Why do men..... ?

not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D
just lousy customer service for free, dear?

I don't do "customer service." I think you need to go see a prostitute. That is the only kind of woman that would ever "service" you in any way. I'm 100% serious. You've got some damn serious issues. Don't you know this?
i know that dear; you have lousy social service for free; it makes me want to go to a Professional woman and not an Amateur, like yourself.

How do you know what sort of "customer service" she offers, when she wants to offer it?

Obviously another lie.
projecting much, dear? you have nothing but fallacy to work with.

What does "play their games for free" mean? What does that mean? Are you talking about prostitution? Of course, prostitutes are going to charge you money. That is how they make their money.
read, Games People Play to acquire and possess, a clue and a Cause, dear.

Sorry, but normal people don't need to read books to relate to other people. I think all of the junk you read is affecting your brain function in a bad way.
dear; you are just ignorant.

Now, tell us what you mean when you keep stating the phrase "for free" when it comes to women. Women are not store merchandise that are to be purchased unless they are prostitutes.

Women CHOOSE who they want to go out with, and they do have standards. Because you don't meet up to most women's standards is really kind of your own problem.
women have fewer Standards than men.
What does "play their games for free" mean? What does that mean? Are you talking about prostitution? Of course, prostitutes are going to charge you money. That is how they make their money.
read, Games People Play to acquire and possess, a clue and a Cause, dear.

Sorry, but normal people don't need to read books to relate to other people. I think all of the junk you read is affecting your brain function in a bad way.
dear; you are just ignorant.

No, I'm sorry. That would be you. If you go through your entire life thinking that the problem is with everyone else when YOU are the common denominator, then this shows that you are suffering from a psychosis of some kind. Delusions of grandiosity perhaps?
the common denominator, dear is my lack of resorting to fallacies; unlike all of those of the opposing view.

I'm being completely honest. I think you are probably a demented mental patient. Speaking from a woman's point of view, that is just ONE of many reasons why I wouldn't date you. Now, you said you wanted honesty. Nobody said it would be pleasant.
What does "play their games for free" mean? What does that mean? Are you talking about prostitution? Of course, prostitutes are going to charge you money. That is how they make their money.
read, Games People Play to acquire and possess, a clue and a Cause, dear.

Sorry, but normal people don't need to read books to relate to other people. I think all of the junk you read is affecting your brain function in a bad way.
dear; you are just ignorant.

Now, tell us what you mean when you keep stating the phrase "for free" when it comes to women. Women are not store merchandise that are to be purchased unless they are prostitutes.

Women CHOOSE who they want to go out with, and they do have standards. Because you don't meet up to most women's standards is really kind of your own problem.
women have fewer Standards than men.

That's not the case at all. Women are each individuals, just like other human beings. Maybe you should try to pick up women from your local mental facility? There you might find a match.
Everybody but the clueless and the Causeless and the shills know what i am talking about, dear.

No, I'm sorry. The communication problem lies with you. NOBODY knows what you're talking about. Now, what do you mean by "play their games for free." I'm asking you to explain that comment.
like i said; Only the dumb ones don't know what I am talking about.

Oh, so now the problem is with everyone else? You are the only one who knows what you are talking about, and considering that you cannot even get a date, I would say that you are not very smart. :oops:
getting a date is simple when i have enough money.

only the dumb ones don't want to look up the terms or concepts involved.

I somehow doubt that even money is going to help you. You just come across as a demented mental patient, really.

Hey, you said you wanted someone to be honest with you and tell you why you don't get any. I'm telling you now, honestly.
so what; you come across as a floozy. money helps tremendously in our political-economy. it is a self-evident truth.
Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D
just lousy customer service for free, dear?

I don't do "customer service." I think you need to go see a prostitute. That is the only kind of woman that would ever "service" you in any way. I'm 100% serious. You've got some damn serious issues. Don't you know this?
i know that dear; you have lousy social service for free; it makes me want to go to a Professional woman and not an Amateur, like yourself.

How do you know what sort of "customer service" she offers, when she wants to offer it?

Obviously another lie.

Why on earth would he refer to it as "customer service" unless he was talking about prostitutes. I think what he is saying is that he considers women to be prostitutes.
Your entire equality argument has been a Strawman. You have exaggerated what was said and tried to put it into areas not remotely related.
Your offers of full body massages get turned down quite often, according to you. And there are plenty of men who would turn down a full body massage with a happy ending, if it was offered by the female version of you.
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.
most free guys do; i usually Only don't have problems when money is involved. stop being such a shill. how many free guys are in jail for being free guys.

