Why do people hate Liberals?

OUR tax money, yep. :D

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Dayum, why would ANYONE think you were a Communist? :dunno:

We all pay taxes and, like you noted, once it leaves your hands it no longer belongs to you. It becomes OUR money at that point. Some of it is going to be used to help out the poor folks. You can cry about that all day long. It isn't going to change because most people who are NOT extremists do not mind. :)
You'll complain about your tax money going to help a family of four, yet you ignore this bullshit. That's sick.

10 Taxpayer Handouts to the Super Rich That Will Make Your Blood Boil

A small number of incredibly wealthy Americans are ridiculing Bernie Sanders’ base for wanting “free stuff” when the costliest programs are, by far, corporate welfare and entitlements for the top 1 percent. Fox News has been working hard to tear down Sanders’ proposals to provide Medicare for all, institute tuition-free public college, boost infrastructure spending, and expand Social Security.

“That’s not fiscally possible unless the federal government starts seizing private assets,” said Bill O’Reilly.

But O’Reilly is wrong. The money for Sanders’ platform can easily come from eliminating the costliest entitlement programs for the top 1 percent and multinational corporations. Here’s a breakdown of the most superfluous giveaways to the rich and how much they cost the rest of us:

1. Tax Breaks for obscene CEO bonuses ($7 billion/year)
Currently, the biggest corporations are exploiting a 20-year-old loophole that allows them to write off inflated compensation packages for CEOs, billing stock options, and performance-based bonuses to taxpayers. In 2010, the Economic Policy Institute found out that the biggest corporations cost Americans $7 billion by writing off inflated executive pay. Between 2007 and 2010, this loophole accounted for more than $30 billion in corporate welfare. According to The Guardian, fast food industry CEOs cost taxpayers $64 million through this loophole.

That $7 billion could singlehandedly fund the annual budget for the National Science Foundation — which, as I recently reported for US Uncut, funds 11,000 scientific research projects each year and has funded 26 Nobel laureates in the last 5 years.

2. Tax cuts for luxury corporate jets ($300 million/year)
Currently, corporations can claim a huge tax deduction every year by writing off purchases of corporate jets, lavish cars, and chauffeurs as “security” for their top executives. A Bloomberg analysis from 2011 showed that these tax breaks for some of the wealthiest Americans cost the rest of us$300 million each year. While that may not sound like much, that’s approximately 50 percent of theannual budget for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Elizabeth Warren that protects Americans from the financial sector’s most predatory schemes.

3. Big oil subsidies ($37.5 billion/year)
According to Oil Change International (OCI), the U.S. government spends anywhere between $10 billion and $52 billion per year on corporate welfare for the fossil fuel industry — one of the wealthiest industries in the world. OCI estimated that total combined subsidies to big oil approached $37.5 billion in 2014, which includes $21 billion on production and exploration subsidies.

These subsidies alone cost more than what we currently spend on providing rental assistance for low-income families. In 2013, the department of Housing and Urban Development allocated a total of$34.3 billion toward tenant-based rental assistance ($19 billion), project-based rental assistance ($8.7 billion), and general public housing programs ($6.6 billion). These programs helped 4.5 million families — half of whom are elderly — keep a roof over their head.

4. Pharmaceutical subsidies ($270 billion/year)
As US Uncut has previously reported, the pharmaceutical industry costs taxpayers roughly $270 billion a year when accounting for the cost we pay for life-saving drugs whose patents have been bought up by Big Pharma. This is over $1,914 per household in corporate welfare. This is partly due to the Medicare Part D bill that George W. Bush signed into law in 2003, which prevents Medicare from negotiating drug prices with pharmaceutical companies. But the biggest drug companies also make a pretty penny (a combined $711 billion in profits between 2003 and 2012) by buying patents for drugs that were largely developed with taxpayer-funded research, then jacking up the price by absurd amounts after cornering the market.

OUR tax money, yep. :D

Define our tax money?


California gas tax is 40 cents a gallon not including local

Alaska is 12 cents a gallon not including local


Our tax money. Once you pay your taxes, it then is no longer your money. It belongs to all of us. Some of it is going to help out the poor people. Period. End of story.
OUR tax money, yep. :D

Define our tax money?


