Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Lying again I see.


What other religion has Dr. Drock defended? Link?

Oh, I get it, that was just a flaccid attempt at parity.

Name ANY religion Dr. Drock has defended.

Bode I do defend islam in a islam vs christianity debate, because they're the same to me.

That's the one thing of the million claims he's made that isn't a lie on this thread.

But I certainly have never said one good word about islam, yet according to uncensored I not only love islam I love the most radicalized version of it including all terrorists.

I dunno what kind of drugs do that to the human brain, he probably thinks he rides a unicorn to work on gumdrop lane.
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

Yours and every argument that follows it is flawed at it's core as it equates every muslim to radical islam. During the tea party rallies, in which fanatics were exposed, the right was adamant that it was wrong to attribute the acts of a few bad apples to the whole and here we are again where the right is gleefully doing what they once condemned. Imagine that.
you mis-under-estimate yourself, your are a pretty good liar.

bill clinton, before his heart surgery, was a brilliant man. Clinton could tell a hundred different lies to a hundred different people and keep track of them all.

I don't have clinton's skill. I pretty much have to stick to the truth as i tend to forget things.

I really couldn't be a progressive even if i wanted to, i just don't have the skill in lying requisite for the position..

Point to one SPECIFIC thing I've said that's good about islam

The fact that you took the time to erect a straw man still places no responsibility on me to support it.

or promotes it.

This qualifies;

All religions are equally stupid to me, but you see how scared american christians are of muslims, imagine how scared arab muslims must be of christians.


If everything I've said on this thread promotes islam and talks about how great it is than this should be very very easy for you.

It was.
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

Why do neo-con repubs minimize the threat of radical Zionists?
Bode I do defend islam in a islam vs christianity debate, because they're the same to me.

If they were the same to you, you wouldn't show preference for one over the other.

That's the one thing of the million claims he's made that isn't a lie on this thread.

I've told no lies, not one.

But I certainly have never said one good word about islam, yet according to uncensored I not only love islam I love the most radicalized version of it including all terrorists.

Now THAT is a lie. Lying makes the baby Karl Marx smile..

I said what I mean, you appear to embrace the "enemy of my enemy" concept.
Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Why do Christian Fundamentalists piss on themselves when it comes to Islam? :eek:
Point to one SPECIFIC thing I've said that's good about islam

The fact that you took the time to erect a straw man still places no responsibility on me to support it.

or promotes it.

This qualifies;

All religions are equally stupid to me, but you see how scared american christians are of muslims, imagine how scared arab muslims must be of christians.


If everything I've said on this thread promotes islam and talks about how great it is than this should be very very easy for you.

It was.

I see, so me saying islam is stupid is me promoting it and talking about how great it is.

Dude just act like you're busy, get off of this thread, you couldn't possibly be burying yourself in a deeper hole.

One other false and ignorant assumption you've made, I have not and will not ever vote for one single democrat. Both parties are way too fiscally liberal for me.

You equate conservatism to muslim-hating, as in you can only be conservative if you're a bigot. I equate conservatism to low spending, low taxes, small government. So I would call you a neocon, and myself a true conservative.
You mis-under-estimate yourself, your are a pretty good liar.

Bill Clinton, before his heart surgery, was a brilliant man. Clinton could tell a hundred different lies to a hundred different people and keep track of them all.

I don't have Clinton's skill. I pretty much HAVE to stick to the truth as I tend to forget things.

I tend to think that you and truth are like oil and water.

I find it interesting that you took to trouble to change the capitalization of Bill Clinton in the backquote.

Seems a sign of desperation.

How progressive of you.

I didn't do that..............

However I do enjoy watching you play the victim card, "stop ganging up on me, stop it, stop it!" I thought neocons used to pretend to be tough, now the new tactic is whining as much as possible and being afraid of your own shadows.

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