Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Did you listen to his speech????

Did you read the history of Palestine from 1917 to 1947?!?!?!

There's no such thing as Palestine. Never has been.........There are no people know as Palestinians. Never has been.

They are Jordanian squatters, who's own country does not want their sorry asses. And for good reason.

The Palestine Mandate

The Council of the League of Nations:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and

ART. 7.

The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.

Time for another Camp David- buy them off...A port for Gaza, a tunnel to the West Bank, and buy half the settlements, easy mortgages for palestinians, A Holy Land theme park in Jerusalem run by Norwegians, and 2 billion a year each...MUCH CHEAPER than this...
As we all know, once something is claimed in the name of Islam, it is considered forever and always theirs.
How does that go: you know who you are ....

Review time:
Sharia law is being demanded in demonstrations in: Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Bahrain, Jordon, Syria, Yemen, and more. The press is touting the overthrowing of these governments as "democratic", even though when real reporting is done, it seems that one dictator is being replaced by another (chosen by the muslim brotherhood)

Christians and Jews are being selectively tortured, raped and killed in most of those places. This is not reported by the 'mainstream' media (mostly democrats)

Hundreds of young muslim women are being "honor killed" by their families in India. You will not find the president speaking to the ME muslims in their countries about this

Osama Bin Laden is being touted as a martyr with muslims burning USA flags and demanding revenge. This is being played down by the dems in politics and the 'mainstream' media, by saying that all that intel (collected from Osama's "mansion") will stop that

Muslims are trying to "peacefully" walk into Israel (so they can kill them all), to demand land that they deserted decades ago. The mainstream media is supporting those that would kill every Jew in Israel and the ME (isn't that genocide?)

Muslims (two arrested in Florida) in this country are supporting terrorists groups and trying to end the Republic of the USA. The media is reporting this as a 'language barrier' problem, without vocalizing that intent could actually match the words.

Drug cartels in Mexico and Central America are using islamic terrorists' methods to silence enemies. Again, you have to dig thru alternate media to discover the amount of islamic items that are being left on the border.[/COLOR]

Iran is working with Venezuela for missile bases located in South America. This was mentioned, but I did not see anything mentioning these missiles would be in striking range of the Continental USA.

There is more evidence (prayer rugs & qurans) found on the southern USA border. Simple contemplation would point to muslims illegally entering this country (I am sure they are looking to do jobs that Americans will not do, such as .... mass murder).

Not all muslims are doing this. The major portion of these problems are caused by muslims (extremists, terrorists, or what ever else you want to call them). Why do dems want to "tolerate" a political system that has NO tolerance for anyone else? If the KKK called themselves the 'new islamic brotherhood', would you have a problem with them, then? At what point do you say: your spirituality is free; you political system is poison and will only pollute the entire population of the world?

Update: Our President is now calling for Israel to cooperate with the terrorist organization, Hamas, and to "trust" them with the border security for Israel. Obama has mislead the public by implying the pre 1967 borders would be acceptable to Israel. I can think of no more blatant example of dems trivializing muslim extremists. The Israeli Prime Minister had to publicly, correct the President.

I will use the KKK analogy again. If a group that "hates" everyone that doesn't belong to it, and "lynches" any that believe differently (when they can catch them in a defenseless position, the cowards), will you support them if "muslim" is used in the name?


No the President has not called for a return to the pre 6 day war borders in 1967. Nor has he ever implied it. The US's position on the Israeli/Palestine border has not change since GWB was in office.

The Israeli PM implied that President Obama did say the above, but since we have recording devices we know what was said.

It is Faux outrage made up by the right for the righties who simply do not check the facts. If you're outraged, better check the facts of what our President said.
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How does that go: you know who you are ....

Review time:
Sharia law is being demanded in demonstrations in: Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Bahrain, Jordon, Syria, Yemen, and more. The press is touting the overthrowing of these governments as "democratic", even though when real reporting is done, it seems that one dictator is being replaced by another (chosen by the muslim brotherhood)

Christians and Jews are being selectively tortured, raped and killed in most of those places. This is not reported by the 'mainstream' media (mostly democrats)

Hundreds of young muslim women are being "honor killed" by their families in India. You will not find the president speaking to the ME muslims in their countries about this

Osama Bin Laden is being touted as a martyr with muslims burning USA flags and demanding revenge. This is being played down by the dems in politics and the 'mainstream' media, by saying that all that intel (collected from Osama's "mansion") will stop that

Muslims are trying to "peacefully" walk into Israel (so they can kill them all), to demand land that they deserted decades ago. The mainstream media is supporting those that would kill every Jew in Israel and the ME (isn't that genocide?)

Muslims (two arrested in Florida) in this country are supporting terrorists groups and trying to end the Republic of the USA. The media is reporting this as a 'language barrier' problem, without vocalizing that intent could actually match the words.

Drug cartels in Mexico and Central America are using islamic terrorists' methods to silence enemies. Again, you have to dig thru alternate media to discover the amount of islamic items that are being left on the border.[/COLOR]

Iran is working with Venezuela for missile bases located in South America. This was mentioned, but I did not see anything mentioning these missiles would be in striking range of the Continental USA.

There is more evidence (prayer rugs & qurans) found on the southern USA border. Simple contemplation would point to muslims illegally entering this country (I am sure they are looking to do jobs that Americans will not do, such as .... mass murder).

Not all muslims are doing this. The major portion of these problems are caused by muslims (extremists, terrorists, or what ever else you want to call them). Why do dems want to "tolerate" a political system that has NO tolerance for anyone else? If the KKK called themselves the 'new islamic brotherhood', would you have a problem with them, then? At what point do you say: your spirituality is free; you political system is poison and will only pollute the entire population of the world?