California gas tax is 40 cents a gallon not including local

Alaska is 12 cents a gallon not including local


Our tax money. Once you pay your taxes, it then is no longer your money. It belongs to all of us. Some of it is going to help out the poor people. Period. End of story.

Guess I am confusing you, who gets to decide what is OUR tax money?

Liberals in blue states who bought votes with empty promises to their non funded pension programs?
Republicans are outraged for all the wrong reasons.

This past Friday, $5 billion was automatically slashed from the federal food stamps program, affecting the lives of 47 million Americans.

The USDA estimates that because of these cuts, a family of four who receives food stamps benefits will lose about 20 meals per month.

But these enormous cuts to food stamps aren't enough for Republicans.

They still want to slash an additional $40 billion from the program in the name of reducing spending and federal debt.

Republicans love to argue that programs like SNAP - the federal food stamps program – and other social safety net programs put an unfair burden on American taxpayers, but if they just took a minute to crunch the numbers, they'd realize that's flat out wrong.

In 2012, the average American taxpayer making $50,000 per year paid just $36 towards the food stamps program.

That's just ten cents a day!

That's less than the cost of a gumball.

But Republicans think that's still too high a price to pay to help the neediest and most vulnerable Americans.

And when it comes to funding the rest of America's social safety net programs, the average American taxpayer making $50,000 a year pays just over six dollars a year.

Simply put, the American taxpayer isn't paying much for social safety net programs like food stamps and Medicare.

But we are paying a lot for the billions of dollars the U.S. government gives to corporate America each year.

The average American family pays a staggering $6,000 a year in subsidies to Republican-friendly big business.

And that's just the average family. A family making more than $50,000 a year - say $70,000 a year - pays even more to pad the wallets of corporate America.

So where does some of that $6,000 that you and I are paying every year actually go?

For starters, $870 of it goes to direct subsidies and grants for corporations.

This includes money for subsidies to Big Oil companies that are polluting our skies and fueling climate change and global warming. Compare that to the $36 you and I pay for food stamps a year.

An additional $870 goes to corporate tax subsidies.

The Tax Foundation has found that the "special tax provisions" of corporations cost taxpayers over $100 billion per year, or roughly $870 per family.

But in reality, that number is much higher.

Citizens for Tax Justice found that the U.S. Treasury lost $181 billion in corporate tax subsidies, which means the average American family could be out as much as $1,600 per year.

Finally, of the $6,000 in corporate subsidies that the average American family pays each year, $1,231 of it goes to making up for revenue losses from corporate tax havens.

This money goes to recouping losses from giant transnational corporations like Apple and GE that hide their money overseas to boost profits and avoid paying taxes to help the American economy.

The bottom-line here is that American families are paying $6,000 or more per year to subsidize giant transnational corporations that are already making billions and billions of dollars in profit each year. In the past decade alone, corporations have doubled their profits.

Republicans on Capitol Hill keep suggesting that we can't afford to help the poor in this country, and they're wrong.

What we really can't afford is doling out $100 billion each year to corporations that don't need it.

That's where the real outrage and the real news coverage should be.
OUR tax money, yep. :D

Define our tax money?


California gas tax is 40 cents a gallon not including local

Alaska is 12 cents a gallon not including local


Our tax money. Once you pay your taxes, it then is no longer your money. It belongs to all of us. Some of it is going to help out the poor people. Period. End of story.

Guess I am confusing you, who gets to decide what is OUR tax money?

Liberals in blue states who bought votes with empty promises to their non funded pension programs?

The IRS.
OUR tax money, yep. :D

Define our tax money?


California gas tax is 40 cents a gallon not including local

Alaska is 12 cents a gallon not including local


Our tax money. Once you pay your taxes, it then is no longer your money. It belongs to all of us. Some of it is going to help out the poor people. Period. End of story.

Guess I am confusing you, who gets to decide what is OUR tax money?

Liberals in blue states who bought votes with empty promises to their non funded pension programs?

The IRS.

So you ok with people buying votes on lies?
OUR tax money, yep. :D

Define our tax money?


California gas tax is 40 cents a gallon not including local

Alaska is 12 cents a gallon not including local


Our tax money. Once you pay your taxes, it then is no longer your money. It belongs to all of us. Some of it is going to help out the poor people. Period. End of story.

