Why Do Liberals Deny America's Christian Founding and Heritage?

just saying it is something that it isn't doesn't prove your fucking case.

dear, I didn't say it Jefferson did mention God in first sentence of Declaration while you said it was not in Founders thinking or documents.

Feel like a liberal now??
Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

it was not moral but thanks to Christianity the West became infinitely more moral than Rome, and now virtually the entire world is following the West.

Their not following western religion if that is what you are trying to say.

of course they are. where do you think the moral progress since Rome came from if not from Christianity?? Did you ever wonder why we count time from the birth of Christ??
Many in Europe and the new world were moving from a God centered world to a world that was nature centered. Nature had laws and those natural laws seem to be based on more truth than Biblical laws. By examining the earth they doubted the earth was only created in 4004BC, but the biggie was the astronomers determination that the sun didn't revolve about the Earth but the opposite. Of course Newton's law of gravity was just one evidence of nature's laws.
These new findings, and there were many, cast doubt on the Bible, and natural laws began to replace Biblical laws. Jefferson's Declaration of Independence used those natural laws as evidence of nature's laws regarding man, governments and so forth. It was called the Age of Enlightenment.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.[1]
nature's god...that could be any of the multiple versions of christian gods...judaism's god, hindu's god, muslim's god, etc. Even pagan gods...mother nature herself. Any of those. Clearly not exclusive to the christian god in his many versions.
Clearly, it is. Read the Declaration of Independence in its entirety, particularly this paragraph (names of the God of the Bible in italics):

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.​

And if the context of the entire document escapes you, consider the document in the context of history.
just saying it is something that it isn't doesn't prove your fucking case.

dear, I didn't say it Jefferson did mention God in first sentence of Declaration while you said it was not in Founders thinking or documents.

Feel like a liberal now??

As I said in my earlier post, open a book, then come and debate. What you are doing is spouting fiction as fact. Feel like a repressed, Constitution-trampling, nutjob?
" religion has a place in government but is not the dominant dogma.

Christian religion since its founding was always separate from the state or in great tension with it. Our Founders took for granted freedom, capitalism, and religious values while not wanting European style conflicts between competing religions.

But, now that liberals have killed religious values( divorce, abortion, welfare, hip hop culture etc etc.) there is little choice but to reimpose those values through govt.
just saying it is something that it isn't doesn't prove your fucking case.

dear, I didn't say it Jefferson did mention God in first sentence of Declaration while you said it was not in Founders thinking or documents.

Feel like a liberal now??

As I said in my earlier post, open a book, then come and debate. What you are doing is spouting fiction as fact. Feel like a repressed, Constitution-trampling, nutjob?

dear, I didn't say it Jefferson did. He mentioned God in first sentence of Declaration while you said it was not in Founders thinking or documents.

Feel like a liberal fool now??
Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

it was not moral but thanks to Christianity the West became infinitely more moral than Rome, and now virtually the entire world is following the West.

Their not following western religion if that is what you are trying to say.

of course they are. where do you think the moral progress since Rome came from if not from Christianity?? Did you ever wonder why we count time from the birth of Christ??

The moral progress of the world owes just a part to Christianity, to deny the other 41/2 billion people of other religions is dishonest.
Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road. This country has many wonderful religious people who mix their religious beliefs with common sense and compassion. But there are some segments of the population, such as evangelical "christians," who would transform our country into Iran 2.0 if they had the power.

They should have made Christianity the State Religion with a tolerance to let other religions or non religions peacefully coexist. The problem we now have are Christian haters who shit themselves anytime God is muttered at a public high school graduation, a nativity scene at a courthouse, or a cross honoring US Veterans. The clear reality is that Christians founded US and provide more tolerance and acceptance than anywhere in the world

Had the U.S. been founded by anyone but Christians, we would not achieve this level of tolerance and freedom. We are a Christian Nation.

Yeah just like we coexisted with Native Americans and blacks right?

If evangelical christians were in charge of this country we'd look just like Iran.

Because Iran is an evangelical Christian country?
open a book, then come and debate. ?

dear, I didn't open a book and found in it that Jefferson did mention God in first sentence of Declaration while you said it was not in Founders thinking or documents.

Feel like a liberal fool now??
just saying it is something that it isn't doesn't prove your fucking case.

dear, I didn't say it Jefferson did mention God in first sentence of Declaration while you said it was not in Founders thinking or documents.

Feel like a liberal now??

As I said in my earlier post, open a book, then come and debate. What you are doing is spouting fiction as fact. Feel like a repressed, Constitution-trampling, nutjob?

dear, I didn't say it Jefferson did. He mentioned God in first sentence of Declaration while you said it was not in Founders thinking or documents.

Feel like a liberal fool now??

Eduardo, Jefferson hated religion and loved the teachings of Jesus Christ. He even edited his own bible with just the teachings of Jesus Christ who he described as "sublime" in his morality. He had no use for organized religion for even then the wackos used religion to gain power and influence. Take your meds Eddie before the attendant comes and puts you back in the rubber room.
Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

it was not moral but thanks to Christianity the West became infinitely more moral than Rome, and now virtually the entire world is following the West.

Their not following western religion if that is what you are trying to say.

of course they are. where do you think the moral progress since Rome came from if not from Christianity?? Did you ever wonder why we count time from the birth of Christ??

