Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

You do that a lot, when your lies and idiocy are exposed.

Right, like who doens't know that anyway,

Yet here you are in your short skirt and frilly panties, waving your pom-poms as you cheer for Islam.

I guess you would just sort of be "chronically stupid," huh?

Look, I think that you leftist getting into bed with the Muslims is an evolutionary step forward, you're removing yourselves from the gene pool, significantly improving the species.

Problem is, you want to take the rest of us with you.

Couldn't you just drink Kool-Aid or something, and leave the rest of us out of it?

You really need serious professional help, you know.
The SANE people who recognize that not ALL Muslims are evil Islamic terrorists simply try to make that point.

Well, there you go. That settles it!


Say Maggie, do you happen to know the percentage of Nazi party members who were involved in the "final solution?"

Would it surprise you to learn that it was less than 1%?

The other 99% of Nazis were not involved in genocide.

Dayum, using "stupid as a fucking pile of bricks" logic, which you use with terrorists, that would make Nazis the "fascism of peace."
Fucking Christians, flying planes into buildings and shooting up Ft. Hood like that!

You progressives sure are smart....

Talk to Bailey Almond about that....or her mother.

you think McVey Represented anything even remotely Close to the Real Present Danger presented by Radical Islam in the world? You are saying we should Fear Fundamentalism in all religions equally, when 99% of all terrorist attacks in the name of Religion in the last 30 years were carried out by Muslims.


you guys are to funny.

What is really funny is how right wingers just make up numbers when they don't have anything valid or REAL to offer.
Ok, lets make a simple question out of this.

You must make 200 cross country flights a year. And each time, you are given a choice: You'll board a flight each time in one of the 40 biggest airports in America. And EACH flight, you'll have to get on a plane with 100 random Christinans.....OR a plane of 100 random Muslims. No screening. 200 times, 100 random Christians, or 100 Muslims.

How many times to you pick the Muslim plane?
Things that Righties on this thread have told us:

1) the religion Islam should be illegal in America, the land of the Free and all Muslims deported.

2) you can flush a Quran and your toilet still works.

3) no one was caught after WTC '93.

4) if you are not actively saying you hate all of Islam, you are really supporting the terrorists.

5) if you are not actively saying you love Christianity, you are really saying you hate Christianity and all Christians.

6)While the large majority of Americans are Christian and half of American is Left, there are no Christians on the Left.

7) The TSA began under Obama and they wear brown shirts.

8) the Left wanted to ignore the Nazis in 1940 although it was the Republicans who admired Hitler and wanted the U.S. to not get involved in Europe.

9) It's ok to call someone an Islam apologist without any evidence while saying there is loads of evidence (without any evidence).

That's about it, although I would leave Dr. Drock out of that mix. He's the only one on the right who also thinks Uncensored, Logical4u, et al. are loons. It's too bad their kind have resulted in the intellectuals from the right having to endure their hysterical rantings. As another conservative who posts here recently said: They're an embarrassment, plain and simple.
So if Islam is no threat as the Left here have so said why then has Obama hired what amounts to brown Shirts at Airport's and other transportation hub's? hmmmmm?

Oh yeah, like all that started during the Obama Administration. Now I KNOW you're just a child. Do you even shave yet?

It was W who gave us the TSA, but the groping passengers to make them feel safe policy was all Obama.
Liberals don't trivialize the threat of radical Islam, they prioritize it. Liberalism is a collectivist religion. Collectivism means sameness. That means you have the same money and the same power. The greatest skewing of power in the world is the one Superpower. So the United States is currently a greater threat to a worldwide collectivism then radical Islam is. Think about it, who do they attack for money? Those who have the most. Who do they attack for power? The one with the most.

You know, I've read that twice and I can't find a single word of truth in there...

not one.

Try taking off your "I Love Government" glasses and you'll see it just fine. It's a common problem.
Ok, lets make a simple question out of this.

You must make 200 cross country flights a year. And each time, you are given a choice: You'll board a flight each time in one of the 40 biggest airports in America. And EACH flight, you'll have to get on a plane with 100 random Christinans.....OR a plane of 100 random Muslims. No screening. 200 times, 100 random Christians, or 100 Muslims.

How many times to you pick the Muslim plane?

^^^^I ask again....200 plane flights with either 100 random Christians, or 100 random Muslims. No screenings. Which do you pick?

From your own link, shit for brains.

Wait a fucking minute, not only did we NOT catch the dude, he went to IRAQ?

