Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?


Glenn: Character matters

Thursday, Jul 25, 2013

Glenn was back on radio today and gave his first reaction to the latest Weiner scandal in a different way than most. Instead of focusing on the salacious details of the sext messages, Glenn talked about why character matters and how people completely disregard character, instead they focus on political agendas.

Transcript of segment below


Glenn: Character matters ? Glenn Beck
Yeah......................sure.........................Beck is someone who can speak with authority about "character".

Sorry, but Beck goes in the direction of where he thinks the money is, not where the character is.

If he went for character, he wouldn't spew the bigoted bullshit his show is chock full of.
Yeah......................sure.........................Beck is someone who can speak with authority about "character".

Sorry, but Beck goes in the direction of where he thinks the money is, not where the character is.

If he went for character, he wouldn't spew the bigoted bullshit his show is chock full of.

And Obama didn't spare any character in his pursuit of campaign cash. If he had any character, he wouldn't call the deaths of four brave men in Benghazi a "phony scandal"

Character? Obama is fresh out of it.
Yeah......................sure.........................Beck is someone who can speak with authority about "character".

Sorry, but Beck goes in the direction of where he thinks the money is, not where the character is.

If he went for character, he wouldn't spew the bigoted bullshit his show is chock full of.

And Obama didn't spare any character in his pursuit of campaign cash. If he had any character, he wouldn't call the deaths of four brave men in Benghazi a "phony scandal"

Character? Obama is fresh out of it.

Actually, Obama had nothing to do with Benghazi. Beck however has had a lot to do with brainwashing easily led sheep such as yourself.

You really gotta stop drinking the kool aid.
Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

Just a wild guess but it might have something to do with all the defamatory things he's says about them, it's not like Beck has made any secret of the fact that he's on a mission to demonize progressives so it's no great mystery why progressives aren't very fond of him.

On the flip side, it doesn't appear that Glenn Beck really gives a damn whether or not he makes progressives Christmas Card lists as long as his audience keeps fills his coffers.

Here are 5 job stats Obama won’t tell you about

Friday, Jul 26, 2013


To explain how badly the Obama administration has failed to fix the economy, Stu read some of the facts that Obama left out (via AEI) of his speech yesterday:

1. Over 69 percent of the jobs created in Q2 2013 and over 57 percent of all the jobs created in the first half of 2013 were created in the three lowest wage sub-sectors of the economy, Retail Trade, Administrative and Waste Services, and Leisure and Hospitality, that otherwise account for an aggregate of only 33 percent of all private sector jobs.

2. These jobs, in the aggregate, pay an average of only $15.80 per hour, compared with the other two-thirds of private sector jobs, which pay $27.16 per hour. Relative to unemployment benefits and other assistance, jobs at $15.80 per hour put less than $3.00/hour more in the pockets of a newly working consumer.

3. About half of the jobs created during the first half of 2013, and a large majority of the jobs created in Q2 2013, appear to have been part-time jobsthat offer employees as little as one hour of work per week, and up to 35 hours of work.

4. After falling from a recession high of 9.2 million to a post-recession low of 7.6 million at the end of Q1 2013, the number of people saying they are working part time because they can’t find full time work (part time for economic reasons) crept back up to 8.2 million, double pre-recession levels.

5. Nearly 100 percent of the decline in the U-3 unemployment rate has been the result of there being fewer workers in the labor force as a percentage of the employable population. If the Labor Force Participation Rate had not fallen from October 2009, when unemployment hit its Great Recession peak of 10 percent, unemployment would today still be around 10 percent. Moreover, if the LFPR were held constant from its highest pre-recession level of 66.40 percent in January 2007 (when unemployment was 4.6 percent), the U-3 unemployment rate would be nearly 12 percent today.

“You get to the point where you just have lost all confidence in the media to do anything sensible,” Stu said. “And you wonder, like, is it because you have a bunch of hardcore socialists in the media? Umm, well, yes. But secondly, secondarily, because they lean left, they don’t even attempt to understand the arguments of people that are conservative and they stretch so far to justify the failures of the administration. They look at this president’s record, and anytime they can carve out anything that wasn’t his fault.”

Here are 5 job stats Obama won?t tell you about ? Glenn Beck

Rush unloads on GOP in rare TV interview

Wednesday, Jul 31, 2013 at 3:38 PM EDT

These days, Rush Limbaugh rarely appears on TV for interviews, but he made an exception this week when he appeared on Fox News. During an interview with Greta Van Susteren, Rush lashed out at the GOP saying a “battle” for the Republican Party is underway between “mainstream” Republicans and true conservatives who rely on principle over politics. Meanwhile, he lambasted President Obama for “relishing the opportunity to put into play what the leftists have only dreamed about in faculty lounges for 50 to 75 years.”

