Why do dems think so poorly of themselves?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Reading the posts around here you guys act like you can't even wipe your own asses without the govt giving you directions on how to do it. You demand that the govt provide every opportunity in life to you as if you are too fucking stupid to achieve success on your own. I mean seriously people do you really need Uncle Sam to tell you what kind of car to drive, how much salt to have in your diet, how many ounces of pop you're allowed at once, what kind of health ins you must have, and the list goes on. You let the govt tell you that because you'rea minority you're too dumb to figure out life without their guidence.

You guys are a pathetic bunch.

Ps. I know I'm trolling but you're best and brightest on this board are a joke and I had to let it out. Have a nice day and fuck off :)
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All you guys ever ask is what's the GOP doing for anyone. Well I have a better question. What are YOU doing for yourself and others?
well said liberals dont want you to help yourself, they're gonna help you, so they can feel good about themselves *pat on the back*
Liberalism appeals to the lowest common denominator in life, the idiots and scum.

Too stupid to succeed and take care of yourself, well liberalism says let the Govt even the playing field for you and support you for life.

Too immoral to function in society, liberalism tells you it is others' fault not your own that you're a criminal.

Liberalism is all about capturing all the idiots and scum out there under 1 big tent to use their large group against the rest of society in the media, the voting booth, etc.

Meanwhile the leaders at the top liberalism movement pull the strings to keep their stupid mass of idiots and scum in step to ruin this country, while those leaders reap the benefits more than their lemming followers.
Reading the posts around here you guys act like you can't even wipe your own asses without the govt giving you directions on how to do it. You demand that the govt provide every opportunity in life to you as if you are too fucking stupid to achieve success on your own. I mean seriously people do you really need Uncle Sam to tell you what kind of car to drive, how much salt to have in your diet, how many ounces of pop you're allowed at once, what kind of health ins you must have, and the list goes on. You let the govt tell you that because you'rea minority you're too dumb to figure out life without their guidence.

You guys are a pathetic bunch.

Ps. I know I'm trolling but you're best and brightest on this board are a joke and I had to let it out. Have a nice day and fuck off :)

As long as you know this is what you're doing, trolling.
Reading the posts around here you guys act like you can't even wipe your own asses without the govt giving you directions on how to do it. You demand that the govt provide every opportunity in life to you as if you are too fucking stupid to achieve success on your own. I mean seriously people do you really need Uncle Sam to tell you what kind of car to drive, how much salt to have in your diet, how many ounces of pop you're allowed at once, what kind of health ins you must have, and the list goes on. You let the govt tell you that because you'rea minority you're too dumb to figure out life without their guidence.

You guys are a pathetic bunch.

Ps. I know I'm trolling but you're best and brightest on this board are a joke and I had to let it out. Have a nice day and fuck off :)

Apparently once you start abdicating your responsibilities to someone else, it becomes easier and easier to give away more and more.
All you guys ever ask is what's the GOP doing for anyone. Well I have a better question. What are YOU doing for yourself and others?

I know I'm new around here but I've observed one overriding sentiment by the repubs on this board. "What's Obama doing to fix the economy?"
What I can't understand is why Republicans think so highly of themselves. They brought down the economy, let Bin Laden go after 9/11, bankrupted the country, redistributed the wealth to the top 1%. All of their policies are disasters. They lie at the drop of a hat. They are racist. They hate science. Only 6% of scientists are Republican. The majority of those on food stamps are white. And yet, in all that ignorance and wrong, they are still confident to the point of arrogance. Amazing.
How dumb, selfish, myopic, and brainwashed can you get, tools of the greedy?

wow, how specific, like all liberals, just these grand ideas of buisness dont pay the worker enough, yet we never get specifics on that. Franco did you pick a leader of the conservatives, yet? You said it takes conservatives one hour to come up with something, what's it take liberals 2 hours?
What I can't understand is why Republicans think so highly of themselves. They brought down the economy, let Bin Laden go after 9/11, bankrupted the country, redistributed the wealth to the top 1%. All of their policies are disasters. They lie at the drop of a hat. They are racist. They hate science. Only 6% of scientists are Republican. The majority of those on food stamps are white. And yet, in all that ignorance and wrong, they are still confident to the point of arrogance. Amazing.

And you wonder why no one on the right respects you and half of the left ignores you.

As dumb as they come.
What I can't understand is why Republicans think so highly of themselves. They brought down the economy, let Bin Laden go after 9/11, bankrupted the country, redistributed the wealth to the top 1%. All of their policies are disasters. They lie at the drop of a hat. They are racist. They hate science. Only 6% of scientists are Republican. The majority of those on food stamps are white. And yet, in all that ignorance and wrong, they are still confident to the point of arrogance. Amazing.

And you wonder why no one on the right respects you and half of the left ignores you.

As dumb as they come.

If you took all the knowledge in rdean's brain and shoved it up an ants ass, it would roll around like a BB in a boxcar.
What I can't understand is why Republicans think so highly of themselves. They brought down the economy, let Bin Laden go after 9/11, bankrupted the country, redistributed the wealth to the top 1%. All of their policies are disasters. They lie at the drop of a hat. They are racist. They hate science. Only 6% of scientists are Republican. The majority of those on food stamps are white. And yet, in all that ignorance and wrong, they are still confident to the point of arrogance. Amazing.

And you wonder why no one on the right respects you and half of the left ignores you.

As dumb as they come.

If you took all the knowledge in rdean's brain and shoved it up an ants ass, it would roll around like a BB in a boxcar.

You really took the time to type that stupid post out? How creative of you.

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