Why do people hate Liberals?

And ALL those Muslim countries are ULTRA-conservative societies.

Our President is trying to repair the world opinion of America that was trashed by Bush and Cheney...Hirohito sneak attacks of sovereign countries, war crimes, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, torture and human crimes like THIS:

Bush knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent, former Colin Powell aide tells court

George W Bush knew that hundreds of detainees held at Guantánamo Bay were innocent - but covered the fact up for political reasons, a top former aide has told a U.S. court.

Retired Army Col. Lawrence B. Wilkerson, who served as chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, testified that officials 'knew that they had seized and were holding innocent men at Guantanamo Bay'.

'I discussed the issue of the Guantánamo detainees with Secretary Powell,' he said. 'I learnt that it was his view that it was not just Vice-President [Dick] Cheney and [Defense] Secretary [Donald] Rumsfeld, but also President Bush who was involved in all of the Guantánamo decision making.'
'They simply refused to release them out of fear of political repercussions,' he continued.

Colonel Wilkerson heaped most of his criticism on the heads of of Mr Rumsfeld and Mr Cheney, saying they knew that the majority of the 742 detainees sent to Guantánamo in 2002 were not guilty of any crimes.

His assertion is understood to have been backed by General Powell, the Times has reported.

General Powell left the Bush administration in 2005 in anger over the false information that he unknowlingly used to make the case for the war in Iraq.

Read more: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfield knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent, former White House aide tells court | Mail Online

You are trying to equate an oppressive theocracy to American conservatism? You're a fool!

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the Republican party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater

What party has the theocrats? Take your time...

October 16, 2001

What's truly ironic about this whole war is that the conservatives in our country do not seem to realize that the Taliban is simply an extreme version of the same primal impulse that drives them.

In every population there is a distribution of conservative to progressive, aggressive to peaceful, etc. The famous classical game theoretic model, the Hawk-Dove contest, shows that the evolutionarily stable population in that model is not all hawks or all doves, but rather a certain degree of each; in that model, 58% "doves" and 42% "hawks". It stands to reason that it is expected that you will have both types of personality in your population. Similarly, I believe a stable distribution of political sensibility is probably one with both progressive and conservative elements.

Of course, it's funny how the same personality type seems to latch on to radically different ideas depending on the society. "Conservatives" here profess a belief in capitalism and extol the virtues of the good old days of the 1950's, a half century ago; "conservatives" in Russia pine for the bygone days of the stability of the old Soviet empire. I believe that the propensity in conservatives is not towards ideologies per se, but rather towards status quo versus change. I'd bet you'd find much more psychologically (and perhaps genetically?) similar between conservatives here and in Russia, despite the fact that they profess supposedly opposite nostalgias.

But of course a typical conservative doesn't look at the conservatism of their enemy and learn to moderate themselves; they see the enemy as an "other", as confirmation of their own rigid views, despite the evident similarity between the two stances.
M. Hadeishi

I'd like to know how these current jokers who are labeled conservative earned that label?
Liberals & Islamists: Twins Separated at Birth?

September 2, 2012
by Chris Gadsden

A pervasive disease is threatening to rot the core of our country while too many blithely trudge through life. Our very existence is under attack and has been for many years. Though our country is founded upon the bedrock of religious liberty, free enterprise and equal rights for all, there is a group that abhors such tenants. Actually, there is more than one. Much is made of the destructive fundamentalist beliefs of the radical Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda and other extreme Middle Eastern groups. A staggeringly large majority of the world’s terrorism and conflicts are due to these groups. Daily they continue to infiltrate the governments of many countries, spreading hate, subjugating women and minorities, and sowing general discord while they drag their nations back to the Stone Age. How, in reality, are they any different than liberals and progressives of today’s America? There are too many disturbing parallels between these two enemies of the United States:

•Both groups believe in love and inclusion….until your beliefs are different than theirs. While cretins with “Coexist” bumper stickers profess to respect all, are they not the ones always attacking those on the Right instead of reaching out in kindness? Within minutes of the stirring RNC speech by Utah mayor Mia Love, was it not the Left that altered her Wikipedia page to describe her as a “dirty, worthless whore who sold her soul in the name of big business” in addition to being a “house ******”? See they treat the product of an immigrant family who moved here for American freedoms and a better way of life? Look how the Left attacks any black Conservative. Never are individuals who believe in small government at the very least respected by the radical Left. They are despised, castigated and maligned, if not worse. How is this treatment of the Left’s political adversaries any different than Islamists who claim the Koran teaches acceptance and inclusion but only as long as the individuals in question are believers in Allah. If not, they are infidels and to be conquered, converted or killed. There is not much “live and let live” for either group.


