Why do far leftists prefer not only being wrong, but presenting the opposite of reality?


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
This is a new phenomenon that I have discovered reading this very board. It's intriguing display of human psychology. I believe, when one is completely wrong, unable to accept the reality, we start to believe that being wrong does not matter. And to display that, something outrageously false must be presented to get a confirm that no matter how wrong one is, it doesn't matter. Post-modernism and other liberal nonsense theories are perfectly explained by my theory.

For example, instead of criticizing Trump for something completely legitimate. The far leftists often focus on how Trump is a failed loser businessman who hasn't accomplished anything. This is of course, completely ludicrously, stupidly untrue. The man is a fucking billionaire and everyone knows it. There is this sense of pride in sacrificing the truth that they take. Trump is Hitler regardless of the truth... not only that, but the liberals often themselves are loser businessmen.

A other example is the thread where the liberals of the board are with a straight face saying that conservatives are snowflakes. Conservatives may be this that and the other, but holy hell, everyone knows who the cry babies are. Again, 180 degrees from reality. They could have chosen to say something "bad" about conservatives that is true, but instead we get lies and projection, because truth shall not matter.

In leftist academia, the leftists actually believe that the truth is there is no truth. So they pretty much admit this belief right to your face.

Okay, okay, enough philosophy for now. I am waiting for you guys to comment and the far leftists of the board to prove my theory over and over again.
This is a new phenomenon that I have discovered reading this very board. It's intriguing display of human psychology. I believe, when one is completely wrong, unable to accept the reality, we start to believe that being wrong does not matter. And to display that, something outrageously false must be presented to get a confirm that no matter how wrong one is, it doesn't matter. Post-modernism and other liberal nonsense theories are perfectly explained by my theory.

For example, instead of criticizing Trump for something completely legitimate. The far leftists often focus on how Trump is a failed loser businessman who hasn't accomplished anything. This is of course, completely ludicrously, stupidly untrue. The man is a fucking billionaire and everyone knows it. There is this sense of pride in sacrificing the truth that they take. Trump is Hitler regardless of the truth... not only that, but the liberals often themselves are loser businessmen.

A other example is the thread where the liberals of the board are with a straight face saying that conservatives are snowflakes. Conservatives may be this that and the other, but holy hell, everyone knows who the cry babies are. Again, 180 degrees from reality. They could have chosen to say something "bad" about conservatives that is true, but instead we get lies and projection, because truth shall not matter.

In leftist academia, the leftists actually believe that the truth is there is no truth. So they pretty much admit this belief right to your face.

Okay, okay, enough philosophy for now. I am waiting for you guys to comment and the far leftists of the board to prove my theory over and over again.
Sure lets state facts. Trump's legitimate things are worse then the things that the conservatives held over Clinton's head for the entire campaign. I don't dispute that as a president he has the right for instance to divulge all classified information he deems fit. But it's also very easy to see that, divulging information to Russia. Information provided by a third party no less will more then likely will adversely effect, the ability of the intelligence community to both develop their own and get from third parties intelligence information. The worst and most damaging thing you had on Clinton was that she kept classified information on a personal server. Not a single of the e-mails endangered any ongoing operation, neither was an actual breach of security ever established. If you want to talk morality please tell me. " Why the double standard?' I'm just talking about one of the scandals he's embroiled in btw. I could also quite easily challenge the legitimacy of your statement that the president has the legal right to try to influence an ongoing investigation.
This is a new phenomenon that I have discovered reading this very board. It's intriguing display of human psychology. I believe, when one is completely wrong, unable to accept the reality, we start to believe that being wrong does not matter. And to display that, something outrageously false must be presented to get a confirm that no matter how wrong one is, it doesn't matter. Post-modernism and other liberal nonsense theories are perfectly explained by my theory.

For example, instead of criticizing Trump for something completely legitimate. The far leftists often focus on how Trump is a failed loser businessman who hasn't accomplished anything. This is of course, completely ludicrously, stupidly untrue. The man is a fucking billionaire and everyone knows it. There is this sense of pride in sacrificing the truth that they take. Trump is Hitler regardless of the truth... not only that, but the liberals often themselves are loser businessmen.

