Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

You still haven't provided any evidence of outrage.

No biggie. Just another lie.

And you right wingers in this thread have provided no proof that democrats trivialize the threat of RADICAL islam.

No biggie. Just another lie.

Thanks for playing.
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Good grief, you are unremittingly moronic.
Quite the insecure lil' Napoleon, no doubt about it.

Watch, here it comes!:cool:

Aww look at the troll who still lacks the integrity to address or even comment on his own standard of lying and how it applies to him. LOL

It's kind of like that time on the old msnbc message boards where you tried to blame obama for the drop in the stock market that began before he was even elected. You ran away from that one after being called out too.
Oh and remember that thread that you started where you actually bragged about "keeping track" of the stock market and were laughed at when the market steadilly increased almost every week?? It seemed like every week someone would post asking where you were since you claimed to be "keeping track" and you were nowhere to be found. LOL

Oh well, running away from your own words is nothing new for you so it's no surprise that you continue the trend even on a new board. LOL
What a bizarre post.

The greatest threat to America is the Republican Party.

They created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Spending had nothing to do with it, huh?

This effectively transferred $13 trillion dollars from the middle class taxpayer to the rich.

Good god but you are retarded.

Thanks for reminding me.

I forgot about the two useless wars that cost us trillions of dollars.
You still haven't provided any evidence of outrage.

No biggie. Just another lie.

You know who you are. Quite simple, actually.
Yeah....Now, put up the evidence. Show even one poster on this board who stated they are disappointed........Just one, Bodey.

Surely, you didn't start a thread based on a lie, now did you?

I mean, you wouldn't start a thread and then lie, like you have all over this thread, now would you?
You still haven't provided any evidence of outrage.

No biggie. Just another lie.

You know who you are. Quite simple, actually.
Yeah....Now, put up the evidence. Show even one poster on this board who stated they are disappointed........Just one, Bodey.

Surely, you didn't start a thread based on a lie, now did you?

I mean, you wouldn't start a thread and then lie, like you have all over this thread, now would you?

They know who they are....hint: they are squealing like pigs over this.
You know who you are. Quite simple, actually.
Yeah....Now, put up the evidence. Show even one poster on this board who stated they are disappointed........Just one, Bodey.

Surely, you didn't start a thread based on a lie, now did you?

I mean, you wouldn't start a thread and then lie, like you have all over this thread, now would you?

They know who they are....hint: they are squealing like pigs over this.
I see no one sqealing like pigs.......I see people calling for you to back up your shit with real evidence.

Sooooooo, I assume you can do just that.

Now, go and show us even one example to back up your claim.

C'mon now. Drlilnapoleon, yourself, and a couple of other idiotic lib's up here are looking awfully bad in this thread.........Just one twist and lie after another.......Surely you can break that chain, and at least make yourself look a lil' less like a complete liberal idiot.

C'mon Bodey.......Give us that evidence, please.
Yeah....Now, put up the evidence. Show even one poster on this board who stated they are disappointed........Just one, Bodey.

Surely, you didn't start a thread based on a lie, now did you?

I mean, you wouldn't start a thread and then lie, like you have all over this thread, now would you?

They know who they are....hint: they are squealing like pigs over this.
I see no one sqealing like pigs.......I see people calling for you to back up your shit with real evidence.

Sooooooo, I assume you can do just that.

Now, go and show us even one example to back up your claim.

C'mon now. Drlilnapoleon, yourself, and a couple of other idiotic lib's up here are looking awfully bad in this thread.........Just one twist and lie after another.......Surely you can break that chain, and at least make yourself look a lil' less like a complete liberal idiot.

C'mon Bodey.......Give us that evidence, please.

LOL It's hilarious how you are still trying to change the subject even as you run away from your own words and standard that shows you to be a LIAR and a hypocrite.

Tell us again how offering an interpretation of what another poster said is a lie even as you offer your own interpretation of what bod said. LOL

BTW the implication of OP of this thread still remains unproven so when are you going to start proving that "democrats trivialize the threat from RADICAL islam"? LOL
They know who they are....hint: they are squealing like pigs over this.
I see no one sqealing like pigs.......I see people calling for you to back up your shit with real evidence.

Sooooooo, I assume you can do just that.

Now, go and show us even one example to back up your claim.

C'mon now. Drlilnapoleon, yourself, and a couple of other idiotic lib's up here are looking awfully bad in this thread.........Just one twist and lie after another.......Surely you can break that chain, and at least make yourself look a lil' less like a complete liberal idiot.

C'mon Bodey.......Give us that evidence, please.

LOL It's hilarious how you are still trying to change the subject even as you run away from your own words and standard that shows you to be a LIAR and a hypocrite.

Tell us again how offering an interpretation of what another poster said is a lie even as you offer your own interpretation of what bod said. LOL

BTW the implication of OP of this thread still remains unproven so when are you going to start proving that "democrats trivialize the threat from RADICAL islam"? LOL
Shut up, Bitch........Nobody's talking to you.....You're useless, except for slappin' around.
I see no one sqealing like pigs.......I see people calling for you to back up your shit with real evidence.

Sooooooo, I assume you can do just that.

Now, go and show us even one example to back up your claim.

C'mon now. Drlilnapoleon, yourself, and a couple of other idiotic lib's up here are looking awfully bad in this thread.........Just one twist and lie after another.......Surely you can break that chain, and at least make yourself look a lil' less like a complete liberal idiot.

C'mon Bodey.......Give us that evidence, please.