Liberals & Islamists: Twins Separated at Birth? – Patriot Update
The Tedium of Leftism

By Bruce Walker

Leftism is not an ideology. No sane person thinks "soaking the rich" or "investing tax dollars" achieves any particular objective. The creation of predefined bogeymen is an ancient and unsavory strategy for seizing and then holding power -- the Jewish people can testify to that grim fact -- and there is nothing more to it than that. Leftist leaders today are simply the barbarian warlords of centuries ago who promised to steal and to share the spoils of what others have worked to produce.

Marxism is only one of several contemporary mantras dreamed up to let party bosses rob and loot. The Nazis, too, denounced capitalism and claimed that they were victims of oppression. The similarity between these two malign modern barbarians was such that many commentators of the time saw them as not just similar, but practically identical. The conjuring up of eternal victims and eternal victimizers was at the heart of this black magic.


Read more: Articles: The Tedium of Leftism
The Tedium of Leftism

By Bruce Walker

Leftism is not an ideology. No sane person thinks "soaking the rich" or "investing tax dollars" achieves any particular objective. The creation of predefined bogeymen is an ancient and unsavory strategy for seizing and then holding power -- the Jewish people can testify to that grim fact -- and there is nothing more to it than that. Leftist leaders today are simply the barbarian warlords of centuries ago who promised to steal and to share the spoils of what others have worked to produce.

Marxism is only one of several contemporary mantras dreamed up to let party bosses rob and loot. The Nazis, too, denounced capitalism and claimed that they were victims of oppression. The similarity between these two malign modern barbarians was such that many commentators of the time saw them as not just similar, but practically identical. The conjuring up of eternal victims and eternal victimizers was at the heart of this black magic.


Read more: Articles: The Tedium of Leftism

If you and folks like you weren't so sad you'd be funny.

Why was this country founded? I'd like to read your warped view on that as well.:eusa_whistle:
The people who hate liberals require an enemy.

They're repressed people who wage "wars" on everything, from drugs to immigrants to women to gov't to unions to liberals to endless oversea stalemates like Afghanistan.

If they were really happy people, they wouldn't have such huge hate-ons for everything in sight.

What is so laughable is the libs go on and on endlessly claiming the Republicans and their "war on women". Coming from a party where their liberal-in-command goes to these Muslim countries apologizing how bad America is when these countries treat their women like dirt. Treat their women bad. Rape and beatings and death in some cases. Keeping them covered head to toe in berkas and denying them of education. That is your war on women.

Republicans treat women better than Muslims.........got it
The Tedium of Leftism

By Bruce Walker

Leftism is not an ideology. No sane person thinks "soaking the rich" or "investing tax dollars" achieves any particular objective. The creation of predefined bogeymen is an ancient and unsavory strategy for seizing and then holding power -- the Jewish people can testify to that grim fact -- and there is nothing more to it than that. Leftist leaders today are simply the barbarian warlords of centuries ago who promised to steal and to share the spoils of what others have worked to produce.

Marxism is only one of several contemporary mantras dreamed up to let party bosses rob and loot. The Nazis, too, denounced capitalism and claimed that they were victims of oppression. The similarity between these two malign modern barbarians was such that many commentators of the time saw them as not just similar, but practically identical. The conjuring up of eternal victims and eternal victimizers was at the heart of this black magic.


Read more: Articles: The Tedium of Leftism

What does "investing tax dollars" achieve?

Public infrastructure (roads, bridges, communications, water, sewer)
Free education for all
Safety, security (police, fire, ambulance)
National security
Social safety net (social security, medicare, welfare, unemployment)

Most things in life are better achieved as an individual. But some are better pursued as part of a society. That is what our tax dollars achieve
I don't hate them, I just like it a lot more when they're not around... they're quite the miserable lot... real buzzkill.
If Liberals Are More Intelligent than Conservatives, Why Are Liberals So Stupid?Who are “clever sillies”?

by Satoshi Kanazawa in The Scientific Fundamentalist
Published on March 28, 2010

While it is consistent with the prediction of the Hypothesis, the conclusion in my previous post that liberals are on average more intelligent than conservatives may not resonate with most people’s daily observations and experiences. If they are more intelligent, why are liberals – especially those in Hollywood and academia – so much more likely than conservatives to say and do stupid things and hold incredulous beliefs and ideas that stretch credibility?

