Why do people hate Liberals?

Is it ok with you if we disagree? It's ok with me. I cannot adopt your way of looking at this situation of the Syrian refugees. It just doesn't fit for me, and I don't think your position benefits our country or our position on the world stage.

IMO, conservatives like Trump are dangerous for America and are terrorists best recruiting tool.

Conservative during the Vietnam War acknowledged that we owed something to the Vietnamese people having ravaged their country. We had a role in Syria's demise, we owe them. Just my opinion, of course.
I acknowledge that you worry about America's security, but if you truly want to combat extremism you don't allow ordinary Syrian citizens to languish in bleak camps abroad.

America needs to do her part. We helped break Syria, now we need to help fix it. And to do so, in order to combat extremism.

Trump and trumpeters don't understand how they play into the terrorists hands. Families cramming into rubber boats to escape extremism have more to think about than militancy.

I don't expect you to change your position. I only seek to have my voice in the conversation and to respectfully disagree whole heartedly with your position, and to help you understand why I think the way I do.

My position has nothing to do with Donald Trump. Lol. It is based on weighing the pros and cons and logic and common sense. :D I am NOT a Trumpet.
Is it ok with you if we disagree? It's ok with me. I cannot adopt your way of looking at this situation of the Syrian refugees. It just doesn't fit for me, and I don't think your position benefits our country or our position on the world stage.

IMO, conservatives like Trump are dangerous for America and are terrorists best recruiting tool.

Conservative during the Vietnam War acknowledged that we owed something to the Vietnamese people having ravaged their country. We had a role in Syria's demise, we owe them. Just my opinion, of course.
I acknowledge that you worry about America's security, but if you truly want to combat extremism you don't allow ordinary Syrian citizens to languish in bleak camps abroad.

America needs to do her part. We helped break Syria, now we need to help fix it. And to do so, in order to combat extremism.

Trump and trumpeters don't understand how they play into the terrorists hands. Families cramming into rubber boats to escape extremism have more to think about than militancy.

I don't expect you to change your position. I only seek to have my voice in the conversation and to respectfully disagree whole heartedly with your position, and to help you understand why I think the way I do.
Riddle me this................What is the religion of the Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees we took into this country and how does it compare to the ones coming from the Middle East?
I can give you a multitude of reasons why we should not accept immigrants. I would like a list from you as to why we should. I like to measure the pros and cons.
Today, we don't have to agree on which president is most responsible for the tide of humanity crashing onto Europe's shores. Maybe you blame George W. Bush for starting a war that brought chaos to Iraq, which spilled into Syria. Maybe you fault Barack Obama for pulling out of Iraq and declining to take out Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

We don't have to agree on which president broke the region. But one or both of them had a hand in the destruction. So we can't very well pretend we have no obligation to the hordes driven from their homes. This is the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, a humanitarian emergency of the highest order, and the U.S. isn't doing enough to ameliorate it.
This Is Why America Should Take More Syrian Refugees

We caused the problem, we have a responsibility to the people affected by it.

I don't care who you want to blame. I haven't done anything to any of these people, and I feel NO obligations to them whatsoever. I notice that you avoided giving me the list of pros. Until you can give me a list of pros that outweigh the cons, then I will stick to my original position on this topic.
It's not my job to convince you of anything. I don't care if you keep your position or not. You're entitled to it. You asked me what reasons I have for wanting to admit refugees into our country as immigrants, and I gave you a major one.

The US once accepted 800,000 Vietnamese refugees. We have accepted only 1500 Syrians.

Were the South Vietnamese blowing holes in our ships or bombing or burning down our embassies and killing as many personnel as they could? Were there terrorists among them determined to explode bombs in crowds of U.S. citizens or send suicide bombers or gunners into U.S. businesses? Were the South Vietnamese trying to get a dirty bomb into the USA or were hijacking airplane to fly into buildings killing thousands of innocent Americans?

I have personally helped settle both Cuban and Vietnamese refugees over the years. And in every case those people wanted to adopt the American way of life, fit in, be Americans, and be a positive influence here. Destroying 'infidels' was the furthest thing from their minds.