“Lead story up on TheBlaze is Limbaugh just ripping in to the president in a rare TV interview. He says he is ‘relishing in the opportunity to put into play what those in faculty lounges only dreamt about’ for years. And that’s true, absolutely true,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “He also says that the media and those in Washington are doing everything they can to discredit those who identify with the Tea Party, and he specifically points out Ted Cruz as being a guy who has it going on, knows what’s happening, and he says what people have to – listen to this, this is from Rush Limbaugh – ‘work within the Republican party to take it over.’”

Glenn admitted to not listening to much talk radio as of late, but he found himself overjoyed at the idea of Rush admitting to problems within the establishment GOP. “Never thought I would be able to say to you Rush Limbaugh said ‘do everything you can to work within the Republican party to take it over,’” Glenn said. “Honestly, Rush was a little like Bill O’Reilly at times, where he had his blinders on, about five years ago, kind of going down that road. I thought he’s kind of just going down and he’s a Republican, but that’s not who he is. Not at all. And he has come out strongly.”

Stu, who is more familiar with what Rush has been covering on his radio program, pointed out that both Rush and Glenn have been arguing for the importance of maintaining values for quite some time.


Rush unloads on GOP in rare TV interview ? Glenn Beck

Matt Damon’s new socialist thriller

Friday, Aug 9, 2013

The synopsis online explains that Elysium is set in 2159 and “two classes of people exist: the very wealthy… and the rest.” Can Matt Damon not only save his life, but ‘bring equality to these polarized worlds’? Anyone able to stomach the socialist propaganda will find out!

“The Hollywood Reporter called it a politically charged speculative fiction. Variety said it’s one of the, quote, more openly socialist political agendas of any Hollywood movie in memory. Beating the drum loudly not just for universal health care, but for open borders, unconditional amnesty and the abolition of class distinctions as well. And the director, Neill Blomkamp, and Matt Damon say, what do you mean? No, that didn’t — we never even thought of that. Really?” Pat said.

“When Hollywood is saying this is the most socialist of any movie we’ve ever seen…” Glenn said with a laugh.

“I don’t want to see the propaganda. It looks fun. I enjoy sci-fi. I actually like Matt Damon movies usually and this looked really fun, but then — you could tell in the trailer it’s probably got some political agenda to it,” he added.


Not Again: A new ‘birther’ movement is going after…Ted Cruz?


If your were as glad most people are to see less “birther” stories in the news recently, you’re not going to like this story. Yes, apparently there’s a brand new set of birthers roaming the interwebs and they’re not victims of the Clinton-started Obama birther movement.

This group is targeting Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

In response to the claims, Cruz quickly released his birth certificate to the Dallas Morning News.

Cruz, who was born in Calgary, Alberta to his American citizen mother, giving him American citizenship, is also apparently a Canadian citizen due to the country’s automatic citizenship law.


Not Again: A new ?birther? movement is going after?Ted Cruz? ? Glenn Beck
Actually, Ted Cruz has said that yeah, he was born in Canada, and because of the circumstances of his birth, he actually has dual citizenship.

Interestingly enough, he's renounced his Canadian citizenship, and has decided to go with his American citizenship.

Cruz renounces any claim to Canadian citizenship - First Read

Read about it on the link....................................

(see conservatives? you CAN provide links to prove your point on this board).
You won’t believe the DOD’s unbelievable definition of an ‘extremist’


According to new Department of Defense education materials obtained by Judicial Watch, the word ‘extremist’ now applies to anyone who speaks of “individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place.”

Forget terrorists… based on the DOD’s definition, ‘extremists’ now sound a lot like conservatives.

“I know that’s the words of an extremist because what would we’ve done here, so far, is we have talked about individual liberties, we have talked about state rights, and today we’re going to talk about making the word a better place,” Glenn quipped on radio this morning. “ “So you know, those three things are now classified by the Pentagon as signs that you are an extremist.”

This information is part of a larger lesson plan commissioned by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, a Defense Department-funded diversity-training center.

Judicial Watch, which obtained 133 pages of lesson plans and PowerPoint slides in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filed on April 8, 2013, complied a list of ‘highlights’:


You won?t believe the DOD?s unbelievable definition of an ?extremist? ? Glenn Beck
You won’t believe the DOD’s unbelievable definition of an ‘extremist’


According to new Department of Defense education materials obtained by Judicial Watch, the word ‘extremist’ now applies to anyone who speaks of “individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place.”