Guess I am confusing you, who gets to decide what is OUR tax money?

Liberals in blue states who bought votes with empty promises to their non funded pension programs?

The IRS.

So you ok with people buying votes on lies?

What in the hell are you babbling about? We are talking about social service support systems versus corporate. Helping the people versus helping the corporations who have left our wages stagnant for years and years, who use every loop hole at their disposal to avoid paying their employees a good and decent wage and even to provide them healthcare! What's wrong with you people? Keep it up. Pretty soon we will ALL be poor unless you are a CEO for GE!
Define our tax money?


California gas tax is 40 cents a gallon not including local

Alaska is 12 cents a gallon not including local


Our tax money. Once you pay your taxes, it then is no longer your money. It belongs to all of us. Some of it is going to help out the poor people. Period. End of story.

Guess I am confusing you, who gets to decide what is OUR tax money?

Liberals in blue states who bought votes with empty promises to their non funded pension programs?

The IRS.

So you ok with people buying votes on lies?

What in the hell are you babbling about? We are talking about social service support systems versus corporate. Helping the people versus helping the corporations who have left our wages stagnant for years and years, who use every loop hole at their disposal to avoid paying their employees a good and decent wage and even to provide them healthcare! What's wrong with you people? Keep it up. Pretty soon we will ALL be poor unless you are a CEO for GE!

I thought I made it in simple enough terms for you.....

This reminds me of a funny story when the Illinois tollway authority got busted for having gold plated faucets in their bath rooms

Wonder if I can find that story from the 80s I think?
Our tax money. Once you pay your taxes, it then is no longer your money. It belongs to all of us. Some of it is going to help out the poor people. Period. End of story.

Guess I am confusing you, who gets to decide what is OUR tax money?

Liberals in blue states who bought votes with empty promises to their non funded pension programs?

The IRS.

So you ok with people buying votes on lies?

What in the hell are you babbling about? We are talking about social service support systems versus corporate. Helping the people versus helping the corporations who have left our wages stagnant for years and years, who use every loop hole at their disposal to avoid paying their employees a good and decent wage and even to provide them healthcare! What's wrong with you people? Keep it up. Pretty soon we will ALL be poor unless you are a CEO for GE!

I thought I made it in simple enough terms for you.....

This reminds me of a funny story when the Illinois tollway authority got busted for having gold plated faucets in their bath rooms

Wonder if I can find that story from the 80s I think?

You are way off topic.
Guess I am confusing you, who gets to decide what is OUR tax money?

Liberals in blue states who bought votes with empty promises to their non funded pension programs?

The IRS.

So you ok with people buying votes on lies?

What in the hell are you babbling about? We are talking about social service support systems versus corporate. Helping the people versus helping the corporations who have left our wages stagnant for years and years, who use every loop hole at their disposal to avoid paying their employees a good and decent wage and even to provide them healthcare! What's wrong with you people? Keep it up. Pretty soon we will ALL be poor unless you are a CEO for GE!

I thought I made it in simple enough terms for you.....

This reminds me of a funny story when the Illinois tollway authority got busted for having gold plated faucets in their bath rooms

Wonder if I can find that story from the 80s I think?

You are way off topic.

Damn I am getting old the story is from 1976

The Des Plaines Herald from Arlington Heights, Illinois · Page 41
Newspapers.com - Historical Newspapers from 1700s-2000s › newspage
Mobile-friendly - May 13, 1976 - The Des Plaines Herald (Arlington Heights, Illinois), ... Downtown Chicago is accessible on the Northwest Tollway or Route 53. ... There are double bath vanities with 24k gold plated faucets....

No I am not off topic Chris... Well not by much... Lol

Fine I Will go argue some more with bones on the AGW cult....

So you ok with people buying votes on lies?

What in the hell are you babbling about? We are talking about social service support systems versus corporate. Helping the people versus helping the corporations who have left our wages stagnant for years and years, who use every loop hole at their disposal to avoid paying their employees a good and decent wage and even to provide them healthcare! What's wrong with you people? Keep it up. Pretty soon we will ALL be poor unless you are a CEO for GE!

I thought I made it in simple enough terms for you.....

