Why do people tend to default to arguing from extremes to make their point?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Like how social conservatives insist that removing gender requirements from marriage will inevitably lead to letting people marry their dog, or how feminists insist that every man is a probable rapist because a certain minority of the male population are rapists, or how liberals insist that abortion be the common and encouraged answer to any pregnancy because some underage women are raped and impregnated by their drunken fathers and, even if not, their child might grow up to be a serial killer or dictator or something anyway. Can people just... you know... stop doing that? If not, then what's the point? How exactly does having to grasp at straws help make your case valid?
Extremists like Guno and Luddly to Ernie S. and Sil and Keys are extreme in their thinking, so the argue from the extreme and accuse their opponents of being the little henchpersons of evil.
Like how social conservatives insist that removing gender requirements from marriage will inevitably lead to letting people marry their dog, or how feminists insist that every man is a probable rapist because a certain minority of the male population are rapists, or how liberals insist that abortion be the common and encouraged answer to any pregnancy because some underage women are raped and impregnated by their drunken fathers and, even if not, their child might grow up to be a serial killer or dictator or something anyway. Can people just... you know... stop doing that? If not, then what's the point? How exactly does having to grasp at straws help make your case valid?

In the middle of your whine about making extreme claims you say this

liberals insist that abortion be the common and encouraged answer to any pregnancy because some underage women are raped

What an idiot. All that crap has always been done to some extent, but Newt turned the once honorable right into a lying, exaggerating pack of idiots who will say or do anything. The left has responded to a point, but no where near the rabid extremes of the right.
Like how social conservatives insist that removing gender requirements from marriage will inevitably lead to letting people marry their dog, or how feminists insist that every man is a probable rapist because a certain minority of the male population are rapists, or how liberals insist that abortion be the common and encouraged answer to any pregnancy because some underage women are raped and impregnated by their drunken fathers and, even if not, their child might grow up to be a serial killer or dictator or something anyway. Can people just... you know... stop doing that? If not, then what's the point? How exactly does having to grasp at straws help make your case valid?

Well, I can't speak for leftist extremes, but I can tell you that social conservatives insist that removing gender requirements will encourage people to go berserk and leave very little argument against it because it's true. The fact that it's extreme doesn't negate that truth. People are stupid and crazy, and if you give them an opening, someone will stand in it and dance naked with a lampshade on his head. It's just how people are.
Like how social conservatives insist that removing gender requirements from marriage will inevitably lead to letting people marry their dog, or how feminists insist that every man is a probable rapist because a certain minority of the male population are rapists, or how liberals insist that abortion be the common and encouraged answer to any pregnancy because some underage women are raped and impregnated by their drunken fathers and, even if not, their child might grow up to be a serial killer or dictator or something anyway. Can people just... you know... stop doing that? If not, then what's the point? How exactly does having to grasp at straws help make your case valid?
This is done regularly by people on both ends of the spectrum, and it's significantly slowing down progress.

For these people, everything with which they disagree is "extreme" and "radical", every person with whom they disagree "hates America" and is a "Nazi" or a "communist".

These folks have zero credibility and would do the country a great service by finding another hobby.

Oh you mean like how you want to totally restrict freedom of speech? :)
Can you show me where I said this?

I was making example of how these things go in taking matters to the extreme. You did request that we censor ourselves with request that we, "Stop doing that". I think people do this because as we've seen, especially from government, that old expression: give them an inch and they'll take a mile.
This extremist statement is made: "removing gender requirements will encourage people to go berserk and leave very little argument against" without any proof or evidence "because it's true." "beserk" is not qualified and is true because CiCi said so.

Yes, that is extreme.

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