Why do people hate Liberals?

Divide and Conquer: Politics and the Left/Right Fraud : The Corbett Report

From education to the environment, business to banking, housing to health care, it seems that there is no issue in the world that the industrialized western democracies cannot reduce to a simplistic paradigm of “liberal” vs “conservative.” In fact, this point has been so hardwired into the modern political system that it has been distilled into a childlike shorthand: political positions are “left” or “right,” “blue” or “red.” These convenient, color-coded political choices infantilize the political process, making the public little more than spectators at a sporting event, rooting for one team or another without even having to understand the issues being debated.

Nowhere has this process of simplification become so refined as it has in the United States of America, sometimes laughingly referred to as the “leaders of the free world.”

This inane lowest-common-denominator reduction of all political thought has taken its toll on the public. Many are now unable to conceive of what a political movement that is not attached to one or the other ends of this so-called “spectrum” would look like. Yet, interestingly, this is precisely what has emerged in the past several years, not once, but twice, and not on one side of this left/right divide or the other, but both.

In the past five years we have watched the rise of two distinct movements expressing popular outrage at the political status quo in the US. Both movements decried the nexus of power that has developed in the fascistic relationship of big banks and big government. Both movements believed that the bought-and-paid for politicians have robbed the people of their rights and even their ability to participate in the political process. Both movements believed in mass protest as a way of effecting change in the system. And yet, we are asked to believe that these movements are not only incompatible, but diametrically opposed.
Are you? You're the one screaming "commie" at everyone. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Perhaps not. SMH.

I realize that there are those who fear to name reality.

Call them democratic - socialists as they call themselves, or demagogue - sociopaths as is more accurate. Call them Bolsheviks as a nod to the foundation of their economic and social goals.

No matter what the name, these are autocratic collectivists hostile to individual liberty.

Your erudite response of "Nuhn UHN - yoooo tooooo" not withstanding...
The Founding Fathers Tried to Warn Us About the Threat From a Two-Party System
Posted on July 7, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog

Polls show that a majority of Americans say that both the Republicans and Democrats are doing such a poor job representing the people that a new, third party is needed.

I’ve repeatedly warned that there is a scripted, psuedo-war between Dems and Repubs, liberals and conservatives which is in reality a false divide-and-conquer dog-and-pony show created by the powers that be to keep the American people divided and distracted. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this,this and this.

In fact, the Founding Fathers warned us about the threat from a two party system.

John Adams said:

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.

George Washington agreed, saying in his farewell presidential speech:

The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty

Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind, (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight,) the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.

It serves always to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration. It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.

There is an opinion, that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the Government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of Liberty. This within certain limits is probably true; and in Governments of a Monarchical cast, Patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. But in those of the popular character, in Governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged. From their natural tendency, it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose. And, there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be, by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume.
Are you? You're the one screaming "commie" at everyone. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Perhaps not. SMH.

I realize that there are those who fear to name reality.

Call them democratic - socialists as they call themselves, or demagogue - sociopaths as is more accurate. Call them Bolsheviks as a nod to the foundation of their economic and social goals.

No matter what the name, these are autocratic collectivists hostile to individual liberty.

Your erudite response of "Nuhn UHN - yoooo tooooo" not withstanding...

Sorry, but that is just the truth. Both of your parties are awful and are responsible for all the division and infighting we see today. No arguing against that truth, is there? Are you going to call me a "crackhead" again now? Typical ignorance.
Divide and Conquer: Politics and the Left/Right Fraud : The Corbett Report

From education to the environment, business to banking, housing to health care, it seems that there is no issue in the world that the industrialized western democracies cannot reduce to a simplistic paradigm of “liberal” vs “conservative.” In fact, this point has been so hardwired into the modern political system that it has been distilled into a childlike shorthand: political positions are “left” or “right,” “blue” or “red.” These convenient, color-coded political choices infantilize the political process, making the public little more than spectators at a sporting event, rooting for one team or another without even having to understand the issues being debated.

Nowhere has this process of simplification become so refined as it has in the United States of America, sometimes laughingly referred to as the “leaders of the free world.”

