment. He was right.

I can tell by looking at his picture.

No he's not right. In the last decade, 34 states—including nearly a dozen since 2011—have enacted new or stricter voter-identification laws. If he was right then voter turn out would have decreased because fewer people would have acquired a voter ID, but research indicates turnout in recent years has increased.

Common sense seems to escape the leftards on this board.

Basically what Mad Dumbass is saying is that Democrats are not capable of acquiring a voter ID, he must think that democrats are either stupid, lazy or both and you obviously agree with him.

At least I post my picture. Are you one of those broke-back boys?

Ill take you on any day of the damn week on an adult intelligence quotiant test ... retard.

It's quotient not "quotiant" .....retard

Any thoughts on the actual thread, Einstein?

Yes and I posted them.

BTW, you also missed an apostrophe.

Tell me again how you would take me on any day of the damn week on an adult IQ test?
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Then you are dumb as you look.

You're kidding, right? Seriously....

No I'm serious. You are as dumb as you look.
It has already been proven that Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.

In fact, Voter ID proponents on this board are so retarded, they have actually posted cases of fraud as evidence of the need for Voter ID, and many of those cases they have cited were perpetrated in states which already have Voter ID!

It just does not get any more retarded than that.

The tards also post examples of real life absentee voter fraud as evidence of the need for Voter ID. It never penetrates their skulls that Voter ID cannot stop absentee ballot fraud.

Maybe you were one of them. I don't recall.
Every time you read of a case of voter fraud, ask your retarded selves, "How could Voter ID have prevented or stopped that?"

Eventually, it should sink in just how completely ineffective Voter ID is at accomplishing anything other than wasting taxpayer dollars and introducing more government obstacles in our lives.

What do we call people who advocate for wasteful spending and more government intrusion into our lives?

We call such people liberals.
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat,

How will it do that?

Thank you for the question.

People who don't drive (like poor people) generally don't even have an ID.

Blacks and Hispanics, other minorities and disabled or homeless people would not be permitted to vote.
Seeing as one can not get a job without an ID, maybe it would be a good idea to get an ID and therefore less of a chance of being poor and homeless.
voter ID ... irrelevant, and ineffective sums it up ..

irrelevant and ineffective, the RW republitard MO

Portage County veteran, 86, doesn't vote after VA identification card rejected at polls

A Portage County World War II veteran was turned away from a polling place this morning because his driver’s license had expired in January and his new Veterans Affairs ID did not include his home address.
“My beef is that I had to pay a driver to take me up there because I don’t walk so well and have to use this cane and now I can’t even vote,” said Paul Carroll, 86, who has lived in Aurora nearly 40 years, running his own business, Carroll Tire, until 1975.

A World War II veteran was denied his right to vote! Why wasn't Fox News all over this story? Why wasn't Sean Hannity? Why wasn't Rush Limbaugh?

Because it doesn't fit the idiotic Voter ID narrative.

“I had to stop driving, but I got the photo ID from the Veterans Affairs instead, just a month or so ago. You would think that would count for something.
I went to war for this country, but now I can’t vote in this country.”
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Then you are dumb as you look.

You're kidding, right? Seriously....

No I'm serious. You are as dumb as you look.
It has already been proven that Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur.

In fact, Voter ID proponents on this board are so retarded, they have actually posted cases of fraud as evidence of the need for Voter ID, and many of those cases they have cited were perpetrated in states which already have Voter ID!

It just does not get any more retarded than that.

The tards also post examples of real life absentee voter fraud as evidence of the need for Voter ID. It never penetrates their skulls that Voter ID cannot stop absentee ballot fraud.

Maybe you were one of them. I don't recall.

It doesn't stop people from voting multiple times? You have to show the proven evidence of that.

You have the case of Melowese Richardson in Ohio, who proudly proclaimed on video that she voted for President Obama 6 times, once for herself and 5 times for other people. She was recently embraced and congratulated for her efforts by Al Sharpton at a voting rights rally in Cincinnati.

Did Obama supporter vote 6 times in 2012 Ohio poll worker target of investigation Fox News

Federal law makes it a felony to vote more than once for President. In fact, 42 U.S.C. Section 1973i(e) subjects Richardson to twenty-five years in federal prison for her six votes for Obama.
The lack of DOJ action against an unrepentant federal vote fraudster combined with Richardson’s lionization by Sharpton and the organization that sponsored the rally demonstrates how the Justice Department is facilitating a culture of brazen criminality on the eve of the 2014 midterm elections. The failure to indict Richardson is the latest example of Holder’s department excusing lawlessness in federal elections and abandoning law abiding Americans.

Multiple People Indicted For Voting Multiple Times CBS Cleveland
Seeing as one can not get a job without an ID, maybe it would be a good idea to get an ID and therefore less of a chance of being poor and homeless.
Apples and Oranges Fallacy

Don't you people get tired of posting the same old tired fallacies?

P.S. Some of the people who don't have a current ID are retired.

How do they cash their retirement check without an ID? How can they receive any benefits without proving who they are?

As someone rightly pointed out, you need an ID for just about every aspect of life and to suggest a retired person doesn't have any form of ID is not only ridiculous but stupid.
Surely poll watchers in Chicago would be OK with an Indian voter ID.
An interesting dissection of what is really behind the Democrats obsession with voter ID's!

