Why Do Liberals Deny America's Christian Founding and Heritage?

Yes, we have a Christian heritage ... as does the entire Western World.
However, the Constitution of the United States as amended prohibits theocratic rule by any government entity in this nation. Period.

1000% stupid and liberal of course since keeping our Christian heritage is very critical to our success and does not conflict with preventing govt from establishing one Christian religion as dominant over other Christian religions as happened in Europe before the founding.

I can't imagine there is a chance in a 1000 that a liberal could understand that!!.
Yes, we have a Christian heritage ... as does the entire Western World.
However, the Constitution of the United States as amended prohibits theocratic rule by any government entity in this nation. Period.

1000% stupid and liberal of course since keeping our Christian heritage is very critical to our success and does not conflict with preventing govt from establishing one Christian religion as dominant over other Christian religions as happened in Europe before the founding.

I can't imagine there is a chance in a 1000 that a liberal could understand that!!.

I can't believe you wrote that Eduardo, is eating paint chips one of the sacraments of your faith?

The Constitution was inspired by the secular European Enlightenment and discussion among philosophers about inalienable and natural rights and in particular the concept of individual human rights. The bible was not even remotely interested in that, its focus has always on what you shouldn't or cannot do. The Founders were very much human not inspired by or instructed by God to write the documents that established this country and we should be both respectful and proud of that fact. The Constitution is not perfect as we have learned over the past two hundred years, but as a piece of work establishing a government meant to withstand the passage of time I would say it is pretty darn good and we should celebrate that the way we always have without religion being interjected into it.
. The Founders were very much human not inspired by or instructed by God to write the documents that established this country .

100% stupid and liberal of course. Here's first sentence of Declaration:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? What other conclusion is possible??
. The Founders were very much human not inspired by or instructed by God to write the documents that established this country .

100% stupid and liberal of course. Here's first sentence of Declaration:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

See why we are 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? What other conclusion is possible??
Sow me it says it okay to kill and take from others for a christians nation to be settled and expanded.
Do you pray to stop being a moron, or do you accept that this is the Lord's plan for you?

That beautiful piece from the Constitution is Jefferson's appeal to the English King, George III, to establish, understand, and accept the firm footing for the American rebellion. Essentially, Jefferson is saying that there are divine and natural laws that allow people to break away from tyrannical rule. How you misconstrue that to be anything else is a corruption of the historical record.
Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road. This country has many wonderful religious people who mix their religious beliefs with common sense and compassion. But there are some segments of the population, such as evangelical "christians," who would transform our country into Iran 2.0 if they had the power.

They should have made Christianity the State Religion with a tolerance to let other religions or non religions peacefully coexist. The problem we now have are Christian haters who shit themselves anytime God is muttered at a public high school graduation, a nativity scene at a courthouse, or a cross honoring US Veterans. The clear reality is that Christians founded US and provide more tolerance and acceptance than anywhere in the world

Had the U.S. been founded by anyone but Christians, we would not achieve this level of tolerance and freedom. We are a Christian Nation.
Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road. This country has many wonderful religious people who mix their religious beliefs with common sense and compassion. But there are some segments of the population, such as evangelical "christians," who would transform our country into Iran 2.0 if they had the power.

They should have made Christianity the State Religion with a tolerance to let other religions or non religions peacefully coexist. The problem we now have are Christian haters who shit themselves anytime God is muttered at a public high school graduation, a nativity scene at a courthouse, or a cross honoring US Veterans. The clear reality is that Christians founded US and provide more tolerance and acceptance than anywhere in the world

Had the U.S. been founded by anyone but Christians, we would not achieve this level of tolerance and freedom. We are a Christian Nation.

Men of God, or Godly Men founded the nation, using the principles of liberalism which just so happen to included founding a secular nation. They did not want the infighting among religions, the kind we'd get if your kind was in charge.
They did not want the infighting among religions, the kind we'd get if your kind was in charge.

They did not want the infighting but they did want the Christian religious values on which Western Civilization was based. Before Christianity there was Rome: no love ,no family, and entertainment was watching people being eaten alive.
They did not want the infighting among religions, the kind we'd get if your kind was in charge.

They did not want the infighting but they did want the Christian religious values on which Western Civilization was based. Before Christianity there was Rome: no love ,no family, and entertainment was watching people being eaten alive.

