CDZ Why do people hate Gays ?

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It it simply an irrational fear that is based in part by a fear of differences and part based upon unquestioning belief in what a person has been taught. The most egregiously homophobic group in the world are Muslims, yet extraordinarily irrational people defend them even as they champion gay rights. Go figure, eh.
I dont really see anything other than kids having a good time.They certainly arent breaking any laws. Whats the problem ?
I have no doubt you don't see it. That was my point.
What are you seeing ?
I made it clear, and others who are also pro-gay rights agreed.

Read the thread.

My daughter uses the same tactic. If she doesn't agree with something I say, she accuses me of not fully UNDERSTANDING, or she accuses ME of being RUDE. I'm rude when I tell her that she is not allowed to hang out at the park, and I don't UNDERSTAND when I tell her she's too young to have a boyfriend.

Hello, I'm not rude. It isn't rude to tell you NO. There are rules, and everybody gets to follow them. Likewise, with the queers, it isn't HATE to tell them that they don't get to dictate to the churches what they can preach from their pulpits. We have constitutional and human rights, including freedom of speech and religion, that homos don't get to violate and restrict, just because they don't agree.

And I do understand my daughter, and people in general, which is why I tell her she may not date at this young age. Likewise, I understand the motivation behind the rhetoric the homofascists engage in..which is why I object to it.
I dont see the link between your kids and a whole slice of society. They arent children you know.
Then you're too stupid to discuss this topic with.
I dont really see anything other than kids having a good time.They certainly arent breaking any laws. Whats the problem ?
I have no doubt you don't see it. That was my point.
What are you seeing ?
I made it clear, and others who are also pro-gay rights agreed.

Read the thread.

My daughter uses the same tactic. If she doesn't agree with something I say, she accuses me of not fully UNDERSTANDING, or she accuses ME of being RUDE. I'm rude when I tell her that she is not allowed to hang out at the park, and I don't UNDERSTAND when I tell her she's too young to have a boyfriend.

Hello, I'm not rude. It isn't rude to tell you NO. There are rules, and everybody gets to follow them. Likewise, with the queers, it isn't HATE to tell them that they don't get to dictate to the churches what they can preach from their pulpits. We have constitutional and human rights, including freedom of speech and religion, that homos don't get to violate and restrict, just because they don't agree.

And I do understand my daughter, and people in general, which is why I tell her she may not date at this young age. Likewise, I understand the motivation behind the rhetoric the homofascists engage in..which is why I object to it.
When someone goes obtuse on me, that's it, I'm out. Or, if I detect they're serious and actually can't see something obvious, I'm also out. What's the point of trying?

I fully admit that I may be completely nuts. When I see a problem, I want to fix it. There are many people who don't seem to share that view. There is no way they can actually believe that their behaviors (obtuseness, distortion, deflection, hyperbole, personal attacks, intimidation, outright lies) are going to improve anything.

Again, what's the point of trying to communicate with someone like that? They're not interested in improving anything, they're just trying to WIN.

Hell with it.

Oh I agree. People who pretend not to understand elementary concepts are a waste of time because you can't communicate in any meaningful way with t hem. All they can do is spout their own rhetoric over and over, mindlessly.
I dont really see anything other than kids having a good time.They certainly arent breaking any laws. Whats the problem ?
I have no doubt you don't see it. That was my point.
What are you seeing ?
I made it clear, and others who are also pro-gay rights agreed.

Read the thread.

My daughter uses the same tactic. If she doesn't agree with something I say, she accuses me of not fully UNDERSTANDING, or she accuses ME of being RUDE. I'm rude when I tell her that she is not allowed to hang out at the park, and I don't UNDERSTAND when I tell her she's too young to have a boyfriend.

Hello, I'm not rude. It isn't rude to tell you NO. There are rules, and everybody gets to follow them. Likewise, with the queers, it isn't HATE to tell them that they don't get to dictate to the churches what they can preach from their pulpits. We have constitutional and human rights, including freedom of speech and religion, that homos don't get to violate and restrict, just because they don't agree.

And I do understand my daughter, and people in general, which is why I tell her she may not date at this young age. Likewise, I understand the motivation behind the rhetoric the homofascists engage in..which is why I object to it.

Nuts? You strike me as one of the most moderate and sensible people here.
Its like an obsession with some. Why is it so important to deny this small group of people rights that the rest of us take for granted.

Live,love and go about your business in peace.

The rhetoric is cruel,dehumanizing, hateful and tends to mark out the hater for what they are.

I can think of several reasons, fear,ignorance, inherent character flaws, selective religious intolerance.

But it still doesnt explain it to me fully.

Why do people hate Gays ?

Using the word hate does not add any emphasis. If you think their/my opinions are wrong... calling it 'hate' is not a slam dunk making it wrong.