Really? You complain that you have low numbers and little experience, and yet the "free guys" are the ones having problems? Oh, and your supposition that I have problems with women would fall under which Logical Fallacy?

How many "free guys" are in jail for being "free guys"? That is easy. None.
How many guys go to jail for being Good Capitalists and paying for it?

So you consider someone who knowingly breaks the law to be a "Good Capitalist"?
Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D
just lousy customer service for free, dear?

I don't do "customer service." I think you need to go see a prostitute. That is the only kind of woman that would ever "service" you in any way. I'm 100% serious. You've got some damn serious issues. Don't you know this?
i know that dear; you have lousy social service for free; it makes me want to go to a Professional woman and not an Amateur, like yourself.

How do you know what sort of "customer service" she offers, when she wants to offer it?

Obviously another lie.
Did Jesus the Christ believe in lousy customer service for free under Any form of Capitalism? Why do women?
Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D
just lousy customer service for free, dear?

I don't do "customer service." I think you need to go see a prostitute. That is the only kind of woman that would ever "service" you in any way. I'm 100% serious. You've got some damn serious issues. Don't you know this?
i know that dear; you have lousy social service for free; it makes me want to go to a Professional woman and not an Amateur, like yourself.

How do you know what sort of "customer service" she offers, when she wants to offer it?

Obviously another lie.

Why on earth would he refer to it as "customer service" unless he was talking about prostitutes. I think what he is saying is that he considers women to be prostitutes.
you never worked in a customer service department? it shows.
No, I'm sorry. The communication problem lies with you. NOBODY knows what you're talking about. Now, what do you mean by "play their games for free." I'm asking you to explain that comment.
like i said; Only the dumb ones don't know what I am talking about.

Oh, so now the problem is with everyone else? You are the only one who knows what you are talking about, and considering that you cannot even get a date, I would say that you are not very smart. :oops:
getting a date is simple when i have enough money.

only the dumb ones don't want to look up the terms or concepts involved.

I somehow doubt that even money is going to help you. You just come across as a demented mental patient, really.

Hey, you said you wanted someone to be honest with you and tell you why you don't get any. I'm telling you now, honestly.
so what; you come across as a floozy. money helps tremendously in our political-economy. it is a self-evident truth.

Not at all. I am a very intelligent woman.

What does money have to do with dating? Some women don't care at all about money, but they still would not go out with you. It isn't because you're broke. It's because you are a fucking weirdo. Lol.
Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D
just lousy customer service for free, dear?

I don't do "customer service." I think you need to go see a prostitute. That is the only kind of woman that would ever "service" you in any way. I'm 100% serious. You've got some damn serious issues. Don't you know this?
i know that dear; you have lousy social service for free; it makes me want to go to a Professional woman and not an Amateur, like yourself.

How do you know what sort of "customer service" she offers, when she wants to offer it?

Obviously another lie.

Why on earth would he refer to it as "customer service" unless he was talking about prostitutes. I think what he is saying is that he considers women to be prostitutes.

He refers to free sex this way too. It is part of his problem.
Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D
just lousy customer service for free, dear?

I don't do "customer service." I think you need to go see a prostitute. That is the only kind of woman that would ever "service" you in any way. I'm 100% serious. You've got some damn serious issues. Don't you know this?
i know that dear; you have lousy social service for free; it makes me want to go to a Professional woman and not an Amateur, like yourself.

How do you know what sort of "customer service" she offers, when she wants to offer it?

Obviously another lie.
Did Jesus the Christ believe in lousy customer service for free under Any form of Capitalism? Why do women?

Who in the hell knows and what does that have to do with anything at all?

Dating is not "customer service." There is your first mistake.
Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.
most free guys do; i usually Only don't have problems when money is involved. stop being such a shill. how many free guys are in jail for being free guys.

Really? You complain that you have low numbers and little experience, and yet the "free guys" are the ones having problems? Oh, and your supposition that I have problems with women would fall under which Logical Fallacy?

How many "free guys" are in jail for being "free guys"? That is easy. None.
How many guys go to jail for being Good Capitalists and paying for it?

What does this statement mean? Let's break it down. How many guys . . . well, we know what THAT means. " . . . go to jail for being Good Capitalists and paying for it?" This part of the statement is incredibly unclear.
how many problems do you have getting something at a convenience store versus for free with someone?

LMAO!! This is a perfect example of a classic Logical Fallacy. Can you tell which one?
Nobody even knows what you're talking about. That's how socially retarded you are. You need a psychiatrist, not a woman.
Everybody but the clueless and the Causeless and the shills know what i am talking about, dear.

