Why do people hate Liberals?

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."

I'll give you a hint. No budget in almost four years. The ones offered by Obama were shot down unanimously. And that is just a taste of this administrations failure in the fiscal/economic realm.

Actually, his budget was not even brought to the floor of the boner led house for debate let alone a vote, it was filibustered just like most everything else he's done.

There is no such thing as a filibuster in the house, and Obama's budgets have been voted on in the House and the Senate several times. So far he hasn't been able to get a single Democrat Senator or Representative to vote for it and, the Republicans have to force a vote on it.

And the Speaker of the House spells his name Boehner.
Another day, another congressional shutout of O’s latest unserious gimmick. That makes three in the past year. The Senate torpedoed his last budget 97-0 in May 2011, then the House dropped a goose egg on him in March with a robust 414-0 tally. Now this.


Republicans forced the vote by offering the president’s plan on the Senate floor.

Democrats disputed that it was actually the president’s plan, arguing that the slim amendment didn’t actually match Mr. Obama’s budget document, which ran thousands of pages. But Republicans said they used all of the president’s numbers in the proposal, so it faithfully represented his plan.

Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican, even challenged Democrats to point out any errors in the numbers and he would correct them — a challenge no Democrats took up…
99-0: Senate votes down Obama’s budget unanimously — again; Update: Zero Dem votes for four GOP budgets « Hot Air
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I don't hate Liberals for thinking they can run my life better then I can. I hate them for trying to do it. All the rest of you can cay you don't hate liberals, but I hate anyone who uses guns and force to coerce me, and that's exactly what the left are doing.

Come on Kaz, the Republicans are no better in this regard. God forbid your a pregnant women or a gay or a Muslim then they are much worse. I get it what you mean to say is you want people to not tell you what to do unless they are different from you in some way then it is perfectly okay for the government to dictate to them
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I don't hate Liberals for thinking they can run my life better then I can. I hate them for trying to do it. All the rest of you can cay you don't hate liberals, but I hate anyone who uses guns and force to coerce me, and that's exactly what the left are doing.

Come on Kaz, the Republicans are no better in this regard. God forbid your a pregnant women or a gay then they are much worse.

Other then wishing for you not to kill your baby your full of shit.
I don't hate Liberals for thinking they can run my life better then I can. I hate them for trying to do it. All the rest of you can cay you don't hate liberals, but I hate anyone who uses guns and force to coerce me, and that's exactly what the left are doing.

Come on Kaz, the Republicans are no better in this regard. God forbid your a pregnant women or a gay then they are much worse.

Actually from a philosophical point, you could argue the oppression of social conservatives are worse then liberals because while liberals want to own your wallet, social conservatives want to own your body.

However, first, as the tea party has once again shown, social conservatives are not the Republican party, they are a sect of it. Fiscal conservatism woke and re-energized the party, not abortion.

And second, morality laws are harder to implement, easier to ignore and easier to overturn. The affect of liberals eliminating economic freedom has a far, far greater impact on our actual liberty.

I'm not a philosophical libertarian, I'm a pragmatic one. I support that policy which maximizes liberty.
I don't HATE liberals. I simply shake my head when time after time, anyone with any intelligence can see that they are and always have been on the losing side of history. Additionally, I have no doubt in my mind that liberalism is directly opposed to freedom. The fact is that if you have a different opinion than a liberal, then you are immediately branded as a racist, a homophobe, or some other label, all in an attempt to silence your opposing view point. It is the liberal and 'progressives' who do not have the ability to entertain opposing ideas.

I just got back from a week in Seattle, Washington. A liberal bastion of goodness and everything right for the left. Naturally, they have a massive budget short fall at the city and state level. There's three tent cities for homeless people that they are raising taxes to provide food for even though they can't meet their current obligations. Thousands of dollars for port-a-potties. Oh, and of course they are also providing alcohol for the alcoholics. Question from a reader in the paper: Why are there so many homeless/addicted people from out-of-state moving here? The neighborhoods that these tent cities are in are a complete mess with the crime, the trash and everything that goes along with it. The neighborhoods that these tent cities are located in are 'asking' other neighborhoods to do "their part." The county roads are a disaster and they are trying to raise taxes for that as well. Until they do raise taxes, there's no fix in sight. Their answer: Well, let's legalize marijuana and tax it. Naturally... and all the evils that the lottery was supposed to fix... and the casinos? Over 9% unemployment at the state level. In Seattle it's the same even though Boeing increased domestic airline orders by over 40%. So where's the jobs? Boeing is chomping at the bit to go to South Carolina (right to work state).