Bruce G. Charlton, Professor of Theoretical Medicine at the University of Buckingham and Editor in Chief of Medical Hypotheses, may have an explanation. In his editorial in the December 2009 issue of Medical Hypotheses, Charlton suggests that liberals and other intelligent people may be “clever sillies,” who incorrectly apply abstract logical reasoning to social and interpersonal domains. As I explain in an earlier post, general intelligence – the ability to think and reason – likely evolved as a domain-specific evolved psychological mechanism to solve evolutionarily novel problems, whereas, for all evolutionarily familiar problems, there are other dedicated evolved psychological mechanisms. Everyone – intelligent or not – is evolutionarily equipped with the ability to solve such evolutionarily familiar problems in the social and interpersonal domains as mating, parenting, social exchange, and personal relationships, with the other evolved psychological mechanisms. Charlton suggests that the totality of all the other evolved psychological mechanisms (except for general intelligence) represents what we normally call “common sense.” Everyone has common sense. Intelligent people, however, have a tendency to overapply their analytical and logical reasoning abilities derived from their general intelligence incorrectly to such evolutionarily familiar domains and as a result get things wrong. In other words, liberals and other intelligent people lack common sense, because their general intelligence overrides it. They think in situations where they are supposed to feel. In evolutionarily familiar domains such as interpersonal relationships, feeling usually leads to correct solutions whereas thinking does not.


If Liberals Are More Intelligent than Conservatives, Why Are Liberals So Stupid? | Psychology Today
Shut Up or Die, the Muslim Protesters Explained

By John T. Bennett

Would liberals support censorship in response to wife-beaters, skinheads, abortion-clinic bombers, gay-bashers, or any other violent group? Then why do they support censorship in response to terrorists?

It appears that some liberals want to offer Muslim extremists the benefit of voluntary, self-imposed censorship. Few violent groups in America -- or on earth, for that matter -- get such tender treatment.


Thanks to multiculturalism, we can't even stand up for ourselves in a simple standoff between barbarism and free speech. We've become so obsessed with being unoffensive that we can't bring ourselves to make the most basic criticisms of group behavior, even when that behavior is violent. This applies both at home and abroad. In the case of the Libya attack two weeks ago, the resulting approach on the part of some liberals has been, in a word, cowardly.

As awful as the consequences are, liberals are really just expressing their priorities by advocating that we barter away rights in order to accommodate hordes of violent bigots. On one hand we have the right to speak and offend; on the other, we have the sensibilities of barbaric fanatics. So liberals prioritize the latter, and in the process have found a herd of bigots whom they'll essentially take sides with. Why did liberals choose this particular bunch? It could be that Muslim extremists are more culturally vibrant than wife-beaters, violent skinheads, and all the rest. The more likely answer is that liberals are glad to accommodate extremists who are non-white, or non-Christian, and it really helps if the extremists hate Israel.


Read more: Articles: Shut Up or Die, the Muslim Protesters Explained
Leftists violence on the rise: The two stories the MSM should be focused on



The first involves a 28-year-old man from San Jose who thought he was working with the Taliban and tried to set of a car bomb in California. Luckily, he was working with the FBI, and was arrested. What was the 28-year-olds goal with the thwarted violent attack? To frame the Tea Party, initiate a government crackdown on guns, thus sparking a civil war across the country.

The second story is one you’re most likely already aware of — Chris Dorner. Dorner is the man who went missing in Los Angeles after killing three police officers.

Dorner, whose targets include the leaders of the NRA, wrote a long, murderous manifesto about how he hates the NRA, hates guns (yet used them to kill three people), and holds up people like MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and CNN’s Piers Morgan as heroes.

“He said these guys get it. So what he’s doing now is he’s trying to further gun control as well,” Glenn explained.

“By killing people,” Pat added.

Yet, he has supporters — a growing number of them. In fact, they’ve created a Facebook page called “Dorner for president” that states: “We propose electing a man who can no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abuse the innocent.”

Nearly 3,000 people now ‘like’ the page “I support Chris Dorner”, and on another page “We are all Chris Dorner”, the description chillingly reads: “Yes, this is war”.


Leftists violence on the rise: The two stories the MSM should be focused on ? Glenn Beck
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

You can't be serious. You act as if liberals are so nice and don't ever use hate speech. Just the comments I get with rep are horrible.

I would like to know why more libs don't articulate why they feel certain policies are good or bad. I am tired of having sources attacked or incredibly nasty comments about the poster, but never a thoughtful explanation of what they think.

For instance, if I ask who gave the orders to stand down during the Benghazi attack, I get called name or someone says it's pubcrappe. No one ever says it's a good question and worth discussing. No one ever attempts to explain it, just attacks me or the source.

I'm sure one of the usual suspects will be tempted to respond to this with the common used- "What, are you still butthurt?" or other equally stupid comment. Is that all the left has got?

I'd like to see a liberal write a paragraph or two, in their own words, to explain why they are okay with Obama killing American citizens or why it was okay to raise taxes even on the poorest workers.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

Under which rock do you reside? Does it have an address?
Conservatives aren't "people". They are "heartless lemmings".

That pretty much sums up the liberal method of argument, and explains perfectly why respectable people think they are scum.

Just like in the OP:

"Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all."

You don't see a pattern, rolmao, does anyone else see a pattern from da HellStinki commie...:cuckoo:

Typical Progressive/liberal euro-trash, NEXT...:whip:
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