Why do our politicians insist on stoking racial tensions?

Are you sure you aren’t Twilight Zoning here….are you saying you think it would be approprite for a white dude in south Mexifornia (where’s he’s a minority) to wear a White Pride shirt but a white dude in Hialeah, FL shouldn’t?
Are you listening to yourself?
Lol god your whiny victim mentality about being white is so fucking obnoxious.
It’s absolute cringe. Perhaps you could make an argument a white guy could justifiably wear a shirt like that in S California to some extent but it’s still pointless. It’s still stupid. If you actually want to wear a shirt like that in that context you still come across as a whiny little bitch. I mean clearly idiots like you are just desperate for attention. That’s what it boils down to. You’re such an 8th grader lol.
Lol god your whiny victim mentality about being white is so fucking obnoxious.
It’s absolute cringe. Perhaps you could make an argument a white guy could justifiably wear a shirt like that in S California to some extent but it’s still pointless. It’s still stupid. If you actually want to wear a shirt like that in that context you still come across as a whiny little bitch. I mean clearly idiots like you are just desperate for attention. That’s what it boils down to. You’re such an 8th grader lol.
hahaha….Unlike you hypocritical backward fucks, I call out all bullshit when I see it. The fat negro wearing the shirt at the press conference is the real self proclaimed victim, the real attention whore but your retarded woke as fuck dumbass can’t dare admit that.
hahaha….Unlike you hypocritical backward fucks, I call out all bullshit when I see it. The fat negro wearing the shirt at the press conference is the real self proclaimed victim, the real attention whore but your retarded woke as fuck dumbass can’t dare admit that.
Oh gee you called out hypocrisy on a black guy. Right you’re so objective and unbiased!
It appeals to persons like yourself.
Cool….So I can be sure that wokeologists like yourself wouldn’t piss their panties if Trump held a press conference with a dude wearing a white pride shirt standing next to him….RIGHT?
YOU wouldn't know the truth if it dropped you on your head, loser.
Lets run a quick test to see if you have the courage to be truthful.
(watch this folks)
Question #1-
Are dark people more criminal than white people?

(pay attention folks, watch this educator squirm and avoid being truthful)
Why would a politician conduct a press conference and allow someone to stand next to them in a “NYC Black Pride” shirt? What do they think will become of such antics?
Close your eyes and imagine the backlash that would come from Trump holding a press conference with a guy standing next to him in a “Florida White Pride“ shirt.
Is this another one of those bizarre double standard / reverse racism things that are somehow acceptable among the Twilight Zone folks?

Divide & conquer = POWER & CONTROL.
I bet there is something oozing out of you when you make up stupid shit to attack people too, isn't there?
what did I make up?
Not at all…I actually like watching what black ‘leaders’ do to the communities, cities and states they run…I prefer that they continue to prove they can’t lead, I prefer that they continue to fuck over their retarded constituents and destroy the dangerous, filthy shithloes they run.

Like I said. It oozes out of you.
Cool personal theory…I’m guessing you don’t have data to offer as evidence?
If that were true why is there so much hostility, hatred, crime and division among ‘certain’ classes….all at the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum?
Why would or does someone making $15 per hour have disdain for the guy making $500k per year?
You missed the point. Their is division. The different classes share no common values. The very poor and the middle class cannot share the same ideals and customs as those who make hundreds of millions or billions. I'm not talking about hatred. I'm talking about shared ideals. Customs. Socioeconomic division is simply a fact and that's just the way it is.
You missed the point. Their is division. The different classes share no common values. The very poor and the middle class cannot share the same ideals and customs as those who make hundreds of millions or billions. I'm not talking about hatred. I'm talking about shared ideals. Customs. Socioeconomic division is simply a fact and that's just the way it is.
And isn’t it great? That’s the nature of capitalism by design.
I am not destined (by Government) to be and accomplish what DaShawn in DaHood is/has and he is not destined to be me.
The truth is, the disconnect between people has very little to do with wealth inequalities.
An ambitious, determined person can’t relate or mesh with unambitious or complacent or lazy cruisers. In America wealth is simply a byproduct one ones state of mind.
I think you’re reaching for something that isn’t really there.
We are a nation divided by religions, by cultures, by languages, by core indifferences.
Divide & conquer = POWER & CONTROL.
And demagoguery.

In the case of the Democrat party, it has to do with creating the illusion that certain groups are victims and then pitting them against society at large. In turn, they posit themselves as the champions of these victims that they have created in order to be voted into power and begin playing the game of personal enrichment.
what did I make up?

Like I said. It oozes out of you.
What does….that scary, pesky truth?
Why does truth make you piss yourself?
I thought intelligent beings were suppose to embrace and appreciate truth…no?

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