Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

What a bunch of uneducated morans you people are. All the perpetrators of the first WTC bombing were tracked down and eventually prosecuted. Of course Bill Clinton wasn't right there in front of the action with his own guns ablaze, but the FBI was.

That's not even in the same universe as true.

You just make shit up out of thin air, don't you?

Don't read links if they don't justify your own bizarre thinking? Figures...:eusa_whistle: Okay, genius, where ARE they then? Google each:

Ramzi Yousef
Mahmud Abouhalima
Mohammad Boolbool Salameh
Nidal A. Ayyad
Abdul Rahan Yasin
Ahmad Ajaj
what exactly is the threat, really?

Stated from muslims (this is not all muslims, for the radical lefties), their intent is to destroy the western civilizations and replace them with Sharia (that means no liberty, no freedom, but morality police with authority to bury you until you are defenseless and blungeon you to death). That means that anyone can accuse you of speaking against "the prophet (the real object the clerics worship), and you can lose everything you own, along with your family. It will be done using our own laws and system against us, just ask the more forthright muslims. They will tell you, it is not a secret.

Glenn Beck would be proud of you.
Thsi is easy:
To accept the threat means acknowledging a need to effectively deal with that threat.

Dealing with the threat side-tracks them from what they would rather do - gaining and retaining as much political power as they can by buying the votes of the 'have-nots' with whatever wealth they can manage to loot from the 'haves'.
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Uncensored said:
Because I have the capacity to reason, I am not a leftist.

Beyond that, I recognize that one religious group has flown jetliners into US buildings.
And then ONE religion attacked, invaded and occupied a MUSLIM country that had nothing to do with that attack.

Therefore, in retaliation:

One religion has opened fire at US Airports in the name of their god. One religion has opened fire at US Army bases, killing and maiming dozens. One religion has recruited those to throw grenades into the tents of their commanding officers. One religion has loosed snipers in Washington DC to murder random people. One religion has put bombs in their shoes and underwear, one religion put bombs in cars to attack Manhattan.

And the religion SURE THE FUCK ain't Christianity, it's the religion you embrace and promote - Islam.

Ironically, it was Hosni Mubarak who, on the eve of the Iraq invasion warned President Bush: "If there is one Osama bin Laden now, there will be 100 bin Ladens afterwards."
Talking about "not one word of truth". Do you have the links that shows Americans "hunting muslims", forcing them into mock trials and drowning or hanging them ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

Democrats do not use truth, that is why they are offended by those that state the truth about islam: sharia (a part of islam) is a big threat to freedom and liberty. Please use links or evidence of where islam supports freedom. What countries with islamic dictators are all about freedom, after all if islam is soooo great, then an islamic dictator would be the best possible system there is, yes???



Way to back up your false statements. It does show just how limited your "intellect" is.

Uh you back them up. Since you were the one that made up statements and the tried to attribute them to jillian it is your responsibility to prove that she even said them. Stating something is similar or the TYPE is a far cry form claiming that they are the exact same.

Where did jillian say anything about "Americans "hunting muslims", forcing them into mock trials and drowning or hanging them."? seems to me that those are YOUR words not jillian's so why does jillian have to back up YOUR words??
Ok so you couldn't name one good thing I've said about Islam, so everytime you've said I have you're admitting you were just lying.

Get that straw man!


Not my claim. I not that you defend Islam. I note that you attack those who seek reasonable precautions against a creed that has openly declared war on this nation.

Say anything good? What need is there; just keep attacking those who oppose Islam.


Name one good thing I've ever said about islam, just one that I've ever said in all my posts on this board.

Your raison d’état in this thread is to promote and defend Islam. It is all you have done, thus far.

that I think all religions are intellectually stupid.

Yet you defend and promote only one religion, Islam.

Define promote and then try to explain how that is not your claim.

WOW you really are nothing but a dishonest hack. LOL
Name one good thing I've ever said about islam, just one that I've ever said in all my posts on this board.

