Why Do Liberals Deny America's Christian Founding and Heritage?

The founders were Christian for the most part but the heritage of religious freedom had long been established in the colonies and was in fact a reason for many to make the voyage to settle in America. The revolution wasn't any sort of Christian crusade.
Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......
And what was the religion of the people who owned slaves and defended slavery, even went to war to protect it? Oh right, they were Christians.
Whatever the founders thought matters not today. Whatever SCOTUS thinks matters today.

Like when the Supreme Court said fugitive slaves had to be returned to their owner, or that separate was equal, or that it was okay to put Americans of Japanese descent into internment camps and confiscate their property.........you mean that Supreme Court, the Supreme Court that said that if a town thinks it can make more tax money from your property by taking it from you and selling it to someone who will make them more tax money...that is okay.....that Supreme Court...

As Mark Levin pointed out in his book, "Men In Black," they are human beings, and often times they are deeply, deeply flawed human beings.......
Sorry....everyone practiced slavery...but it was Christianity that ended it.........both here and in Britian....and communism, the atheist way....enslaves everyone still......
And what was the religion of the people who owned slaves and defended slavery, even went to war to protect it? Oh right, they were Christians.

They claimed to be Christians....but if you read the 10 commandments they were in violation of them...thus they were not acting like Christians were they........though shalt not steal.......though shalt do no murder....and they violated those Christian Commandments from God...which is why they lost the war.......

But their poliitcal party was democrat.....and they were acting like true democrats....they wanted to control the lives of others and steal their goods and services, just like they do today....
Whatever the founders thought matters not today. Whatever SCOTUS thinks matters today.

Like when the Supreme Court said fugitive slaves had to be returned to their owner, or that separate was equal, or that it was okay to put Americans of Japanese descent into internment camps and confiscate their property.........you mean that Supreme Court, the Supreme Court that said that if a town thinks it can make more tax money from your property by taking it from you and selling it to someone who will make them more tax money...that is okay.....that Supreme Court...

As Mark Levin pointed out in his book, "Men In Black," they are human beings, and often times they are deeply, deeply flawed human beings.......

When you come up with a better idea than a Supreme Court, you might have a point.
The founders of our country were Christian. They were also white, European and aristocrats

Does that make us an aristocratic nation?
Whatever the founders thought matters not today. Whatever SCOTUS thinks matters today.

Like when the Supreme Court said fugitive slaves had to be returned to their owner, or that separate was equal, or that it was okay to put Americans of Japanese descent into internment camps and confiscate their property.........you mean that Supreme Court, the Supreme Court that said that if a town thinks it can make more tax money from your property by taking it from you and selling it to someone who will make them more tax money...that is okay.....that Supreme Court...

As Mark Levin pointed out in his book, "Men In Black," they are human beings, and often times they are deeply, deeply flawed human beings.......

When you come up with a better idea than a Supreme Court, you might have a point.

Mark Levin thinks they should have term limits...so they can do less damage....get rid of them before they turn senile......I could go with that....and a 2/3 over ride in say, the House of Representatives...for any stupid, anti Constitutional ruling they make...I could go with that too.....why should 9 lawyers made far reaching decisions for 320 million people....often resting on one vote...
The founders of our country were Christian. They were also white, European and aristocrats

Does that make us an aristocratic nation?

No, because they put safeguards in to keep us from becoming Europe....sadly, the democrats keep wanting to get rid of those safeguards because they love the top down government model of Europe.
Christianity is not by itself a plan for democratic government.

Who the fuck said that it was.....? We were founded on Christian principals but have a secular government, influenced by those principals with religious freedom that used to be protected and cherished....
Whatever the founders thought matters not today. Whatever SCOTUS thinks matters today.

Like when the Supreme Court said fugitive slaves had to be returned to their owner, or that separate was equal, or that it was okay to put Americans of Japanese descent into internment camps and confiscate their property.........you mean that Supreme Court, the Supreme Court that said that if a town thinks it can make more tax money from your property by taking it from you and selling it to someone who will make them more tax money...that is okay.....that Supreme Court...

As Mark Levin pointed out in his book, "Men In Black," they are human beings, and often times they are deeply, deeply flawed human beings.......
This fails as a false comparison fallacy, you're making references to various rulings that are completely unrelated to each other.

You're also exhibiting your comprehensive ignorance of the Supreme Court, the role of the Court in the Federal system, the doctrine of judicial review, and Constitutional case law itself – this is an inane and ridiculous post.
The founders of our country were Christian. They were also white, European and aristocrats

Does that make us an aristocratic nation?

No, because they put safeguards in to keep us from becoming Europe....sadly, the democrats keep wanting to get rid of those safeguards because they love the top down government model of Europe.
Actually, they put safeguards in to prevent us from becoming a Christian nation
Christianity is not by itself a plan for democratic government.

Who the fuck said that it was.....? We were founded on Christian principals but have a secular government, influenced by those principals with religious freedom that used to be protected and cherished....
What Christian principles were we founded on that aren't also Jewish principles that came first?
Christianity is not by itself a plan for democratic government.

Who the fuck said that it was.....? We were founded on Christian principals but have a secular government, influenced by those principals with religious freedom that used to be protected and cherished....

Why say the country was founded, which means the government was formed, on Christian principles when Christianity does not itself establish a plan for government?
Christianity is not by itself a plan for democratic government.

Who the fuck said that it was.....? We were founded on Christian principals but have a secular government, influenced by those principals with religious freedom that used to be protected and cherished....
What Christian principles were we founded on that aren't also Jewish principles that came first?

Islam has set of commandments that mirror almost exactly the Ten Commandments of the Bible.
Islam has set of commandments that mirror almost exactly the Ten Commandments of the Bible.

key word...., "almost".., like 180* out of context.

would you care to post them or would those commandments shame you ?

oooh shit..., i used a word that liberfools do not recognize....., "SHAME"!!

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