Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

C'mon Bodey......Put up that evidence.

You're lookin' awfully bad again up here....Just more lies, no evidence.

It's been a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD week for you on this board, Bodey.......At least TRY and salvage some digninty from the ashes.

A lil' evidence to back up your claim would be a good start.
They know who they are. You can tell because they still harp on it. It's so upsetting they just keep on and on about it.

Who's harping on it, name names ..............

and show quotes to prove it. Believe me , I want to condemn anyone who is sad that that piece of shit is dead. Help me figure out who to condemn.

You shall know them by their obsessive not letting go weeks later. :eusa_shhh: (along with a dash of "who? us?)
Nooooooooo, it doesn't work that way, Bodey.......Give up the posts and prove yourself.

C'mon, i'm bored.......Give me some fuckers to go hammer.......I want posts, and posters.

I mean shit, it's been a good day......Watching Netanyahu school Obama's ass was beyond entertaining but, now i'm bored.......Give up the posts!
C'mon Bodey......Put up that evidence.

You're lookin' awfully bad again up here....Just more lies, no evidence.

It's been a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD week for you on this board, Bodey.......At least TRY and salvage some digninty from the ashes.

A lil' evidence to back up your claim would be a good start.

Dude don't even try it. Even if he posted them you would disappear and come back days later asking for them again.

After all that is what you did in this thread so it would be no surprise that you would continue the same trend on a different subject.

Or perhaps I will take your position on logical's arguments and demand that you "look them up" as he demanded that I do for his offtopic argument that you backed him up on?

So who should provide the proof?? Does the author of the claim have to provide the proof?? If that is the case then you should demand that logical provide the the substance to support his argument instead of demanding that I look it up. LOL

Damn you morons are so contradictory. LOL
Oh my yes....we can see your worth, Wicked.

And yours, Bod.

Again I ask...who, exactly, is squealing and disappointed that bin Ladin is dead?


One can easilly argue that those who refuse to give this CiC credit for the kill, when the right gave W the credit for capturing saddam and keeping us safe for 7 years when he did none of the guard duty and was not the person who pulled saddam from the spider hole, are a bit disappointed that it happened on obama's watch. They know that he will gain politically from that and a bunch of party first republicans would refuse to give obama credit rather than see him gain from bin ladens death because obama was the CiC who made the call.

If he had died on a republican president's watch you can bet they would be giddy at the thought of it. However, because it happened on the watch of a democrat whom they despise it's pretty obvious that the right is not happy about the timing.

Edit: I was looking back through the beginning of the "bin laden is DEAD, thread from hell" and I do find it hilarious how many rightwingers were in there arguing that it shouldn't be politicized and that the troops deserve the credit and yet a lot of them are the same ones that I see arguing that W deserves the credit over intelligence gained from "enhnaced interrogation techniques" aka torture. LOL

look, i acknowledge that some people are sad that it was under Obama's watch that Bin Laden got killed. Likewise there are those who are jumping for joy that Obama was POTUS when Bin Laden was killed. BOTH groups are idiots. But NEITHER group would have been saddened by the cock roaches death, they may have been sad about who "got the credit" as it were, but damn near no one is sad that that fucker is dead. You can see the difference in the arguments can't you?

Bode is and has been arguing that people wish the fucker was still alive. She is a dishonest piece of shit. Are you also, or can you admit that what I said above is true?
They know who they are. You can tell because they still harp on it. It's so upsetting they just keep on and on about it.

Who's harping on it, name names ..............

and show quotes to prove it. Believe me , I want to condemn anyone who is sad that that piece of shit is dead. Help me figure out who to condemn.

You shall know them by their obsessive not letting go weeks later. :eusa_shhh: (along with a dash of "who? us?)

yep, that's your MO alright, tell a fucking bald faced lie, refuse to address it, then when someone keeps hammering you to be honest, accuse them of being honest. Here's an idea you fucking moron, stop lying every time you put a finger on the keyboard and people will stop accusing you of lying.
How does that go: you know who you are ....

Review time:
Sharia law is being demanded in demonstrations in: Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Bahrain, Jordon, Syria, Yemen, and more. The press is touting the overthrowing of these governments as "democratic", even though when real reporting is done, it seems that one dictator is being replaced by another (chosen by the muslim brotherhood)

Christians and Jews are being selectively tortured, raped and killed in most of those places. This is not reported by the 'mainstream' media (mostly democrats)

Hundreds of young muslim women are being "honor killed" by their families in India. You will not find the president speaking to the ME muslims in their countries about this

Osama Bin Laden is being touted as a martyr with muslims burning USA flags and demanding revenge. This is being played down by the dems in politics and the 'mainstream' media, by saying that all that intel (collected from Osama's "mansion") will stop that

Muslims are trying to "peacefully" walk into Israel (so they can kill them all), to demand land that they deserted decades ago. The mainstream media is supporting those that would kill every Jew in Israel and the ME (isn't that genocide?)