No, I'm sorry. The communication problem lies with you. NOBODY knows what you're talking about. Now, what do you mean by "play their games for free." I'm asking you to explain that comment.
like i said; Only the dumb ones don't know what I am talking about.

Oh, so now the problem is with everyone else? You are the only one who knows what you are talking about, and considering that you cannot even get a date, I would say that you are not very smart. :oops:
getting a date is simple when i have enough money.

only the dumb ones don't want to look up the terms or concepts involved.

I know the terms you have used. I have pointed out several instances in which you used them incorrectly.
Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.

Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D
just lousy customer service for free, dear?

I don't do "customer service." I think you need to go see a prostitute. That is the only kind of woman that would ever "service" you in any way. I'm 100% serious. You've got some damn serious issues. Don't you know this?
i know that dear; you have lousy social service for free; it makes me want to go to a Professional woman and not an Amateur, like yourself.

How do you know what sort of "customer service" she offers, when she wants to offer it?

Obviously another lie.
why be such a shill. don't You know when You are getting lousy customer service?
just lousy customer service for free, dear?

I don't do "customer service." I think you need to go see a prostitute. That is the only kind of woman that would ever "service" you in any way. I'm 100% serious. You've got some damn serious issues. Don't you know this?
i know that dear; you have lousy social service for free; it makes me want to go to a Professional woman and not an Amateur, like yourself.

How do you know what sort of "customer service" she offers, when she wants to offer it?

Obviously another lie.

Why on earth would he refer to it as "customer service" unless he was talking about prostitutes. I think what he is saying is that he considers women to be prostitutes.

He refers to free sex this way too. It is part of his problem.

He says he wants women to be honest with him. Well, that is what I'm doing. He doesn't seem to like it. Maybe he prefers the "fallacies" that his own demented mind tell him?
Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D
just lousy customer service for free, dear?

I don't do "customer service." I think you need to go see a prostitute. That is the only kind of woman that would ever "service" you in any way. I'm 100% serious. You've got some damn serious issues. Don't you know this?
i know that dear; you have lousy social service for free; it makes me want to go to a Professional woman and not an Amateur, like yourself.

How do you know what sort of "customer service" she offers, when she wants to offer it?

Obviously another lie.
Did Jesus the Christ believe in lousy customer service for free under Any form of Capitalism? Why do women?

You are just babbling.
Isn't it obvious that the poster is bonkers? :dunno: Remember when I told you that you can't argue with insanity? :D
just lousy customer service for free, dear?

I don't do "customer service." I think you need to go see a prostitute. That is the only kind of woman that would ever "service" you in any way. I'm 100% serious. You've got some damn serious issues. Don't you know this?
i know that dear; you have lousy social service for free; it makes me want to go to a Professional woman and not an Amateur, like yourself.

How do you know what sort of "customer service" she offers, when she wants to offer it?

Obviously another lie.
why be such a shill. don't You know when You are getting lousy customer service?

What does customer service have to do with anything? In a relationship, no one is a "customer." It is an equal give-and-take partnership. So . . . what are you talking about? Prostitution?
not if that was what they were looking for; it Only and merely requires money if it is not available for free.

why do free guys, like yourself, have so many problems with women?

Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.
most free guys do; i usually Only don't have problems when money is involved. stop being such a shill. how many free guys are in jail for being free guys.

Really? You complain that you have low numbers and little experience, and yet the "free guys" are the ones having problems? Oh, and your supposition that I have problems with women would fall under which Logical Fallacy?

How many "free guys" are in jail for being "free guys"? That is easy. None.
How many guys go to jail for being Good Capitalists and paying for it?

So you consider someone who knowingly breaks the law to be a "Good Capitalist"?
freedom of association and Contract; only wishy washy shills don't stand up for their rights.
Why do you claim I have problems with women? Nothing I have posted would indicate I do. In fact, quite the opposite.
most free guys do; i usually Only don't have problems when money is involved. stop being such a shill. how many free guys are in jail for being free guys.

Really? You complain that you have low numbers and little experience, and yet the "free guys" are the ones having problems? Oh, and your supposition that I have problems with women would fall under which Logical Fallacy?

How many "free guys" are in jail for being "free guys"? That is easy. None.
How many guys go to jail for being Good Capitalists and paying for it?

So you consider someone who knowingly breaks the law to be a "Good Capitalist"?
freedom of association and Contract; only wishy washy shills don't stand up for their rights.

What are you talking about?

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