Both the State Department and Defense Department spokespersons have admitted we have no way to separate out the terrorists from peaceful people among the Syrian refugees. And that there are thousands of terrorists who would take every advantage given them to get into this country, including posing as peaceful Syrian refugees. You don't see the government proposing that these people be taken in near the White House or placed in neighborhoods where government officials and their families live do you? How many are you willing to accept next door to you when you know it is possible somebody who wants to kill you would likely be among them?

By all means offer humanitarian aid to those who are suffering. Our nation has always done that. But how stupid do we have to be in order to be considered humane? And what do you tell the survivors to justify a policy when it is their loved ones being maimed and murdered?

And while most Muslims would almost surely choose peace over mayhem, there are many thousands of Muslims who will commit mayhem and murder on a large scale here the first opportunity they have to do that.
Muslims in America want the same things that Cuban and Vietnamese refugees want. I think it's a mistake to stereotype Syrians, (Christians among them) as jihadis. Just my opinon. You're entitled to yours, which differs from mine. I don't appreciate you characterizing people who see things differently from you as "stupid". Plenty of people thought America should not have interned Japanese "Americans during WWII. That was not an instance of America at our best, IMO.

We all have loved ones and want the best for our loved ones. I don't want my kids to grow up to be prejudiced against Muslims, because some misinterpret Islam as to suppport bad actions.
Trump completely is playing into ISIL's hands. He's a good recruiter for them. I want people in that part of the world to understand that America is composed of many types of people and we still are united as one America. That is what makes our country great.

I haven't characterized anybody as jihadists and neither I nor my kids are prejudiced in any way toward Muslims. I am just not so stupid that I try to pretend that jihadists don't exist or that they would not pose as legitimate refugees in order to have opportunity to commit chaos, mayhem, and murder here. Please tell me how you tell the difference between a legitimate refugee and a jihadist and maybe you'll have a reasonable argument. And how much are you willing to put your own kids at risk? Or is just the rest of us who must be willing to put our families at unnecessary risk in order to be considered 'unprejudiced' or 'inhumane'?
Because they will not mind their own business. They will give you their opinion whether you ask for it or not.
More often than not, their mind are closed to any discussion. To them it is their way or the highway.

Who is "them" and "they?" Care to elaborate?
Sure I can elaborate,"Them & They" = Liberals and Progressives

Oh, thanks. I couldn't be sure if you were talking about the refugees or something else. :D
Today, we don't have to agree on which president is most responsible for the tide of humanity crashing onto Europe's shores. Maybe you blame George W. Bush for starting a war that brought chaos to Iraq, which spilled into Syria. Maybe you fault Barack Obama for pulling out of Iraq and declining to take out Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

We don't have to agree on which president broke the region. But one or both of them had a hand in the destruction. So we can't very well pretend we have no obligation to the hordes driven from their homes. This is the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, a humanitarian emergency of the highest order, and the U.S. isn't doing enough to ameliorate it.
This Is Why America Should Take More Syrian Refugees

We caused the problem, we have a responsibility to the people affected by it.

I don't care who you want to blame. I haven't done anything to any of these people, and I feel NO obligations to them whatsoever. I notice that you avoided giving me the list of pros. Until you can give me a list of pros that outweigh the cons, then I will stick to my original position on this topic.
It's not my job to convince you of anything. I don't care if you keep your position or not. You're entitled to it. You asked me what reasons I have for wanting to admit refugees into our country as immigrants, and I gave you a major one.

The US once accepted 800,000 Vietnamese refugees. We have accepted only 1500 Syrians.

Were the South Vietnamese blowing holes in our ships or bombing or burning down our embassies and killing as many personnel as they could? Were there terrorists among them determined to explode bombs in crowds of U.S. citizens or send suicide bombers or gunners into U.S. businesses? Were the South Vietnamese trying to get a dirty bomb into the USA or were hijacking airplane to fly into buildings killing thousands of innocent Americans?

