Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam?
Any group not belonging to the Repubs is seen as a constituency of the D. Party. Since they are the indisputable and understood masters of words (owning the MSM and academe as they do) and they know they can swing any ambiguity that exists in their philosophy vis-à-vis patriotism and/or common sense.
their way and pick up new numbers in their base.

Not all of them do, btw. I know lifelong Democrats, many of them in fact that do not go along with what ought to be called the liberal take on Radical Islam, and not necessairily the Democrat take.
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I see, so me saying islam is stupid is me promoting it and talking about how great it is.

Still going with the straw man, huh?

You equate conservatism to muslim-hating, as in you can only be conservative if you're a bigot.

Damn, all those Nazi hating bigots in WWII sure did shame this nation.

If only we had you around to enlighten us, we'd be flying the Swastika....

I equate conservatism to low spending, low taxes, small government. So I would call you a neocon, and myself a true conservative.

You've staked out a position of ignorance, so you may as well stick with it....

I'm a true liberal.

I recognize that no single document infringes the right of one to be secure in their papers and person to the extent that the 1040 form does. I recognize the wisdom of our founders in opposing direct taxation of all forms. Abolish all income and property taxation. Cut the federal government by 90% - start with the bloated military.

That "neocon" enough for you?
OBL speaks for all of Islam?

{On that basis, and in compliance with God's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims }

That crack seems to have a negative effect on you...

So...by OBL simply SAYING that he speaks for all Muslims, that makes it so?

Hey....I speak for all Americans by saying you are a total idiot. (I say it, so it must be so).
I'd like to point out that you do!

Well damn, wish I'd known that sooner.

So what's my preference regarding strawberry preserves.

You are the one who brought it up.


What a fucking lie...

You are the one who claimed the scary Moooooslims declared war on us with it.

That, I proved.

You are the one who apparently didn't know what it was!

I take it you use drugs?
what exactly is the threat, really?
Remember 9/11 and the Ft.Hood shootings.All done in the name of islam.
Thats just part of thousands of attacks from the evil islamic beasts!
Never trust a muslim!

i'm not going to say those weren't horrible, because they were, but honestly if we're talking pure loss of life and we take all the deaths in the US due to radical Islam since 9/11you're talking an average of around 1 person a day. 1 person.

And don't think I'm trivializing that but in a nation of 300,000,000 that's a statistically insignificant number.

so forgive me if i'm not shitting myself in fear over the threat of radical islam.

I'm the far side of 40 Years old and for my entire life I've witnessed fanatical radical Muslims killing, kidnapping, bombing, hijacking, and removing peoples heads. I've faced them in battle and have seen first hand the evil some of them are capable of.
I for one am sick of it and I'm sick of them. Three wars in three Muslim countries is three too many. I will never go back to the Islamic hell holes of Iraq and Afghanistan ever again. I retired before I wanted to to avoid another trip.
As far as you being worried about Islamic radicals, well maybe you shouldn't be worried unless you live in a large city with tall buildings because one day they might just fly a plane into a building. Oh yes, they already did that hmmmmmmm wonder what could be next.
You do have to wonder.... You hear the left constantly refer to Christianity as a "radical religion" but you'll never hear the left say the same of Islam.

The left embraces Islam BECAUSE they view it as a means of defeating and eradicating Christianity.

What a totally ignorant, no, illiterate, remark that is. People like you have been wild-eyed reactionaries over most things, but you've become downright bizarre.
i don't think democrats "understate the threat". I think that it offends us when we see our country do the type of witch hunt that was done during the mccarthy era and the type of thing that was done to the japanese during WWII.

Oh I know, I was late to work this morning because the Army was rounding up another group of peaceful and innocent Muslims to march off to the gulags...

OH WAIT, that never happened - you're just lying through your fucking teeth.

How progressive of you.

I think your straitjacket is on too tight today.

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