Your raison d’état in this thread is to promote and defend Islam. It is all you have done, thus far.

that I think all religions are intellectually stupid.

Yet you defend and promote only one religion, Islam.

The SANE people who recognize that not ALL Muslims are evil Islamic terrorists simply try to make that point. There is absolutely no blatant "support" for only the one religion, you dope. Take a remedial reading course in comprehension. It might help.

Reading Comprehension - Free Worksheets
Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Senate to Hold Hearings on “Anti-Muslim Bigotry”

On a day when Islamic jihadists exploded a bomb in Jerusalem that murdered at least one woman and wounded thirty, and when Islamic jihadists opened fire on and killed two Christians outside a church in Pakistan, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced that he was going to hold hearings on the rise in “anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Durbin, of course, was retaliating for the hearings recently conducted by Rep. Peter King (R-NY), who himself bowed to politically correct pressure and dropped several witnesses that he had originally announced his intention to call, including ex-Muslim human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali and terror analyst Walid Phares.

Not only was the timing of Durbin’s announcement ironic, but also the fact that his retaliatory hearings were unnecessary in the first place. King, after all, gave a prime platform at his hearings to the weepy Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), whose pilgrimage to Mecca was paid for with $13,350 from the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘s chief operating arm in the U.S.

Ellison used the bully pulpit King gave him to paint a lurid picture of Muslim victimhood, all the while saying nothing (of course) about the sharp increase in jihad terror plots in this country over the last two years. How can Durbin top that?

Senate to Hold Hearings on

Because it's completely overblown. In case you missed this the other night, wait a week or so and you can probably download the whole thing. This documentary is an example of the utter bigotry still found in the South. Ironically, there's a black man leading the charge who apparently has forgotten his history of the burning of black churches not that long ago. The white middle-aged real estate lady is a caricature, and the dipshit lawyer who brought the bogus lawsuit (thrown out eventually) reminds me of "Percy" the little big man "guard" in the movie "The Green Mile."

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Muslim-bashing has replaced Negro-bashing especially by white anglo southerners. I'm sure Muslim haters would love to see all Muslim Americans rounded up and placed in interment camps just as we did to the Japanese Americans following Pearl Harbor. I really have a problem with people who refuse to learn from history.

Who is calling for muslim Americans to be rounded up and put into "camps". The most recent example of anyone in the USA calling for "camps" was one of Bill Ayers associates in the '60 talking about taking over this country (so the intellectuals could run it). They were okay with eliminating 10% of the population at that time. It is another one of those "facts" that lefties find "inconvenient", so ignore.
There is Sharia bashing. If you can show me where it has benefited mankind in the last 200 years, I will stop, today. The problem with "islam" is that it is not a religion; it is the combination of a spiritual study (most have no problem here), and a radical gov't system that oppresses ALL people (this is where the problem is). Sharia is a culture that promotes death and destruction. It promotes breeding women (because they do not have human status) for more people to oppress and abuse. I will be waiting for you to list all the benefits of Sharia.......

Another one totally lacking in comprehension. You're not even arguing the same point as what you copied for your reply.

I've never studied "Sharia" law, so I'm not even going to attempt to justify whatever it is they do. But I will suggest that you people have an unhealthy fear of something that will not happen in this country. Got it? I find it incredible that you have such little faith in Americans--even those you support--that you actually believe Sharia law would ever replace Constitutional law. I mean seriously? What the FUCK?! Get a brain purge and start over, calmly, rationally, with common sense instead of all this fanatical bullshit.
So if Islam is no threat as the Left here have so said why then has Obama hired what amounts to brown Shirts at Airport's and other transportation hub's? hmmmmm?

Oh yeah, like all that started during the Obama Administration. Now I KNOW you're just a child. Do you even shave yet?
Got another wmd.com or frontpage.com link to all of that? Especially the part about all "sects" of Islam seek death.