My little state of Oklahoma? 4.8% unemployment, open-carry goes into effect on November 1st and the crime rates are going down as we speak. The state has a 600 million dollar rainy-day fund. The teachers are really pissed because we rank 48th in spending for students. Course, the question had to be asked: Since when does dollars spent per pupil equal increase in education results? The teachers unions are squealing like stuck pigs because of the undeniable logic. But when you've got no answer all you can do is squeal?? Our governor and the governor of Texas approved the southern leg of the Cushing - Gulf pipeline and welders are like gold at the moment. If you've done pipeline work before, you can write your own ticket. We're looking into doing away with state income taxes (God the Democrats are screaming because of it).

Like Seattle is the Liberal 'nirvana', Oklahoma is the REDDEST state in the union. I was never so glad to get back here in my life. Hate liberals? No, they really are very funny people...
Typo fixed.

Thank you for making my point
I didn't make your point. I'm not aware of the incident you were referring too and was asking you for some more information. It had nothing to do with not being "instructed" by anyone. Since I still don't know what issue you're talking about, I can't be "defensive towards my collective", now can I. Nor can I speak out against something I'm not aware of, so the "silence" is obviously true (to a point).

Now, if you told me WTF you were talking about, I might be able to speak out then. I'm not going to comment on something I know nothing about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember you are (or were) a cop. And that's pretty hard to believe, seeing how flawed your logic is. My experience with cops has shown me they're pretty good analytical thinkers. You, on the other hand, are like:
  • an NBA player 5' tall
  • a marriage counsular who's never had a date
  • a CPA who's declared bankruptcy
You don't seem to have the chops for the job.

I'm not a cop. Never was, never claimed to be.

You have no idea who Brian Terry is? You have no idea that AG Eric Holder is stonewalling an investigation into the Administration role in arming the most violent criminals on the planet, the very people who murdered Terry, with the weapons provided by Obama and Holder. That speaks volumes about your opinion, doesn't it?
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I don't hate Liberals for thinking they can run my life better then I can. I hate them for trying to do it. All the rest of you can cay you don't hate liberals, but I hate anyone who uses guns and force to coerce me, and that's exactly what the left are doing.

Come on Kaz, the Republicans are no better in this regard. God forbid your a pregnant women or a gay or a Muslim then they are much worse. I get it what you mean to say is you want people to not tell you what to do unless they are different from you in some way then it is perfectly okay for the government to dictate to them

True, particularly given the fact liberals aren’t trying to ‘run’ anyone’s life.

Indeed, as you note, it’s conservatives who for the most part who demand conformity and discourage dissent, they work to undermine privacy rights and expand the government’s authority at the expense of individual liberty, and they seek to deny citizens equal access to the law, in violation of the 14th Amendment; they exhibit ignorance and contempt for the Constitution and its case law overall.

It’s therefore understandable why conservatives hate liberals, as liberals act in accordance with the Constitution, and against conservative special interests and efforts to aggrandize power.
It has nothing to do with trust. Businesses are going to maximize profits as they are suppose to do. They are regulated by supply and demand "if" their is a well functioning market. But those markets don't always occur because they have some built in assumptions:

1) It assumes that people can or will walk away as the price rises

2) it assumes people have information about what they are buying

3) and it assumes a linkage between cost and benefit

Almost all of these things are missing in health care. The most important being an unwillingness to let people drop out of the market. That means companies will do what they do when you have a nearly vertical demand line and maximize profits. That is why our per capita health care costs are 1.8 times the next closest country.

This is not political theory and whether I trust or don't trust companies. It is straight economics. Nor do I believe in limited choice which would be a single provider. Read what I wrote, a single payer yes but not a single provider.

I wonder if you realize that what hinders a "well functioning market" the most is government regulaton?

