Why Do Folks Hang With One Of The 4000 Ancient Gods

It will happen some day.

People will have enough information explaining life without fantasy to fill the holes.

There will come a time when MOST humans use fact instead of fantasy to explain the world and life.

The critical factor?

You're communicating on it.​

:eusa_shhh: And unconfirmed rumor has it you can thank Al Gore for building it in his dad's garage.
I really could care less what you are or what you believe. 90% of those who read or post here are Christians. Maybe one of them will see it.
So, you are proselytizing like an evangelical. It's funny.

I read the bible cover to cover and also the book of mormon before I was 20 years old. By the time I was 30 I had most of the new testament memori ed chapter and verse. I lived and worked in the church till I was over 60 years old. Don't be condescending toward me.....if won't work.

The problem is that kids are brainwashed with a load of superstitious nonsense and then every time they attend a boxing match or a flag waving some ignorant preacher gets up in front of them and spouts more bullshit. It ain't rocket science.
No, it is archaic quantum physics. *he*arts* as *he*ads*
o my my listen to yall.....

i worship the goddess of witches.......many have since nearly the beginning of times...

hecate is the greek goddess of witches and the crossroads

fantasy is fatasy.

facts are facts

True, but faith is also faith and faith is powerful stuff.

The internet isn't going to render humanity suddenly slaves to facts, the internet is going to help us get to know each other better, reduce fear and build tolerance, if not genuine affection, among us for our own species.

Exciting times!
o my my listen to yall.....

i worship the goddess of witches.......many have since nearly the beginning of times...

hecate is the greek goddess of witches and the crossroads

fantasy is fatasy.

facts are facts

True, but faith is also faith and faith is powerful stuff.

The internet isn't going to render humanity suddenly slaves to facts, the internet is going to help us get to know each other better, reduce fear and build tolerance, if not genuine affection, among us for our own species.

Exciting times!

Faith in what

Faith in ancient gods which were formed in the minds of ignorant primitives with a developing imagination who could not accept their mortality and needed a crutch to live their lives in the stone age is squat.
some day facts will mean more than fantasy in this world.

I cant wait until those days arrive in mankind
I can't wait until Jesus comes back in Glory and all unbelievers fall on their knees scared to death because they will know they are doomed.

LMAO!! Screw him and the jackass he rode in on. I told you...that superstitious voodoo stuff only works on those who believe it.

How many times are you going to repeat this 'Mommy help me, I'm insecure!' bullshit, you fucking fraud?
I can't wait until Jesus comes back in Glory and all unbelievers fall on their knees scared to death because they will know they are doomed.

LMAO!! Screw him and the jackass he rode in on. I told you...that superstitious voodoo stuff only works on those who believe it.

How many times are you going to repeat this 'Mommy help me, I'm insecure!' bullshit, you fucking fraud?

As many times as I want to....as many times as it takes. It's gotten to the place that I don't even like to breathe the same air that the bible thumpers breathe. Anybody naive enough to believe that double barrelled load of shit must have been totally brainwashed as an infant and or child.
o my my listen to yall.....

i worship the goddess of witches.......many have since nearly the beginning of times...

hecate is the greek goddess of witches and the crossroads

fantasy is fatasy.

facts are facts

True, but faith is also faith and faith is powerful stuff.

The internet isn't going to render humanity suddenly slaves to facts, the internet is going to help us get to know each other better, reduce fear and build tolerance, if not genuine affection, among us for our own species.

Exciting times!

Faith in what

Faith in ancient gods which were formed in the minds of ignorant primitives with a developing imagination who could not accept their mortality and needed a crutch to live their lives in the stone age is squat.

In my average opinion there is a certain beauty to the variety of cultures within our species.

Be a shame if killing 'em is the only way to cure 'em.
Don't get me wrong, Cammmpbell, I feel ya. I wasted a few years chasing a faith which later melted in view of the facts and that kind of shit leaves a hole. I miss Jesus. But life goes on, and the first thing you do after a divorce is make yourself attractive.
It will happen some day.

People will have enough information explaining life without fantasy to fill the holes.

There will come a time when MOST humans use fact instead of fantasy to explain the world and life.

I am not convinced that humans will ever progress to that point.

We as a culthre/species still eagerly embrace programming, religious and otherwise. ie from the tube and the net.
We percieve it as "safer" than truely being an individual.
Don't get me wrong, Cammmpbell, I feel ya. I wasted a few years chasing a faith which later melted in view of the facts and that kind of shit leaves a hole. I miss Jesus. But life goes on, and the first thing you do after a divorce is make yourself attractive.

That's where it is with me. I was first brainwashed by my maternal grandmother beginning about 1936 when I was 2 years old. She would say loudly, "Ol' Scratch Will Get You!" when I did anything she thought was contrary to a saintly existence. We were at services in primitive baptist churches two or three times a week. When I was in grammar school in west Tennessee in the late 1930's and early 1940's we began the days with the pledge and the lord's prayer and the teachers would assign bible verses to each student on Mondays to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays.