I have personally helped settle both Cuban and Vietnamese refugees over the years. And in every case those people wanted to adopt the American way of life, fit in, be Americans, and be a positive influence here. Destroying 'infidels' was the furthest thing from their minds.

Both the State Department and Defense Department spokespersons have admitted we have no way to separate out the terrorists from peaceful people among the Syrian refugees. And that there are thousands of terrorists who would take every advantage given them to get into this country, including posing as peaceful Syrian refugees. You don't see the government proposing that these people be taken in near the White House or placed in neighborhoods where government officials and their families live do you? How many are you willing to accept next door to you when you know it is possible somebody who wants to kill you would likely be among them?

By all means offer humanitarian aid to those who are suffering. Our nation has always done that. But how stupid do we have to be in order to be considered humane? And what do you tell the survivors to justify a policy when it is their loved ones being maimed and murdered?

And while most Muslims would almost surely choose peace over mayhem, there are many thousands of Muslims who will commit mayhem and murder on a large scale here the first opportunity they have to do that.
Muslims in America want the same things that Cuban and Vietnamese refugees want. I think it's a mistake to stereotype Syrians, (Christians among them) as jihadis. Just my opinon. You're entitled to yours, which differs from mine. I don't appreciate you characterizing people who see things differently from you as "stupid". Plenty of people thought America should not have interned Japanese "Americans during WWII. That was not an instance of America at our best, IMO.

We all have loved ones and want the best for our loved ones. I don't want my kids to grow up to be prejudiced against Muslims, because some misinterpret Islam as to suppport bad actions.
Trump completely is playing into ISIL's hands. He's a good recruiter for them. I want people in that part of the world to understand that America is composed of many types of people and we still are united as one America. That is what makes our country great.

I haven't characterized anybody as jihadists and neither I nor my kids are prejudiced in any way toward Muslims. I am just not so stupid that I try to pretend that jihadists don't exist or that they would not pose as legitimate refugees in order to have opportunity to commit chaos, mayhem, and murder here. Please tell me how you tell the difference between a legitimate refugee and a jihadist and maybe you'll have a reasonable argument. And how much are you willing to put your own kids at risk? Or is just the rest of us who must be willing to put our families at unnecessary risk in order to be considered 'unprejudiced' or 'inhumane'?
Wow. You continue to call anyone who doesn't agree with you, "stupid". That's too bad. We just see what will help our country differently. I know terrorists exist, I just don't think that all the people fleeing Syria are "jihadists".

My kids are as important to me as breath. That doesn't mean I think reactionary politics on immigration policy keeps our country safer.

I think conservatives are wrong on this one. Scrapping the Syrian refugee plan propsed by President Obama would be giving ISIS precisely what it wants.

Any Syrian refugees we accept will be carefully screened in order to make sure they’re legitimate. If anyone from ISIS were to find a way to get into the United States, it certainly wouldn’t be by trying to sneak in through a carefully monitored refugee program; there would be other less difficult ways they’d try first.

If you want to have a courteous conversation about this topic, I'd advise you to not calling your debate opponents "stupid".

It's your choice, of course. All I can do is state my preferences and tell you how limited my time is.
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Is it ok with you if we disagree? It's ok with me. I cannot adopt your way of looking at this situation of the Syrian refugees. It just doesn't fit for me, and I don't think your position benefits our country or our position on the world stage.

IMO, conservatives like Trump are dangerous for America and are terrorists best recruiting tool.

Conservative during the Vietnam War acknowledged that we owed something to the Vietnamese people having ravaged their country. We had a role in Syria's demise, we owe them. Just my opinion, of course.
I acknowledge that you worry about America's security, but if you truly want to combat extremism you don't allow ordinary Syrian citizens to languish in bleak camps abroad.

America needs to do her part. We helped break Syria, now we need to help fix it. And to do so, in order to combat extremism.

Trump and trumpeters don't understand how they play into the terrorists hands. Families cramming into rubber boats to escape extremism have more to think about than militancy.

