Why do people hate Liberals?


Tax cuts are "completely anti-libertarian?" Thanks for explaining my views to me.

Hmm...I'm against a tax cut. I'm against a tax cut. I'm trying, but nope, I'm not getting it...

When we do eliminate the corporate tax, then we can talk about the gains rate. But a better solution is the fair tax, which is very libertarian even if the head up their ass Libertarians are against it.

The essence of libertarianism is being against those who generate a free ride by lobbying the government. Providing zero capital gains tax to an investor who is investing and creating jobs in China is the definition of a free ride. If you can't see that than you aren't a libertarian you're a right wing wealthy apologist like the rest of them. Which is fine we have lots of them in our country.

Again, I like being lectured by a non-libertarian about what I believe. And with points that neither I nor any other libertarian believe.

You said: "The essence of libertarianism is being against those who generate a free ride by lobbying the government."

Actually: The essence of libertarianism is limiting government. What you are describing is mutually assured destruction. Well the dragon ate my kid, we have to feed his kid to the dragon to make it ... fair! No, we have to slay the dragon.
Slay that fuck'n dragon!!!
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

Because they are dumbasses who have to have their fingers in everybody's lives and pocket books.
Having worked in Congress and in a major fortune 500 firm if you only worry about freeing industry from government then you only fear loss of liberty on the left. I also fear freeing government from industry which is equally a risk. We have seen as many facist states as communist states over the years

Having spent my career in GE Management (11 years) and Management Consulting (9 years) doing strategy work for Fortune 500 companies, before going entrepreneurial and owning my own businesses (3), only government can corrupt free markets because they are the only entity with guns and the power to implement unilateral rules and shut down competition by force. When companies lobby government, it is still government that's corrupting the market, and your solution of the problem of companies lobbying government being to
make government stronger is ... let's go with ... counterintuitive ...

Perhaps you should have spent more time with you K street lobbyists. Governments are not amorphous entities they are people who can and have become owned by powerful corporations that seek to further their interests via the political process and not the market place.

And quite frankly you have avoided addressing my points of:

1) those who pay no capital gains tax and invest overseas are in effect freeloading on the system.

2) that healthcare by definition is not a functioning market which US healthcare companies understand and use government influence to allow them to continually raise prices against a vertical demand curve.
Having worked in Congress and in a major fortune 500 firm if you only worry about freeing industry from government then you only fear loss of liberty on the left. I also fear freeing government from industry which is equally a risk. We have seen as many facist states as communist states over the years

Having spent my career in GE Management (11 years) and Management Consulting (9 years) doing strategy work for Fortune 500 companies, before going entrepreneurial and owning my own businesses (3), only government can corrupt free markets because they are the only entity with guns and the power to implement unilateral rules and shut down competition by force. When companies lobby government, it is still government that's corrupting the market, and your solution of the problem of companies lobbying government being to
make government stronger is ... let's go with ... counterintuitive ...

Perhaps you should have spent more time with you K street lobbyists. Governments are not amorphous entities they are people who can and have become owned by powerful corporations that seek to further their interests via the political process and not the market place.

Actually, I've repeatedly addressed this point. In red ... again ....

And quite frankly you have avoided addressing my points of:

1) those who pay no capital gains tax

I've repeatedly addressed this point, capital gains tax is double taxation with the corporate tax. I threw in I support the Fair Tax. I double addressed it.

and invest overseas are in effect freeloading on the system.

How is money overseas "freeloading on the system?" It's ... overseas. And Democrats are butt stupid on this. They tax the repatriation of money by up to 30% so no money gets repatriated. When Bush dropped it to 5% for one year, the amount of tax collected dwarfed any other year even with a rate of 1/6. Would you rather have 70% of your money working in the US or 100% of it working overseas? Government ... is stupid ...

2) that healthcare by definition is not a functioning market which US healthcare companies understand and use government influence to allow them to continually raise prices against a vertical demand curve.