Changing the law of nature is a conscience decision for sake of personal gratification

I don't hate gays, in fact, my sister in-law divorced her husband and chose to be a lesbian. Screwed her kids up by doing so. I would come to the aid of a gay if they were injured or attacked. Those actions don't equate to hate

I am of the position that if someone wants to have sex with a chicken, knock yourself out. But when you want benefits or traditional marriage as a result of the union with said chicken, that is where I draw the line

"I am of the position that if someone wants to have sex with a chicken, knock yourself out. But when you want benefits or traditional marriage as a result of the union with said chicken, that is where I draw the line"

Who are you to draw lines? You're the arbiter of normalcy? Let me tell you, if you're taking it upon yourself to draw lines, you've drawn them in the wrong place. Gay people raise children, and there is only one rational place to draw lines, either prevent gays from raising children, through sperm donation, surrogacy, adoption, etc., or recognize that the same protections afforded to children of straight people MUST be granted to children being raised in non-traditional families. Your right to be a homophobe does not trump the rights of children to be treated as first-class citizens, regardless of the sexual orientation of the people who are raising them.
Its like an obsession with some. Why is it so important to deny this small group of people rights that the rest of us take for granted.

Live,love and go about your business in peace.

The rhetoric is cruel,dehumanizing, hateful and tends to mark out the hater for what they are.

I can think of several reasons, fear,ignorance, inherent character flaws, selective religious intolerance.

But it still doesnt explain it to me fully.

Why do people hate Gays ?
I posted this in another thread-
I support equal rights for gays, and when it comes to marriage they already have them. Marriage is, and for the most part always has been defined as the union between a man and a woman. Them just facts. There is no legal requirement in marriage for love, there is no legal requirement in marriage for sexual orientation. If a gay guy and a lesbian woman want to get married they can. Remember, equal rights. My guess it has problem happened. And if we decide to alter the traditional definition for marriage- allow gay men or lesbian women to marry one another- then that right must be extended to all people, not just the LGBT crowd. Yep, any dude can marry any dude, or any chick can marry any chick. It doesn't matter a great deal to me either way, but let's be clear on what we have now, and what we will have if we alter the definition of marriage.
Marriage laws have only existed for one reason, to guarantee continuity of power. A state requires a consistent population to maintain power. The Romans knew that bachelors, whelping bastards left and right, would not guarantee a consistent population of citizens, and would thereby threaten Roman power. That is why the relationship has always been defined as being between a man and a woman. That's how babies are made. Until now, that is. Now, a lesbian can buy sperm. A gay man can hire a surrogate.

We're not keeping up with how people are being raised. We've gone from 10% female head of households in 1960 to 40% today. We need to support the people who are raising the next generation, no matter how their households are constituted. How many children are being raised in same sex households? We have no idea. We should know that, shouldn't we? We need to make these assessments based on fact, not emotion. We are watching a large percentage of our next generation being raised in disadvantaged, second-class citizenship status.
It it simply an irrational fear that is based in part by a fear of differences and part based upon unquestioning belief in what a person has been taught. The most egregiously homophobic group in the world are Muslims, yet extraordinarily irrational people defend them even as they champion gay rights. Go figure, eh.
Your binary way of looking at the world is not reality. One can defend both muslims and gays without conflict because I guarantee you there are some gay muslims.

It is interesting that the only people giving reasons for why people 'hate' gays are those that are projecting those reasons onto others.

Mayhap the idea that so many hate gays is largely an outright lie. There are those that hate - there just are not very many of them.
[G]ay pride parades...shove a person's sexuality in the face of an opponent.

Your remark is emblematic and illustrative of how folks who are not members of an ostracized, ridiculed, discriminated against, etc. just don't "get it" when it comes to having an understanding of what it means to be a member of such groups.
  • You may feel like gays are "shoving [their] sexuality in [your] face" as a consequence of observing a gay pride parade, but I suspect that for most gays who participate in those events, you and your ilk are the farthest things from their minds. It's incredibly arrogant of you to think that the goings on in a gay pride celebration have a damn thing to do with any so-called "opponents."

    If you were able to see the verity of human existence from any standpoint other than your own, you'd understand that they are celebrating themselves, their ability to be as openly "themselves" as are heterosexuals, and just having a big party.
  • Has it occurred to you that your sexuality is shoved in their face 365 days a year? Turning the table once a year (or actually about twice a year if you count Halloween) is hardly a big deal. Go to any Spring Break event of your choosing. What about those events is any different from gay pride?
  • Gay pride parades are the modern equivalent of a "gay liberation" protest that occurred in NYC in the 1970s.
  • Given that the only thing that materially distinguishes gay folks from straight folks is sexual preference, why would a parade celebrating gays freedom to just be themselves take on any visage other than overtly sexual and/or corporeal displays? After all, every other day of the year, gay folks mingle among society and, unless a gay person makes a pass at one, one wouldn't have the first idea they are gay in most instances.
  • Woodstock. Nuff said.
Additionally, you really need to get out more. Have you never heard of the Folsom Street Fair? Spring Break? Burning Man? Mardi Gras (New Orleans or Rio)? Every one of them is just some identity group letting of some steam and celebrating who they are, and like Gay Pride, they are basically just huge parties and tons of smaller ones. It may come as a surprise to you to learn that every one of them has scores, thousands in fact, of hetero folks running around scantily clothed.