I believe there must be some regulation, but unfortunately our "leaders" (regardless of party) have decided that as much regulation as they can get away with is best. It is all about control and those so called leaders are out for control.


There is no 'well functioning market' without regulations. Just as there is no 'society' without laws.

Do you understand why our economy crashed and burned in 2008 Immie?

Yes, Democrats began the campaign with "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! THE SKY IS F**KING FALLING!" and too many fools believed them. Then they couldn't pull us out of the dive they put us into.

The economy was bound to correct itself as they all do... and should.

But the idiots that ran the scare tactics from the Democratic Party scared the hell out of people and sent the economy into a tailspin. Then they nominated Barack Obama and let him tell corporations to go F**k themselves. This economy won't recover as long as we have Democrats who think small business is the devil's spawn.

As I said, regulation is necessary, but there is such a thing as over regulation.

Progressive Cognitive Disorder

PCD is diagnosed by the presence of three or more of the following symptoms:

utopian thinking - A delusional belief that the patient knows simple, side effect free solutions to all social problems. In some cases this is associated with psychotic delusions of grandeur.

anthroplastic ideas - a delusion that behavioral conditioning, performed by the government, will cure all behavioral and social problems, ie, will change all non-PCD people into PCD . Implicit in this delusional system is the idea that people can be "programmed" to be "perfect."
This symptom leads to a reflexive, vehement resistance by the patient to even the idea that people may have immalleable characteristics. The worst known example is that of Pol Pot, who attempted to remove all undesirable influences in the belief that the perfect socialist man would then emerge.

antitheistic rebellion - an emotional antagonism against Christianity... probably caused by an abnormal persistence of adolescent rebellion... may also be related to the need to avoid counterarguments to desired policies (see utopiate thinking, above). This ranges from a mere antagonism to Christianity to a hatred of religions of all forms. Generally the more "western" a religion is, the more it is hated. Thus these patients may accept primitive and animalist belief systems.

naturist delusion - a sincere belief that mankind is evil and nature is benign. The incidence of this symptom is inversely related to the practical experience that the patient has with nature. Self hatred is a feature in this area. Typical thinking includes a belief that mankind is a cancer on earth, and that earth (viewed as a feeling being) will retaliate with a deadly virus.
The utopian view of nature is remarkable in that most patients are also believers in evolution, which has resulted in vast amounts of suffering and cruelty in the natural arena.

environmental spasm - the patient experiences episodes of manic activity on behalf of "the environment." The delusional nature of this is evidenced by the misanthropic attacks on all works of man, and also by the focus on visible or totemic objects... for example, the Mount Graham Red Squirrel or the Spotted Owl.
An example of the paradoxical nature of these delusions is given by the Red Squirrel and the Santa Barbara Sand Fly. The Squirrel, a subspecies of the very common Red Squirrel, is fought for aggressively, while the Sand Fly, equally at risk and a truly distinct species, inspires little passion.

The patient usually is obsessed only with cute or cuddly animals, which is probably a displacement of the nurturing urge, itself unfulfilled due to abortion.

control obsession - this is the tendency of the patient to strive for excessive control over others, through government action. This is probably a projection of an unconscious fear of losing control over ones' self, even though the conscious manifestation is viewed as "compassion."

racist/feminist hypocrisy - the patient passionately advocates discrimination based on sex or race, while loudly proclaiming opposition to policies which are "racist" or "sexist."

overemotional perceptions - the patient is far more concerned with how a social action "looks" or "feels," and resists or denies objective evidence to the contrary, This also leads to very superficial cognition about matters of significant impact, as the patient merely gets the "feel" of the issue rather than truly understanding it.

sexual dysfunction - the patient is highly anxious about sexual matters, and this is manifested as:
Obsession with sexual and gender roles.

Passionate embrace of most non-traditional sexual preferences.

A need to define individuals by their gender or sexual preference, and make social policy as if everyone were equally obsessed.

A need to constantly push the envelope of indecent art.
Like other disorders such as alcoholism, most suffering is experienced by those who have to live with the afflicted. Secondary suffering is incurred by a society which must live with the effects of the delusions of the afflicted.

Democrats caused the Depression LOL?

