Why do people hate Liberals?

You are a full blown idiot. I have said MANY times on this MB that I was a strong SUPPORTER of Barry Goldwater.

Well of course, just like Jake Starkey you are a "Republican" that sees the wisdom of Obama's collectivism!

I started to lose my faith in the GOP with Nixon's "trust me I have a secret plan to get us out of Viet Nam".

As the Christofascists began infiltrating the republican party and taking more and more power I became less and less a fan. That two faced Reagan idiot movie actor was the last straw. Including Ronnie and his control agent Nancy there have been no respectable GOP candidates for POTUS. Who knew the brains behind the scenes was Nancy's astrologer.

You and your parrot butt buddies that are so sure I am a leftistcommunistliberalpinkowhatever can go fuck yourselves.

I have made it clear for almost 7 years here that I am a DEVOUT atheist. I can not in good conscience vote for any more presidents that are too stupid to understand there is no god. I did vote for Bush I and Bush II. I deeply regret those votes.

Now the GOP is in full retard putting on a clown show every four years. It is embarrassing for a once proud republican. It is an insult to this country.

Lastly I would appreciate you and your ilk stop using Goldwater's name for any reason. You have no business trying to align yourselves with him. He was a great man...whereas you are scum.

Honestly, between a leaf in the gutter and what you would appreciate, I have to go with the leaf for priority of importance.

So, as a Christophobic bigot, you will reject Hlliary, and Trump because both are Christian?

I'll remind you of this when you post your praise of Hilliary in the not too distant future.
Again with the accusations of drug use? Good grief.

I have principles. They just aren't republican or democratic "principles" which are fake principles that they don't even hold to. Lol. You are just another follower. Nothing new or interesting to see here.

What are these alleged "principles" that you hold.

Oh, and since I am a "follower," would you mind terrible telling me what it is you think that I follow?
Again with the accusations of drug use? Good grief.

I have principles. They just aren't republican or democratic "principles" which are fake principles that they don't even hold to. Lol. You are just another follower. Nothing new or interesting to see here.

What are these alleged "principles" that you hold.

Oh, and since I am a "follower," would you mind terrible telling me what it is you think that I follow?

I get it. You think that anyone that does not agree with you has no principles. Lol.

I want to help the poor. I have integrity. I'm honest. I have much compassion for those who are truly suffering. There are just a few of my principles. What are YOUR principles?

You follow the republican party, lockstep. Silly little person.
You are the same, except on the other side of the spectrum. Just sayin.

You seem to be "sayin" for no reason than to see your words on screen.

Occasionally I have had conversations with you where you seemed somewhat reasonable; not today though, you are putting up your vacuous dolt persona.

Hint; the delusion you have assigned to me has very little to do with my actual positions.
You are the same, except on the other side of the spectrum. Just sayin.

You seem to be "sayin" for no reason than to see your words on screen.

Occasionally I have had conversations with you where you seemed somewhat reasonable; not today though, you are putting up your vacuous dolt persona.

Hint; the delusion you have assigned to me has very little to do with my actual positions.

What have I said that is unreasonable to you? That both parties are the same but on opposite sides of the spectrum? That their goal is to divide and conquer and that is how they maintain power and control? What? Be specific please.
You are the same, except on the other side of the spectrum. Just sayin.

You seem to be "sayin" for no reason than to see your words on screen.

Occasionally I have had conversations with you where you seemed somewhat reasonable; not today though, you are putting up your vacuous dolt persona.

Hint; the delusion you have assigned to me has very little to do with my actual positions.

And . . . what are YOUR principles?
I get it. You think that anyone that does not agree with you has no principles. Lol.

Oh hardly. I think some of the hard core left have very strong principles. That of collectivism and group privilege.

Populists though, eschew principle as a matter of course.

I want to help the poor.

Do you then? Or does charity begin in the pocket of your neighbor?

I have integrity. I'm honest. I have much compassion for those who are truly suffering. There are just a few of my principles. What are YOUR principles?

Well since you asked...

I believe that each person is endowed by whatever force placed us on this planet with a natural state of liberty. Liberty cannot be granted, only subverted. Because we are sentient beings who are free in our natural state, the measure of integrity is the measure of the respect each has for the liberty of others.

Do not kill, maim, injure, nor cause to be injured, others. Do not use the threats of violence to compel others to act against their own interests. Do not steal or take by force or the threat thereof.

Compassion is the measure of one person helping another. Taking bread from the mouth of your neighbor by force to give to those you think are more deserving is not compassion, it is theft. Charity can only come from your own assets, not those of others.

All civil rights are founded upon property rights. Without the right to that which we create from our minds and our effort, there can be no rights at all.

The most noble and civilized manner in which one person can relate to another is through trade, the voluntary and uncoerced exchange of value for value.

You follow the republican party, lockstep. Silly little person.


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I get it. You think that anyone that does not agree with you has no principles. Lol.

Oh hardly. I think some of the hard core left have very strong principles. That of collectivism and group privilege.

Populists though, eschew principle as a matter of course.

I want to help the poor.

Do you then? Or does charity begin in the pocket of your neighbor?

I have integrity. I'm honest. I have much compassion for those who are truly suffering. There are just a few of my principles. What are YOUR principles?

Well since you asked...

I believe that each person is endowed by whatever force placed us on this planet with a natural state of liberty. Liberty cannot be granted, only subverted. Because we are sentient beings who are free in or natural state, the measure of integrity is the measure of the respect each has for the liberty of others.

Do not kill, maim, injure, nor cause to be injured, others. Do not use the threats of violence to compel others to act against their own interests. Do not steal or take by force or the threat thereof.