A other example is the thread where the liberals of the board are with a straight face saying that conservatives are snowflakes. Conservatives may be this that and the other, but holy hell, everyone knows who the cry babies are. Again, 180 degrees from reality. They could have chosen to say something "bad" about conservatives that is true, but instead we get lies and projection, because truth shall not matter.

In leftist academia, the leftists actually believe that the truth is there is no truth. So they pretty much admit this belief right to your face.

Okay, okay, enough philosophy for now. I am waiting for you guys to comment and the far leftists of the board to prove my theory over and over again.
Sure lets state facts. Trump's legitimate things are worse then the things that the conservatives held over Clinton's head for
the entire campaign. I don't dispute that as a president he has the right for instance to divulge all classified information he deems fit. But it's also very easy to see that, divulging information to Russia. Information provided by a third party no less will more then likely will adversely effect, the ability of the intelligence community to both develop their own and get from third parties intelligence information. The worst and most damaging thing you had on Clinton was that she kept classified information on a personal server. Not a single of the e-mails endangered any ongoing operation, neither was an actual breach of security ever established. If you want to talk morality please tell me. " Why the double standard?' I'm just talking about one of the scandals he's embroiled in btw. I could also quite easily challenge the legitimacy of your statement that the president has the legal right to try to influence an ongoing investigation.

How long did it take for a leftist to bring up Russia, a other outrageously stupid untruth, with no evidence whatsoever behind it?

Apparently... one post.

Anyway, to answer your question, Trump is the president and he had the right to do what he did. Clinton didn't and in fact what she did was criminal (if the server had classified information).
This is a new phenomenon that I have discovered reading this very board. It's intriguing display of human psychology. I believe, when one is completely wrong, unable to accept the reality, we start to believe that being wrong does not matter. And to display that, something outrageously false must be presented to get a confirm that no matter how wrong one is, it doesn't matter. Post-modernism and other liberal nonsense theories are perfectly explained by my theory.

For example, instead of criticizing Trump for something completely legitimate. The far leftists often focus on how Trump is a failed loser businessman who hasn't accomplished anything. This is of course, completely ludicrously, stupidly untrue. The man is a fucking billionaire and everyone knows it. There is this sense of pride in sacrificing the truth that they take. Trump is Hitler regardless of the truth... not only that, but the liberals often themselves are loser businessmen.

A other example is the thread where the liberals of the board are with a straight face saying that conservatives are snowflakes. Conservatives may be this that and the other, but holy hell, everyone knows who the cry babies are. Again, 180 degrees from reality. They could have chosen to say something "bad" about conservatives that is true, but instead we get lies and projection, because truth shall not matter.

In leftist academia, the leftists actually believe that the truth is there is no truth. So they pretty much admit this belief right to your face.

Okay, okay, enough philosophy for now. I am waiting for you guys to comment and the far leftists of the board to prove my theory over and over again.
Sure lets state facts. Trump's legitimate things are worse then the things that the conservatives held over Clinton's head for
the entire campaign. I don't dispute that as a president he has the right for instance to divulge all classified information he deems fit. But it's also very easy to see that, divulging information to Russia. Information provided by a third party no less will more then likely will adversely effect, the ability of the intelligence community to both develop their own and get from third parties intelligence information. The worst and most damaging thing you had on Clinton was that she kept classified information on a personal server. Not a single of the e-mails endangered any ongoing operation, neither was an actual breach of security ever established. If you want to talk morality please tell me. " Why the double standard?' I'm just talking about one of the scandals he's embroiled in btw. I could also quite easily challenge the legitimacy of your statement that the president has the legal right to try to influence an ongoing investigation.

How long did it take for a leftist to bring up Russia, a other outrageously stupid untruth, with no evidence whatsoever behind it?

Apparently... one post.

Anyway, to answer your question, Trump is the president and he had the right to do what he did. Clinton didn't and in fact it was a criminal act.
The entire intelligence community, the house, the senate and even Trump himself do not dispute anything I just said.
And to answer your argument. You would have no problem with Trump giving the missile codes to the Russians, after all as president he has the legal right to divulge that information?
This is a new phenomenon that I have discovered reading this very board. It's intriguing display of human psychology. I believe, when one is completely wrong, unable to accept the reality, we start to believe that being wrong does not matter. And to display that, something outrageously false must be presented to get a confirm that no matter how wrong one is, it doesn't matter. Post-modernism and other liberal nonsense theories are perfectly explained by my theory.

