Why do our politicians insist on stoking racial tensions?

Can you post the data that you used to arrive at that answer?
I live here:

You live here:
Why would a politician conduct a press conference and allow someone to stand next to them in a “NYC Black Pride” shirt? What do they think will become of such antics?
Close your eyes and imagine the backlash that would come from Trump holding a press conference with a guy standing next to him in a “Florida White Pride“ shirt.
Is this another one of those bizarre double standard / reverse racism things that are somehow acceptable among the Twilight Zone folks?

Yes we know. It offends you to see any minority treated like a human being.
The dumbest amongst us resort to racial and religious bigotry because it is convenient and easy and really stupid.

Says the racist Rainman who sees "DA JOOOOSSSS" behind every cockamamie conspiracy he obsesses over. :rolleyes:
And isn’t it great? That’s the nature of capitalism by design.
I am not destined (by Government) to be and accomplish what DaShawn in DaHood is/has and he is not destined to be me.
The truth is, the disconnect between people has very little to do with wealth inequalities.
An ambitious, determined person can’t relate or mesh with unambitious or complacent or lazy cruisers. In America wealth is simply a byproduct one ones state of mind.
I think you’re reaching for something that isn’t really there.
We are a nation divided by religions, by cultures, by languages, by core indifferences.
You are wrong. I've been a citizen of this nation for 94 years. We ARE heavily divid d by class. It's always been this way. It's not a bad thing it's just st a GACT. No billionaire shares my ideals, customs, beliefs, etc. We cannot be brethren. But that's okay.
Can you post the data that you used to arrive at that answer?
(watch this folks)
I love how the only time you care about data is when you demand it from someone you’re arguing with. When does your dumbass post your own data? If you actually cared about data in general, you definitely would not be stupid as you are now.
AGAIN, truth could rip your arm off and beat your stupid head in with it, and you still wouldn't recognize it, loser.
Lets run a quick test to see if you have the courage to be truthful.
(watch this folks)
Question #2-
Are dark communities safer than white communities?

(pay attention folks, watch this educator squirm and avoid being truthful….this is what is teaching our children….they defy truth for feelings.)
I love how the only time you care about data is when you demand it from someone you’re arguing with. When does your dumbass post your own data? If you actually cared about data in general, you definitely would not be stupid as you are now.
What data does your woke dumbass want to see…I’ll happily share with you.
(watch this folks, he won’t really ask for data because he knows I’ll hurt his feelings with it)
You are wrong. I've been a citizen of this nation for 94 years. We ARE heavily divid d by class. It's always been this way. It's not a bad thing it's just st a GACT. No billionaire shares my ideals, customs, beliefs, etc. We cannot be brethren. But that's okay.
Hold on…so you think the quality of life of the dude making $15 per hour is negatively affected by the dude making $500k per year? Can you expand on that hypothesis please?
Hold on…so you think the quality of life of the dude making $15 per hour is negatively affected by the dude making $500k per year? Can you expand on that hypothesis please?
Nope but the two CANNOT unify. That's the point. They cannot share common values. It's not a bad thing at all just the way it is.
What data does your woke dumbass want to see…I’ll happily share with you.
(watch this folks, he won’t really ask for data because he knows I’ll hurt his feelings with it)
Lol um okay show me data. I’ll wait.
Why would a politician conduct a press conference and allow someone to stand next to them in a “NYC Black Pride” shirt? What do they think will become of such antics?
Close your eyes and imagine the backlash that would come from Trump holding a press conference with a guy standing next to him in a “Florida White Pride“ shirt.
Is this another one of those bizarre double standard / reverse racism things that are somehow acceptable among the Twilight Zone folks?

Dems can because...dems can. No one to stop them.

Plus, the tension will help with the extermination of the reps as a good thing!

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