I don't expect you to change your position. I only seek to have my voice in the conversation and to respectfully disagree whole heartedly with your position, and to help you understand why I think the way I do.

My position has nothing to do with Donald Trump. Lol. It is based on weighing the pros and cons and logic and common sense. :D I am NOT a Trumpet.
That may very well be the case that you just happen to agree with Mr Trump on Syria through weighing pros and cons.

Trump doesn't make sense to me.
Back in 1954 we granted entry to a Syrian immigrant named Abdulfattah Jandali. You probably know him better as the father of Steve Jobs. If we hadn’t allowed Jandali in, (and the conservatives of the era certainly didn’t want him,) we probably wouldn’t have iPhones right now.
Is it ok with you if we disagree? It's ok with me. I cannot adopt your way of looking at this situation of the Syrian refugees. It just doesn't fit for me, and I don't think your position benefits our country or our position on the world stage.

IMO, conservatives like Trump are dangerous for America and are terrorists best recruiting tool.

Conservative during the Vietnam War acknowledged that we owed something to the Vietnamese people having ravaged their country. We had a role in Syria's demise, we owe them. Just my opinion, of course.
I acknowledge that you worry about America's security, but if you truly want to combat extremism you don't allow ordinary Syrian citizens to languish in bleak camps abroad.

America needs to do her part. We helped break Syria, now we need to help fix it. And to do so, in order to combat extremism.

Trump and trumpeters don't understand how they play into the terrorists hands. Families cramming into rubber boats to escape extremism have more to think about than militancy.

I don't expect you to change your position. I only seek to have my voice in the conversation and to respectfully disagree whole heartedly with your position, and to help you understand why I think the way I do.
Riddle me this................What is the religion of the Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees we took into this country and how does it compare to the ones coming from the Middle East?

The aim of all religion is peace of mind and heart. The fact that Syrians are Muslim and Christian shouldn't be a reason to not admit them into the US.

If your point is that the Vietnamese and Cambodia refugees are primarly Buddhist and the Syrian refugees are either Muslim or Christian,then yes, there are vast differences between the Buddhist religion and Abrahamic religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

Conservatives during the time of Vietnam made more sense to me than conservatives today.

ISIS doesn’t want us accepting Syrian refugees because it would rather continue massacring them. For that reason alone we should take them in.
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Is it ok with you if we disagree? It's ok with me. I cannot adopt your way of looking at this situation of the Syrian refugees. It just doesn't fit for me, and I don't think your position benefits our country or our position on the world stage.

IMO, conservatives like Trump are dangerous for America and are terrorists best recruiting tool.

Conservative during the Vietnam War acknowledged that we owed something to the Vietnamese people having ravaged their country. We had a role in Syria's demise, we owe them. Just my opinion, of course.
I acknowledge that you worry about America's security, but if you truly want to combat extremism you don't allow ordinary Syrian citizens to languish in bleak camps abroad.

America needs to do her part. We helped break Syria, now we need to help fix it. And to do so, in order to combat extremism.

Trump and trumpeters don't understand how they play into the terrorists hands. Families cramming into rubber boats to escape extremism have more to think about than militancy.

I don't expect you to change your position. I only seek to have my voice in the conversation and to respectfully disagree whole heartedly with your position, and to help you understand why I think the way I do.

My position has nothing to do with Donald Trump. Lol. It is based on weighing the pros and cons and logic and common sense. :D I am NOT a Trumpet.
That may very well be the case that you just happen to agree with Mr Trump on Syria through weighing pros and cons.

Trump doesn't make sense to me.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. :D
Is it ok with you if we disagree? It's ok with me. I cannot adopt your way of looking at this situation of the Syrian refugees. It just doesn't fit for me, and I don't think your position benefits our country or our position on the world stage.

IMO, conservatives like Trump are dangerous for America and are terrorists best recruiting tool.

Conservative during the Vietnam War acknowledged that we owed something to the Vietnamese people having ravaged their country. We had a role in Syria's demise, we owe them. Just my opinion, of course.
I acknowledge that you worry about America's security, but if you truly want to combat extremism you don't allow ordinary Syrian citizens to languish in bleak camps abroad.