Forget terrorists… based on the DOD’s definition, ‘extremists’ now sound a lot like conservatives.

“I know that’s the words of an extremist because what would we’ve done here, so far, is we have talked about individual liberties, we have talked about state rights, and today we’re going to talk about making the word a better place,” Glenn quipped on radio this morning. “ “So you know, those three things are now classified by the Pentagon as signs that you are an extremist.”

This information is part of a larger lesson plan commissioned by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, a Defense Department-funded diversity-training center.

Judicial Watch, which obtained 133 pages of lesson plans and PowerPoint slides in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) filed on April 8, 2013, complied a list of ‘highlights’:


You won?t believe the DOD?s unbelievable definition of an ?extremist? ? Glenn Beck

Really? For as many times as Glenn Beck has been proven to be an extremist (as well as a liar), you're going to tell us how extreme others are by listening to an extremist try to prove their points via cherry picking and hyperbole?

Keep trying American Jackass.................you prove how clueless you are every day.
DHS employee with hate-filled website now on paid administrative leave


Last week, Glenn shared the story of the Ayo Kimathi (aka the ‘Irritated Genie’), the Department of Homeland Security employee who, in his spare time, runs a website preparing black people for the “unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.”

The website, “War on the Horizon,” has since been taken down, as Kimathi, an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), enjoys a paid administrative leave. On Saturday, Fox News reported Kimathi was told on Friday that he is being put on paid administrative leave, following a series of news reports highlighting his controversial website.


DHS employee with hate-filled website now on paid administrative leave ? Glenn Beck
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Was Obama able to draw a bigger crowd to the Washington Mall than Glenn Beck?

Wednesday, Aug 28, 2013 at 7:09 PM EDT

Today is 8/28, the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Several civil rights leaders and political activists were invited to speak at the event, which was highlighted by President Obama. While the event itself will surely be analyzed by TheBlaze team tomorrow – there is one simple question that people should be able to answer with their own eyes: Who drew the bigger crowd? Glenn Beck or Barack Obama?

Everyone who was in the crowd at Glenn’s Restoring Honor rally three years ago today remembers the throngs of people. Glenn and his team were shocked and overwhelmed by the number of people from across the country and gathered on the Washington Mall (and kept it impeccably clean).


Was Obama able to draw a bigger crowd to the Washington Mall than Glenn Beck? ? Glenn Beck
Was Obama able to draw a bigger crowd to the Washington Mall than Glenn Beck?

Wednesday, Aug 28, 2013 at 7:09 PM EDT

Today is 8/28, the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Several civil rights leaders and political activists were invited to speak at the event, which was highlighted by President Obama. While the event itself will surely be analyzed by TheBlaze team tomorrow – there is one simple question that people should be able to answer with their own eyes: Who drew the bigger crowd? Glenn Beck or Barack Obama?

Everyone who was in the crowd at Glenn’s Restoring Honor rally three years ago today remembers the throngs of people. Glenn and his team were shocked and overwhelmed by the number of people from across the country and gathered on the Washington Mall (and kept it impeccably clean).


Was Obama able to draw a bigger crowd to the Washington Mall than Glenn Beck? ? Glenn Beck

Well.....................if you believe the video editing (which showed DC in both summer and fall), and you believe FAUX Nooze's reporting, then yeah..................if you're a conservative sheeple, you may believe that Beck was a bigger draw.


If you believe in reality, the other one was a much larger draw.
Because he uncovers the hidden truths about progressive leftism
Was Obama able to draw a bigger crowd to the Washington Mall than Glenn Beck?

Wednesday, Aug 28, 2013 at 7:09 PM EDT

Today is 8/28, the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Several civil rights leaders and political activists were invited to speak at the event, which was highlighted by President Obama. While the event itself will surely be analyzed by TheBlaze team tomorrow – there is one simple question that people should be able to answer with their own eyes: Who drew the bigger crowd? Glenn Beck or Barack Obama?

Everyone who was in the crowd at Glenn’s Restoring Honor rally three years ago today remembers the throngs of people. Glenn and his team were shocked and overwhelmed by the number of people from across the country and gathered on the Washington Mall (and kept it impeccably clean).


Was Obama able to draw a bigger crowd to the Washington Mall than Glenn Beck? ? Glenn Beck

Well.....................if you believe the video editing (which showed DC in both summer and fall), and you believe FAUX Nooze's reporting, then yeah..................if you're a conservative sheeple, you may believe that Beck was a bigger draw.


If you believe in reality, the other one was a much larger draw.


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