Why Do Liberals Complain About the Koch Bros but not George Soros?

Soros donated 32 times as much as the Koches. 32 times and yet you and your buddies routinely attack Koch donations and never Soros. Go figure.

You believe that Soros donated 32 times what the Kochs did? Really?

Yes really.

David Koch: $1,472,000

◾$1,352,000 – Republican Governors Association

◾$100,000 – Americans for Better Government

George Soros: $32,506,500

◾$12.05 million – Joint Victory Campaign 2004

◾$7.5 million – America Coming Together

◾$2.5 million – MoveOn.org

◾$3.65 million – America Votes

◾$3.5 million – The Fund for America

◾$150,000 – Win Back Respect

◾$120,000 – Majority Action

◾$100,000 – Campaign Money Watch

You might want to look into that a bit more. Just sayin'.
and the Koch bros pay for cheating.

Soros pays for registering MORE voters.

one is anti democracy the other is Pro democracy

Yes anti democracy Pro Republic.

Soros pays for registering more Mickey Mouse's and Donald Ducks. :lol:
and the Koch bros pay for cheating.

Soros pays for registering MORE voters.

one is anti democracy the other is Pro democracy

Yes anti democracy Pro Republic.

Soros pays for registering more Mickey Mouse's and Donald Ducks. :lol:

there is NO fraud like you claim.

the republican cheating is proven and convinced many many judges who then punished the republican party for cheating
I don't want Soros or Koch money influencing politics, but...

Citizens United!
Democrats act righteous and operate under the assumption that their liberal policies are best. Some believe it and know no other way. Others are wise, but go along because they see themselves as the ones who will dictate over the population.

Soros didn't make his money the old fashioned way. He is very unscrupulous and has a clear agenda. He is about as far left as you can get. He has many organizations, all with pretty sounding names, but the goal is communism. I think he funds certain things just for enjoyment. He could care less about people and is more interested in attacking enemies and fucking with countries for the fun of it.

Even though he has funded way more things and contributed more to political campaigns, the Dems are okay with it because they are the winners.

Soros isn't American, in fact he's about as anti-American as it gets.

The ends always justify the means when it comes to liberal tactics. The only bad people are those who disagree with them.

See? Now we are getting somewhere. We should hate Soros because he is trying to make the country communist. Excellent point. Here it is right here from the biography on his website:
George Soros came of age in Hungary at a time when it was a battleground in the decades-long conflict between fascism and communism, the two great totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century. A personal experience of this conflict—including the violence, foreign occupation, anti-Semitism, and other forms of intolerance that went with it—as well as a personal fascination with philosophy shaped Soros’s thinking in later years and influenced his successful strategies in both finance and philanthropy.

Wait. That says nothing of the sort. Is someone just a wee bit brainwashed?
You believe that Soros donated 32 times what the Kochs did? Really?

Yes really.

David Koch: $1,472,000

◾$1,352,000 – Republican Governors Association

◾$100,000 – Americans for Better Government

George Soros: $32,506,500

◾$12.05 million – Joint Victory Campaign 2004

◾$7.5 million – America Coming Together

◾$2.5 million – MoveOn.org

◾$3.65 million – America Votes

◾$3.5 million – The Fund for America

◾$150,000 – Win Back Respect

◾$120,000 – Majority Action

◾$100,000 – Campaign Money Watch

You might want to look into that a bit more. Just sayin'.

Soros and the Koch brothers have all donated to federal political campaigns and committees. While Soros has far out-spent the Koch brothers in donating to 527 groups, especially when considering his incredible $23.7 million in donations to the groups between 2003 and 2004, the Koch brothers have donated more money to federal candidates and committees.

The Koch brothers give almost exclusively to Republicans just as Soros donates predominately to Democrats and Democratic organizations. Overall, Soros has spent $34.24 million and the Kochs have spent $4.06 million. (Note: These numbers covers donations to federal candidates - to see donations to state
candidates, go to Followthemoney.org and search for Soros and Koch.
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The Koch brothers both spend more than the number listed. CATO alone costs more.

They spend money on everything from paying Universities to teach their brand of economics to think tanks to direct contributions to political campaigns to indirect contributions to political campaigns to climate change denial groups and more.

The Koch brothers have been far more successful by changing the dialogue through think tanks than with their direct contributions to politicians.
Yes really.

David Koch: $1,472,000

◾$1,352,000 – Republican Governors Association

◾$100,000 – Americans for Better Government

George Soros: $32,506,500

◾$12.05 million – Joint Victory Campaign 2004

◾$7.5 million – America Coming Together

◾$2.5 million – MoveOn.org

◾$3.65 million – America Votes

◾$3.5 million – The Fund for America

◾$150,000 – Win Back Respect

◾$120,000 – Majority Action

◾$100,000 – Campaign Money Watch

You might want to look into that a bit more. Just sayin'.