This reminds me of a funny story when the Illinois tollway authority got busted for having gold plated faucets in their bath rooms

Wonder if I can find that story from the 80s I think?

You are way off topic.

Damn I am getting old the story is from 1976

The Des Plaines Herald from Arlington Heights, Illinois · Page 41
Newspapers.com - Historical Newspapers from 1700s-2000s › newspage
Mobile-friendly - May 13, 1976 - The Des Plaines Herald (Arlington Heights, Illinois), ... Downtown Chicago is accessible on the Northwest Tollway or Route 53. ... There are double bath vanities with 24k gold plated faucets....

No I am not off topic Chris... Well not by much... Lol

Fine I Will go argue some more with bones on the AGW cult....

You are off topic though. :) We were talking about social services and why we either support or do not support them. I support them. I don't mind at MOST $36 going towards helping out poor families to have shelter, food and clothing, etc. I have a HUGE problem with a bigger share of the tax dollars going to CORPORATE welfare programs.

So, why don't you address that issue?
Robert Reich: Corporate Welfare Is Destroying Our Economy (VIDEO)

When corporations get special handouts from the government – subsidies and tax breaks – it costs you. It means you have to pay more in taxes to make up for these hidden expenses. And government has less money for good schools and roads, Medicare and national defense, and everything else you need.

You might call these special corporate handouts “corporate welfare,” but at least welfare goes to real people in need. In the big picture, corporate handouts are costing tens of billions of dollars a year. Some estimates put it over $100 billion – which means it’s costing you money that would otherwise go to better schools or roads, or lower taxes.

Conservatives have made a game of obscuring where federal spending actually goes. In reality, only about 12 percent of federal spending goes to individuals and families, most in dire need. An increasing portion goes to corporate welfare.

Other examples: The oil, gas, and coal industries get billions in their own special tax breaks. Big Agribusiness gets farm subsides. Big Pharma gets their own subsidy in the form of a ban on government using its bargaining power under Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices. And hedge-fund and private-equity managers get a special tax loophole that treats their income as capital gains, at a lower tax rate than ordinary income.

The real issue isn’t the government’s size. It’s whom government is for. Much of government is no longer working for the vast majority it’s intended to serve. If government were responding to the public’s interest instead of the moneyed interests, it would be providing more support for communities, families, and individuals who need it the most.

There’s no reason any corporations should be on the dole, or that your hard-earned dollars should be going to them for no reason but their political clout.

So we have to demand an end to corporate welfare. No more handouts to particular corporations and industries simply because they’re big enough and powerful enough to get them. No more specialized tax breaks. No more exemptions or special treatment. No more crony capitalism.
So you ok with people buying votes on lies?

What in the hell are you babbling about? We are talking about social service support systems versus corporate. Helping the people versus helping the corporations who have left our wages stagnant for years and years, who use every loop hole at their disposal to avoid paying their employees a good and decent wage and even to provide them healthcare! What's wrong with you people? Keep it up. Pretty soon we will ALL be poor unless you are a CEO for GE!

I thought I made it in simple enough terms for you.....

This reminds me of a funny story when the Illinois tollway authority got busted for having gold plated faucets in their bath rooms

Wonder if I can find that story from the 80s I think?

You are way off topic.

Damn I am getting old the story is from 1976

The Des Plaines Herald from Arlington Heights, Illinois · Page 41
Newspapers.com - Historical Newspapers from 1700s-2000s › newspage
Mobile-friendly - May 13, 1976 - The Des Plaines Herald (Arlington Heights, Illinois), ... Downtown Chicago is accessible on the Northwest Tollway or Route 53. ... There are double bath vanities with 24k gold plated faucets....

No I am not off topic Chris... Well not by much... Lol

Fine I Will go argue some more with bones on the AGW cult....

You are off topic though. :) We were talking about social services and why we either support or do not support them. I support them. I don't mind at MOST $36 going towards helping out poor families to have shelter, food and clothing, etc. I have a HUGE problem with a bigger share of the tax dollars going to CORPORATE welfare programs.

So, why don't you address that issue?

I don't know because I support it?

Like I care, the tax money is not that much and there is no way to weed out the cheats effectively with the people who really needs it.

Besides, if you throw people a bone once and awhile it keeps most from looting and rioting .


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