For example, instead of criticizing Trump for something completely legitimate. The far leftists often focus on how Trump is a failed loser businessman who hasn't accomplished anything. This is of course, completely ludicrously, stupidly untrue. The man is a fucking billionaire and everyone knows it. There is this sense of pride in sacrificing the truth that they take. Trump is Hitler regardless of the truth... not only that, but the liberals often themselves are loser businessmen.

A other example is the thread where the liberals of the board are with a straight face saying that conservatives are snowflakes. Conservatives may be this that and the other, but holy hell, everyone knows who the cry babies are. Again, 180 degrees from reality. They could have chosen to say something "bad" about conservatives that is true, but instead we get lies and projection, because truth shall not matter.

In leftist academia, the leftists actually believe that the truth is there is no truth. So they pretty much admit this belief right to your face.

Okay, okay, enough philosophy for now. I am waiting for you guys to comment and the far leftists of the board to prove my theory over and over again.

Simple. It is called cognitive dissonance. It is a side effect of mild personality disorder. But to a higher level, it all stems from Alinsky's Rules. Overwhelm the system, fill it with so much the system breaks down, delay and delay until people get tired, then use the argument that since you are always going after them, investigating, accusing, but never finding or concluding anything from blocked investigations that it is all you. A vast right wing conspiracy. Rule 13: Discredit and isolate the person. Make it about HIM and not the issue. And most of all, say and do the most outrageous things! So far over the edge that when caught and accused, you sound ridiculous and paranoid making the accusation. All the while accusing your opponent of EXACTLY whatever it is you've been doing. Then find your useful idiots and put them out there on the streets, on the social media with head's full of oatmeal. They make absurd claims that as soon as you try to nail them down with facts they attack you personally or change the topic (kind of both the same thing). It is a bob and weave, hit and run tactic. Stay moving like a bee.

You see, while liberals appear to be a major influence, they are actually a small minority in this country! They just try to get into power positions of influence and make as much noise as possible to appear bigger than they really are. Otherwise, they would never get anywhere.

Your problem Norman is that you are looking at this too rationally. There is no reason to the Leftist's claims, just an attempt to break down the system into anarchy so that in the weakened condition and chaos, they can take it over again. You see, if the Progressives were RATIONAL, they would be all for what Trump wants to do! Who wouldn't? It is a win-win for everyone. Except, they are not interested in the country, they are only interested in their tribe winning. It is the mentality of a 4 year old.
This is a new phenomenon that I have discovered reading this very board. It's intriguing display of human psychology. I believe, when one is completely wrong, unable to accept the reality, we start to believe that being wrong does not matter. And to display that, something outrageously false must be presented to get a confirm that no matter how wrong one is, it doesn't matter. Post-modernism and other liberal nonsense theories are perfectly explained by my theory.

For example, instead of criticizing Trump for something completely legitimate. The far leftists often focus on how Trump is a failed loser businessman who hasn't accomplished anything. This is of course, completely ludicrously, stupidly untrue. The man is a fucking billionaire and everyone knows it. There is this sense of pride in sacrificing the truth that they take. Trump is Hitler regardless of the truth... not only that, but the liberals often themselves are loser businessmen.

A other example is the thread where the liberals of the board are with a straight face saying that conservatives are snowflakes. Conservatives may be this that and the other, but holy hell, everyone knows who the cry babies are. Again, 180 degrees from reality. They could have chosen to say something "bad" about conservatives that is true, but instead we get lies and projection, because truth shall not matter.

In leftist academia, the leftists actually believe that the truth is there is no truth. So they pretty much admit this belief right to your face.

Okay, okay, enough philosophy for now. I am waiting for you guys to comment and the far leftists of the board to prove my theory over and over again.

I believe the problem is that you, like most on the right, suffer from some absolutely mind numbing cognitive dissonance. Like in the Russian/Email example already provided in this thread. How is it that having classified information on a private email server is damn near the equivalent of being a mass murderer but sharing THIRD PARTY classified information with the ENEMY, is some how fine and dandy.

Or this one. Democrats support programs like SNAP and Section 8 housing because they want to "buy votes", but Republicans that support tax cuts on businesses and the wealthy are not "bought and bossed" by their campaign contributors.

My favorite. The federal government screws up everything it touches. It should not be involved in health care, education, or even law enforcement. But yet that same government is qualified to pick and choose it's citizens.