I was bapti ed in 1957 before a congregation of nearly 1000 and being an individual with a strong work ethic and equally strong personal drive(type A) I was a Sunday school teacher, a member of the Brotherhood, served on the building committee, the visitation committee, coached the RA boys, attended religious retreats, gave personal testimony in other smaller churches in nearby towns, tithed our gross and basically stayed in the church till I was over sixty years old. I never believed the virgin birth, son of god, crucifiction, resurrection, savior of the world stuff.........not for a minute.

I read the book of mormon cover to cover when I was in my late teens, the entire bible, the new testament over and over till I almost had it memori ed and began to go to the public library and study the roots of all religions and by the time I had done all this I decided that the best thing to do.....considering the alternative was to keep my mouth shut and not affect my job, my famlies acceptance, and all the other negative aspects of being an atheist or agnostic in our society at that time. Keep in mind that during the McCarthy years they added "Under God" to the pledge and began to print "In God We Trust" on U S currency.

One Sunday morning when I had just passed my 60th b'day I was listening to a church of god preacher do his thing and something came over me. I thought, "Man...You Are A Liar." I was referring to myself. I had never belived it though I had always pretended that I did. I have not been back to a religious service other than funerals since then.

I will speak up against the brainwashing of innocent, gullible infants and children from now on. That may not be much longer because I turned 77 the 26th of September and like it or not...the fact is there are a lot more people dying in their 70's than there are in their 90's.

Brainwashing children with 2000 year old ancient god worship should be a crime and I hope those who do it without reservation don't suffer too much from their stomach cancer.
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at 77....you have no peace...that is truly sad.....

Maybe no peace but definitely a mission.

I also have a loving family. They cut me some slack and at least one of my daughters and her husband and two sons support me. They don't believe that crock of shit either.
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a foolish mission......i have no need to convince anyone else of anything when it comes to religion...perhaps indifference for a while might settle ya
a foolish mission......i have no need to convince anyone else of anything when it comes to religion...perhaps indifference for a while might settle ya

You must have missed something....I was indifferent till I was over sixty years old.

"I was first brainwashed by my maternal grandmother beginning about 1936 when I was 2 years old. She would say loudly, "Ol' Scratch Will Get You!" when I did anything she thought was contrary to a saintly existence. We were at services in primitive baptist churches two or three times a week. When I was in grammar school in west Tennessee in the late 1930's and early 1940's we began the days with the pledge and the lord's prayer and the teachers would assign bible verses to each student on Mondays to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays.

I was bapti ed in 1957 before a congregation of nearly 1000 and being an individual with a strong work ethic and equally strong personal drive(type A) I was a Sunday school teacher, a member of the Brotherhood, served on the building committee, the visitation committee, coached the RA boys, attended religious retreats, gave personal testimony in other smaller churches in nearby towns, tithed our gross and basically stayed in the church till I was over sixty years old. I never believed the virgin birth, son of god, crucifiction, resurrection, savior of the world stuff.........not for a minute.

I read the book of mormon cover to cover when I was in my late teens, the entire bible, the new testament over and over till I almost had it memori ed and began to go to the public library and study the roots of all religions and by the time I had done all this I decided that the best thing to do.....considering the alternative was to keep my mouth shut and not affect my job, my famlies acceptance, and all the other negative aspects of being an atheist or agnostic in our society at that time. Keep in mind that during the McCarthy years they added "Under God" to the pledge and began to print "In God We Trust" on U S currency.

One Sunday morning when I had just passed my 60th b'day I was listening to a church of god preacher do his thing and something came over me. I thought, "Man...You Are A Liar." I was referring to myself. I had never belived it though I had always pretended that I did. I have not been back to a religious service other than funerals since then.

I will speak up against the brainwashing of innocent, gullible infants and children from now on. That may not be much longer because I turned 77 the 26th of September and like it or not...the fact is there are a lot more people dying in their 70's than there are in their 90's.

Brainwashing children with 2000 year old ancient god worship should be a crime and I hope those who do it without reservation don't suffer too much from their stomach cancer."
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o i havent missed any of your whining......i was christianized.....who wasnt in those times.....get over it....forgive them and move on....
some day facts will mean more than fantasy in this world.

I cant wait until those days arrive in mankind
I can't wait until Jesus comes back in Glory and all unbelievers fall on their knees scared to death because they will know they are doomed.

you will surprised when he judges you.

you are worse than an unbeliever.
I won't be surprised. And no, I am not worse than an unbeliever. Unbelievers will be going to a place very hot.
some day facts will mean more than fantasy in this world.

I cant wait until those days arrive in mankind
I can't wait until Jesus comes back in Glory and all unbelievers fall on their knees scared to death because they will know they are doomed.

LMAO!! Screw him and the jackass he rode in on. I told you...that superstitious voodoo stuff only works on those who believe it.
No, unbelievers like your sorry a$% will be thrown into the lake of fire with satan. Jesus said you will be judged by what comes out of your mouth, good luck.

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