Update: Our President is now calling for Israel to cooperate with the terrorist organization, Hamas, and to "trust" them with the border security for Israel. Obama has mislead the public by implying the pre 1967 borders would be acceptable to Israel. I can think of no more blatant example of dems trivializing muslim extremists. The Israeli Prime Minister had to publicly, correct the President.

I will use the KKK analogy again. If a group that "hates" everyone that doesn't belong to it, and "lynches" any that believe differently (when they can catch them in a defenseless position, the cowards), will you support them if "muslim" is used in the name?


No the President has not called for a return to the pre 6 day war borders in 1967. Nor has he ever implied it. The US's position on the Israeli/Palestine border has not change since GWB was in office.

The Israeli PM implied that President Obama did say the above, but since we have recording devices we know what was said.

It is Faux outrage made up by the right for the righties who simply do not check the facts. If you're outraged, better check the facts of what our President said.
Yeah, that's why Netanyahu basically told him to stick it, and then gave that boy a history lesson afterwards.

Look, it happened. It's not going away. And it surely won't be the last time Obama will be schooled by a TRUE leader between now and November of next year.

It is what it is!
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

the war on terror is a distraction - the real war in america is against this communist demokrat party - and jews have voted communist demokrat by 87% since the 30s
What a dumbass.. If this person can be a congressmen anybody can.:cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBAmPxSI8bo]YouTube - ‪Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Likens Islamic Radicals to 'Christian Militants' in U.S.‬‏[/ame]
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The anti-Christian bigotry in the liberal mindset drives them to coddle and embrace any religion other than Christianity. They despise the Founder's intent of this nation's laws following Judeo-Christian principle and have for decades tried to rewrite the Constitution as well as revise history in order to erase any and all vestiges of God. The latest attempt was NBC intentionally editing out, "One nation under God." Liberalism is a cult, a form of religion.. the Anti-God religion and party. If it's vile, mocks God and his word the left loves it. eg.. Abortion, homosexuality, throwing prayer out of school, so on and so on.
Liberals are just dumb people and evil people in various levels. They think they can talk with bad people to change their minds or they actually think befriending terrorists and their supporters will get them votes in the end from the muslim community.

They are dumb enough to believe their own lies and shit.
How does that go: you know who you are ....

Update: Our President is now calling for Israel to cooperate with the terrorist organization, Hamas, and to "trust" them with the border security for Israel. Obama has mislead the public by implying the pre 1967 borders would be acceptable to Israel. I can think of no more blatant example of dems trivializing muslim extremists. The Israeli Prime Minister had to publicly, correct the President.

I will use the KKK analogy again. If a group that "hates" everyone that doesn't belong to it, and "lynches" any that believe differently (when they can catch them in a defenseless position, the cowards), will you support them if "muslim" is used in the name?


No the President has not called for a return to the pre 6 day war borders in 1967. Nor has he ever implied it. The US's position on the Israeli/Palestine border has not change since GWB was in office.

The Israeli PM implied that President Obama did say the above, but since we have recording devices we know what was said.

It is Faux outrage made up by the right for the righties who simply do not check the facts. If you're outraged, better check the facts of what our President said.
Yeah, that's why Netanyahu basically told him to stick it, and then gave that boy a history lesson afterwards.

Look, it happened. It's not going away. And it surely won't be the last time Obama will be schooled by a TRUE leader between now and November of next year.

It is what it is!

their has never been any Palestine or Palestinians and their will never be any Palestine.
Israel will never be divided not a damn thing Ochamberlain can do about
their has never been any Palestine or Palestinians and their will never be any Palestine.
Israel will never be divided not a damn thing Ochamberlain can do about
their has never been any Palestine or Palestinians and their will never be any Palestine.
Israel will never be divided not a damn thing Ochamberlain can do about

It's the thread that will never die.

Beg to differ.

The mandates for Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine were assigned by the Supreme Court of the League of Nations at its San Remo meeting in April 1920. Negotiations between Great Britain and the United States with regard to the Palestine mandate were successfully concluded in May 1922, and approved by the Council of the League of Nations in July 1922. The mandates for Palestine and Syria came into force simultaneously on September 29, 1922. In this document, the League of Nations recognized the "historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine" and the "grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country

Modern History Sourcebook: League of Nations: The Mandate for Palestine, July 24, 1922

Just to be clear, the intent was to create a Jewish National Home inside Palestine as Palestinian citizens. Kinda hard for them to make that call if Palestine didn't exist isn't it?
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The mandates for Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine were assigned by the Supreme Court of the League of Nations at its San Remo meeting in April 1920.

What have you done for the Mesopotamian people? Have you demanded "Mesopotamia for Mesopotamians?" Do you donate to the "Mesopotamian Liberation Organization?"

(You might want to clean the blood up - seems you've shot yourself in the foot....)
The mandates for Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine were assigned by the Supreme Court of the League of Nations at its San Remo meeting in April 1920.

What have you done for the Mesopotamian people? Have you demanded "Mesopotamia for Mesopotamians?" Do you donate to the "Mesopotamian Liberation Organization?"

(You might want to clean the blood up - seems you've shot yourself in the foot....)

That mandate (mesopotamina) was for the area we now know as Iraq.

The MLO was kinda funny.

But it was even funnier that you didn't know it was Iraq.

And here I was all set to clean up all the blood and brain matter after you shot yourself in the head up there, but much to my amazement, there was no brain matter at all.

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