Seriously, with that kind of cognitive dissonance rolling around in one's head it is almost impossible to even attempt any type of "logic".
This is a new phenomenon that I have discovered reading this very board. It's intriguing display of human psychology. I believe, when one is completely wrong, unable to accept the reality, we start to believe that being wrong does not matter. And to display that, something outrageously false must be presented to get a confirm that no matter how wrong one is, it doesn't matter. Post-modernism and other liberal nonsense theories are perfectly explained by my theory.

For example, instead of criticizing Trump for something completely legitimate. The far leftists often focus on how Trump is a failed loser businessman who hasn't accomplished anything. This is of course, completely ludicrously, stupidly untrue. The man is a fucking billionaire and everyone knows it. There is this sense of pride in sacrificing the truth that they take. Trump is Hitler regardless of the truth... not only that, but the liberals often themselves are loser businessmen.

A other example is the thread where the liberals of the board are with a straight face saying that conservatives are snowflakes. Conservatives may be this that and the other, but holy hell, everyone knows who the cry babies are. Again, 180 degrees from reality. They could have chosen to say something "bad" about conservatives that is true, but instead we get lies and projection, because truth shall not matter.

In leftist academia, the leftists actually believe that the truth is there is no truth. So they pretty much admit this belief right to your face.

Okay, okay, enough philosophy for now. I am waiting for you guys to comment and the far leftists of the board to prove my theory over and over again.

How many liberals can you identify on this board who are loser businessmen, and prove so,

since you make that accusation above?
This is a new phenomenon that I have discovered reading this very board. It's intriguing display of human psychology. I believe, when one is completely wrong, unable to accept the reality, we start to believe that being wrong does not matter. And to display that, something outrageously false must be presented to get a confirm that no matter how wrong one is, it doesn't matter. Post-modernism and other liberal nonsense theories are perfectly explained by my theory.

For example, instead of criticizing Trump for something completely legitimate. The far leftists often focus on how Trump is a failed loser businessman who hasn't accomplished anything. This is of course, completely ludicrously, stupidly untrue. The man is a fucking billionaire and everyone knows it. There is this sense of pride in sacrificing the truth that they take. Trump is Hitler regardless of the truth... not only that, but the liberals often themselves are loser businessmen.

A other example is the thread where the liberals of the board are with a straight face saying that conservatives are snowflakes. Conservatives may be this that and the other, but holy hell, everyone knows who the cry babies are. Again, 180 degrees from reality. They could have chosen to say something "bad" about conservatives that is true, but instead we get lies and projection, because truth shall not matter.

In leftist academia, the leftists actually believe that the truth is there is no truth. So they pretty much admit this belief right to your face.

Okay, okay, enough philosophy for now. I am waiting for you guys to comment and the far leftists of the board to prove my theory over and over again.

Simple. It is called cognitive dissonance. It is a side effect of mild personality disorder. But to a higher level, it all stems from Alinsky's Rules. Overwhelm the system, fill it with so much the system breaks down, delay and delay until people get tired, then use the argument that since you are always going after them, investigating, accusing, but never finding or concluding anything from blocked investigations that it is all you. A vast right wing conspiracy. Rule 13: Discredit and isolate the person. Make it about HIM and not the issue. And most of all, say and do the most outrageous things! So far over the edge that when caught and accused, you sound ridiculous and paranoid making the accusation. All the while accusing your opponent of EXACTLY whatever it is you've been doing. Then find your useful idiots and put them out there on the streets, on the social media with head's full of oatmeal. They make absurd claims that as soon as you try to nail them down with facts they attack you personally or change the topic (kind of both the same thing). It is a bob and weave, hit and run tactic. Stay moving like a bee.

You see, while liberals appear to be a major influence, they are actually a small minority in this country! They just try to get into power positions of influence and make as much noise as possible to appear bigger than they really are. Otherwise, they would never get anywhere.

Your problem Norman is that you are looking at this too rationally. There is no reason to the Leftist's claims, just an attempt to break down the system into anarchy so that in the weakened condition and chaos, they can take it over again. You see, if the Progressives were RATIONAL, they would be all for what Trump wants to do! Who wouldn't? It is a win-win for everyone. Except, they are not interested in the country, they are only interested in their tribe winning. It is the mentality of a 4 year old.