See the red above.
Having spent my career in GE Management (11 years) and Management Consulting (9 years) doing strategy work for Fortune 500 companies, before going entrepreneurial and owning my own businesses (3), only government can corrupt free markets because they are the only entity with guns and the power to implement unilateral rules and shut down competition by force. When companies lobby government, it is still government that's corrupting the market, and your solution of the problem of companies lobbying government being to
make government stronger is ... let's go with ... counterintuitive ...

Perhaps you should have spent more time with you K street lobbyists. Governments are not amorphous entities they are people who can and have become owned by powerful corporations that seek to further their interests via the political process and not the market place.

Actually, I've repeatedly addressed this point. In red ... again ....

I've repeatedly addressed this point, capital gains tax is double taxation with the corporate tax. I threw in I support the Fair Tax. I double addressed it.

and invest overseas are in effect freeloading on the system.

How is money overseas "freeloading on the system?" It's ... overseas. And Democrats are butt stupid on this. They tax the repatriation of money by up to 30% so no money gets repatriated. When Bush dropped it to 5% for one year, the amount of tax collected dwarfed any other year even with a rate of 1/6. Would you rather have 70% of your money working in the US or 100% of it working overseas? Government ... is .

Clearly you are so busy responding to what you assume I believe that you ignore what I said. Yes not repatriating profits is stupid as is the corporate income tax in general. The corporate income tax is taxing job creators and preventing them from hiring people. If the disingenuous Republicans were reducing or eliminating this tax I would think they truely were about jobs.

But eliminating the capital gains tax has very little to do with jobs as most wealthy investors are 2/3 invested overseas. It only let's them generate income without paying taxes. What's worse is it allows certain hedge funds to do more deals of the following type: buy companies via debt, off shore the employees to generate cash, and use the cash to pay off the debt.

Given your background it wouldn't surprise me if you understood this full well and just basically don't give a darn about middle class jobs as long as you get yours.
Having spent my career in GE Management (11 years) and Management Consulting (9 years) doing strategy work for Fortune 500 companies, before going entrepreneurial and owning my own businesses (3), only government can corrupt free markets because they are the only entity with guns and the power to implement unilateral rules and shut down competition by force. When companies lobby government, it is still government that's corrupting the market, and your solution of the problem of companies lobbying government being to
make government stronger is ... let's go with ... counterintuitive ...

Perhaps you should have spent more time with you K street lobbyists. Governments are not amorphous entities they are people who can and have become owned by powerful corporations that seek to further their interests via the political process and not the market place.

Actually, I've repeatedly addressed this point. In red ... again ....

I've repeatedly addressed this point, capital gains tax is double taxation with the corporate tax. I threw in I support the Fair Tax. I double addressed it.

and invest overseas are in effect freeloading on the system.

How is money overseas "freeloading on the system?" It's ... overseas. And Democrats are butt stupid on this. They tax the repatriation of money by up to 30% so no money gets repatriated. When Bush dropped it to 5% for one year, the amount of tax collected dwarfed any other year even with a rate of 1/6. Would you rather have 70% of your money working in the US or 100% of it working overseas? Government ... is stupid ...

2) that healthcare by definition is not a functioning market which US healthcare companies understand and use government influence to allow them to continually raise prices against a vertical demand curve.

See the red above.

How is government investing in basic research making government stronger? What I will say is we must stop allowing corporations to export government funded IP overseas and take IP we paid for and generate jobs in Korea like HP did with Memrister technology.
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The Secret to the Suicidal Liberal Mind

Jack Wheeler
Freedom Research Foundation
Monday, Jan. 21, 2002

What do Harvard president Larry Summers, Taliban John Walker, Delta Airlines officials and the editors of the New York Times have in common with Yanomamo tribeswomen in the Amazon jungle?

To answer this question is to understand the root cause of liberal "white guilt." Lakes of ink have been splashed on newspaper, magazine and journal pages ruminating and anguishing over the bottomless guilt that pervades the liberal soul.