"People don't hate liberals"- brainwashed hater dupes do.. People who have only Pubcrappe and hate behind them can't carry on a civil discussion. Pub dupes!!
"an NBA player 5' tall
a marriage counsular who's never had a date
a CPA who's declared bankruptcy
You don't seem to have the chops for the job."

How about adding:
A president who has never had a real job
A president who has never been the leader of anything
A president who has never run a snowball stand, let alone a business
I don't hate Liberals for thinking they can run my life better then I can. I hate them for trying to do it. All the rest of you can cay you don't hate liberals, but I hate anyone who uses guns and force to coerce me, and that's exactly what the left are doing.

Come on Kaz, the Republicans are no better in this regard. God forbid your a pregnant women or a gay then they are much worse.

Actually from a philosophical point, you could argue the oppression of social conservatives are worse then liberals because while liberals want to own your wallet, social conservatives want to own your body.

However, first, as the tea party has once again shown, social conservatives are not the Republican party, they are a sect of it. Fiscal conservatism woke and re-energized the party, not abortion.

And second, morality laws are harder to implement, easier to ignore and easier to overturn. The affect of liberals eliminating economic freedom has a far, far greater impact on our actual liberty.

I'm not a philosophical libertarian, I'm a pragmatic one. I support that policy which maximizes liberty.

About two thirds of the TPM are Teavangelicals.
"an NBA player 5' tall
a marriage counsular who's never had a date
a CPA who's declared bankruptcy
You don't seem to have the chops for the job."

How about adding:
A president who has never had a real job
A president who has never been the leader of anything
A president who has never run a snowball stand, let alone a business
A coke habit doesn't give you partial credit for that last one?
I have the utmost respect for the Office of the Presidency but that does not prevent me from criticizing the man that occupies that Office.
I criticize him too, just like I did with the last President. But when some people deliberately make things up, just to criticize him about, that's a red flag for something else going on.

Think about it for a second, what can a President, any President, do within his first 10 days in office, that is significant enough to criticize? In contrast, it took me about a year and a half, before I started criticizing Bush policies.
I'm not a cop. Never was, never claimed to be.

You have no idea who Brian Terry is? You have no idea that AG Eric Holder is stonewalling an investigation into the Administration role in arming the most violent criminals on the planet, the very people who murdered Terry, with the weapons provided by Obama and Holder. That speaks volumes about your opinion, doesn't it?
The only thing it says about my opinion, is that I don't have one on things I know nothing about. But since some of you don't even have the balls (or the common courtesy) to answer a direct question, I Googled 'Brian' a few minutes ago and am now aware of the issue you were referring to. And I still don't have much of an opinion, since I haven't really researched it in depth.

But I can say I don't support it. I can also say it's an improper use of my tax dollars. I also don't see how this is any different than Iran/Contra, or worse than lying a nation into war, that has killed over 4000 American's. You don't have a halo over your head, so I wouldn't be throwing so many stones at others, in light of the things you've supported in the past.

So for now, I'll just say, we're in agreement on this issue, I don't like it either.
Thats pretty much true except now it is the Democrats that represent the most wealthy and they use government regs, racism, political cronyism and organized crime to keep the Middle Class down, parasitically feeding off its ability to produce wealth.

Of course, and I have no problem with most of that, but Nixon pushed it beyond LBJs intent and I suspect it was a Nixonian ploy to spoil the very thought of such programs in the minds of most Americans.

What JFK said and believed is presented here:
My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.

The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.

Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.

A young man who does not have what it takes to perform military service is not likely to have what it takes to make a living. Today's military rejects include tomorrow's hard-core unemployed.

The best road to progress is freedom's road.

Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.

I look forward to a great future for America - a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose.

The tax on capital gains directly affects investment decisions, the mobility and flow of risk capital... the ease or difficulty experienced by new ventures in obtaining capital, and thereby the strength and potential for growth in the economy.

Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others.

It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war.

That kind of talking would get you banned from the Democratic Party and a rent-a-mob outside your office courtesy of Soros and his hired guns in a heart beat. Soros owns the Democratic Party and JFK would not have shared it with him for a second.

Thats what I thought; you just be trollin.

Government take over of businesses and shafting their shareholders, and taking over entire industries is socialism. It isnt the most extreme form of socialism but it is socialism and extreme for the American public's tastes.