America needs to do her part. We helped break Syria, now we need to help fix it. And to do so, in order to combat extremism.

Trump and trumpeters don't understand how they play into the terrorists hands. Families cramming into rubber boats to escape extremism have more to think about than militancy.

I don't expect you to change your position. I only seek to have my voice in the conversation and to respectfully disagree whole heartedly with your position, and to help you understand why I think the way I do.

My position has nothing to do with Donald Trump. Lol. It is based on weighing the pros and cons and logic and common sense. :D I am NOT a Trumpet.
That may very well be the case that you just happen to agree with Mr Trump on Syria through weighing pros and cons.

Trump doesn't make sense to me.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. :D
Are you calling me a "blind squirrel"?
Is it ok with you if we disagree? It's ok with me. I cannot adopt your way of looking at this situation of the Syrian refugees. It just doesn't fit for me, and I don't think your position benefits our country or our position on the world stage.

IMO, conservatives like Trump are dangerous for America and are terrorists best recruiting tool.

Conservative during the Vietnam War acknowledged that we owed something to the Vietnamese people having ravaged their country. We had a role in Syria's demise, we owe them. Just my opinion, of course.
I acknowledge that you worry about America's security, but if you truly want to combat extremism you don't allow ordinary Syrian citizens to languish in bleak camps abroad.

America needs to do her part. We helped break Syria, now we need to help fix it. And to do so, in order to combat extremism.

Trump and trumpeters don't understand how they play into the terrorists hands. Families cramming into rubber boats to escape extremism have more to think about than militancy.

I don't expect you to change your position. I only seek to have my voice in the conversation and to respectfully disagree whole heartedly with your position, and to help you understand why I think the way I do.

My position has nothing to do with Donald Trump. Lol. It is based on weighing the pros and cons and logic and common sense. :D I am NOT a Trumpet.
That may very well be the case that you just happen to agree with Mr Trump on Syria through weighing pros and cons.

Trump doesn't make sense to me.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. :D
Are you calling me a "blind squirrel"?

No. Donald Trump is the blind squirrel. Lol.
Is it ok with you if we disagree? It's ok with me. I cannot adopt your way of looking at this situation of the Syrian refugees. It just doesn't fit for me, and I don't think your position benefits our country or our position on the world stage.

IMO, conservatives like Trump are dangerous for America and are terrorists best recruiting tool.

Conservative during the Vietnam War acknowledged that we owed something to the Vietnamese people having ravaged their country. We had a role in Syria's demise, we owe them. Just my opinion, of course.
I acknowledge that you worry about America's security, but if you truly want to combat extremism you don't allow ordinary Syrian citizens to languish in bleak camps abroad.

America needs to do her part. We helped break Syria, now we need to help fix it. And to do so, in order to combat extremism.

Trump and trumpeters don't understand how they play into the terrorists hands. Families cramming into rubber boats to escape extremism have more to think about than militancy.

I don't expect you to change your position. I only seek to have my voice in the conversation and to respectfully disagree whole heartedly with your position, and to help you understand why I think the way I do.

My position has nothing to do with Donald Trump. Lol. It is based on weighing the pros and cons and logic and common sense. :D I am NOT a Trumpet.
That may very well be the case that you just happen to agree with Mr Trump on Syria through weighing pros and cons.

Trump doesn't make sense to me.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. :D
Are you calling me a "blind squirrel"?

No. Donald Trump is the blind squirrel. Lol.
Oh, well he's certainly a nutter.
I wish the US had more courage. The United States makes it hard for people to get refugee status, so it is unlikely that many terrorists will make it through.

Of course, it only takes a handful to launch an attack. Welcoming the refugees marginally raises the risk of domestic terrorism. It is rational to ask if the tradeoff is worth it.