Paul Craig Roberts, economist and columnist, writes eloquently about the anti-white racism endemic in American universities that demonizes white males as the font of all evil. Shelby Steele of the Hoover Institute explained in the Wall Street Journal recently how white guilt empowers racist frauds such as Cornel West.

The self-loathing of the white American liberal is as well-established and documented as Einstein's Special Relativity theorems. A typical example is writer Susan Sontag's denouncement of the white race as "the cancer of human history."

A racist hatred of one's own race – auto-racism – has become a defining characteristic of the liberal mind. Yet the source of such suicidal guilt remains a mystery.
The people who hate liberals require an enemy.

They're repressed people who wage "wars" on everything, from drugs to immigrants to women to gov't to unions to liberals to endless oversea stalemates like Afghanistan.

If they were really happy people, they wouldn't have such huge hate-ons for everything in sight.
The people who hate liberals require an enemy.

They're repressed people who wage "wars" on everything, from drugs to immigrants to women to gov't to unions to liberals to endless oversea stalemates like Afghanistan.

If they were really happy people, they wouldn't have such huge hate-ons for everything in sight.

You're an oxymoron, but mostly moron...:eusa_shifty:
The Secret to the Suicidal Liberal Mind

Jack Wheeler
Freedom Research Foundation
Monday, Jan. 21, 2002

What do Harvard president Larry Summers, Taliban John Walker, Delta Airlines officials and the editors of the New York Times have in common with Yanomamo tribeswomen in the Amazon jungle?

To answer this question is to understand the root cause of liberal "white guilt." Lakes of ink have been splashed on newspaper, magazine and journal pages ruminating and anguishing over the bottomless guilt that pervades the liberal soul.

Paul Craig Roberts, economist and columnist, writes eloquently about the anti-white racism endemic in American universities that demonizes white males as the font of all evil. Shelby Steele of the Hoover Institute explained in the Wall Street Journal recently how white guilt empowers racist frauds such as Cornel West.

The self-loathing of the white American liberal is as well-established and documented as Einstein's Special Relativity theorems. A typical example is writer Susan Sontag's denouncement of the white race as "the cancer of human history."

A racist hatred of one's own race – auto-racism – has become a defining characteristic of the liberal mind. Yet the source of such suicidal guilt remains a mystery.

Personally I could care less about your racist feelings or those of the 2016 movie creators. You disgust me but all I care about is will we have jobs for your and my children. While I think Obama's plan will do little to help the country the Republican plan will do more damage than help. So reluctantly I am voting for Obama because the right wing can't get past being whores for the wealthy and doing nothing about jobs.
The people who hate liberals require an enemy.

They're repressed people who wage "wars" on everything, from drugs to immigrants to women to gov't to unions to liberals to endless oversea stalemates like Afghanistan.

If they were really happy people, they wouldn't have such huge hate-ons for everything in sight.

Honestly I would rather hate people as you suggest than behave like so many arrogant liberals who think they are better than everyone else and know what is best for everyone else.

I've been trying to avoid this thread for DAYS, but it keeps hitting the top page so I'll venture a guess.

Because Liberals are so all-fired CERTAIN about what they 'feel', and so damned CLUELESS about what they 'know'.
Guy -

I don't agree with you, but I think your statement is very cleverly worded.

I do agree that liberals tend to incorporate emotion into their politics more - but at least that means they aren't sociopathic! With issues like poverty, I think feeling something when we see very poor people suffering is probably a good thing.

I also don't think it means one thinks less.
I've been trying to avoid this thread for DAYS, but it keeps hitting the top page so I'll venture a guess.

Because Liberals are so all-fired CERTAIN about what they 'feel', and so damned CLUELESS about what they 'know'.

The irony is the opposite is true. Conservativism is based purely on the most destructive and irrational emotion...FEAR. And conservatives today are totally brainwashed by a well funded elite.

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.
I've been trying to avoid this thread for DAYS, but it keeps hitting the top page so I'll venture a guess.

Because Liberals are so all-fired CERTAIN about what they 'feel', and so damned CLUELESS about what they 'know'.