Soros and the Koch brothers have all donated to federal political campaigns and committees. While Soros has far out-spent the Koch brothers in donating to 527 groups, especially when considering his incredible $23.7 million in donations to the groups between 2003 and 2004, the Koch brothers have donated more money to federal candidates and committees.

The Koch brothers give almost exclusively to Republicans just as Soros donates predominately to Democrats and Democratic organizations. Overall, Soros has spent $34.24 million and the Kochs have spent $4.06 million. (Note: These numbers covers donations to federal candidates - to see donations to state
candidates, go to Followthemoney.org and search for Soros and Koch.

Keep looking.
and the Koch bros pay for cheating.

Soros pays for registering MORE voters.

one is anti democracy the other is Pro democracy

Yes anti democracy Pro Republic.

Soros pays for registering more Mickey Mouse's and Donald Ducks. :lol:

there is NO fraud like you claim.

the republican cheating is proven and convinced many many judges who then punished the republican party for cheating

So has the Democrats, whom Judges have convected and sent them to jail.
But you ignore those facts.
dems never cheat, only pubs

Indiana Dem official sentenced to prison for '08 ballot fraud in Obama-Clinton primary

Indiana Dem official sentenced to prison for '08 ballot fraud in Obama-Clinton primary | Fox News

that is an actual conviction for voter fraud, not a stupid consent decree, but TM will never acknowledge it because she is a liar





this post is proof truthmatters doesn't care about the truth
The Kochs spend hundreds of millions in order to promote the ability to pollute and screw workers, and to promote bs about gw- VERY LITTLE IS DOCUMENTED PUBLICLY. Greedy scumbags all the way...lol
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I don't want Soros or Koch money influencing politics, but...

Citizens United!

Soros.....Godfather of the Left....!

Grabbed some random items from the "Issues" section of Americans for Prosperity website, the Koch Brothers front group. Going through page after page the "issues" reads more like a portfolio wish list than a philosophy.

Americans for Prosperity
  • Against minimum wage hike. Does not say if they think there sould be any mimumim wage.
  • For farm bill.
  • Believes Ryan-Murry 2014 Spending Budget does not cut enough spending and is against it.
  • Against passenger rail.
  • End Community Development Block Grants.
  • End government investment in technology
  • End flood insurance subsidies for an additional year.
  • Supports Public-private partnerships such as letting a private company fix a road and then put up a toll booth.
  • Believes ethanol industry is bad for the environment.
  • Against extending federal wind subsidies.
  • Against requiring refiners to blend biofuel in gasoline.
  • Against extending the unemployment benefits.
  • For school choice.
yet you ignore when dems have been convicted of voter fraud

you're dishonest


why do you support a party that has to CHEAT American voters out of their votes to gain power in this country?

why do you hate Democracy?

Yes, he must have missed these George Soros funded organizations as listed above. Once again, liberals are OK with voter fraud so as long as its in their favor. But if objective objects such as rule of law and voter identification hurt their chances of fraud, then they have a problem.

Project Vote: This is the voter-mobilization arm of the Soros-funded ACORN. A persistent pattern of lawlessness and corruption has followed ACORN/Project Vote activities over the years. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/Articles/pvextprofile.html

Working Families Party: Created in 1998 to help push the Democratic Party toward the left, this front group for the Soros-funded ACORN functions as a political party that promotes ACORN-friendly candidates. Working Families Party (WFP) - Discover the Networks

ACORN http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/printgroupProfile.asp?grpid=6968

Here, TruthMatters complains about Koch money: http://www.usmessageboard.com/8461190-post2.html
Especially here >>> US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Search Results Just look up posts by TruthMatters that also mention "Koch" in the search section above. Then look up the same with "Soros." He doesn't really care about money in politics and voter fraud/intimidation. Only that which threatens a liberal agenda, no matter how legitimate.

most of that is right wing blather from right wing sites.

ACORN never produced ONE false vote!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ateAGCJ9FpQ]4 Dem Officials Plead Guilty To Election Fraud: Court Ordered DNA Samples - YouTube[/ame]

All connected to Acorn and the Working Families Party. George Soros funded organizations.

Voter ID is an objective standard. Objective standards by their very nature cannot be discriminatory. Voter ID prevents no one from voting.
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Soros donated 32 times as much as the Koches. 32 times and yet you and your buddies routinely attack Koch donations and never Soros. Go figure.

You believe that Soros donated 32 times what the Kochs did? Really?

Yes really.

David Koch: $1,472,000

◾$1,352,000 – Republican Governors Association

◾$100,000 – Americans for Better Government

George Soros: $32,506,500

◾$12.05 million – Joint Victory Campaign 2004

◾$7.5 million – America Coming Together

◾$2.5 million – MoveOn.org

◾$3.65 million – America Votes

◾$3.5 million – The Fund for America

◾$150,000 – Win Back Respect

◾$120,000 – Majority Action

◾$100,000 – Campaign Money Watch

Oh, I SO don't buy it. That's just a little tiny piece of what the Koch brothers actually do.


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