Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

No one "hates" the village idiot.

We just get annoyed when he shits on our lawn... and perplexed by the band of idiots that follow him around.
Beck is like burlesque or slapstick comedy. It's fun. And the funniest part is that Glenn's audience is the deliberate butt of the skit. Glenn is making fun of the reactionary far right and the social traditionalists.
Glenn: We are the Civil Rights movement of this generation



Glenn said when he sees events like the one in Tennessee where the DOJ is holding an event to educate people about the consequences of anti-Muslim speech, he sees signs of trouble on the horizon.

“Will you stand with me for freedom of conscience? Above all things, freedom of conscience,” Glenn said.

This isn’t the first time Glenn has said that people who believe in small government and freedom are in the middle of a civil rights movement. During his NRA speech, Glenn declared, “We must begin to teach the American people how to stand for civil rights, with the same vigor and discipline that was taught to Alveda King and those around her by her Uncle Martin. We must learn what it means to passively resist.”


Glenn: We are the Civil Rights movement of this generation ? Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck was right, and the IRS and Obama will never hear the end of it

May 13
The Kansas City Star

You’d better believe the IRS targeting of groups with “tea party” or “patriot” or “constitution” in their name is a scandal.

The disclosure that this was occurring in a Cincinnati Internal Revenue Service office and senior officials apparently knew about it as early as 2011 will prompt hearings and more hearings on Capitol Hill. There are few roles conservative groups relish as much as victim. Right-wing TV personality Glenn Beck has been foreshadowing the atrocity for months.

Truly, what were those folks in Cincinnati thinking? Did they not know that their targeting would result in a conservative firestorm? Singling out groups with keywords in their names was absolutely wrong.


Read more here: Glenn Beck was right, and the IRS and Obama will never hear the end of it - KansasCity.com
Really? We've got some idiot who is very much pro Nazi (check out some of his book covers) who is saying that one group of people is worse than the others?

I'd be willing to say that not only is Beck a closet bigot, racist and idiot, but I'd also be willing to bet that he can't stand those who aren't Christian.

And yeah...................go ahead and tell the bigot that I'd be willing to call him out. Only problem is, he only goes after those that he thinks he can change to his way of thinking.

Me personally? I'd punch him in the nose, but the trouble with saying that is those who are told they're assholes hide behind their fame.
ABikerSailor writes that "I'd be willing to say that not only is Beck a closet bigot, racist and idiot, but I'd also be willing to bet that he can't stand those who aren't Christian."

Not intentionally any of those things, but when any person mixes Skousenism, John Birch Society sickness, and LDS "elders will save the Constitution" fables, one will come up with un-American positions.

Can you hear me now?: Big brother obtains phone records of millions of Americans

Thursday, Jun 6, 2013

“The alarming scale of domestic surveillance under this White House is shocking and it is inexcusable,” Glenn told his radio audience this morning. “Millions of Americans, according to the Guardian, not to some conspiracy theorist but now according to the Guardian.”

Last night, the latest in a string of White House scandals broke, and this time it effects all Americans. The Guardian released a full court document exposing that Verizon — one of the most widely carried cellular networks in the country — was forced to hand over the telephone data of millions of Americans to the NSA. The United States government is collecting the phone records of millions of U.S. customers of Verizon under a top secret court order.

The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald reports, “The document shows for the first time that under the Obama administration the communication records of millions of US citizens are being collected indiscriminately and in bulk – regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing.”

According to the report, the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court approved the court order to the FBI on April 25. The order gives the U.S. government complete authority to compile all the data they want over the designated three month period, ending on July 19. The order was signed by FISC Judge Roger Vinson, a federal judge in Florida. TheBlaze.com reports that in 2011 Vinson was also the first federal judge to find Obamacare unconstitutional in its entirety.