Muslims (two arrested in Florida) in this country are supporting terrorists groups and trying to end the Republic of the USA. The media is reporting this as a 'language barrier' problem, without vocalizing that intent could actually match the words.

Drug cartels in Mexico and Central America are using islamic terrorists' methods to silence enemies. Again, you have to dig thru alternate media to discover the amount of islamic items that are being left on the border.[/COLOR]

Iran is working with Venezuela for missile bases located in South America. This was mentioned, but I did not see anything mentioning these missiles would be in striking range of the Continental USA.

There is more evidence (prayer rugs & qurans) found on the southern USA border. Simple contemplation would point to muslims illegally entering this country (I am sure they are looking to do jobs that Americans will not do, such as .... mass murder).

Not all muslims are doing this. The major portion of these problems are caused by muslims (extremists, terrorists, or what ever else you want to call them). Why do dems want to "tolerate" a political system that has NO tolerance for anyone else? If the KKK called themselves the 'new islamic brotherhood', would you have a problem with them, then? At what point do you say: your spirituality is free; you political system is poison and will only pollute the entire population of the world?

Update: Our President is now calling for Israel to cooperate with the terrorist organization, Hamas, and to "trust" them with the border security for Israel. Obama has mislead the public by implying the pre 1967 borders would be acceptable to Israel. I can think of no more blatant example of dems trivializing muslim extremists. The Israeli Prime Minister had to publicly, correct the President.

I will use the KKK analogy again. If a group that "hates" everyone that doesn't belong to it, and "lynches" any that believe differently (when they can catch them in a defenseless position, the cowards), will you support them if "muslim" is used in the name?
Thanks for admitting you are lame. Now if you could make your point about your offtopic discussion that would be greatly appreciated.


So in other words you have no point or else you would have made it by now instead of demanding that I do your work for you? Got it.

Thanks for trolling.

This is for those that read the Bible and are interested in the differences between the Bible and the quran. There is no books, chapters, or verses. It is my opinion and logic of what I have read and discussed with others.

Abraham and the Lord made a covenant. The gift of being the Lord's "chosen" people went to Issac, not Ishmael (as muslims claim). Jacob recieved the Lord's blessing (the family blessing was traded to him for a bowl of food by Esau) thru deceit of his father, Issac. He served his father in law for at least 21 years (possibly as a punishment for that deceit). When Jacob finally fled from his father in law with two wives and many animals, he was welcomed by Esau (who had gone to live near Ishmael that was raised by the "idol worshipper, Hagar).

Now, if there was a problem and Ishmael was really the chosen and Jacob (with whom the Lord vowed again to bless and claimed as the recipient of the covenant), don't you think Ishmael would have 'ended' Jacob (now re-named as Israel), when he was weak, did not have any major defenses?

The Bible continues: Jacob's son Joseph is sold into slavery and ends up in Egypt (where there are historical links to his existence). The Lord sends a "deliverer" to free the Israelis that have been enslaved by the Egyptians.

If Jacob's line was not the Lord's "chosen", why did the Lord send a "deliverer", work miracles, and accompany the Israelis into the desert?
Why did the Lord give the Israelis the ten Commandments (written by His hand) and then instructed them to build an arc to contain them? Why didn't the Lord empower Ishmael's family with an arc (that could be used to focus the Lord's power on the enemy), or send angels to accompany Ishmael's family into the land of 'milk and honey'?
Why did the Lord, generations later bless King David and his son, Solomon, and promise one of 'theirs' would be "King"? Of all the stories in the OT, don't you think if the covenant was with Ishmael, there would be some demonstration similar to the Israelis, of the Lord's favor?

Generations later, Yeshua lives. He is asked by the Canaanite woman for help. Yeshua tells her that He has come to 'save the Jews'. If muslims claim that Yeshua is not the son of the Lord, but a prophet, why do they reject His teachings?

Mohammed, the muslim prophet could not be more different from any of the prophets in the OT. Those men tried to honor the Lord, and went to great lengths and pains to keep from defiling themselves and those around them. If Mohammed was the Lord's prophet, why did he defile himself and those around him? There were very specific rituals for cleansing after battle and for marriage. It appears he made up his own rules that were far from the Lord's.

As you can see drsmith, this takes some research to understand. It is my viewpoint thru logical review of what I have read, as I understand it. I have no intention of re-writing the books for you. You are welcome to comment in a reasonable way. If all you want to say is lie, lie, lie, you will have defined yourself for all of us. Here is your chance to show us that you are not as lame/limp as your posts imply.
How does that go: you know who you are ....

