Why do people hate Liberals?

You are wrong in assuming all teachers are liberals, or interested in indoctrination.

Never say never.

All teachers may not be leftists, but the vast majority are. And the major universities offering liberal arts programs are the most left-leaning in the nation. You come out of Berkeley with a BA in Educational Arts and chances are you will believe Karl Marx had the answers to life.
25 Reasons To Dislike Liberals
John Hawkins | May 11, 2013



Liberals view themselves as good people because they're liberals. People who are outside of that ugly little bit of circular reasoning don't have such a benign view of their horrible behavior. So, what reason could you have to dislike liberals?

1) Only liberals would be cruel enough to pick on kids running lemonade stands with a permit, children putting on Christmas plays at school and the Boy Scouts.

2) Because the closest thing to Sodom and Gomorrah in the modern world is San Francisco and Berkeley.

3) Whether you're talking about cop killers, terrorists, radical Islamists or dictators, all you have to do is say, "I hate America," and liberals start to sympathize with you.

4) Liberals are actually bothered by people who do love America. On the rare occasion when you do see a liberal waving a flag, look for a camera.

5) The same people who voted Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama into office think they're smarter than tradition, the Founding Fathers and God Himself.

6) Liberals might not want to admit it, but the world would have been a better place if Mary Jo Kopechne had crawled up out of that car instead of Ted Kennedy.

7) Only an ass could like Bill Maher, Alan Grayson or Sheila Jackson Lee.

8) Liberals believe in taking money from people who earn it, handing it out as bribes in order to get more power and then using that power to hurt the people that are giving them money.

9) The same liberal who'll laugh at a rape joke about Sarah Palin and then attack Michele Bachmann's family will then turn around and accuse someone else of being sexist for respectfully noting that a woman is attractive.

10) Liberals view hooking people on welfare and food stamps as a core part of their election strategy, which is terrible for the country, shows they have no character and requires more than a little hatred for poor people.

11) The dumbest, most close-minded and mean spirited people in all of politics are inevitably liberals who are convinced they're brilliant, open-minded and compassionate because they call themselves liberals.

12) A policy that makes liberals feel superior and caring that doesn't work and wastes billions is considered a smashing success because they genuinely DON'T CARE WHETHER THEIR POLICIES ACTUALLY HELP PEOPLE OR NOT.

13) The same liberal who pretends to be angry about Susan Smith or Casey Anthony will then turn around and give the thumbs up to women who do the same thing to their children via abortion.

14) There's a reason why the average homeschooled kid gets a better education than he would in a public school run by liberals. It's because the kid's parents are interested in educating him while his liberal teachers view public schools as just another way to indoctrinate children.

15) Noam Chomsky is an America-hating creep and to think of him as some kind of genius, you have to both despise our country enough to suspend your disbelief and be largely ignorant of world history.

16) Anyone whose first reaction after a terrorist attack is, "Why do they hate us?" is just an intolerable douche.

17) Liberals talk up Hillary Clinton as the most prominent and important female politician in America; yet her entire political career is based on the fact that she married Bill Clinton. That's actually kind of pathetic.

18) Liberals have been big supporters of slavery, Indian massacres, the KKK, eugenics, fascism, communism and Jim Crow laws. Then, down the road, after liberals finally join everyone else, they try to claim that conservatives still support all the practices that we fought liberals on from the beginning.

19) Liberals think black Americans are inferior to whites, which is why the worst, most crime-ridden places to live in America are inevitably run by liberals. That's acceptable to liberals because they don't think black Americans deserve any better.

20) A liberal is more likely to support a man who murders a cop like Mumia Abu Jamal than cops who want to regularly patrol a bad neighborhood in force to keep the criminals from terrorizing the innocent people who live there.

21) The average middle aged Tea Partier who's going to rallies, talking about the Constitution and calling for reduced spending cares more about "the children" than 99% of the liberals out there who demand that we support one stupid program after the other "for the children."

22) You have to be a horrible human being to be okay with terrorists like Bill Ayers teaching kids at a college.

23) Because liberals are unable to ever admit they're wrong, they systematically ruin and destroy everything they become involved with and then either point the finger elsewhere or demand even more government involvement to fix the problems they created.

24) Detroit – and, yes, liberals did that.

25) Even "liberal Christians" are generally supportive of other liberals who attack Christianity, which is why "liberal Christians" is in quotes.

- 25 Reasons To Dislike Liberals

You are wrong in assuming all teachers are liberals, or interested in indoctrination.
You're right, most HS teachers are communists lol....