You're drooling.

Why is it that you slack-jawed lefty types all drool like that?

Islamism (fundamentalism) followers such as al-Qaeda believe in the literal wording in the Quran.

Is that what HuffingGlue post told you?

You an expert on Koranic doctrine? You got a pretty good grasp of Islamic dogma, do you?

They are only ONE "sect."

Is that right? So the beliefs of Wahabbi and Khum are identical, inseparable? What of other Shiite and Sunni sects?

Even THINKING Christians who follow The Bible don't take every word of it literally.

So then, the prevailing attitude in Islam is that the words of Muhammad and Allah are interesting stories, but don't place much faith in them?

This is your scholarly analysis?
Point to one SPECIFIC thing I've said that's good about islam

The fact that you took the time to erect a straw man still places no responsibility on me to support it.

or promotes it.

This qualifies;

All religions are equally stupid to me, but you see how scared american christians are of muslims, imagine how scared arab muslims must be of christians.


If everything I've said on this thread promotes islam and talks about how great it is than this should be very very easy for you.

It was.

So he decries ALL religions and states that christians and muslims fear each other and you think that qualifies as promoting islam?? WOW!
The fact that you seem so obsessed with crack tied in with your inane comments make me think that you are the one with the addiction. LOL
So if Islam is no threat as the Left here have so said why then has Obama hired what amounts to brown Shirts at Airport's and other transportation hub's? hmmmmm?

where did anyone say that radical islam isn't a threat?

it never ceases to amaze me that you loons can't tell the difference between a radical and a normal person...

maybe because you're such extremist loons??

i also don't recall muslims being profiled at airports. so your point?

I think the all the right wing extremist loons should fight a solo war with Islamic loons and maybe they'll all just go bye bye. They could even do it like an ancient Christian-Muslim war where they line up as two sides in a huge field somewhere and go at it with their swords and machetes, horses and camels. I suggest West Texas.
Tell that ignorant bull shit to the people who were looking out the windows of the twin towers when they saw planes flying into the building.

You sound like one of the most dumbass, muslim coddling, pieces of fucking SHIT on this board. You SPIT on the dead bodies of those who have ALREADY died by the hands of islamists. You are as BAD AS THEY ARE by acting as though the threat isn't real. Get yourself over to Pakistan and start sucking muslim dick you filthy pile of dog shit.

Take a step back from the computer, settle down, pop a couple pills, take a few deep breaths and step back to the computer chair.

Then attempt to answer me these questions;

1.) Why do our borders remain wide open if terrorism is a big threat?

2.) Why do our ports remain unchecked if terrorism is a big threat?

As we've seen with both parties willingness to spend trillions on other things, we can certainly "afford" it, so why not take care of those 2 things?

Agreed, and still islamic laws are a threat to this country.

Since no link exists which confirms that bullshit, which blackboard draws that single conclusion?
Okay great thanks, but there is just one problem, Osama's Fatwa is not the Islamic Creed.


What possible care would I have of that? Is "Big Lots" having a sale on Straw Man arguments?

So, you are asked for evidence in Document A, but you provide Document B...and when called on it, you say it's a Strawman? :rofl:

That's about right. In another thread he claimed that

If you fired every government employee in Wisconsin, cut pay and benefits by 25% across the board, it would take about 5 minutes to fill the jobs, with thousands of applicants wishing they had been selected.

which was based on a claim that he made previously and when I asked him to prove this claim he responded with

I'd love to!

Start sending out the pink slips. We'll time it when the new hiring starts.


because he knew he couldn't prove his claim but lacked the integrity to admit it. Now he is continuing that trend here.
And then ONE religion attacked, invaded and occupied a MUSLIM country that had nothing to do with that attack.

Therefore, in retaliation:

Well there you go, 9/11 happened in response to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

You've got it all figured out. Bet you voted for Obama a dozen times....

The lower the IQ, the further to the left...

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