This inane lowest-common-denominator reduction of all political thought has taken its toll on the public. Many are now unable to conceive of what a political movement that is not attached to one or the other ends of this so-called “spectrum” would look like. Yet, interestingly, this is precisely what has emerged in the past several years, not once, but twice, and not on one side of this left/right divide or the other, but both.

In the past five years we have watched the rise of two distinct movements expressing popular outrage at the political status quo in the US. Both movements decried the nexus of power that has developed in the fascistic relationship of big banks and big government. Both movements believed that the bought-and-paid for politicians have robbed the people of their rights and even their ability to participate in the political process. Both movements believed in mass protest as a way of effecting change in the system. And yet, we are asked to believe that these movements are not only incompatible, but diametrically opposed.
The difference is the New BS GOP lies nonstop and is bought and paid for by greedy idiot billionaires and populated by ignorant ugly American racist dupes.......
Divide and Conquer: Politics and the Left/Right Fraud : The Corbett Report

From education to the environment, business to banking, housing to health care, it seems that there is no issue in the world that the industrialized western democracies cannot reduce to a simplistic paradigm of “liberal” vs “conservative.” In fact, this point has been so hardwired into the modern political system that it has been distilled into a childlike shorthand: political positions are “left” or “right,” “blue” or “red.” These convenient, color-coded political choices infantilize the political process, making the public little more than spectators at a sporting event, rooting for one team or another without even having to understand the issues being debated.

Nowhere has this process of simplification become so refined as it has in the United States of America, sometimes laughingly referred to as the “leaders of the free world.”

This inane lowest-common-denominator reduction of all political thought has taken its toll on the public. Many are now unable to conceive of what a political movement that is not attached to one or the other ends of this so-called “spectrum” would look like. Yet, interestingly, this is precisely what has emerged in the past several years, not once, but twice, and not on one side of this left/right divide or the other, but both.

In the past five years we have watched the rise of two distinct movements expressing popular outrage at the political status quo in the US. Both movements decried the nexus of power that has developed in the fascistic relationship of big banks and big government. Both movements believed that the bought-and-paid for politicians have robbed the people of their rights and even their ability to participate in the political process. Both movements believed in mass protest as a way of effecting change in the system. And yet, we are asked to believe that these movements are not only incompatible, but diametrically opposed.
The difference is the New BS GOP lies nonstop and is bought and paid for by greedy idiot billionaires and populated by ignorant ugly American racist dupes.......

They ALL lie. All of them. The politicians are laughing at us.
Are you? You're the one screaming "commie" at everyone. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Perhaps not. SMH.

I realize that there are those who fear to name reality.

Call them democratic - socialists as they call themselves, or demagogue - sociopaths as is more accurate. Call them Bolsheviks as a nod to the foundation of their economic and social goals.

No matter what the name, these are autocratic collectivists hostile to individual liberty.

Your erudite response of "Nuhn UHN - yoooo tooooo" not withstanding...
So who's against individual liberties like abortion choice, pot, gay marriage, etc etc etc? And no, Dems aren't against hunting and reasonable self-protection, dupe.
Not at all, you are just as intrusive, overbearing and controlling as the other side. Full of hate, greed and intolerance.

So what you're saying is that I'm a pub hater dupe, and you'll never phere me?

Oh yes, just the intelligent and well thought out post I was expecting. You forgot commie and crackhead though. :D Lol.
Sure. I stick to the Flamer Zone. Lol. More lies. That is expected from people such as yourself though, hateful, intolerant, dishonest, and ignorant. :D

Generally the only place I run into you.

We'll you're here now to join forces with franco.

You make such a cute couple....

I'm neither liberal or conservative, like I've already explained to you. Didn't think it was that difficult of a concept to understand. I suppose when you're a feeble-minded follower . . . .
Divide and Conquer: Politics and the Left/Right Fraud : The Corbett Report

From education to the environment, business to banking, housing to health care, it seems that there is no issue in the world that the industrialized western democracies cannot reduce to a simplistic paradigm of “liberal” vs “conservative.” In fact, this point has been so hardwired into the modern political system that it has been distilled into a childlike shorthand: political positions are “left” or “right,” “blue” or “red.” These convenient, color-coded political choices infantilize the political process, making the public little more than spectators at a sporting event, rooting for one team or another without even having to understand the issues being debated.

