Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID?

WikiLeaks: Indian politicians 'bought votes with cash tucked inside newspapers'
Indian political leaders admitted widespread electoral corruption and told American diplomats how they had bought votes with cash tucked inside morning newspapers, according to cables disclosed by WikiLeaks.

Yup, that voter ID stuff is FOOLproof.
Here the going price the Dems pay is a two piece box of Southern Classic Fried Chicken and a 40oz Bull.
Conservatives are always crowing about their devotion to the original intent of the founders...

...what did the founders say about the requirement of photo ID?
The founders left it up to the states to run elections.

They'd be fine with a state requiring or not requiring voter ID.

Funny every 18 year old male, poor or not, had to have and could easily get a draft card back in the day.

No problem with anybody having a voter ID; it could be taken care of when you register.
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Yet Obama plans on producing Greencards for as many as 34 million illegals.

These are a positive form of identification, which is essentially what voter I.D. laws require.

Sort of hypocritical, don't you think?

If he was so worried about voters suppression, why can't he do the same for any minorities he thinks don't have a identification card of any kind? As silly as this may seem, there might be somebody in a mental hospital or rest home that don't have them. Everyone else needs one just to function in America.
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Then you are dumb as you look.
And how do you know what he looks like? What an inane comment. He was right.

I can tell by looking at his picture.

No he's not right. In the last decade, 34 states—including nearly a dozen since 2011—have enacted new or stricter voter-identification laws. If he was right then voter turn out would have decreased because fewer people would have acquired a voter ID, but research indicates turnout in recent years has increased.

Common sense seems to escape the leftards on this board.

Basically what Mad Dumbass is saying is that Democrats are not capable of acquiring a voter ID, he must think that democrats are either stupid, lazy or both and you obviously agree with him.
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Yet Obama plans on producing Greencards for as many as 34 million illegals.

These are a positive form of identification, which is essentially what voter I.D. laws require.

Sort of hypocritical, don't you think?

If he was so worried about voters suppression, why can't he do the same for any minorities he thinks don't have a identification card of any kind? As silly as this may seem, there might be somebody in a mental hospital or rest home that don't have them. Everyone else needs one just to function in America.

I wouldn't worry about this... the US will neck deep in violent civil war within a decade... that will sort most of this out.

At the end of that, you will not be able to find an advocate of collectivism for a thousand miles in any direction of the United States.
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Then you are dumb as you look.
And how do you know what he looks like? What an inane comment. He was right.

I can tell by looking at his picture.

No he's not right. In the last decade, 34 states—including nearly a dozen since 2011—have enacted new or stricter voter-identification laws. If he was right then voter turn out would have decreased because fewer people would have acquired a voter ID, but research indicates turnout in recent years has increased.

Common sense seems to escape the leftards on this board.

Basically what Mad Dumbass is saying is that Democrats are not capable of acquiring a voter ID, he must think that democrats are either stupid, lazy or both and you obviously agree with him.

At least I post my picture. Are you one of those broke-back boys?

Ill take you on any day of the damn week on an adult intelligence quotiant test ... retard.
Democrats oppose verifying their identity in order to assure the integrity of the election, because their intention is to defraud the election.

Such is the nature of evil.

What??? You have proof of this, of course?

Yes... I have proof. And the proof is in their actions, wherein they (Democrats, OKA: The proponents of Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principles) refuse to take personal responsibility to defend the integrity of the election process.

Do you feel that we reasonably need more evidence than that?

If so... based upon what?

So ... How many cases of voter fraud transpired during the last election?

That would be a more relevant question.
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Then you are dumb as you look.

You're kidding, right? Seriously....
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Then you are dumb as you look.
And how do you know what he looks like? What an inane comment. He was right.

I can tell by looking at his picture.

No he's not right. In the last decade, 34 states—including nearly a dozen since 2011—have enacted new or stricter voter-identification laws. If he was right then voter turn out would have decreased because fewer people would have acquired a voter ID, but research indicates turnout in recent years has increased.

Common sense seems to escape the leftards on this board.

Basically what Mad Dumbass is saying is that Democrats are not capable of acquiring a voter ID, he must think that democrats are either stupid, lazy or both and you obviously agree with him.

At least I post my picture. Are you one of those broke-back boys?

Ill take you on any day of the damn week on an adult intelligence quotiant test ... retard.

It's quotient not "quotiant" .....retard
An interesting dissection of what is really behind the Democrats obsession with voter ID's!

Lots of folks think Democrats oppose voter ID laws because they want to cheat and such laws interfere with their plans. That’s an attractive explanation, but it ignores the far more complex architecture of voter ID opposition. Here’s the real reasons Democrats oppose voter ID. Understanding these three reasons will help you decode the whole narrative behind voter ID. 1. Opposition to Voter ID Is a Base-Mobilization Tool. Simply, Democrats and civil rights groups spend millions of dollars opposing voter ID because they are trying to scare minority voters into thinking that Jim Crow is back. If Jim Crow is...

The PJ Tatler Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID
Wow! Talk about psychological projection!

Voter ID proponents are the ones who are obsessed about Voter ID. They are the ones who use it as a base mobilization tool. "Dead illegal Ebola-laden darkies are voting by the millions!"
1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Then you are dumb as you look.

You're kidding, right? Seriously....

No I'm serious. You are as dumb as you look.
An interesting dissection of what is really behind the Democrats obsession with voter ID's!

Lots of folks think Democrats oppose voter ID laws because they want to cheat and such laws interfere with their plans. That’s an attractive explanation, but it ignores the far more complex architecture of voter ID opposition. Here’s the real reasons Democrats oppose voter ID. Understanding these three reasons will help you decode the whole narrative behind voter ID. 1. Opposition to Voter ID Is a Base-Mobilization Tool. Simply, Democrats and civil rights groups spend millions of dollars opposing voter ID because they are trying to scare minority voters into thinking that Jim Crow is back. If Jim Crow is...

The PJ Tatler Why Do Democrats Oppose Voter ID
Wow! Talk about psychological projection!

Voter ID proponents are the ones who are obsessed about Voter ID. They are the ones who use it as a base mobilization tool. "Dead illegal Ebola-laden darkies are voting by the millions!"

1) I think that forcing people to produce a picture ID will NOT eliminate voter fraud or even curtail it.

2) It will mostly serve to reduce the amount of voters who would normally vote democrat, thus giving me great pause as to the actual motivations central to this issue.

3) I believe that most dems have taken up this issue because they understand that it is being used as a tool by the right to shrink the dem voter base.

Then you are dumb as you look.
And how do you know what he looks like? What an inane comment. He was right.

I can tell by looking at his picture.

No he's not right. In the last decade, 34 states—including nearly a dozen since 2011—have enacted new or stricter voter-identification laws. If he was right then voter turn out would have decreased because fewer people would have acquired a voter ID, but research indicates turnout in recent years has increased.

Common sense seems to escape the leftards on this board.

Basically what Mad Dumbass is saying is that Democrats are not capable of acquiring a voter ID, he must think that democrats are either stupid, lazy or both and you obviously agree with him.

At least I post my picture. Are you one of those broke-back boys?

Ill take you on any day of the damn week on an adult intelligence quotiant test ... retard.

It's quotient not "quotiant" .....retard

OK Mrs Crabtree.

Any thoughts on the actual thread, Einstein?

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