Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Correct, a muslim is MUCH more likely to be killed by a christian in the middle east than a christian killed here in the US by a muslim.

What a steaming pile of shit.

A Christian is DOZENS of times more likely to be killed by a Muslim in the M.E. or North African than a Muslim is to be killed by US Forces, which you lyingly call "Christians."

Which become wet dreams of genocide of all those Christians who you hate...

imagine how scared arab muslims must be of christians.

Why would they be? Muslims slaughter Christians at will in the Middle East and North Africa. (To the delight of the left.)

{Thousands of Christians have been forced to flee their homes in Western Ethiopia after Muslim extremists set fire to roughly 50 churches and dozens of Christian homes. At least one Christian has been killed, many more have been injured and anywhere from 3,000 to 10,000 have been displaced in the attacks that began March 2 after a Christian in the community of Asendabo was accused of desecrating the Koran.}

netwmd - Muslim Jihad in Christian Ethiopia: Lessons for the West

I don't hate christians, you're just hypersensitive.

When I point out a flaw being a human flaw and not a religious based flaw you get offended (again because you're hypersensitive).

You've been trained to believe that only muslims have certain flaws that christians don't. I say that's an idiotic thing to think and it's a human flaw, thus you making me out to hate christians.

I repeat, I view all religions as equally intellectually stupid, however I think man's morals are unaffected by religion or lack there of. If all religions disappeared tonight humans would still have all the same qualities and flaws in the morning.

I agree. People are either born with a conscience or not. It isn't something learned.
What a totally ignorant, no, illiterate,

I understand that you're not very bright, you are a leftist after all. But you should endeavor to learn the meaning of common words, lest you appear illiterate.

{Definition of ILLITERATE
: having little or no education; especially : unable to read or write <an illiterate population>
a : showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature <an illiterate magazine> b : violating approved patterns of speaking or writing
: showing or marked by a lack of acquaintance with the fundamentals of a particular field of knowledge <musically illiterate> }

Illiterate - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Words have meanings, cretin.

People like you have been wild-eyed reactionaries over most things, but you've become downright bizarre.

Hey, whats a few planes into the WTC between friends?

UNLESS - do you think George Dubya Bush and DA JOOOOOOOZZZZZ planted shape charges to frame the poor, innocent Muslims?

Do you?

You do, doncha?
Easy answer. Our politicians are too chicken shit to offend a group of people in the name of securing our ports or borders. They know that radical Islam won't get them....it's get the innocent people doing hypothetical stuff, like say lighting a Christmas tree in Portland. OH WAIT thats not hypothetical, a crazy fucking Muslim was gonna try to blow that event up and kill hundreds!!!

"Our government won't secure borders or ports because they want to appease radical islam."

I'd have to say thinking that is the single dumbest thing I've ever heard on this board. Even an experienced troll couldn't think something like that up.

True. Thats why I didn't say that. You're trying to twist my words.

I said offend "a group of people".............as in Mexicans. Our border is wide open because our politicians fear offending Hispanics.

As for ports, logistics won't allow every single container to be checked. The numbers are just too massive to do that.

You're denying you wrote something that can be found, in your words, directly above your denial? How much meth HAVE you injested today?
Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Because if we dare to talk about it. We will be immediately labeled Ismalaphobic Bigots by the left. You are allowed however to talk about your Fear of Christian Conservatives, just lay off the Radical Islamic Terrorists!
Everyone with half a brain knows that Fundamentalism in all religion is the problem.

Fucking Christians, flying planes into buildings and shooting up Ft. Hood like that!

You progressives sure are smart....

Talk to Bailey Almond about that....or her mother.

you think McVey Represented anything even remotely Close to the Real Present Danger presented by Radical Islam in the world? You are saying we should Fear Fundamentalism in all religions equally, when 99% of all terrorist attacks in the name of Religion in the last 30 years were carried out by Muslims.


you guys are to funny.
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Fucking Christians, flying planes into buildings and shooting up Ft. Hood like that!

You progressives sure are smart....

Talk to Bailey Almond about that....or her mother.

You think Bailey Almond and her Mother represent an something even Close to the Real Present Danger presented by Radical Islam in the world?

you guys are to funny.

He was referring to McVeigh. McVeigh did it because of Waco and anti-government extremism, not because of religious fanaticism.

He was right that Waco was a major government atrocity against it's people, but murdering more people to make that point was mentally ill. Regardless, it had nothing to do with religion. He had to make that leap because he can't support his point with actual facts.
i don't think democrats "understate the threat". I think that it offends us when we see our country do the type of witch hunt that was done during the mccarthy era and the type of thing that was done to the japanese during WWII.

Oh I know, I was late to work this morning because the Army was rounding up another group of peaceful and innocent Muslims to march off to the gulags...

OH WAIT, that never happened - you're just lying through your fucking teeth.

How progressive of you.

I think your straitjacket is on too tight today.