BUT, you progressives said Saddam was an innocent lamb, faultless and in no way tied to terrorists?

Hey, what of that Kalid Sheik Muhammad dude, I've heard that name before. Seems he wasn't caught with his uncle, the Blind Sheik either.

Hey, it's cool, you were lying for your party - it's what you do, it's ALL you do.

Poor baby, missed the highlited parts:

Though the cause of the blast was not immediately known, with some suspecting a transformer explosion, agents and bomb technicians from the ATF, FBI, and the NYPD quickly responded to the scene. The magnitude of the explosion was far beyond that of a transformer explosion.
In the days after the bombing, investigators surveyed the damage and looked for clues. While combing through the rubble in the underground parking area, a bomb technician located some internal component fragments from the vehicle that delivered the bomb. A vehicle identification number (VIN), found on a piece from an axle, gave investigators crucial information that led them to a Ryder truck rental outlet in Jersey City. Investigators determined that the vehicle had been rented by Mohammad Salameh, one of Yousef's co-conspirators.[19] Salameh had reported the van stolen, and when he returned on March 4, 1993, to get his deposit back, authorities arrested him.[20]
Salameh's arrest led police to the apartment of Abdul Rahman Yasin in Jersey City, New Jersey, which Yasin was sharing with his mother, in the same building as Ramzi Yousef's apartment. Yasin was taken to FBI headquarters in Newark, New Jersey, and was then released. The next day, he flew back to Iraq, via Amman, Jordan. Yasin was later indicted for the attack, and in 2001 he was placed on the initial list of the FBI Most Wanted Terrorists, on which he remains today. He disappeared before the U.S. coalition invasion, Operation Iraqi Freedom, in 2003. In March 1994, Salameh, Nidal Ayyad, Mahmud Abouhalima and Ahmad Ajaj were each convicted in the World Trade Center bombing. In May 1994, they were sentenced to life imprisonment.
The capture of Salameh and Yasin led authorities to Ramzi Yousef's apartment, where they found bomb-making materials and a business card from Mohammed Jamal Khalifa. Khalifa was arrested on December 14, 1994, and was deported to Jordan by the INS on May 5, 1995. He was acquitted by a Jordanian court and lived as a free man in Saudi Arabia until his death in 2007.

How's the record of arrests and convictions for 9/11?

Moussaui, who was tried in a US criminal court (imagine that...), and he was merely a gofer for bin Laden.
McVey didn't do it for Christianity. That you have to make that leap shows how wrong you are.

{Timothy McVeigh, was a self-proclaimed atheist, whose mantra was "Science is my religion."}
American Thinker Blog: If Timothy McVeigh had been a Christian

Bodecea knows this, he's just lying for his party.

Such is the way of progressives.

Really? This is from a letter that mcveigh wrote to a friend .

Those who betray or subvert the Constitution are guilty of sedition and/or treason, are domestic enemies and should and will be punished accordingly.
It also stands to reason that anyone who sympathizes with the enemy or gives aid or comfort to said enemy is likewise guilty. I have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic and I will. And I will because not only did I swear to, but I believe in what it stands for in every bit of my heart, soul and being.

I know in my heart that I am right in my struggle, Steve. I have come to peace with myself, my God and my cause. Blood will flow in the streets, Steve. Good vs. Evil. Free Men vs. Socialist Wannabe Slaves. Pray it is not your blood, my friend.

so that doesn't seem very atheistic to me.
McVey didn't do it for Christianity. That you have to make that leap shows how wrong you are.

{Timothy McVeigh, was a self-proclaimed atheist, whose mantra was "Science is my religion."}
American Thinker Blog: If Timothy McVeigh had been a Christian

Bodecea knows this, he's just lying for his party.

Such is the way of progressives.

Really? This is from a letter that mcveigh wrote to a friend .

Those who betray or subvert the Constitution are guilty of sedition and/or treason, are domestic enemies and should and will be punished accordingly.
It also stands to reason that anyone who sympathizes with the enemy or gives aid or comfort to said enemy is likewise guilty. I have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic and I will. And I will because not only did I swear to, but I believe in what it stands for in every bit of my heart, soul and being.

I know in my heart that I am right in my struggle, Steve. I have come to peace with myself, my God and my cause. Blood will flow in the streets, Steve. Good vs. Evil. Free Men vs. Socialist Wannabe Slaves. Pray it is not your blood, my friend.

so that doesn't seem very atheistic to me.

nope.. it doesn't.

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