I think it is.
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I don't care who you want to blame. I haven't done anything to any of these people, and I feel NO obligations to them whatsoever. I notice that you avoided giving me the list of pros. Until you can give me a list of pros that outweigh the cons, then I will stick to my original position on this topic.
It's not my job to convince you of anything. I don't care if you keep your position or not. You're entitled to it. You asked me what reasons I have for wanting to admit refugees into our country as immigrants, and I gave you a major one.

The US once accepted 800,000 Vietnamese refugees. We have accepted only 1500 Syrians.

Were the South Vietnamese blowing holes in our ships or bombing or burning down our embassies and killing as many personnel as they could? Were there terrorists among them determined to explode bombs in crowds of U.S. citizens or send suicide bombers or gunners into U.S. businesses? Were the South Vietnamese trying to get a dirty bomb into the USA or were hijacking airplane to fly into buildings killing thousands of innocent Americans?

I have personally helped settle both Cuban and Vietnamese refugees over the years. And in every case those people wanted to adopt the American way of life, fit in, be Americans, and be a positive influence here. Destroying 'infidels' was the furthest thing from their minds.

Both the State Department and Defense Department spokespersons have admitted we have no way to separate out the terrorists from peaceful people among the Syrian refugees. And that there are thousands of terrorists who would take every advantage given them to get into this country, including posing as peaceful Syrian refugees. You don't see the government proposing that these people be taken in near the White House or placed in neighborhoods where government officials and their families live do you? How many are you willing to accept next door to you when you know it is possible somebody who wants to kill you would likely be among them?

By all means offer humanitarian aid to those who are suffering. Our nation has always done that. But how stupid do we have to be in order to be considered humane? And what do you tell the survivors to justify a policy when it is their loved ones being maimed and murdered?

And while most Muslims would almost surely choose peace over mayhem, there are many thousands of Muslims who will commit mayhem and murder on a large scale here the first opportunity they have to do that.
Muslims in America want the same things that Cuban and Vietnamese refugees want. I think it's a mistake to stereotype Syrians, (Christians among them) as jihadis. Just my opinon. You're entitled to yours, which differs from mine. I don't appreciate you characterizing people who see things differently from you as "stupid". Plenty of people thought America should not have interned Japanese "Americans during WWII. That was not an instance of America at our best, IMO.

We all have loved ones and want the best for our loved ones. I don't want my kids to grow up to be prejudiced against Muslims, because some misinterpret Islam as to suppport bad actions.
Trump completely is playing into ISIL's hands. He's a good recruiter for them. I want people in that part of the world to understand that America is composed of many types of people and we still are united as one America. That is what makes our country great.

I haven't characterized anybody as jihadists and neither I nor my kids are prejudiced in any way toward Muslims. I am just not so stupid that I try to pretend that jihadists don't exist or that they would not pose as legitimate refugees in order to have opportunity to commit chaos, mayhem, and murder here. Please tell me how you tell the difference between a legitimate refugee and a jihadist and maybe you'll have a reasonable argument. And how much are you willing to put your own kids at risk? Or is just the rest of us who must be willing to put our families at unnecessary risk in order to be considered 'unprejudiced' or 'inhumane'?
Wow. You continue to call anyone who doesn't agree with you, "stupid". That's too bad. We just see what will help our country differently. I know terrorists exist, I just don't think that all the people fleeing Syria are "jihadists".

My kids are as important to me as breath. That doesn't mean I think reactionary politics on immigration policy keeps our country safer.

I think conservatives are wrong on this one. Scrapping the Syrian refugee plan propsed by President Obama would be giving ISIS precisely what it wants.

Any Syrian refugees we accept will be carefully screened in order to make sure they’re legitimate. If anyone from ISIS were to find a way to get into the United States, it certainly wouldn’t be by trying to sneak in through a carefully monitored refugee program; there would be other less difficult ways they’d try first.

If you want to have a courteous conversation about this topic, I'd advise you to not calling your debate opponents "stupid".

It's your choice, of course. All I can do is state my preferences and tell you how limited my time is.