Can you hear me now?: Big brother obtains phone records of millions of Americans ? Glenn Beck
Personally, I love Glenn Beck.
He does a better piss-take of Glenn Beck than anyone.
ABikerSailor writes that "I'd be willing to say that not only is Beck a closet bigot, racist and idiot, but I'd also be willing to bet that he can't stand those who aren't Christian."

Not intentionally any of those things, but when any person mixes Skousenism, John Birch Society sickness, and LDS "elders will save the Constitution" fables, one will come up with un-American positions.

He is a closet bigot because he thinks he's better than all the others, and those that think like him are also great.

He's a racist because he thinks that those who are darker than him are less than him.

He's an idiot (in my humble view) because of a lot of the things he says.

And...................if you wanna know who mixes up the bullshit you've just spewed, it's Glenn Beck.

Did you know that he advocates the ideals put up by the John Birch society?
Personally, I love Glenn Beck.
He does a better piss-take of Glenn Beck than anyone.

I bet if I hooked you up to a lie-detector you'd light up like a xmas tree...
Do you have a lot of progressive/liberals in New Zealand,:confused:

I'm not a betting person, but he is hilarious.
The funniest - or scariest - thing is that anyone could actually take him seriously.

We aren't so combative with our politics here.
Most people wouldn't be able to tell you what label they are.
Published on May 4, 2012

Guests explain the NSA information gathering system, along with the corruption and scandals involved.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ5Mu4SRF5A]NSA - Collecting Information! - YouTube[/ame]
PRISM program shows the surveillance state is already here

Friday, Jun 7, 2013

It’s no small irony that 1984 was published 64 years ago yesterday. Earlier this year, Glenn was called a conspiracy theorist because he warned about the data collection of the federal government, all while the ribbon was being cut on the NSA’s vault in Utah. Today, however, The Washington Post revealed that Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple are all part of a program called PRISM that gives the federal government access to the information on their servers.

“It is a brave new world. It is a brave new world. It is 1984. The things that we speculated against in the 1990s when I first read Ray Kurzweil’s books and I started looking into what we were actually doing with technology. When we started thinking, what is possible when you ‑‑ when we watched Minority Report, the Tom Cruise movie, and we saw that they could monitor everything. We’re here, gang. If anybody wants to talk about Common Core now and the collection of data, go ahead. Let’s bring it on. Now’s the time to talk to your friends about Common Core and the collection of data. Now’s the time to stand up in Florida and say, ‘Excuse me? You put a retinal scanner on your buses because you wanted my son or daughter’s iris scan? I don’t think so.’ Now is the time to stand up because if you do not, if you want to play the game that this all started with George W. Bush, I don’t care if it started with Jesus. ‘Started with Moses, you know. He was the first one to start watching over people’s stone cutting of tablets.’ I don’t care. Now is the time to stop it. How it started is meaningless. What they’re doing with it now isn’t.”


PRISM program shows the surveillance state is already here ? Glenn Beck

Glenn: NSA Whistleblower’s “act of heroism”

Monday, Jun 10, 2013

As soon as The Guardian released the name of the NSA whistleblower as 29-year-old Edward Snowden over the weekend, Glenn took to Twitter to praise Snowden’s actions as courageous and heroic. This morning on radio, Glenn elaborated on his position – reiterating that he supports Snowden’s decision to come forward.

“My stance on Edward Snowden – I came out over the weekend and said, ‘This guy is a hero.’ At least what he is doing is an act of heroism,” Glenn said. “What he is doing coming out and speaking to the press – he has issued himself a death warrant… He had a decent life. He was making $200,000 a year, living in Hawaii with his girlfriend. He decides, ‘This is wrong and somebody needs to speak out.’ This is, I believe, the first act of real heroism that we have seen.”


Glenn: NSA Whistleblower?s ?act of heroism? ? Glenn Beck


Icelandic Legislator: I'm Ready To Help NSA Whistleblower​
Honestly, what did people really think was going to be the result of passing the Patriot Act?!!

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