Bullshit. They did not ban assault weapons at all. They banned scarey looking weapons that made them wet their panties.

Marketism = social Darwinism = fascism = communism?

Dude, find your meds, please.

That was true then and some of it is true now.

Today though it is the Dems that promise racial equality while meaning all races are equally poor and enslaved to the government.

The Dems say that they want to grow jobs and build industry but just cant seem to find the time as they grow government and build a monolythic state.

The Dems say they are for democracy but only as long as they can steal votes and engage in other kinds of fraud and to stop them is racist.

The Dems say that they are for freedom then jail people for thought crimes and cannot find anything wrong with Chavez.

The Republicans are scarey, true, but the Democrats are worse than the Black Plague.

You have built quite a straw man, but it is not based on liberal beliefs or intent. It is built on right wing projection and yes, POLARIZED thinking. It exposes the core of conservatism...FEAR, paranoia and insecurity.

I have to laugh at your attempt to define JFK's beliefs using out of context sentences. I have read or listened to almost every one of the speeches those sentences were taken from. And I know the context and message of those speeches. You really need to educate yourself before you try to discuss who Jack Kennedy was or wasn't with me.

"I look forward to a great future for America - a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose"

Let's add context to one of those sentences, because it is one of my favorite JFK speeches and it revealed to me why Jack Kennedy was not just a man of his time, but a man for all time. If you know Jack Kennedy's life story, you would know that much of his wisdom came from also being "one acquainted with the night."

Remarks at Amherst College, October 26, 1963 - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum


"Privilege is here, and with privilege goes responsibility. And I think, as your president said, that it must be a source of satisfaction to you that this school's graduates have recognized it. I hope that the students who are here now will also recognize it in the future. Although Amherst has been in the forefront of extending aid to needy and talented students, private colleges, taken as a whole, draw 50 percent of their students from the wealthiest 10 percent of our Nation. And even State universities and other public institutions derive 25 percent of their students from this group. In March 1962, persons of 18 years or older who had not completed high school made up 46 percent of the total labor force, and such persons comprised 64 percent of those who were unemployed. And in 1958, the lowest fifth of the families in the United States had 4 1/2 percent of the total personal income, the highest fifth, 44 1/2 percent. There is inherited wealth in this country and also inherited poverty. And unless the graduates of this college and other colleges like it who are given a running start in life--unless they are willing to put back into our society, those talents, the broad sympathy, the understanding, the compassion--unless they are willing to put those qualities back into the service of the Great Republic, then obviously the presuppositions upon which our democracy are based are bound to be fallible.

The problems which this country now faces are staggering, both at home and abroad. We need the service, in the great sense, of every educated man or woman to find 10 million jobs in the next 2 1/2 years, to govern our relations--a country which lived in isolation for 150 years, and is now suddenly the leader of the free world--to govern our relations with over 100 countries, to govern those relations with success so that the balance of power remains strong on the side of freedom, to make it possible for Americans of all different races and creeds to live together in harmony, to make it possible for a world to exist in diversity and freedom. All this requires the best of all of us.

Therefore, I am proud to come to this college, whose graduates have recognized this obligation and to say to those who are now here that the need is endless, and I am confident that you will respond.

Robert Frost said:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I hope that road will not be the less traveled by, and I hope your commitment to the Great Republic's interest in the years to come will be worthy of your long inheritance since your beginning.

This day devoted to the memory of Robert Frost offers an opportunity for reflection which is prized by politicians as well as by others, and even by poets, for Robert Frost was one of the granite figures of our time in America. He was supremely two things: an artist and an American. A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers.

In America, our heroes have customarily run to men of large accomplishments. But today this college and country honors a man whose contribution was not to our size but to our spirit, not to our political beliefs but to our insight, not to our self-esteem, but to our self- comprehension. In honoring Robert Frost, we therefore can pay honor to the deepest sources of our national strength. That strength takes many forms, and the most obvious forms are not always the most significant. The men who create power make an indispensable contribution to the Nation's greatness, but the men who question power make a contribution just as indispensable, especially when that questioning is disinterested, for they determine whether we use power or power uses us.