Compassion is the measure of one person helping another. Taking bread from the mouth of your neighbor by force to give to those you think are more deserving is not compassion, it is theft. Charity can only come from your own assets, not those of others.

All civil rights are founded upon property rights. Without the right to that which we create from our minds and our effort, there can be no rights at all.

The most noble and civilized manner in which one person can relate to another is through trade, the voluntary and uncoerced exchange of value for value.

You follow the republican party, lockstep. Silly little person.



What a bunch of crap. Lol. Yes, we need social support systems to which we all contribute to help the poor. To say that they could survive on the "goodness" of people and charity is nothing short of ridiculous. AND that is because of the parties and their politics, stagnant wages, and outright greed.
I get it. You think that anyone that does not agree with you has no principles. Lol.

Oh hardly. I think some of the hard core left have very strong principles. That of collectivism and group privilege.

Populists though, eschew principle as a matter of course.

I want to help the poor.

Do you then? Or does charity begin in the pocket of your neighbor?

I have integrity. I'm honest. I have much compassion for those who are truly suffering. There are just a few of my principles. What are YOUR principles?

Well since you asked...

I believe that each person is endowed by whatever force placed us on this planet with a natural state of liberty. Liberty cannot be granted, only subverted. Because we are sentient beings who are free in or natural state, the measure of integrity is the measure of the respect each has for the liberty of others.

Do not kill, maim, injure, nor cause to be injured, others. Do not use the threats of violence to compel others to act against their own interests. Do not steal or take by force or the threat thereof.

Compassion is the measure of one person helping another. Taking bread from the mouth of your neighbor by force to give to those you think are more deserving is not compassion, it is theft. Charity can only come from your own assets, not those of others.

All civil rights are founded upon property rights. Without the right to that which we create from our minds and our effort, there can be no rights at all.

The most noble and civilized manner in which one person can relate to another is through trade, the voluntary and uncoerced exchange of value for value.

You follow the republican party, lockstep. Silly little person.



Well, why don't you say just what you disagree with the republican party about. Every post of yours sounds like typical republican drivel. :lol:
In order to have a healthy and robust citizenry, we need a combination of capitalism and socialism. Just one or just the other is narrow minded and cannot work in the REAL world where there are over 300 MILLION people living in your country (those accounted for), and not NEARLY that many jobs to go around.
What have I said that is unreasonable to you?

Wrong question, what is it you have said that is reasoned?

That both parties are the same but on opposite sides of the spectrum? That their goal is to divide and conquer and that is how they maintain power and control? What? Be specific please.

You sound a bit paranoid, and perhaps delusional.

The Neocons are being displaced in the GOP, which I view as a good thing. Bummer that Trump is the one doing it. Hilliary is the biggest establishment crook ever to crawl out of the sewer. The little dance of 'they iz both da same" is simply retarded at this point.
If people don't have money to spend, they aren't buying. Guess what that means for your businesses? :) Around 35% of our citizens are now on SOME form of social services supports. That means they fall BELOW the federal poverty guidelines.
What have I said that is unreasonable to you?

Wrong question, what is it you have said that is reasoned?

That both parties are the same but on opposite sides of the spectrum? That their goal is to divide and conquer and that is how they maintain power and control? What? Be specific please.

You sound a bit paranoid, and perhaps delusional.

The Neocons are being displaced in the GOP, which I view as a good thing. Bummer that Trump is the one doing it. Hilliary is the biggest establishment crook ever to crawl out of the sewer. The little dance of 'they iz both da same" is simply retarded at this point.

You are calling me paranoid? You who screams "commie" in just about every post. PUHLEESE. You are just another ridiculous message board poster. :D Lol.
People like Uncensored hate liberals out of fear. He and others like him fear change, fear minorities, feat going out in public unarmed. The question then open for discussion is why he and others like him are cowards? Are cowards born scared, or is it a learned emotion?

Of course being below the line - not poverty, the line which puts them under the average IQ, the single digit set - have reason to be scared. Competing in the world, the job market and school is to their disadvantage and thus they want to return to the days of yesteryear when a dumb white guy got the job and those in the protected class did not.
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Well, why don't you say just what you disagree with the republican party about. Every post of yours sounds like typical republican drivel. :lol:

I'm glad you spent so much time on a well thought out reply, so as to dispel my impression of you as a troll spewing partisan drivel..

Oh, I don't believe in victimless crimes. If there is no direct victim, there is no crime. Ergo, someone smoking a joint, or even crack, cannot be a criminal act.
In order to have a healthy and robust citizenry, we need a combination of capitalism and socialism.

Of course, just as a robust diet needs a combination of poison and healthful foods.

Fucking brilliant.

Just one or just the other is narrow minded and cannot work in the REAL world where there are over 300 MILLION people living in your country (those accounted for), and not NEARLY that many jobs to go around.

Which country do you live in?
In order to have a healthy and robust citizenry, we need a combination of capitalism and socialism.

Of course, just as a robust diet needs a combination of poison and healthful foods.

Fucking brilliant.

Just one or just the other is narrow minded and cannot work in the REAL world where there are over 300 MILLION people living in your country (those accounted for), and not NEARLY that many jobs to go around.

Which country do you live in?

You don't make any sense at all. You are just spewing hyperbole. Lol.
People like Uncensored hate liberals out of fear. He and others like him fear change, fear minorities, feat going out in public unarmed. The question then open for discussion is why he and others like him are cowards? Are cowards born scared, or is it a learned emotion?

Of course being below the line - not poverty, the line which puts them under the average IQ, the single digit set - have reason to be scared. Competing in the world, the job market and school is to their disadvantage and thus they want to return to the days of yesteryear when a dumb white guy got the job and those in the protected class did not.

Most of the people who post here are just like him! He is typical of a message board poster. An extremist.

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