Review time:
Sharia law is being demanded in demonstrations in: Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Bahrain, Jordon, Syria, Yemen, and more. The press is touting the overthrowing of these governments as "democratic", even though when real reporting is done, it seems that one dictator is being replaced by another (chosen by the muslim brotherhood)

Christians and Jews are being selectively tortured, raped and killed in most of those places. This is not reported by the 'mainstream' media (mostly democrats)

Hundreds of young muslim women are being "honor killed" by their families in India. You will not find the president speaking to the ME muslims in their countries about this

Osama Bin Laden is being touted as a martyr with muslims burning USA flags and demanding revenge. This is being played down by the dems in politics and the 'mainstream' media, by saying that all that intel (collected from Osama's "mansion") will stop that

Muslims are trying to "peacefully" walk into Israel (so they can kill them all), to demand land that they deserted decades ago. The mainstream media is supporting those that would kill every Jew in Israel and the ME (isn't that genocide?)

Muslims (two arrested in Florida) in this country are supporting terrorists groups and trying to end the Republic of the USA. The media is reporting this as a 'language barrier' problem, without vocalizing that intent could actually match the words.

Drug cartels in Mexico and Central America are using islamic terrorists' methods to silence enemies. Again, you have to dig thru alternate media to discover the amount of islamic items that are being left on the border.[/COLOR]

Iran is working with Venezuela for missile bases located in South America. This was mentioned, but I did not see anything mentioning these missiles would be in striking range of the Continental USA.

There is more evidence (prayer rugs & qurans) found on the southern USA border. Simple contemplation would point to muslims illegally entering this country (I am sure they are looking to do jobs that Americans will not do, such as .... mass murder).

Not all muslims are doing this. The major portion of these problems are caused by muslims (extremists, terrorists, or what ever else you want to call them). Why do dems want to "tolerate" a political system that has NO tolerance for anyone else? If the KKK called themselves the 'new islamic brotherhood', would you have a problem with them, then? At what point do you say: your spirituality is free; you political system is poison and will only pollute the entire population of the world?

Update: Our President is now calling for Israel to cooperate with the terrorist organization, Hamas, and to "trust" them with the border security for Israel. Obama has mislead the public by implying the pre 1967 borders would be acceptable to Israel. I can think of no more blatant example of dems trivializing muslim extremists. The Israeli Prime Minister had to publicly, correct the President.

I will use the KKK analogy again. If a group that "hates" everyone that doesn't belong to it, and "lynches" any that believe differently (when they can catch them in a defenseless position, the cowards), will you support them if "muslim" is used in the name?
Not only did Netanyahu correct Obama, he schooled him.......Basically told him to stick it, and then gave that boy a history lesson.........Definitely, recorded moments of embarrassment that should always be archived......The GOP should take it and put it in every campaign ad from now until the election.
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Update: Our President is now calling for Israel to cooperate with the terrorist organization, Hamas, and to "trust" them with the border security for Israel. ?


Excuse me Retardo, but how much research did you conduct before posting? Or are you a zionist?!?!?!

Retardo?........Seriously, how old are you?

You sound like some freshman college student. Who probably supports Ron Paul.
he schooled him.......Basically told him to stick it, and then gave that boy a history lesson........


Time for you to get a grammar lesson:

   [prop-uh-gan-duh] Show IPA
information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.

Update: Our President is now calling for Israel to cooperate with the terrorist organization, Hamas, and to "trust" them with the border security for Israel. ?


Excuse me Retardo, but how much research did you conduct before posting? Or are you a zionist?!?!?!

Retardo?........Seriously, how old are you?

You sound like some freshman college student. Who probably supports Ron Paul.

I am 7.

I support Bibi.


Your problem is with 3rd world barbarians, not Islam---they're actually coming along VERY quickly....STOP MAKING ENEMIES OUT OF PEOPLE for no reason, strong and wrong small minded misled ones...
Pakistan at the moment...5000 troops killed fighting Taliban and AlQaeda, many more blown up by them- get a grip and walk a mile in their shoes. (Adventurist chickenhawk morons LOL)
Your problem is with 3rd world barbarians, not Islam---they're actually coming along VERY quickly....STOP MAKING ENEMIES OUT OF PEOPLE for no reason, strong and wrong small minded misled ones...
Pakistan at the moment...5000 troops killed fighting Taliban and AlQaeda, many more blown up by them- get a grip and walk a mile in their shoes. (Adventurist chickenhawk morons LOL)
What the fuck are you babbling about, fool?

Christ, we have the invasion of the youngin's goin' on.

Excuse me Retardo, but how much research did you conduct before posting? Or are you a zionist?!?!?!


Did you listen to his speech????

Did you read the history of Palestine from 1917 to 1947?!?!?!

There's no such thing as Palestine. Never has been.........There are no people know as Palestinians. Never has been.

They are Jordanian squatters, who's own country does not want their sorry asses. And for good reason.

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