Why Do Liberals Deny America's Christian Founding and Heritage?

People with good sense know what happens when religious zealots gain secular power. Hint: it's nothing good. Tend to the maintenance of your own soul and leave people alone to go to whatever afterlife there may be on their own terms. Trying make people conform to a narrow morality by force of law is futile.

As opposed to the countries that had no religion in their leadership.....like Russia, murdered 25 million people in the modern age, not during the middle ages where everyone were savages, dittos china....communists again....close to 70 million people murdered...all without any religion whatsoever.....and then you have the socialists in Germany......pagan leadership with some paganism thrown in......12 million murdered.....

Secular zealots were far more deadly.......because they did their murdering in the most modern, advanced countries in the world...........

as they tried to make people conform to a narrow morality by force of law....and starvation, and gas chamber, and slaughter.....

I see your point.....
Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road. This country has many wonderful religious people who mix their religious beliefs with common sense and compassion. But there are some segments of the population, such as evangelical "christians," who would transform our country into Iran 2.0 if they had the power.

No, they created a country based on the free worship of religion.....very different from what you are saying....and comparing evangelicals to muslims...not even close...

If only the christians were half as close to the fevered dreams of the left as muslims actually are, they would actually deserve some of the ridicule the left has for them.....and yet the left defends muslim extremism to the end.......which actually does every last thing the left accuses the christians of doing...

the left are batshit crazy....

Revolution Justified by God
Many Revolutionary War clergy argued that the war against Britain was approved by God. In this sermon Abraham Keteltas celebrated the American effort as "the cause of truth, against error and falsehood . . .the cause of pure and undefiled religion, against bigotry, superstition, and human invention . . .in short, it is the cause of heaven against hell--of the kind Parent of the Universe against the prince of darkness, and the destroyer of the human race."

Good! you're starting to get educated. The problem is that Revolutionary war clergy had nothing to do with influencing the Founders train of thought. The sons and daughters of those ministers have been trying to amend the constitution for 200 years to include Christianity and Jesus Christ.

In the early years of what later became the United States, Christian religious groups played an influential role in each of the British colonies, and most attempted to enforce strict religious observance through both colony governments and local town rules.

Most attempted to enforce strict religious observance. Laws mandated that everyone attend a house of worship and pay taxes that funded the salaries of ministers. Eight of the thirteen British colonies had official, or “established,” churches, and in those colonies dissenters who sought to practice or proselytize a different version of Christianity or a non-Christian faith were sometimes persecuted.

Although most colonists considered themselves Christians, this did not mean that they lived in a culture of religious unity. Instead, differing Christian groups often believed that their own practices and faiths provided unique values that needed protection against those who disagreed, driving a need for rule and regulation.
The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road.

You didn't read or view a single one of the sources, did you? The founders based our laws on the Bible's moral teachings. Heard of Blackstone?

Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......
Why do nutbags start so many threads with the word why when they aren't interested in hearing any answers?
Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road. This country has many wonderful religious people who mix their religious beliefs with common sense and compassion. But there are some segments of the population, such as evangelical "christians," who would transform our country into Iran 2.0 if they had the power.

No, they created a country based on the free worship of religion.....very different from what you are saying....and comparing evangelicals to muslims...not even close...

If only the christians were half as close to the fevered dreams of the left as muslims actually are, they would actually deserve some of the ridicule the left has for them.....and yet the left defends muslim extremism to the end.......which actually does every last thing the left accuses the christians of doing...

the left are batshit crazy....

Evangelical "Christians" share far more beliefs with Muslims than you are comfortable admitting. I have zero doubt that if they were the majority in this country and left up to their own devices for a hundred years, we'd have many of the same laws like imprisoning gays and covering up our women as Iran does.

Yeah...right...keep telling yourself that as muslims actually do all of those things........
The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road.

You didn't read or view a single one of the sources, did you? The founders based our laws on the Bible's moral teachings. Heard of Blackstone?

Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......

A liberal would have us believe that the 13 colonies were not religious colonies and that religious values did not shape our Founders' values 100%.
The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road.

You didn't read or view a single one of the sources, did you? The founders based our laws on the Bible's moral teachings. Heard of Blackstone?

Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......
Yes Christianity ended it after a couple thousand years of practicing it.

Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road. This country has many wonderful religious people who mix their religious beliefs with common sense and compassion. But there are some segments of the population, such as evangelical "christians," who would transform our country into Iran 2.0 if they had the power.