Our national strength matters, but the spirit which informs and controls our strength matters just as much. This was the special significance of Robert Frost. He brought an unsparing instinct for reality to bear on the platitudes and pieties of society. His sense of the human tragedy fortified him against self-deception and easy consolation. "I have been" he wrote, "one acquainted with the night." And because he knew the midnight as well as the high noon, because he understood the ordeal as well as the triumph of the human spirit, he gave his age strength with which to overcome despair. At bottom, he held a deep faith in the spirit of man, and it is hardly an accident that Robert Frost coupled poetry and power, for he saw poetry as the means of saving power from itself. When power leads men towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the areas of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses. For art establishes the basic human truth which must serve as the touchstone of our judgment.

The artist, however faithful to his personal vision of reality, becomes the last champion of the individual mind and sensibility against an intrusive society and an officious state. The great artist is thus a solitary figure. He has, as Frost said, a lover's quarrel with the world. In pursuing his perceptions of reality, he must often sail against the currents of his time. This is not a popular role. If Robert Frost was much honored in his lifetime, it was because a good many preferred to ignore his darker truths. Yet in retrospect, we see how the artist's fidelity has strengthened the fibre of our national life.

If sometimes our great artist have been the most critical of our society, it is because their sensitivity and their concern for justice, which must motivate any true artist, makes him aware that our Nation falls short of its highest potential. I see little of more importance to the future of our country and our civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist.

If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth. And as Mr. MacLeish once remarked of poets, there is nothing worse for our trade than to be in style. In free society art is not a weapon and it does not belong to the spheres of polemic and ideology. Artists are not engineers of the soul. It may be different elsewhere. But democratic society--in it, the highest duty of the writer, the composer, the artist is to remain true to himself and to let the chips fall where they may. In serving his vision of the truth, the artist best serves his nation. And the nation which disdains the mission of art invites the fate of Robert Frost's hired man, the fate of having "nothing to look backward to with pride, and nothing to look forward to with hope."

I look forward to a great future for America, a future in which our country will match its military strength with our moral restraint, its wealth with our wisdom, its power with our purpose. I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty, which will protect the beauty of our natural environment, which will preserve the great old American houses and squares and parks of our national past, and which will build handsome and balanced cities for our future.

I look forward to an America which will reward achievement in the arts as we reward achievement in business or statecraft. I look forward to an America which will steadily raise the standards of artistic accomplishment and which will steadily enlarge cultural opportunities for all of our citizens. And I look forward to an America which commands respect throughout the world not only for its strength but for its civilization as well. And I look forward to a world which will be safe not only for democracy and diversity but also for personal distinction.

Robert Frost was often skeptical about projects for human improvement, yet I do not think he would disdain this hope. As he wrote during the uncertain days of the Second War:

Take human nature altogether since time
began . . .
And it must be a little more in favor of
Say a fraction of one percent at the very
least . . .
Our hold on this planet wouldn't have so


The President and the Poet - John F. Kennedy at Amherst, October 26, 1963


Nothing in that speech contradicts what I have stated, and no, the Dems would not let JFK remain in the party even if he still would want to. Most populist Democrats left the party after McGovern's leftwing fascists took over the party and turned it over to the neoMarxist left. They turned everyday Americans into the villains of all our problems, and promoted government policies that have driven the Middle Class into decline. Why? Because the leaders of the Democratic Party are some of the richest multi-billionares in the world from Soros to Bill Gates to Warren Buffet.

The GOP is the party of the middle class now, and all your bullshit doesnt change that one iota.

WOW, you are living in some alternate universe. It is very well documented (by Goldwater Republicans no less), that the GOP has shifted so far to the right and has become so extreme, it is now the party of K-Street, Wall Street, Koch bros, John Birchers, major polluters and even the far leftist neo-cons like Richard “Prince of Darkness” Pearle, who took JFK's Inaugural Address out of context like you did and ignored Kennedy's call for peace.

I voted for a liberal Senator in New York...Jacob Javits, a liberal REPUBLICAN. And we had a liberal governor, Nelson Rockefeller, a liberal REPUBLICAN. Please name ONE liberal Republican today?

You are a fucking whack job...:lol::lol::lol:

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