Why do people hate Liberals?

I thought I was pretty clear on my "ideology". I don't have an ideology.

You want to "help the poor."

you ducked on whether you actually DO help the poor, with your own time and funds, or if that is just the typical leftist euphemism for "I want to give your money to who I think deserves it more."

Once your tax money is gathered. It is no longer YOUR money. It belongs to the collective "US" :D That pisses you off, huh?
I'm imitating YOU, genius. Lol. :D

No, you're sure not, regardless of your intent.

Look moron, this is the philosophy forum. Lay out your political philosophy, debate mine, or admit you are a drooling retard lacking the wits to engage in anything deeper than flinging poo.
I'm imitating YOU, genius. Lol. :D

No, you're sure not, regardless of your intent.

Look moron, this is the philosophy forum. Lay out your political philosophy, debate mine, or admit you are a drooling retard lacking the wits to engage in anything deeper than flinging poo.

Oh, I forgot to add crack whore to that. Crack whore! There. Now I sound just like you. :D
Commies! They are infiltrating the United States! Look out for the commies. Bad commies, bad. :beer:

You didn't ask me that question, and yes I do. My tax dollars go to help the poor. I'm also on the verge of being poor, but you don't hear me bitching, do ya?

Learn to read.

Why do people hate Liberals?

Tax dollars, extracted by force are not charity.

I am appalled at the hypocrites who speaking of helping the poor and think that robbing others is somehow noble.
You didn't ask me that question, and yes I do. My tax dollars go to help the poor. I'm also on the verge of being poor, but you don't hear me bitching, do ya?

Learn to read.

Why do people hate Liberals?

Tax dollars, extracted by force are not charity.

I am appalled at the hypocrites who speaking of helping the poor and think that robbing others is somehow noble.

I pay my taxes voluntarily because I want my money to go to help the poor and NOT huge multi-billion dollar corporations.
I voluntarily pay taxes because I CARE about America and it's people. All you have is GREED and misery. I pity you.
I pay my taxes voluntarily because I want my money to go to help the poor and NOT huge multi-billion dollar corporations.

Got it, so you take no deductions and send extra, right?



The hypocrisy of the left is infinite...
Once your tax money is gathered. It is no longer YOUR money. It belongs to the collective "US" :D That pisses you off, huh?

Once money is taken in taxes, it belongs to the government, not you.

You seem unclear on how this whole "reality" thingy works.
Once your tax money is gathered. It is no longer YOUR money. It belongs to the collective "US" :D That pisses you off, huh?

Once money is taken in taxes, it belongs to the government, not you.

You seem unclear on how this whole "reality" thingy works.

Exactly. Now you are getting it. You pay taxes, and it goes to help out poor people. You don't like that? Oh well. That is not going to change because you go on message boards and throw temper tantrums.
I pay my taxes voluntarily because I want my money to go to help the poor and NOT huge multi-billion dollar corporations.

Got it, so you take no deductions and send extra, right?



The hypocrisy of the left is infinite...

I don't have any "extra." :) Yet, I don't moan and complain about it either. That would be you and people like you who are greedy and not very good people.
I pay my taxes voluntarily because I want my money to go to help the poor and NOT huge multi-billion dollar corporations.

Got it, so you take no deductions and send extra, right?



The hypocrisy of the left is infinite...

So, let's get this clear. You come on message boards and complain about commies "stealing" your money to help out some poor folks. I say that I am all for our tax dollars helping out the poor folks, and I'm a hypocrite?

I'm sorry, but you are just greedy. Live with it.
Exactly. Now you are getting it. You pay taxes, and it goes to help out poor people. You don't like that? Oh well. That is not going to change because you go on message boards and throw temper tantrums.

If I want to help poor people, I help poor people. I don't cast a vote for some corrupt democrat and then pat myself on the back that they will rob the rich on my behalf to give other peoples money to those I think are more deserving.

So suffice to say, no YOU do not help the poor, you vote for higher taxes in hopes that money taken from others will help the poor.

Typical leftist, charity begins in the pocket of your neighbor.
Why people hate conservatives . . .


Ebenezer: But it was only that you were an honest man of business!

Jacob Marley: BUSINESS? Mankind was my business! Their common welfare was my business!

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