Lots of folks think Democrats oppose voter ID laws because they want to cheat and such laws interfere with their plans. That’s an attractive explanation, but it ignores the far more complex architecture of voter ID opposition. Here’s the real reasons Democrats oppose voter ID. Understanding these three reasons will help you decode the whole narrative behind voter ID. 1. Opposition to Voter ID Is a Base-Mobilization Tool. Simply, Democrats and civil rights groups spend millions of dollars opposing voter ID because they are trying to scare minority voters into thinking that Jim Crow is back. If Jim Crow is...

The PJ Tatler Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID
What is really going to hurt blacks are the new upcoming immigration policies, post election `14, but of course.

Senate Budget Committee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) told Breitbart News that black workers across America should be wary of supporting Democrats because of President Obama and other Democrats’ support for immigration policies that displace them economically.

"A nation owes its first obligation to its own citizens,” Sessions said in an emailed statement. “But our current immigration policy advantages the citizens of other countries over our own. Undeniably, one of the groups most hurt economically by unjust immigration policies are African-American citizens.”

Sessions points to a study that Harvard economist Dr. George Borjas published with the National Bureau of Economic Research in September 2006 that found that the employment rate of black men fell from 1960 to 2000—a timeframe during which immigration sharply increased, making it much more difficult for Americans, especially blacks, to find jobs. :more:

Exclusive -- Jeff Sessions Obama s Immigration Policies Hammer Black Workers
Seeing as one can not get a job without an ID, maybe it would be a good idea to get an ID and therefore less of a chance of being poor and homeless.
Apples and Oranges Fallacy

Don't you people get tired of posting the same old tired fallacies?

P.S. Some of the people who don't have a current ID are retired.
It is not a fallacy. Saying it is apples and oranges is a cop out.
One needs an ID to get a job. I responded to the posters comment as to how many of the poor and homeless don't have ID. Sure, a small portion of those without ID are retired...but that does not address the overall majority of them without ID who are not working but not of retirement age.
As for the retired, the federal government can issue them an ID with their first social security check. Problem solved there.

ID requirements, in my opinion, should have nothing to do with the voter base, suppression of the vote, etc.

Voting in our country is a privilege. We get to vote for the local fire chief, our school board, our mayor, legislators, governors, senators, and President.

We, as voters, should APPRECIATE the NEED to prove you are a citizen in order to vote.

It is not unreasonable to require ID to vote. Democrats have found the debate as a way to make the GOP come across as racists.
Portage County veteran, 86, doesn't vote after VA identification card rejected at polls

A Portage County World War II veteran was turned away from a polling place this morning because his driver’s license had expired in January and his new Veterans Affairs ID did not include his home address.
“My beef is that I had to pay a driver to take me up there because I don’t walk so well and have to use this cane and now I can’t even vote,” said Paul Carroll, 86, who has lived in Aurora nearly 40 years, running his own business, Carroll Tire, until 1975.

A World War II veteran was denied his right to vote! Why wasn't Fox News all over this story? Why wasn't Sean Hannity? Why wasn't Rush Limbaugh?

Because it doesn't fit the idiotic Voter ID narrative.

“I had to stop driving, but I got the photo ID from the Veterans Affairs instead, just a month or so ago. You would think that would count for something.
I went to war for this country, but now I can’t vote in this country.”

You liberals are as dishonest as the day is long.

This man was given the opportunity to vote and he refused.
Seeing as one can not get a job without an ID, maybe it would be a good idea to get an ID and therefore less of a chance of being poor and homeless.
Apples and Oranges Fallacy

Don't you people get tired of posting the same old tired fallacies?

P.S. Some of the people who don't have a current ID are retired.
It is not a fallacy. Saying it is apples and oranges is a cop out.
One needs an ID to get a job. I responded to the posters comment as to how many of the poor and homeless don't have ID. Sure, a small portion of those without ID are retired...but that does not address the overall majority of them without ID who are not working but not of retirement age.
As for the retired, the federal government can issue them an ID with their first social security check. Problem solved there.

ID requirements, in my opinion, should have nothing to do with the voter base, suppression of the vote, etc.

Voting in our country is a privilege. We get to vote for the local fire chief, our school board, our mayor, legislators, governors, senators, and President.

We, as voters, should APPRECIATE the NEED to prove you are a citizen in order to vote.

It is not unreasonable to require ID to vote. Democrats have found the debate as a way to make the GOP come across as racists.

You said "Voting in our country is a privilege."

It is not, it is a right.

I laugh at those people would talk about not registering a gun but have no problem with the general population being registered. Look at Germany in 1930, IDs were used to control the population, same in South Africa....

A number of European countries like UK and Ireland have no such ID because of government overreach, If you want big government then the first thing you need is a National ID card. But hey, if you want Germany and French type of big brother, go ahead...
Portage County veteran, 86, doesn't vote after VA identification card rejected at polls

A Portage County World War II veteran was turned away from a polling place this morning because his driver’s license had expired in January and his new Veterans Affairs ID did not include his home address.
“My beef is that I had to pay a driver to take me up there because I don’t walk so well and have to use this cane and now I can’t even vote,” said Paul Carroll, 86, who has lived in Aurora nearly 40 years, running his own business, Carroll Tire, until 1975.

A World War II veteran was denied his right to vote! Why wasn't Fox News all over this story? Why wasn't Sean Hannity? Why wasn't Rush Limbaugh?

Because it doesn't fit the idiotic Voter ID narrative.

“I had to stop driving, but I got the photo ID from the Veterans Affairs instead, just a month or so ago. You would think that would count for something.
I went to war for this country, but now I can’t vote in this country.”

You liberals are as dishonest as the day is long.

This man was given the opportunity to vote and he refused.

You mean refused because a law Ohio Governor John Kasich (R) enacted.

Reap what you sow...

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