Diamond Member
When dealing with the hive mind, I always remind myself that I am just one man dealing with an entire swarm of drones.I truly am growing tired of this simplistic, shallow, binary thought. You're either 100% this, or 100% that, and that's it.It has been my experience that extremists see even the slightest derivation from their rigid views as being equally extreme in the opposite direction. It isn't enough that you do support gay rights, here, as you are being required to support any and all behavior a person engages in because they are gay.Then support them fully. I think they hurt more than they help.Gay Pride parades, like most parades, are unique unto themselves.
The authoritarian left had simply invested the old systems of privilege by creating new ones where a persons identity now provides an exemption when it comes to expectations for acceptable behavior.
Interestingly, I'm not sure if this is done on purpose or whether it's because ideology distorts perceptions.
Whichever, I just exit the conversations at this point, not worth the effort.