No, they created a country based on the free worship of religion.....very different from what you are saying....and comparing evangelicals to muslims...not even close...

If only the christians were half as close to the fevered dreams of the left as muslims actually are, they would actually deserve some of the ridicule the left has for them.....and yet the left defends muslim extremism to the end.......which actually does every last thing the left accuses the christians of doing...

the left are batshit crazy....

Revolution Justified by God
Many Revolutionary War clergy argued that the war against Britain was approved by God. In this sermon Abraham Keteltas celebrated the American effort as "the cause of truth, against error and falsehood . . .the cause of pure and undefiled religion, against bigotry, superstition, and human invention . . .in short, it is the cause of heaven against hell--of the kind Parent of the Universe against the prince of darkness, and the destroyer of the human race."

Good! you're starting to get educated. The problem is that Revolutionary war clergy had nothing to do with influencing the Founders train of thought. The sons and daughters of those ministers have been trying to amend the constitution for 200 years to include Christianity and Jesus Christ.

In the early years of what later became the United States, Christian religious groups played an influential role in each of the British colonies, and most attempted to enforce strict religious observance through both colony governments and local town rules.

Most attempted to enforce strict religious observance. Laws mandated that everyone attend a house of worship and pay taxes that funded the salaries of ministers. Eight of the thirteen British colonies had official, or “established,” churches, and in those colonies dissenters who sought to practice or proselytize a different version of Christianity or a non-Christian faith were sometimes persecuted.

Although most colonists considered themselves Christians, this did not mean that they lived in a culture of religious unity. Instead, differing Christian groups often believed that their own practices and faiths provided unique values that needed protection against those who disagreed, driving a need for rule and regulation.

Yes, Jefferson was an Anglican before it became the Episcopal church and gave freely to it. That did not influence what he originally intended to write as the constitution.
The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road.

You didn't read or view a single one of the sources, did you? The founders based our laws on the Bible's moral teachings. Heard of Blackstone?

Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......

A liberal would have us believe that the 13 colonies were not religious colonies and that religious values did not shape our Founders' values 100%.
A Conservative would believe made up facts and what he is told to believe, thus spelling out the biggest problem in America.
The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road.

You didn't read or view a single one of the sources, did you? The founders based our laws on the Bible's moral teachings. Heard of Blackstone?

Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......
Yes Christianity ended it after a couple thousand years of practicing it.


The world practiced it...not just christians....and again...it was Christians who ended it.....and communists who still want it...
The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road. This country has many wonderful religious people who mix their religious beliefs with common sense and compassion. But there are some segments of the population, such as evangelical "christians," who would transform our country into Iran 2.0 if they had the power.

No, they created a country based on the free worship of religion.....very different from what you are saying....and comparing evangelicals to muslims...not even close...

If only the christians were half as close to the fevered dreams of the left as muslims actually are, they would actually deserve some of the ridicule the left has for them.....and yet the left defends muslim extremism to the end.......which actually does every last thing the left accuses the christians of doing...

the left are batshit crazy....
Revolution Justified by God
Many Revolutionary War clergy argued that the war against Britain was approved by God. In this sermon Abraham Keteltas celebrated the American effort as "the cause of truth, against error and falsehood . . .the cause of pure and undefiled religion, against bigotry, superstition, and human invention . . .in short, it is the cause of heaven against hell--of the kind Parent of the Universe against the prince of darkness, and the destroyer of the human race."

Good! you're starting to get educated. The problem is that Revolutionary war clergy had nothing to do with influencing the Founders train of thought. The sons and daughters of those ministers have been trying to amend the constitution for 200 years to include Christianity and Jesus Christ.
In the early years of what later became the United States, Christian religious groups played an influential role in each of the British colonies, and most attempted to enforce strict religious observance through both colony governments and local town rules.

Most attempted to enforce strict religious observance. Laws mandated that everyone attend a house of worship and pay taxes that funded the salaries of ministers. Eight of the thirteen British colonies had official, or “established,” churches, and in those colonies dissenters who sought to practice or proselytize a different version of Christianity or a non-Christian faith were sometimes persecuted.

Although most colonists considered themselves Christians, this did not mean that they lived in a culture of religious unity. Instead, differing Christian groups often believed that their own practices and faiths provided unique values that needed protection against those who disagreed, driving a need for rule and regulation.

