Why do LGBTs hate Trump???


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Been wondering, and I asked that same same question at Twitter but nobody could give me a straight answer. Mostly it was "cuz"
Perhaps its due to the limited characters one can use?
Anyway...anyone have a legit answer I can mull over? Just curious, mostly. WHY???
Because he doesn't cater to them like the dems. Also, Trump supports freedom of religion.
LBGT is about .09 to 1.5 of the population. Why does anyone care about what they think about the president? The dirty little secret is that the freakazoids are a tool of the democrat party just like the democrats once used the 1%er KKK for their political muscle.
Been wondering, and I asked that same same question at Twitter but nobody could give me a straight answer. Mostly it was "cuz"
Perhaps its due to the limited characters one can use?
Anyway...anyone have a legit answer I can mull over? Just curious, mostly. WHY???
Because we are discerning adults.
Been wondering, and I asked that same same question at Twitter but nobody could give me a straight answer. Mostly it was "cuz"
Perhaps its due to the limited characters one can use?
Anyway...anyone have a legit answer I can mull over? Just curious, mostly. WHY???
Because Trump’s has been an administration hostile to gay and transgender Americans.

For example, with regard to gay Americans accessing health care:

“The nation's health department is taking steps to dismantle LGBT health initiatives, as political appointees have halted or rolled back regulations intended to protect LGBT workers and patients, removed LGBT-friendly language from documents and reassigned the senior adviser dedicated to LGBT health.”

Trump administration dismantles LGBT-friendly policies
Been wondering, and I asked that same same question at Twitter but nobody could give me a straight answer. Mostly it was "cuz"
Perhaps its due to the limited characters one can use?
Anyway...anyone have a legit answer I can mull over? Just curious, mostly. WHY???
Because Trump’s has been an administration hostile to gay and transgender Americans.

For example, with regard to gay Americans accessing health care:

“The nation's health department is taking steps to dismantle LGBT health initiatives, as political appointees have halted or rolled back regulations intended to protect LGBT workers and patients, removed LGBT-friendly language from documents and reassigned the senior adviser dedicated to LGBT health.”

Trump administration dismantles LGBT-friendly policies
But...why do they get special attention because they are LGBT? Does this "initiative" have to do with transgender surgeries and whatnot? What rolled back regulations protect workers and patients that also supposedly protect heterosexuals? This does not make sense. What LGBT friendly language? Is there such a thing???? Make me understand. All this is news to me.
Except for his cult, just about everyone hates Donald Dork.
Why??? There has been no proof of anything. Since when is someone guilty without evidence? And this is not about "everyone". Its about asking why LGBT hates him. I don't get it. I really don't.
IF Hillary would have won, I would have not been happy about it..BUT....if she did all that Trump has done since being in office..I would be thrilled and not afraid to say so even though I loathe her as a person but respect what she has had done and is doing. Why is it so difficult for all to think that way???
LGBT wants everyone else to approve of their behavior, not simply be tolerant of them. They want the general public to praise them by flying gay pride flags and lighting things up in rainbow colors. They want men to play women's sports and use women's restrooms and locker rooms.
The libturd gays are programmed to.

The gays with a sense of individual will....

Not so much.

LGBT wants everyone else to approve of their behavior, not simply be tolerant of them. They want the general public to praise them by flying gay pride flags and lighting things up in rainbow colors. They want men to play women's sports and use women's restrooms and locker rooms.
Trump hasn't stopped them from doing that. At least..not that I recall. He might not approve but he hasn't done anything against them. Mostly, he is trying to stop potential terrorists and focusing on more important things than what one does in the bedroom.
LGBT wants everyone else to approve of their behavior, not simply be tolerant of them. They want the general public to praise them by flying gay pride flags and lighting things up in rainbow colors. They want men to play women's sports and use women's restrooms and locker rooms.
Trump hasn't stopped them from doing that. At least..not that I recall. He might not approve but he hasn't done anything against them. Mostly, he is trying to stop potential terrorists and focusing on more important things than what one does in the bedroom.
To the LGBT not being all in approving of then equals being against them.
Except for his cult, just about everyone hates Donald Dork.
Why??? There has been no proof of anything. Since when is someone guilty without evidence? And this is not about "everyone". Its about asking why LGBT hates him. I don't get it. I really don't.
IF Hillary would have won, I would have not been happy about it..BUT....if she did all that Trump has done since being in office..I would be thrilled and not afraid to say so even though I loathe her as a person but respect what she has had done and is doing. Why is it so difficult for all to think that way???
Probably because Trump has done so much harm and damage to American values and culture. What did Trump mean when he ordered, against advice and opinions of military leaders, those folks were nor wanted or welcome and those folks could not serve their country in the military.
Except for his cult, just about everyone hates Donald Dork.
Why??? There has been no proof of anything. Since when is someone guilty without evidence? And this is not about "everyone". Its about asking why LGBT hates him. I don't get it. I really don't.
IF Hillary would have won, I would have not been happy about it..BUT....if she did all that Trump has done since being in office..I would be thrilled and not afraid to say so even though I loathe her as a person but respect what she has had done and is doing. Why is it so difficult for all to think that way???
Probably because Trump has done so much harm and damage to American values and culture. What did Trump mean when he ordered, against advice and opinions of military leaders, those folks were nor wanted or welcome and those folks could not serve their country in the military.
What harm? What damage? Not sure about serving in the military because I'm not even sure women can perform like a man in battle. Women are having a hissy fit now because a trans man into a woman is beating them in sports. Why is he beating them in sports? Because he was born a man and men are stronger. So....do you see where I am going with this? If he cannot perform in womens sports due his born strength as a man, how can a woman trans-ing into a man do a mans job in the military? And a trans man into woman bunking with guys that MIGHT have issue with him/her in trusting their very lives to him/her. Its a slippery slope and the best way to avoid all that is to say no..they cannot serve if they are not happy with what they were born as. Right?
Damage to whom? Harm to what? The individuals being told no? Do the few outweigh the majority? What is best for those majority versus the few?
Well alrighty then. I see the subject is too deep even here by many that are busily arguing the kid that gave the speech at his graduation had a right to talk about his gayness but to actually discuss WHY lgbts hate Trump?

It boils down to twitter drone-ism:

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