The irony is the opposite is true. Conservativism is based purely on the most destructive and irrational emotion...FEAR. And conservatives today are totally brainwashed by a well funded elite.

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

True ? What does that mean ? True to you ? Of course it would be.

Liberalism is the trust of people...that's why we need to watch those greedy companies and greedy doctors. ROTFLMAO

Ray McGovern is who ? And he is credible why ?

Didn't think so.
I've been trying to avoid this thread for DAYS, but it keeps hitting the top page so I'll venture a guess.

Because Liberals are so all-fired CERTAIN about what they 'feel', and so damned CLUELESS about what they 'know'.

The irony is the opposite is true. Conservativism is based purely on the most destructive and irrational emotion...FEAR. And conservatives today are totally brainwashed by a well funded elite.

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Ray McGovern, a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries says the propaganda coming out of Fox News is at the same level as Pravda. But I suspect most Russians knew Pravda was propaganda.

True ? What does that mean ? True to you ? Of course it would be.

Liberalism is the trust of people...that's why we need to watch those greedy companies and greedy doctors. ROTFLMAO

Ray McGovern is who ? And he is credible why ?

Didn't think so.

We need to know what is truth and what is propaganda. It is the only way to solve our problems. Dogma just don't cut it with me. You are a messenger of dogma and propaganda.

Who is Ray McGovern? Someone we should listen to. But, he speaks bad of government...heaven forbid!

Retired CIA Agent Ray McGovern ‘Speaking Freely’ on the Corruption of U.S Intelligence

Having served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, Ray McGovern speaks candidly about the creation of the Agency, the deceit that lead to the invasion of Iraq, the questionable character of George Tenet, and more. In stark frankness, McGovern examines the politicization of the Central Intelligence Agency and how it came to be an entity that serves the White House agenda, instead of one that serves up the unbiased truth. Disgusted by the lack of integrity exhibited by members of the intelligence community and U.S. government, McGovern retired and eventually co-created VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity)-an organization dedicated to exposing the mishandling of important intelligence, particularly with regard to the War on Iraq. Full of inside information you have never heard before about the way in which our nation’s most secretive agency operates.

There is not a truth existing which I fear... or would wish unknown to the whole world.
Thomas Jefferson
Guy -

I don't agree with you, but I think your statement is very cleverly worded.

I do agree that liberals tend to incorporate emotion into their politics more - but at least that means they aren't sociopathic! With issues like poverty, I think feeling something when we see very poor people suffering is probably a good thing.

I also don't think it means one thinks less.
I'm a huge fan of logic myself... The good news... While I don't have a bleeding heart... I do have belief in the Nash equilibrium.
Liberal propaganda

Liberal propaganda is the use of distorted media coverage, half truths, deceit, liberal denial, and liberal bias to promote liberal political goals, such as gay marriage and the legalization of drugs- which are contrary to a pure moral nation.

Liberal propaganda can also take the form of inspirational images designed to portray liberal politicians in a positive light. For example, in his campaign for the Presidency, Barack Hussein Obama used artistically rendered images that sought to portray him as the center of a cult of personality.[1] This is disturbingly similar to the propaganda used by atheistic communist leaders.

Other examples include:

The people who hate liberals require an enemy.

They're repressed people who wage "wars" on everything, from drugs to immigrants to women to gov't to unions to liberals to endless oversea stalemates like Afghanistan.

If they were really happy people, they wouldn't have such huge hate-ons for everything in sight.

I hate Liberal's because their ideology hates everything, and everyone who disagrees with them.
Liberal propaganda

Liberal propaganda is the use of distorted media coverage, half truths, deceit, liberal denial, and liberal bias to promote liberal political goals, such as gay marriage and the legalization of drugs- which are contrary to a pure moral nation.

Liberal propaganda can also take the form of inspirational images designed to portray liberal politicians in a positive light. For example, in his campaign for the Presidency, Barack Hussein Obama used artistically rendered images that sought to portray him as the center of a cult of personality.[1] This is disturbingly similar to the propaganda used by atheistic communist leaders.

Other examples include:



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