LOL It's hilarious how you are still trying to change the subject even as you run away from your own words and standard that shows you to be a LIAR and a hypocrite.

Tell us again how offering an interpretation of what another poster said is a lie even as you offer your own interpretation of what bod said. LOL

BTW the implication of OP of this thread still remains unproven so when are you going to start proving that "democrats trivialize the threat from RADICAL islam"? LOL
Shut up, Bitch........Nobody's talking to you.....You're useless, except for slappin' around.

Oh my yes....we can see your worth, Wicked.
LOL It's hilarious how you are still trying to change the subject even as you run away from your own words and standard that shows you to be a LIAR and a hypocrite.

Tell us again how offering an interpretation of what another poster said is a lie even as you offer your own interpretation of what bod said. LOL

BTW the implication of OP of this thread still remains unproven so when are you going to start proving that "democrats trivialize the threat from RADICAL islam"? LOL
Shut up, Bitch........Nobody's talking to you.....You're useless, except for slappin' around.

Oh my yes....we can see your worth, Wicked.

And yours, Bod.

Again I ask...who, exactly, is squealing and disappointed that bin Ladin is dead?

Shut up, Bitch........Nobody's talking to you.....You're useless, except for slappin' around.

Oh my yes....we can see your worth, Wicked.

And yours, Bod.

Again I ask...who, exactly, is squealing and disappointed that bin Ladin is dead?


Is the disgusting, filthy, dishonorable, lying troll Bode STILL pushing that tired old lie without bothering to show a SINGLE example of a poster who is sad that Bin Laden is dead?
I see no one sqealing like pigs.......I see people calling for you to back up your shit with real evidence.

Sooooooo, I assume you can do just that.

Now, go and show us even one example to back up your claim.

C'mon now. Drlilnapoleon, yourself, and a couple of other idiotic lib's up here are looking awfully bad in this thread.........Just one twist and lie after another.......Surely you can break that chain, and at least make yourself look a lil' less like a complete liberal idiot.

C'mon Bodey.......Give us that evidence, please.

LOL It's hilarious how you are still trying to change the subject even as you run away from your own words and standard that shows you to be a LIAR and a hypocrite.

Tell us again how offering an interpretation of what another poster said is a lie even as you offer your own interpretation of what bod said. LOL

BTW the implication of OP of this thread still remains unproven so when are you going to start proving that "democrats trivialize the threat from RADICAL islam"? LOL
Shut up, Bitch........Nobody's talking to you.....You're useless, except for slappin' around.

LOL says the hack who called himself a liar but was too stupid to understand it. LOL

Tell us again how offering an interpretation of what another poster said is a lie even as you offer your own interpretation of what bod said. LOL

BTW the implication of OP of this thread still remains unproven so when are you going to start proving that "democrats trivialize the threat from RADICAL islam"? LOL
Oh my yes....we can see your worth, Wicked.

And yours, Bod.

Again I ask...who, exactly, is squealing and disappointed that bin Ladin is dead?


They know who they are. You can tell because they still harp on it. It's so upsetting they just keep on and on about it.

Who's harping on it, name names ..............

and show quotes to prove it. Believe me , I want to condemn anyone who is sad that that piece of shit is dead. Help me figure out who to condemn.
LOL It's hilarious how you are still trying to change the subject even as you run away from your own words and standard that shows you to be a LIAR and a hypocrite.

Tell us again how offering an interpretation of what another poster said is a lie even as you offer your own interpretation of what bod said. LOL

BTW the implication of OP of this thread still remains unproven so when are you going to start proving that "democrats trivialize the threat from RADICAL islam"? LOL
Shut up, Bitch........Nobody's talking to you.....You're useless, except for slappin' around.

Oh my yes....we can see your worth, Wicked.

To quote shakespeare

He is an idiot whose tale is "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
And yours, Bod.

Again I ask...who, exactly, is squealing and disappointed that bin Ladin is dead?


They know who they are. You can tell because they still harp on it. It's so upsetting they just keep on and on about it.

Who's harping on it, name names ..............

and show quotes to prove it. Believe me , I want to condemn anyone who is sad that that piece of shit is dead. Help me figure out who to condemn.

You shall know them by their obsessive not letting go weeks later. :eusa_shhh: (along with a dash of "who? us?)
Shut up, Bitch........Nobody's talking to you.....You're useless, except for slappin' around.

Oh my yes....we can see your worth, Wicked.

And yours, Bod.

Again I ask...who, exactly, is squealing and disappointed that bin Ladin is dead?


One can easilly argue that those who refuse to give this CiC credit for the kill, when the right gave W the credit for capturing saddam and keeping us safe for 7 years when he did none of the guard duty and was not the person who pulled saddam from the spider hole, are a bit disappointed that it happened on obama's watch. They know that he will gain politically from that and a bunch of party first republicans would refuse to give obama credit rather than see him gain from bin ladens death because obama was the CiC who made the call.

If he had died on a republican president's watch you can bet they would be giddy at the thought of it. However, because it happened on the watch of a democrat whom they despise it's pretty obvious that the right is not happy about the timing.

Edit: I was looking back through the beginning of the "bin laden is DEAD, thread from hell" and I do find it hilarious how many rightwingers were in there arguing that it shouldn't be politicized and that the troops deserve the credit and yet a lot of them are the same ones that I see arguing that W deserves the credit over intelligence gained from "enhnaced interrogation techniques" aka torture. LOL
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