Do you understand anything at all about identity groups and identity politics? Have you ever attempted, as a part of an objective effort to examine your own views on identity groups, bothered to get such an understanding? I know ignorance is at times blissful, perhaps even comforting and vindicating, and that can make one feel "in the right," but it's nonetheless a state of ignorance in which one exists.
To close, I'd ask you this, if you aren't gay, who are you to tell gays how to celebrate their being?
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Its like an obsession with some. Why is it so important to deny this small group of people rights that the rest of us take for granted.

Live,love and go about your business in peace.

The rhetoric is cruel,dehumanizing, hateful and tends to mark out the hater for what they are.

I can think of several reasons, fear,ignorance, inherent character flaws, selective religious intolerance.

But it still doesnt explain it to me fully.

Why do people hate Gays ?
Aren't you the guy that defends Islam, the religion that HATES GAYS, TOO? Um, a little disconnect going on here maybe perhaps? You are playing devils advocate perhaps? Or talking out of both sides of your mouth? Islam and Gays are mutually exclusive issues, you can't defend BOTH...
It is interesting that the only people giving reasons for why people 'hate' gays are those that are projecting those reasons onto others.

Mayhap the idea that so many hate gays is largely an outright lie. There are those that hate - there just are not very many of them.
If youre worried about what some gay person does to another gay person you are a hater. There is no debate on that point.
Its like an obsession with some. Why is it so important to deny this small group of people rights that the rest of us take for granted.

Live,love and go about your business in peace.

The rhetoric is cruel,dehumanizing, hateful and tends to mark out the hater for what they are.

I can think of several reasons, fear,ignorance, inherent character flaws, selective religious intolerance.

But it still doesnt explain it to me fully.

Why do people hate Gays ?
Aren't you the guy that defends Islam, the religion that HATES GAYS, TOO? Um, a little disconnect going on here maybe perhaps? You are playing devils advocate perhaps? Or talking out of both sides of your mouth? Islam and Gays are mutually exclusive issues, you can't defend BOTH...

Actually you can.
Really? Thesis and antithesis. The unstoppable force meeting the immovable object. Supporting Islam (religion, anti homosexuality) and supporting Gays. Something has to give here, in the real world. Synthesis.
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Really? Thesis and antithesis. The unstoppable force meeting the immovable object. Supporting Islam (religion, anti homosexuality) and supporting Gays. Something has to give here, in the real world. Synthesis.
Not really. Christians dont kill people that commit adultery anymore even though the bible says to.

"And the man that commits adultery with another man’s wife, even he that commits adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death." (Lev 20:10) (Deu 22:22)

BTW dont be a hypocrite

Lev 20:13
"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."
Its like an obsession with some. Why is it so important to deny this small group of people rights that the rest of us take for granted.

Live,love and go about your business in peace.

The rhetoric is cruel,dehumanizing, hateful and tends to mark out the hater for what they are.

I can think of several reasons, fear,ignorance, inherent character flaws, selective religious intolerance.

But it still doesnt explain it to me fully.

Why do people hate Gays ?
Aren't you the guy that defends Islam, the religion that HATES GAYS, TOO? Um, a little disconnect going on here maybe perhaps? You are playing devils advocate perhaps? Or talking out of both sides of your mouth? Islam and Gays are mutually exclusive issues, you can't defend BOTH...

Do you not understand the difference between defending someone's right to "be" and defending a person or persons who "be" those things?

As goes Islam itself, it's just a religion. What's important is how any given individual, or group of them, interprets it and practices it. If you bother to read the Quran you'd discover that it's not a terribly unreasonable religion, as religions go. Have you read all of any monotheistic faith's scriptures?
Its like an obsession with some. Why is it so important to deny this small group of people rights that the rest of us take for granted.

Live,love and go about your business in peace.

The rhetoric is cruel,dehumanizing, hateful and tends to mark out the hater for what they are.

I can think of several reasons, fear,ignorance, inherent character flaws, selective religious intolerance.

But it still doesnt explain it to me fully.

Why do people hate Gays ?
Aren't you the guy that defends Islam, the religion that HATES GAYS, TOO? Um, a little disconnect going on here maybe perhaps? You are playing devils advocate perhaps? Or talking out of both sides of your mouth? Islam and Gays are mutually exclusive issues, you can't defend BOTH...

Do you not understand the difference between defending someone's right to "be" and defending a person or persons who "be" those things?

As goes Islam itself, it's just a religion. What's important is how any given individual, or group of them, interprets it and practices it. If you bother to read the Quran you'd discover that it's not a terribly unreasonable religion, as religions go. Have you read all of any monotheistic faith's scriptures?
Didn't answer the question, thanks for playing! I am a people person. Islam or Christianity is anti gay. Given. Are you anti gay or anti Islam/Christian? Simple question.
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