He's loose today...something about cleaning his cage.
I don't hate christians, you're just hypersensitive.

I'm not a Christian, but I recognize hate when I see it. It's the ONLY reason you of the left embrace radical Islam, the enemy of your enemy.

I get offended when you promote the goals and objectives of terrorists and totalitarian thugs.

You've been trained to believe that only muslims have certain flaws that christians don't.

Because I have the capacity to reason, I am not a leftist.

Beyond that, I recognize that one religious group has flown jetliners into US buildings. One religion has opened fire at US Airports in the name of their god. One religion has opened fire at US Army bases, killing and maiming dozens. One religion has recruited those to throw grenades into the tents of their commanding officers. One religion has loosed snipers in Washington DC to murder random people. One religion has put bombs in their shoes and underwear, one religion put bombs in cars to attack Manhattan.

And the religion SURE THE FUCK ain't Christianity, it's the religion you embrace and promote - Islam.

Name one good thing I've ever said about islam, just one that I've ever said in all my posts on this board.

I think I've stated quite clearly, and repeatedly for all who can read english, that I think all religions are intellectually stupid.

This quote form the movie "the American President" defines Uncensored, his made up BS and the rest of the right wing nutjobs on this board pretty well.

Insert rightwinger's name here problem isn't that he doesn't get it. Insert rightwinger's name here problem is that he can't sell it! We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you, Insert rightwinger's name here is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things and two things only: making you afraid of it and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections.
Talk to Bailey Almond about that....or her mother.

You think Bailey Almond and her Mother represent an something even Close to the Real Present Danger presented by Radical Islam in the world?

you guys are to funny.

He was referring to McVeigh. McVeigh did it because of Waco and anti-government extremism, not because of religious fanaticism.

He was right that Waco was a major government atrocity against it's people, but murdering more people to make that point was mentally ill. Regardless, it had nothing to do with religion. He had to make that leap because he can't support his point with actual facts.

The "No True Scotsman" argument. :eusa_whistle:
How about a big FUCK YOU to all the pseudo-cons who believe in and spew this particular strawman. It ain't gonna happen. Atheist/Secularist will watch out for and gaurd against all flavors of religionist, never again will the superstitious have control over our lives.

Islam has two flavors of infidels, Brite Boi - Zimmis (or sometimes Dhimmis) and Kafir.

Zimmis are "people of the book," Christians and Jews. Zimmis MAY be allowed to live under Shiite interpretation of Sharia (though not Sunni,) provided that they submit to Islam and pay a tax known as Jizya - which is designed to keep the Zimmis at the lowest socio-economic class.

Kafir are to be killed - Sunni and Shiite agree, Kafir must die. Who are the Kafir? Those who reject Allah en toto - the idolaters and the disbelievers. That would be YOU, dumbfuck. YOU are Kafirum - an Atheist who rejects Allah.

There is no sect or branch of Islam which does not seek your death. It is the duty of any and all Muslims to kill you - you are Kafirum, to be destroyed. You are Dar Al Harb, the house of war.

As an agnostic, I also am Kafir. I am however, geometrically smarter than you, I have the wits not to embrace and promote those seeking my death. You do not.

Got another wmd.com or frontpage.com link to all of that? Especially the part about all "sects" of Islam seek death. Islamism (fundamentalism) followers such as al-Qaeda believe in the literal wording in the Quran. They are only ONE "sect." Even THINKING Christians who follow The Bible don't take every word of it literally. If everyone did, you'd probably be dead by now just by virtue of your non-Christian behavior.
You think Bailey Almond and her Mother represent an something even Close to the Real Present Danger presented by Radical Islam in the world?

you guys are to funny.

He was referring to McVeigh. McVeigh did it because of Waco and anti-government extremism, not because of religious fanaticism.

He was right that Waco was a major government atrocity against it's people, but murdering more people to make that point was mentally ill. Regardless, it had nothing to do with religion. He had to make that leap because he can't support his point with actual facts.

The "No True Scotsman" argument. :eusa_whistle:
That doesn't even make sense. I talked about two specific attacks, the ones who attacked the World Trade Center and McVeigh. Why don't you Google the term and you'll learn right there it can't be a True Scotsman fallacy. Liberals REALLY need to learn to use Google before they through around things they don't understand.

But seriously, you don't understand the difference between an attack in the name of religion (WTC) and an attack by a member of a religion for non-religious reasons? Those are the same to you? That's your level of understanding? And how convenient the leap you have to make benefits you. Once again, your standard for yourself below that which you apply to others.

BTW, McVeigh said he was an agnostic...
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Name one good thing I've ever said about islam, just one that I've ever said in all my posts on this board.

Your raison d’état in this thread is to promote and defend Islam. It is all you have done, thus far.

that I think all religions are intellectually stupid.

Yet you defend and promote only one religion, Islam.

LOL notice how uncensored still fails to SHOW anything but continues to make claims that he obviously can't prove. LOL

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