Nowhere has this process of simplification become so refined as it has in the United States of America, sometimes laughingly referred to as the “leaders of the free world.”

This inane lowest-common-denominator reduction of all political thought has taken its toll on the public. Many are now unable to conceive of what a political movement that is not attached to one or the other ends of this so-called “spectrum” would look like. Yet, interestingly, this is precisely what has emerged in the past several years, not once, but twice, and not on one side of this left/right divide or the other, but both.

In the past five years we have watched the rise of two distinct movements expressing popular outrage at the political status quo in the US. Both movements decried the nexus of power that has developed in the fascistic relationship of big banks and big government. Both movements believed that the bought-and-paid for politicians have robbed the people of their rights and even their ability to participate in the political process. Both movements believed in mass protest as a way of effecting change in the system. And yet, we are asked to believe that these movements are not only incompatible, but diametrically opposed.
The difference is the New BS GOP lies nonstop and is bought and paid for by greedy idiot billionaires and populated by ignorant ugly American racist dupes.......

They ALL lie. All of them. The politicians are laughing at us.
Well that was easy. Another Pub dupe. Feel the Bern and stop listening to 25 years of lies about the Clintons. The more you listen to the GOP Propaganda Machine, the less you know.
So who's against individual liberties like abortion choice, pot, gay marriage, etc etc etc? And no, Dems aren't against hunting and reasonable self-protection, dupe.

The ability to take the life of a distinct and separate entity is not individual liberty, bot.

Oh and franco hater dupe bot, check under my avie and you might gaing a clue as to my position on pot, probably not though, you're not a sentient being. The war your filthy party wages on civil rights is unprecedented. Not since your filthy party went to war to keep other people as slaves has there been such blatant assaults on personal freedom.
So who's against individual liberties like abortion choice, pot, gay marriage, etc etc etc? And no, Dems aren't against hunting and reasonable self-protection, dupe.

The ability to take the life of a distinct and separate entity is not individual liberty, bot.

Oh and franco hater dupe bot, check under my avie and you might gaing a clue as to my position on pot, probably not though, you're not a sentient being. The war your filthy party wages on civil rights is unprecedented. Not since your filthy party went to war to keep other people as slaves has there been such blatant assaults on personal freedom.
Most people don't believe your ideological bs about abortion, fascist, or the SC or congress, dupe.. lol. The very definition of cutting individual liberties...
I'm neither liberal or conservative,

Nor apparently sober... :eusa_whistle:

like I've already explained to you. Didn't think it was that difficult of a concept to understand. I suppose when you're a feeble-minded follower . . . .

The concept that you have no foundational principles nor a philosophical grounding? No, I think I picked up on that.
I'm neither liberal or conservative,

Nor apparently sober... :eusa_whistle

like I've already explained to you. Didn't think it was that difficult of a concept to understand. I suppose when you're a feeble-minded follower . . . .

The concept that you have no foundational principles nor a philosophical grounding? No, I think I picked up on that.

Again with the accusations of drug use? Good grief.

I have principles. They just aren't republican or democratic "principles" which are fake principles that they don't even hold to. Lol. You are just another follower. Nothing new or interesting to see here.
Most people don't believe your ideological bs about abortion, fascist. lol. The very definition of cutting individual liberties...

But then you're not a person; just a bit of malware, poorly written code that runs an artificial stupidity routine... :dunno:

You are the same, except on the other side of the spectrum. Just sayin.
Sure. I stick to the Flamer Zone. Lol. More lies. That is expected from people such as yourself though, hateful, intolerant, dishonest, and ignorant. :D

Generally the only place I run into you.

We'll you're here now to join forces with franco.

You make such a cute couple....

I don't remember "running into you" in the Flamer Zone since I rarely post there. :)

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