Say Franco hater dupe bot, you claim to have an MA in history (though you have no knowledge of history outside of Zinn's utter perversion.) You leveraged this to gain your position as night clerk at the Motel 6. Would you say that you're indicative of the politics of most who have underwater basket weaving degrees such as yours? Since there is no practical application, does that lead to the fantasy of leftism?
Because people are basically selfish and unless they can get to a "higher plane" then they cannot reconcile differences and/or be accepting of those differences of opinion. They've never reached the "critical thinking" point in their lives. Hey, some people (a LOT of people) never reach that plane.
I am very justified in my disdain for liberals. They are really Fabian socialists in disguise...at least their leaders are. They do not believe in personal rights if it gets in the way of collectivism. The global elites haven't had a more willing group of dupes than liberals when it comes to their goal of creating a one world communist government. Every major movement that has torn away at the very fabric of this country, the tearing down of the family and morality has a liberal signature all over it. I could do a two hour lecture on this and write a book. Woodrow Wilson and FDR, two liberal socialists sold us out to the global elites in ways that some people wouldn't even be able to wrap their minds around. None of the presidents have been worth a shit except for JFK but those two in particular were sorry bastards of the highest order. Why do I hate liberals? Let me count the ways.....
Much of the vitriol and name calling can be attributed to Newt Gingrich. He made it a point to paint his opposition as evil and god hating. He convinced his colleagues to go out of their way to at every discussion with his political adversaries to regard them in bad terms. Where there used to be a mutual respect in congress it was transformed into a war of philosophies that took no prisoners.

Every disagreement was transformed into an affront to all that they believed in and respected. God, Guns and Gays was expanded to include abortion, immigration and socialism as the evil that attacks the model the RWers envision for our nation. Obviously much if not all of the obsticals to this so called perfect vision were inherently unattainable due to the constitution. They have to be careful attacking the constitution so when prevented from exercising their will they conveniently blame the so called "Liberals" for blocking their paths. Keep in mind that the language in use now is much more derogatory that in previous times. Once convinced that they no longer needed to respect those that oppose their agendas the insults fly freely.

The emergence of Trump is the end result of the way the RW operates. Insults that used to not exist were allowed to become veiled then open and now there are no constraints. There are no mutual laws to respect in addressing one's opposition.

All this anger and insult combined with a RW culture that rejects any and all responsibility for their actions has created a field and a game without rules. Politics has been reduced not to agreement and bargaining to create action but to only a matter of money spent on advertising. If you party's backers can fund a won election and as a group win enough of them to have majorities and power then your opponent be damned. Eventually it works both ways when the rules are clear. The dems have to do the same to win elections as the public seems to only respond to the lowest common denominator.

Now, as opposed to before when cordiality seemed the basis for winning an argument, it is the most clever and repeated insult that the public responds to. True or false seems not to matter. Nasty and degrading is what the public wants and what the public gets.

Newt Gingrich may have had a big hand in setting the vitriol into motion but it is now the public that demands more dirt being slung by our politicians. The real cause of the evil way our representatives communicate is that we do not say no to it at the ballot box.
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Much of the vitriol and name calling can be attributed to Newt Gingrich. He made it a point to paint his opposition as evil and god hating. He convinced his colleagues to go out of their way to at every discussion with his political adversaries to regard them in bad terms. Where there used to be a mutual respect in congress it was transformed into a war of philosophies that took no prisoners.

Every disagreement was transformed into an affront to all that they believed in and respected. God, Guns and Gays was expanded to include abortion, immigration and socialism as the evil that attacks the model the RWers envision for our nation. Obviously much if not all of the obsticals to this so called perfect vision were inherently unattainable due to the constitution. They have to be careful attacking the constitution so when prevented from exercising their will they conveniently blame the so called "Liberals" for blocking their paths. Keep in mind that the language in use now is much more derogatory that in previous times. Once convinced that they no longer needed to respect those that oppose their agendas the insults fly freely.

The emergence of Trump is the end result of the way the RW operates. Insults that used to not exist were allowed to become veiled then open and now there are no constraints. There are no mutual laws to respect in addressing one's opposition.

All this anger and insult combined with a RW culture that rejects any and all responsibility for their actions has created a field and a game without rules. Politics has been reduced not to agreement and bargaining to create action but to only a matter of money spent on advertising. If you party's backers can fund a won election and as a group win enough of them to have majorities and power then your opponent be damned. Eventually it works both ways when the rules are clear. The dems have to do the same to win elections as the public seems to only respond to the lowest common denominator.

Now, as opposed to before when cordiality seemed the basis for winning an argument, it is the most clever and repeated insult that the public responds to. True or false seems not to matter. Nasty and degrading is what the public wants and what the public gets.

Newt Gingrich may have had a big hand in setting the vitriol into motion but it is now the public that demands more dirt being slung by our politicians. The real cause of the evil way our representatives communicate is that we do not say no to it at the ballot box.

Yeah, because you Communists were always so polite.

I mean, that Atom Bomb commercial you ran on Goldwater was the epitome of class and decorum, Comrade.

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