Are you kidding me. I just posted three specific examples of the right's cognitive dissonance. You have provided none in regards to the left. And let's talk about this Trump divulging classified information to Russia. It ain't about Trump, it is about providing information to someone that is, if not an enemy, most certainly not an ally. It is about the fact that is was THIRD PARTY information, provided to us by, wait for it, AN ALLY. How does that make sense? Most certainly, our allies will be much less likely to provide us this type of information in the future. And what did we get for this? How did it benefit THIS NATION? Those are legitimate concerns and questions that have nothing to do about Trump the person.
This is a new phenomenon that I have discovered reading this very board. It's intriguing display of human psychology. I believe, when one is completely wrong, unable to accept the reality, we start to believe that being wrong does not matter. And to display that, something outrageously false must be presented to get a confirm that no matter how wrong one is, it doesn't matter. Post-modernism and other liberal nonsense theories are perfectly explained by my theory.

For example, instead of criticizing Trump for something completely legitimate. The far leftists often focus on how Trump is a failed loser businessman who hasn't accomplished anything. This is of course, completely ludicrously, stupidly untrue. The man is a fucking billionaire and everyone knows it. There is this sense of pride in sacrificing the truth that they take. Trump is Hitler regardless of the truth... not only that, but the liberals often themselves are loser businessmen.

A other example is the thread where the liberals of the board are with a straight face saying that conservatives are snowflakes. Conservatives may be this that and the other, but holy hell, everyone knows who the cry babies are. Again, 180 degrees from reality. They could have chosen to say something "bad" about conservatives that is true, but instead we get lies and projection, because truth shall not matter.

In leftist academia, the leftists actually believe that the truth is there is no truth. So they pretty much admit this belief right to your face.

Okay, okay, enough philosophy for now. I am waiting for you guys to comment and the far leftists of the board to prove my theory over and over again.
Its a problem on both sides. Remember when Obama was an African born muslim that hated America? Remember when Hillary went from First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State to now being referred to as a criminal by most political opponents? Its the result of a barrage of attacks and over bloated accusations designed to discredit and divide. Trump was a master of this technique and he hypnotized millions of Americans. The left is doing the same thing to Trump... It is not a good thing for anybody to do, its a shame that it is so damn effective. I fear it will only get worse.
This is a new phenomenon that I have discovered reading this very board. It's intriguing display of human psychology. I believe, when one is completely wrong, unable to accept the reality, we start to believe that being wrong does not matter. And to display that, something outrageously false must be presented to get a confirm that no matter how wrong one is, it doesn't matter. Post-modernism and other liberal nonsense theories are perfectly explained by my theory.

For example, instead of criticizing Trump for something completely legitimate. The far leftists often focus on how Trump is a failed loser businessman who hasn't accomplished anything. This is of course, completely ludicrously, stupidly untrue. The man is a fucking billionaire and everyone knows it. There is this sense of pride in sacrificing the truth that they take. Trump is Hitler regardless of the truth... not only that, but the liberals often themselves are loser businessmen.

A other example is the thread where the liberals of the board are with a straight face saying that conservatives are snowflakes. Conservatives may be this that and the other, but holy hell, everyone knows who the cry babies are. Again, 180 degrees from reality. They could have chosen to say something "bad" about conservatives that is true, but instead we get lies and projection, because truth shall not matter.

In leftist academia, the leftists actually believe that the truth is there is no truth. So they pretty much admit this belief right to your face.

Okay, okay, enough philosophy for now. I am waiting for you guys to comment and the far leftists of the board to prove my theory over and over again.

Trump for something completely legitimate ...

like what, bring a legitimate lying piece of shit who's strong suit is whining like a little bitch about everything under the damn sun ?

Fuck Trump.
It ain't about Trump, it is about providing information to someone that is, if not an enemy, most certainly not an ally. It is about the fact that is was THIRD PARTY information, provided to us by, wait for it, AN ALLY.

Without actually being involved, I have to agree that it didn't seem like a good idea. Same with his comment that Trump just came from the Middle East while in Israel. Another faux pas. Typos are easier to correct on Twitter. The guy is used to winging it, but in this role, he needs to think further ahead on some things. Still, considering that he is totally new at all of this, can you really think of anyone not making a couple small mistakes? It's only been 4 months. Time will make a politician out of Trump yet.

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