Why do people hate Liberals?

Much of the vitriol and name calling can be attributed to Newt Gingrich. He made it a point to paint his opposition as evil and god hating. He convinced his colleagues to go out of their way to at every discussion with his political adversaries to regard them in bad terms. Where there used to be a mutual respect in congress it was transformed into a war of philosophies that took no prisoners.

Every disagreement was transformed into an affront to all that they believed in and respected. God, Guns and Gays was expanded to include abortion, immigration and socialism as the evil that attacks the model the RWers envision for our nation. Obviously much if not all of the obsticals to this so called perfect vision were inherently unattainable due to the constitution. They have to be careful attacking the constitution so when prevented from exercising their will they conveniently blame the so called "Liberals" for blocking their paths. Keep in mind that the language in use now is much more derogatory that in previous times. Once convinced that they no longer needed to respect those that oppose their agendas the insults fly freely.

The emergence of Trump is the end result of the way the RW operates. Insults that used to not exist were allowed to become veiled then open and now there are no constraints. There are no mutual laws to respect in addressing one's opposition.

All this anger and insult combined with a RW culture that rejects any and all responsibility for their actions has created a field and a game without rules. Politics has been reduced not to agreement and bargaining to create action but to only a matter of money spent on advertising. If you party's backers can fund a won election and as a group win enough of them to have majorities and power then your opponent be damned. Eventually it works both ways when the rules are clear. The dems have to do the same to win elections as the public seems to only respond to the lowest common denominator.

Now, as opposed to before when cordiality seemed the basis for winning an argument, it is the most clever and repeated insult that the public responds to. True or false seems not to matter. Nasty and degrading is what the public wants and what the public gets.

Newt Gingrich may have had a big hand in setting the vitriol into motion but it is now the public that demands more dirt being slung by our politicians. The real cause of the evil way our representatives communicate is that we do not say no to it at the ballot box.

Yeah, because you Communists were always so polite.

I mean, that Atom Bomb commercial you ran on Goldwater was the epitome of class and decorum, Comrade.

Is everyone who disagrees with YOU a commie? Lol. Get over your 1950s mentality, please.
Is everyone who disagrees with YOU a commie? Lol. Get over your 1950s mentality, please.

Why should I play pretend?

A Communist is an advocate of a collectivist, central authority which revokes individual liberty in favor of group privilege granted on the basis of how favored that group is by the party.

Sound familiar?

Is everyone who disagrees with YOU a commie? Lol. Get over your 1950s mentality, please.

Why should I play pretend?

A Communist is an advocate of a collectivist, central authority which revokes individual liberty in favor of group privilege granted on the basis of how favored that group is by the party.

Sound familiar?


Your party also wants to take away rights. Lol. Wake up!!!
Give me one then, dupe. All at LEAST debatable. Meanwhile, everything you dupes know are whoppers lol.

Give you one what, franco hater dupe bot?

Why don't you put on your blue dress and watch an internet video while I play you a cut of Hilliary saying no one died when she and Obama put Al Qaeda in power in Libya?
One Dem lie duh. ONE. WTF ARE you talking about lol...
Not at all, you are just as intrusive, overbearing and controlling as the other side. Full of hate, greed and intolerance.

So, utter stupidity is the best I can expect from you?

No wonder you stick to the flame zone, you can't hack it out here with the grownups.

Sure. I stick to the Flamer Zone. Lol. More lies. That is expected from people such as yourself though, hateful, intolerant, dishonest, and ignorant. :D
Not at all, you are just as intrusive, overbearing and controlling as the other side. Full of hate, greed and intolerance.

So, utter stupidity is the best I can expect from you?

No wonder you stick to the flame zone, you can't hack it out here with the grownups.

I suppose now you're going to try to tell me I'm on drugs or drunk (although I do neither, unlike yourself probably)?? ;) That's clever.
Much of the vitriol and name calling can be attributed to Newt Gingrich. He made it a point to paint his opposition as evil and god hating. He convinced his colleagues to go out of their way to at every discussion with his political adversaries to regard them in bad terms. Where there used to be a mutual respect in congress it was transformed into a war of philosophies that took no prisoners.

Every disagreement was transformed into an affront to all that they believed in and respected. God, Guns and Gays was expanded to include abortion, immigration and socialism as the evil that attacks the model the RWers envision for our nation. Obviously much if not all of the obsticals to this so called perfect vision were inherently unattainable due to the constitution. They have to be careful attacking the constitution so when prevented from exercising their will they conveniently blame the so called "Liberals" for blocking their paths. Keep in mind that the language in use now is much more derogatory that in previous times. Once convinced that they no longer needed to respect those that oppose their agendas the insults fly freely.

The emergence of Trump is the end result of the way the RW operates. Insults that used to not exist were allowed to become veiled then open and now there are no constraints. There are no mutual laws to respect in addressing one's opposition.

All this anger and insult combined with a RW culture that rejects any and all responsibility for their actions has created a field and a game without rules. Politics has been reduced not to agreement and bargaining to create action but to only a matter of money spent on advertising. If you party's backers can fund a won election and as a group win enough of them to have majorities and power then your opponent be damned. Eventually it works both ways when the rules are clear. The dems have to do the same to win elections as the public seems to only respond to the lowest common denominator.

Now, as opposed to before when cordiality seemed the basis for winning an argument, it is the most clever and repeated insult that the public responds to. True or false seems not to matter. Nasty and degrading is what the public wants and what the public gets.

Newt Gingrich may have had a big hand in setting the vitriol into motion but it is now the public that demands more dirt being slung by our politicians. The real cause of the evil way our representatives communicate is that we do not say no to it at the ballot box.

Yeah, because you Communists were always so polite.

I mean, that Atom Bomb commercial you ran on Goldwater was the epitome of class and decorum, Comrade.

You are a full blown idiot. I have said MANY times on this MB that I was a strong SUPPORTER of Barry Goldwater.

I started to lose my faith in the GOP with Nixon's "trust me I have a secret plan to get us out of Viet Nam".

As the Christofascists began infiltrating the republican party and taking more and more power I became less and less a fan. That two faced Reagan idiot movie actor was the last straw. Including Ronnie and his control agent Nancy there have been no respectable GOP candidates for POTUS. Who knew the brains behind the scenes was Nancy's astrologer.

You and your parrot butt buddies that are so sure I am a leftistcommunistliberalpinkowhatever can go fuck yourselves.

I have made it clear for almost 7 years here that I am a DEVOUT atheist. I can not in good conscience vote for any more presidents that are too stupid to understand there is no god. I did vote for Bush I and Bush II. I deeply regret those votes.

Now the GOP is in full retard putting on a clown show every four years. It is embarrassing for a once proud republican. It is an insult to this country.

Lastly I would appreciate you and your ilk stop using Goldwater's name for any reason. You have no business trying to align yourselves with him. He was a great man...whereas you are scum.
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