If somebody is willing to invite terrorists to have opportunity to maim or murder his loved ones, then yes, I don't agree with that because I think it is pretty stupid. So I guess I agree with you that those who don't agree with me about that are stupid about that. And by declaring me discourteous about that, can I assume that you don't believe Jihadists exist? How much are you willing to risk your own family? But if that disqualifies me from having a courteous conversation with you, oh well. How many of your posts have suggested that those who think like me are hard hearted, bigoted, prejudiced uncompassionate, unempathetic, etc. etc. etc.? I suppose that is more courteous? Do have a pleasant evening and a great holiday season Dhara.
I wish the US had more courage. The United States makes it hard for people to get refugee status, so it is unlikely that many terrorists will make it through.

Of course, it only takes a handful to launch an attack. Welcoming the refugees marginally raises the risk of domestic terrorism. It is rational to ask if the tradeoff is worth it.

I think it is.

Trade off? Usually in a trade off, both sides gain something. We don't gain anything by taking in refugees from the dysfunctional ME.
It's not my job to convince you of anything. I don't care if you keep your position or not. You're entitled to it. You asked me what reasons I have for wanting to admit refugees into our country as immigrants, and I gave you a major one.

The US once accepted 800,000 Vietnamese refugees. We have accepted only 1500 Syrians.

Were the South Vietnamese blowing holes in our ships or bombing or burning down our embassies and killing as many personnel as they could? Were there terrorists among them determined to explode bombs in crowds of U.S. citizens or send suicide bombers or gunners into U.S. businesses? Were the South Vietnamese trying to get a dirty bomb into the USA or were hijacking airplane to fly into buildings killing thousands of innocent Americans?

I have personally helped settle both Cuban and Vietnamese refugees over the years. And in every case those people wanted to adopt the American way of life, fit in, be Americans, and be a positive influence here. Destroying 'infidels' was the furthest thing from their minds.

Both the State Department and Defense Department spokespersons have admitted we have no way to separate out the terrorists from peaceful people among the Syrian refugees. And that there are thousands of terrorists who would take every advantage given them to get into this country, including posing as peaceful Syrian refugees. You don't see the government proposing that these people be taken in near the White House or placed in neighborhoods where government officials and their families live do you? How many are you willing to accept next door to you when you know it is possible somebody who wants to kill you would likely be among them?

By all means offer humanitarian aid to those who are suffering. Our nation has always done that. But how stupid do we have to be in order to be considered humane? And what do you tell the survivors to justify a policy when it is their loved ones being maimed and murdered?

And while most Muslims would almost surely choose peace over mayhem, there are many thousands of Muslims who will commit mayhem and murder on a large scale here the first opportunity they have to do that.
Muslims in America want the same things that Cuban and Vietnamese refugees want. I think it's a mistake to stereotype Syrians, (Christians among them) as jihadis. Just my opinon. You're entitled to yours, which differs from mine. I don't appreciate you characterizing people who see things differently from you as "stupid". Plenty of people thought America should not have interned Japanese "Americans during WWII. That was not an instance of America at our best, IMO.

We all have loved ones and want the best for our loved ones. I don't want my kids to grow up to be prejudiced against Muslims, because some misinterpret Islam as to suppport bad actions.
Trump completely is playing into ISIL's hands. He's a good recruiter for them. I want people in that part of the world to understand that America is composed of many types of people and we still are united as one America. That is what makes our country great.

I haven't characterized anybody as jihadists and neither I nor my kids are prejudiced in any way toward Muslims. I am just not so stupid that I try to pretend that jihadists don't exist or that they would not pose as legitimate refugees in order to have opportunity to commit chaos, mayhem, and murder here. Please tell me how you tell the difference between a legitimate refugee and a jihadist and maybe you'll have a reasonable argument. And how much are you willing to put your own kids at risk? Or is just the rest of us who must be willing to put our families at unnecessary risk in order to be considered 'unprejudiced' or 'inhumane'?
Wow. You continue to call anyone who doesn't agree with you, "stupid". That's too bad. We just see what will help our country differently. I know terrorists exist, I just don't think that all the people fleeing Syria are "jihadists".