Yes, Jefferson was an Anglican before it became the Episcopal church and gave freely to it. That did not influence what he originally intended to write as the constitution.

Thomas Jefferson was in France when the Constitution was written and he conducted religious services in the State capitol building in Virginia.......
The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road.

You didn't read or view a single one of the sources, did you? The founders based our laws on the Bible's moral teachings. Heard of Blackstone?

Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......

A liberal would have us believe that the 13 colonies were not religious colonies and that religious values did not shape our Founders' values 100%.

They want no judge over their actions.......so they have to get rid of him......and of course they are living in a country with the values created by the very religion they now hate.....
The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road.

You didn't read or view a single one of the sources, did you? The founders based our laws on the Bible's moral teachings. Heard of Blackstone?

Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......

A liberal would have us believe that the 13 colonies were not religious colonies and that religious values did not shape our Founders' values 100%.
You would have us believe that the founders were totally just kidding about that whole separation of church and state thing.
Yes Christianity ended it [ slavery] after a couple thousand years of practicing it.


too bad history did not move fast enough for you. After all you know how long things should take- right?? Please tell us when the automobile should have been invented.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? What other conclusion is possible?
Anyone who reads the writings from the founding era will encounter countless declarations that God helped found America, that God helped the Patriots defeat the British army, and that God founded America to be a beacon of Christianity to the world. Such sentiments are plastered throughout writings from the founding period.

Yet, many if not most liberals claim that America was founded as a secular nation. They quote a small handful of documents that seem to contradict America's godly heritage. They quote, for example, the Treaty of Treaty, but ignore the circumstances in which that treaty was written, not to mention the fact that they ignore the numerous founding-era statements that plainly contradict that treaty. They also ignore the countless statements from the generations following the founding era.

When FDR referred to preserving "our religion" in his nationally broadcast prayer for the success of the D-Day invasion, what religion do liberals suppose he had in mind?

A few liberals acknowledge America's Christian heritage and simply argue that that heritage is outdated and should be rejected. But, most liberals argue that America was founded as a secular country, when in fact primary sources from the founding era and from subsequent generations clearly prove otherwise.

Some sources:

American Not a Christian Nation? Wrong, Mr. President


Statements on Religious Belief and the Importance of Religion and Morality for America by George Washington John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States 143 U.S. 457 1892 Justia U.S. Supreme Court Center

FDR s D-Day Prayer - YouTube

Its the Alynski way. In order to radically change a country into what you want it, you have to change its history and symbols . They gotta tear it down before it can be built back up , it has to be all or nothing.
Yes Christianity ended it [ slavery] after a couple thousand years of practicing it.


too bad history did not move fast enough for you. After all you know how long things should take- right?? Please tell us when the automobile should have been invented.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? What other conclusion is possible?

Omg you're a trip Special Ed.
Yes Christianity ended it [ slavery] after a couple thousand years of practicing it.


too bad history did not move fast enough for you. After all you know how long things should take- right?? Please tell us when the automobile should have been invented.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? What other conclusion is possible?

Omg you're a trip Special Ed.

translation: as a typical liberal I'm too dumb to respond substantively
The U.S. was founded by people who specifically wrote laws into the constitution to prevent the zealously religious from writing their religious beliefs into law. They were well read on history and knew how bad things get when you start down that road.

You didn't read or view a single one of the sources, did you? The founders based our laws on the Bible's moral teachings. Heard of Blackstone?

Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......

A liberal would have us believe that the 13 colonies were not religious colonies and that religious values did not shape our Founders' values 100%.
You would have us believe that the founders were totally just kidding about that whole separation of church and state thing.

You mean the private letter that Jefferson wrote...considering it appears nowhere in any of the founding documents...and the 1st Amendment covers freedom "OF" religion, not from religion?
You didn't read or view a single one of the sources, did you? The founders based our laws on the Bible's moral teachings. Heard of Blackstone?

Enslaving blacks and treating women as less than men were very moral.

Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......

A liberal would have us believe that the 13 colonies were not religious colonies and that religious values did not shape our Founders' values 100%.
You would have us believe that the founders were totally just kidding about that whole separation of church and state thing.

You mean the private letter that Jefferson wrote...considering it appears nowhere in any of the founding documents...and the 1st Amendment covers freedom "OF" religion, not from religion?
Here learn something:

Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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