The moral progress of the world owes just a part to Christianity, to deny the other 41/2 billion people of other religions is dishonest.

too stupid and liberal of course. The world was recreated by American values after WW2, and now it is spreading to USSR, China and India. They are not leading us toward the future dear. We are leading them. Do you understand?
Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

it was not moral but thanks to Christianity the West became infinitely more moral than Rome, and now virtually the entire world is following the West.

Their not following western religion if that is what you are trying to say.

of course they are. where do you think the moral progress since Rome came from if not from Christianity?? Did you ever wonder why we count time from the birth of Christ??

The moral progress of the world owes just a part to Christianity, to deny the other 41/2 billion people of other religions is dishonest.

too stupid and liberal of course. The world was recreated by American values after WW2, and now it is spreading to USSR, China and India. They are not leading us toward the future dear. We are leading them. Do you understand?

You are entitled to whatever fantasy the drugs lead you to.
it was not moral but thanks to Christianity the West became infinitely more moral than Rome, and now virtually the entire world is following the West.

Their not following western religion if that is what you are trying to say.

of course they are. where do you think the moral progress since Rome came from if not from Christianity?? Did you ever wonder why we count time from the birth of Christ??

The moral progress of the world owes just a part to Christianity, to deny the other 41/2 billion people of other religions is dishonest.

too stupid and liberal of course. The world was recreated by American values after WW2, and now it is spreading to USSR, China and India. They are not leading us toward the future dear. We are leading them. Do you understand?

You are entitled to whatever fantasy the drugs lead you to.
. The world was recreated by American values after WW2, and now it is spreading to USSR, China and India. They are not leading us toward the future dear. We are leading them. Do you understand?
He had no use for organized religion.

dear, our subject is not organized religion. Do you know why you are trying to change subject?

Nice if you to admit that Jesus is the source of Western values.

You are changing the subject Eddie, we are talking about Jefferson's view of religion. I did not say Jesus is the source of Western values, I said Jefferson appreciated his philosophy.
Their not following western religion if that is what you are trying to say.

of course they are. where do you think the moral progress since Rome came from if not from Christianity?? Did you ever wonder why we count time from the birth of Christ??

The moral progress of the world owes just a part to Christianity, to deny the other 41/2 billion people of other religions is dishonest.

too stupid and liberal of course. The world was recreated by American values after WW2, and now it is spreading to USSR, China and India. They are not leading us toward the future dear. We are leading them. Do you understand?

You are entitled to whatever fantasy the drugs lead you to.
. The world was recreated by American values after WW2, and now it is spreading to USSR, China and India. They are not leading us toward the future dear. We are leading them. Do you understand?

Spouting more nonsense? The world has competing religious values that's why we are at odds so much with the rest of the world. Read a newspaper once in a while.
Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road. This country has many wonderful religious people who mix their religious beliefs with common sense and compassion. But there are some segments of the population, such as evangelical "christians," who would transform our country into Iran 2.0 if they had the power.

They should have made Christianity the State Religion with a tolerance to let other religions or non religions peacefully coexist. The problem we now have are Christian haters who shit themselves anytime God is muttered at a public high school graduation, a nativity scene at a courthouse, or a cross honoring US Veterans. The clear reality is that Christians founded US and provide more tolerance and acceptance than anywhere in the world

Had the U.S. been founded by anyone but Christians, we would not achieve this level of tolerance and freedom. We are a Christian Nation.

Yeah just like we coexisted with Native Americans and blacks right?

If evangelical christians were in charge of this country we'd look just like Iran.

Because Iran is an evangelical Christian country?

It, for intents and purposes of this conversation, is an evangelical Muslim country. The U.S. has moderate Christians in power. If evangelicals/religious crazies were in power and were the majority, as is the case with Iran, we would look very much like Iran. Remember Iran's Muslims and evangelical Christians share a great many beliefs.
He had no use for organized religion.

dear, our subject is not organized religion. Do you know why you are trying to change subject?

Nice if you to admit that Jesus is the source of Western values.

You are changing the subject Eddie, we are talking about Jefferson's view of religion. I did not say Jesus is the source of Western values, I said Jefferson appreciated his philosophy.

Dear you said this:
"The Founders were very much human not inspired by or instructed by God to write the documents that established this country and we should be both respectful and proud of that fact."

Would you like to revise it??
Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road. This country has many wonderful religious people who mix their religious beliefs with common sense and compassion. But there are some segments of the population, such as evangelical "christians," who would transform our country into Iran 2.0 if they had the power.

They should have made Christianity the State Religion with a tolerance to let other religions or non religions peacefully coexist. The problem we now have are Christian haters who shit themselves anytime God is muttered at a public high school graduation, a nativity scene at a courthouse, or a cross honoring US Veterans. The clear reality is that Christians founded US and provide more tolerance and acceptance than anywhere in the world

Had the U.S. been founded by anyone but Christians, we would not achieve this level of tolerance and freedom. We are a Christian Nation.

Yeah just like we coexisted with Native Americans and blacks right?

If evangelical christians were in charge of this country we'd look just like Iran.

Because Iran is an evangelical Christian country?

It, for intents and purposes of this conversation, is an evangelical Muslim country. The U.S. has moderate Christians in power. If evangelicals/religious crazies were in power and were the majority, as is the case with Iran, we would look very much like Iran. Remember Iran's Muslims and evangelical Christians share a great many beliefs.

dear, our subject is Christian Founding

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