If the Founders had intended that they would have put it in the Constitution front and center and we would not be having this conversation. They also explicitly said that there would be no religious tests and no establishment of religion. The Constitution is quite clear on this and that alone destroys any argument as to intent of wanting Christian values or any such other nonsense.
Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road. This country has many wonderful religious people who mix their religious beliefs with common sense and compassion. But there are some segments of the population, such as evangelical "christians," who would transform our country into Iran 2.0 if they had the power.

They should have made Christianity the State Religion with a tolerance to let other religions or non religions peacefully coexist. The problem we now have are Christian haters who shit themselves anytime God is muttered at a public high school graduation, a nativity scene at a courthouse, or a cross honoring US Veterans. The clear reality is that Christians founded US and provide more tolerance and acceptance than anywhere in the world

Had the U.S. been founded by anyone but Christians, we would not achieve this level of tolerance and freedom. We are a Christian Nation.

Yeah just like we coexisted with Native Americans and blacks right?

If evangelical christians were in charge of this country we'd look just like Iran.
If the Founders had intended that they would have put it in the Constitution front and centere.

too stupid I just gave you first sentence of Declaration!!

religion and capitalism were givens as natural ! No one dreamed that total idiots would come to infect America and lack the brains to know it.
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If the Founders had intended that they would have put it in the Constitution front and centere.

too stupid I just gave you first sentence of Declaration!!

religion and capitalism were givens as natural ! No one dreamed that total idiots would come to infect America and lack have the brains to know it.

Eduardo, is it necessary to call out names? I can do that too and quite successfully, but it does tend to kill a thread and I kind of like this subject.

That said, you are not entitled to your own interpretation of the constitution. The Declarations reference to "the creator" was plainly deistic. When it comes to determining the characterization of the United States government only the constitution matters as the sole document. Nowhere does the Constitution declare the United States a Christian nation. That alone ends your argument, there is nothing else to draw on.
That said, you are not entitled to your own interpretation of the constitution. The Declarations reference to "the creator" was plainly deistic.

100% stupid as always. First sentence of Declaration refers to nature's GOD.

Can the liberal grasp that???
Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

Probably because of stuff like this.....

" The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion."
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams

That treaty was rendered invalid in 1805, superseded by the treaty of Peace and Amity, a treaty in which such unsettling verbiage was not permitted.
That said, you are not entitled to your own interpretation of the constitution. The Declarations reference to "the creator" was plainly deistic.

100% stupid as always. First sentence of Declaration refers to nature's GOD.

Can the liberal grasp that???

Last warning about name calling Edward, or I'll take the gloves off. As I said you are not entitled to your own interpretation of the Framers intent. It is well documented, written and studied. Washington in his letter to the Touro Synagogue George Washington Letter made clear that non Christians would enjoy complete religious liberty not merely toleration in the new nation.
George Washington Letter made clear that non Christians would enjoy complete religious liberty not merely toleration in the new nation.

so what??? That has nothing to do with subject you pure idiot liberal . Do you have the character to now admit that first sentence of Declaration refers to GOD????? This is yes or no question. Trying to change subject again will again tell us about your lowly liberal character.

PS, Washington was a General not a founding thinker. Do you understand?
The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road.

You didn't read or view a single one of the sources, did you? The founders based our laws on the Bible's moral teachings. Heard of Blackstone?

Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.
In colonial America, Christian meetinghouses were about the only places in which slaves and Indians were treated as equals. Christians would later lead the abolitionist movement.

Americans were embracing the natural law, and those with no real Christian faith still appreciated Christianity as a source of republican virtue, not the least of whom were delegates to the Philadelphia Convention.

And you're blaming men for the second-class treatment of women. Not Christians. Because that was the reality.
George Washington Letter made clear that non Christians would enjoy complete religious liberty not merely toleration in the new nation.

so what??? That has nothing to do with subject you pure idiot liberal . Do you have the character to now admit that first sentence of Declaration refers to GOD????? This is yes or no question. Trying to change subject again will again tell us about your lowly liberal character.

PS, Washington was a General not a founding thinker. Do you understand?

Edward, you Incoherent, bunker dwelling evangeliclown, your denial is symptom of a sickness. Put down your crack pipe and open a book, just saying it is something that it isn't doesn't prove your fucking case. You paranoid, Christianity-bastardizing xenophobe.

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