My kids are as important to me as breath. That doesn't mean I think reactionary politics on immigration policy keeps our country safer.

I think conservatives are wrong on this one. Scrapping the Syrian refugee plan propsed by President Obama would be giving ISIS precisely what it wants.

Any Syrian refugees we accept will be carefully screened in order to make sure they’re legitimate. If anyone from ISIS were to find a way to get into the United States, it certainly wouldn’t be by trying to sneak in through a carefully monitored refugee program; there would be other less difficult ways they’d try first.

If you want to have a courteous conversation about this topic, I'd advise you to not calling your debate opponents "stupid".

It's your choice, of course. All I can do is state my preferences and tell you how limited my time is.

If somebody is willing to invite terrorists to have opportunity to maim or murder his loved ones, then yes, I don't agree with that because I think it is pretty stupid. So I guess I agree with you that those who don't agree with me about that are stupid about that. And by declaring me discourteous about that, can I assume that you don't believe Jihadists exist? How much are you willing to risk your own family? But if that disqualifies me from having a courteous conversation with you, oh well. How many of your posts have suggested that those who think like me are hard hearted, bigoted, prejudiced uncompassionate, unempathetic, etc. etc. etc.? I suppose that is more courteous? Do have a pleasant evening and a great holiday season Dhara.

Foxy, you are one of the nicest people here! No worries. :smiliehug:
Is it ok with you if we disagree? It's ok with me. I cannot adopt your way of looking at this situation of the Syrian refugees. It just doesn't fit for me, and I don't think your position benefits our country or our position on the world stage.

IMO, conservatives like Trump are dangerous for America and are terrorists best recruiting tool.

Conservative during the Vietnam War acknowledged that we owed something to the Vietnamese people having ravaged their country. We had a role in Syria's demise, we owe them. Just my opinion, of course.
I acknowledge that you worry about America's security, but if you truly want to combat extremism you don't allow ordinary Syrian citizens to languish in bleak camps abroad.

America needs to do her part. We helped break Syria, now we need to help fix it. And to do so, in order to combat extremism.

Trump and trumpeters don't understand how they play into the terrorists hands. Families cramming into rubber boats to escape extremism have more to think about than militancy.

I don't expect you to change your position. I only seek to have my voice in the conversation and to respectfully disagree whole heartedly with your position, and to help you understand why I think the way I do.
Riddle me this................What is the religion of the Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees we took into this country and how does it compare to the ones coming from the Middle East?

The aim of all religion is peace of mind and heart. The fact that Syrians are Muslim and Christian shouldn't be a reason to not admit them into the US.

If your point is that the Vietnamese and Cambodia refugees are primarly Buddhist and the Syrian refugees are either Muslim or Christian,then yes, there are vast differences between the Buddhist religion and Abrahamic religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

Conservatives during the time of Vietnam made more sense to me than conservatives today.

ISIS doesn’t want us accepting Syrian refugees because it would rather continue massacring them. For that reason alone we should take them in.
ISIS has openly stated they will infiltrate us with the refugees. There is no legitimate way to ensure proper vetting and under that RISK there is no reason to take any. We don't know the good guys from the bad guys........

While we are at it.........Why aren't we doing the same for the Sudanese people who have had SIMILAR casualties as in Syria. The same barbaric acts going on in Syria have been going on in Sudan for over 25 years, and in the recent Wars there over 300,000 have been killed. Some Crucified just like we see in Syria. Millions have die there in the current Genocide there over time. Do you see the World demanding they be saved and taken in.

Where is the planes bombing these Radical Jihadist killing people there.

There are horrible things going on all over the world. We don't have the responsibility to take them all in at all. In regards to Vietnam..........we took in so many because they were allied to us and leaving them there would have been a death sentence. Let me repeat.........ALLIED TO US..............Not the same as Syria.

The Western powers, including the United States could Massacre the entire ISIS movement in Syria in a matter of months..........but lack the WILL to END THE THREAT. Which would end the reason to leave all together.

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